wriggle 发音
英:[ˈrɪɡl] 美:[ˈrɪɡl]
英: 美:
wriggle 中文意思翻译
wriggle 网络释义
vi. 蠕动;蜿蜒而行vt. 使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入n. 蠕动;扭动
wriggle 常用词组
wriggle out of ─── 设法逃避
wriggle 词性/词形变化,wriggle变形
wriggle 短语词组
wriggle out of
1. 逃避
You know you're to blame, so don't try to wriggle out of it.
你知道你要负责任, 别想蒙混过去。
1、wriggle my hips ─── 我的臀部扭动
2、wriggle the waist ─── 扭腰
3、wriggle out ─── 蠕动
4、wriggle out of ─── 蠕动, 扭动;耍滑不做,逃避(应做的事等);设法逃避
wriggle 相似词语短语
1、wriggly ─── adj.回避的;蠕动的
2、wrigglers ─── n.[昆]孑孓;扭动的人或物
3、wrigglier ─── 蠕动
4、wriggler ─── n.[昆]孑孓;扭动的人或物
5、scriggle ─── 潦草
6、draggle ─── v.拖湿,拖脏;凌乱地悬挂着;落在后面
7、wriggled ─── vi.蠕动;蜿蜒而行;vt.使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入;n.蠕动;扭动
8、wiggle ─── v.使摆动,使扭动;n.摆动,扭动
9、wriggles ─── vi.蠕动;蜿蜒而行;vt.使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入;n.蠕动;扭动
wriggle 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They managed to wriggle (their way) through the thick hedge. ─── 他们设法钻过了厚厚的树篱。
2、But China's finances are deteriorating more quickly than the government expected, fueling a rise in the stock of both explicit and disguised debt that will constrict its wriggle room. ─── 但是,中国财政状况恶化的速度比政府预期的更快,明显刺激了股价的上涨,并且变相债务也将限制其蠕动空间.
3、How did you wriggle out of doing the job? ─── 你是怎样避开那项工作的?
4、She managed to wriggle free. ─── 她设法扭动着挣脱了。
5、A wriggle brook flows in the garden with 14 bridges on water.The garden also includes some lost legacies of Yuanmingyuan so that it's of certain value in history and art. ─── 园中溪流蜿蜒,小桥玲珑,且拥有若干圆明园遗物,是具有一定历史价值和艺术价值的私家园林。
6、But when life hands us a few empty hours, we squirm, wriggle, dodge, and feel unaccountably lazy. ─── 但当生活给了我们几小时,我们就局促不安、挣扎、躲避、感到自己无可名状地“懒惰”。
7、He is frightened and wants to wriggle out before he gets caught . ─── 他害怕了,要想在被捉住之前逃走。
8、The women would come to fill their jars in the pond, and your huge black shadow would wriggle on the water like sleep struggling to wake up. ─── 妇女们常到池边来汲水满灌,你的大黑影便在水面上蠕蠕而动,仿佛睡眠挣扎着要醒过来。
9、I attempted to wriggle my toes, succeeded. I was sprawled there in a hospital bed and my legs were done up in plaster casts, but they were still mine. ─── 我尝试着扭动脚趾,我成功了。我被四肢摊开放在医院的病床上,两腿裹在石膏模子里,不过好在它们还是我的。
10、Load bearing and blocking, drilling fluid, underreaming while drilling, determination to ratio of stable wriggle in drilling in salty layer are studied. ─── 探讨了盐膏层钻井有关承压堵漏、钻盐膏层的钻井液、钻盐膏层随钻扩孔、盐膏层井径稳态蠕变率测定工艺等问题。
11、6.I walk along the road filled with maple leaves, wriggle across the road, only dreams can be seen, but the horizon becomes mistier. ─── 6.我走过枫叶飘红霜叶满天,蜿蜒伸展的路途只看见梦想,却模糊了来时的地平线.
12、She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions. ─── 她支吾其词避免回答一切问题。
13、He tried to wriggle out of the sorrow. ─── 他试图摆脱痛苦。
14、They wriggle off at once because they're all so tickly. ─── 一时全溜掉,因为他们心里直痒痒。
15、You may have to wriggle around a bit to do this. ─── 在这一个过程中,你可能得四处扭动身体。
16、He realised now that God would not allow him to wriggle out of the job he had been given,and that his plan was the only way to stop the storm. ─── 他现在意识到上帝不允许他逃避其给予的任务,约拿书的提议是停止这场暴风雨的唯一方法。
17、Wriggle your toes. ─── 扭一下你的脚趾头。
18、Well, snakes may wriggle, and hyenas, they giggle, and horses like to trot and prance (that's right). ─── 好的,蛇会扭动,而土狼会咯咯笑,而马喜欢小跑和跳跃(就是这样)。
19、He is frightened and wants to wriggle out before he gets caught. ─── 他害怕了,要想在被捉住之前逃走。
20、Children wriggle themselves when they are bored. ─── 小孩子感到厌烦时就会扭动他们的身体。
21、So, very much compound floor goes, with respect to the feeling that can have soft, because have wriggle through the earth,this is. ─── 所以,很多复合地板走起来,就会有软绵绵的感觉,这就是因为起拱了。
22、Small children wriggle in their seats when they are bored. ─── 小孩子们感到厌烦时,就会在座位上扭动。
23、He tried to wriggle out of the difficulty. ─── 他千方百计摆脱困难。
24、wriggle one's way up ─── 扭动著向上爬
25、Thus far some readers may be suspicious that I'm trying to wriggle out of Krugman's headlock by changing the terms of the debate. ─── 到现在,许多的读者可能会怀疑我正在通过改变辩论的范围,来逃避克鲁格曼的迎头一击。
26、With such restrictive conditions attached to government aid, the bank is doing its best to wriggle out from under it. ─── 对于这些政府资助所附带的限制性条件,该公司现在不得不想法设法摆脱它的影响。
27、Wall Street's attempts to wriggle out of that regulation have already begun (see article). ─── 华尔街摆脱那些制度的尝试已经开始了。
28、You know you're to blame,so don't try to wriggle out of it. ─── 你明知道你要负责任,别想耍滑头。
29、A ceasefire, it fears, would allow him to wriggle free. ─── 政府担心停火将给他苟延逃生的机会。
30、2. His snakelike staff actually seemed to wriggle in sympathy. ─── 他那根蛇状拐杖看上去似乎在扭动以示赞同。
31、Those are more likely to contribute to the revenue growth the bank needs if it's ever to wriggle free of U. K. -government ownership. ─── 如果苏格兰皇家银行有朝一日能够摆脱英国政府的所有,这些业务更有可能为该行所需的收入增长出一份力。
32、He always finds a way to wriggle out of punishment ─── 他总是能想出办法逃避惩罚。
33、I tried to wriggle out of their grasp by pretending to be a Japanese. ─── 我只有搬出半咸不淡的日语假装听不懂。
34、wriggle out ─── 扭脱
35、Overly rigid rules may spur tighter policy in a slump, but allowing for the cycle can leave too much wriggle room, as Britain's fiscal mess shows. ─── 就像英国的财政混乱一样,过于强硬的政策会导致政府对经济下降的约束加强,但放宽周期也会给经济震荡留出更多空间。
36、My beginning costliness begin from a junior high school, at that time the make-up exam fee of two dollars gladly Na it, the slightest do not wriggle of Tai. ─── 我开始出高价是始于初中的,那时候两块钱的补考费欣然纳之,没有丝毫扭捏之态。
37、It has the function of filling liquid, auto overlapping cap and rotating cap.Computer controls wriggle pump to measuring fill, so the filled quantity is precise. ─── 以微电脑设定控制蠕动泵执行计量灌装,因此装量精确,是制药、化工及化妆品行业的液体灌装的专用设备。
38、You know you are to blame , so do not try to wriggle out of It ─── 你知道你要负责任,别想蒙混过去
39、He had the ability to bamboozle defenders in the blink of an eye, using superb close control to wriggle out of tight spots. ─── 他有能力在一眨眼功夫去迷惑对方后卫,他运用他超级的盘带控球去撕开紧密的防线。
40、You know you be to blame, so do not try to wriggle out of it. ─── 你知道你要负责任,别想蒙混过去。
41、wriggle oneself free ─── 挣脱束缚
42、When solitude occupies my whole mind, even the rotational speed of a second hand turns into a sluggish wriggle. ─── 当孤独占据了我的全部时,就连秒钟的转速也成了一种慵懒的蠕动。
43、He got through the hole with a wriggle. ─── 他扭动着身子从洞口钻了出去。
44、16. Promote stomach to wriggle , improve constipation condition efficiently. ─── 促进肠胃蠕动,有效改善便秘情况。
45、They managed to wriggle (their way) through the thick hedge . ─── 他们设法钻过了厚厚的树篱.
46、When it hurts just to wriggle up in bed, elbows digging into the mattress for support, you generally don't think of yourself as sitting atop the food chain. ─── 当疼痛让你在床上来回翻滚,双肘顶紧床垫以得到支持时,你一般不会想到你自己是处于食物链的顶端。
47、to wriggle out of your responsibilities ─── 找借口逃避责任
48、A sincere and heartfelt apology gets you more respect than trying wriggle out of owning up to a mistake. ─── 与其四处逃避责任,不如为你的错误来个真诚的,发自内心的道歉,这样能让你获得更多的尊重。
49、He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent. ─── 他感到她的肩膀因为不同意而动了一下。
50、But Mr Obama has always been careful to leave himself plenty of wriggle room. ─── 但是,奥巴马先生总是很小心,给自己留足了后路。
51、Shall we wriggle through? ─── 我们挤过去怎么样?
52、Keywords tail rack sleeve;tail rack valve;draw back;reduce;wriggle; ─── 尾架套筒;尾架阀;缩进;复位;蠕动;
53、A sincere and heartfelt apology gets you more respect than trying wriggle out of owning up to a mistake. ─── 与其四处逃避责任,不如为你的错误来个真诚的,发自内心的道歉,这样能让你获得更多的尊重。
54、Through the long black night, the savage scouts wriggle, snake-like, among the grass without stirring a blade. ─── 在漫长的黑夜里,野蛮的侦察员像蛇一样在草丛中蠕动,一片叶子也不晃动。
55、Because the location is the key flop far, for anything fundamental side, a physical Kaikai only stoop wriggle inside wood underneath plastic. ─── 因为钥匙掉落的位置比较远,伸手根本够不到,凯凯只能弯腰蜷着身体钻到木板底下去捡。
56、Tuttosport claims the player will use FIFA's controversial article 17 ruling to help him wriggle free from his deal, which expires in 2011. ─── 据全体育报报道,这名阿根廷球员将引用FIFA第17条款的规定,卖断2011年才到期的合同,以便离开拉齐奥。
57、She managed to wriggle free. ─── 她设法扭动着挣脱了。
58、10. They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms. ─── 他们很可能设法拒不实施停战协定的条款。
59、He had to wriggle his way out. ─── 他得扭著身子才钻了出来。
60、But Mr Obama has always been careful to leave himself plenty of wriggle room. ─── 但是,奥巴马先生总是很小心,给自己留足了后路。
61、You know you're to blame, so don't try to wriggle out of it. ─── 你知道你要负责任,别想蒙混过去。
62、He was in a mess, no doubt about it, but somewhere there must be some crack through which he could wriggle out. ─── 事情的确是不好办,但是总有个缝子使他钻过去。
63、The Dutch group must look to see if it can wriggle out of the deal with Prysmian. ─── 特雷卡必须确认自己能否解除与普睿司曼业已达成的协议。
64、They also couldn't get the safe out of the lift.They had to wriggle through an opening of 30-50cm to escape, leaving the safe behind. ─── 他们也是很勉强地才从一个只有三十到五十公分宽的出口爬出来,最后只好不顾几乎到手的保险箱落荒而逃。
65、To avoid political uproar when the law kicks in, the state has left itself plenty of wriggle room. ─── 为避免该法令开始生效时,在政治上遭到强烈反对,该州还是留有很大余地。
66、He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent. ─── 他觉出她的肩膀扭动一下,表示她的反对。
67、Computer control filling quantity, wriggle pump fills high precision, large range of adjusting dosage, it is applicable for various viscosity. ─── 微电脑设定计量步数,蠕动泵执行灌装,精度高,调节剂量范围大,适用各种粘度液体。
68、wriggle is to wrest about like a worm. ─── 蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。
69、Wriggle a toe. ─── 扭动一个脚趾
70、the wriggle of the mountains ─── 山脉的蜿蜓起伏
71、Small children wriggle in their seats when they are bored . ─── 小孩子们感到厌烦时,就会在座位上扭动。
72、Trying to wriggle free in a congested penalty area, Rooney appeared to stumble and lose possession to Matt Jackson but as he regained his balance he stole the ball off the defender's toe. ─── 在拥挤的禁区里鲁尼曲折盘带,他在马特.杰克逊面前失去平衡,但鲁尼很快站起来又把球偷走。
73、Actually the problem having wriggle through the earth of real wood floor, because operate,be or the board place that a few function are no good really rises, not can one pole Koes a flock of people. ─── 其实实木地板的起拱问题,是由于操作或者一些性能的确不行的木板所起来的,并不能一杆子打倒一群人。
74、I've got an appointment I can't wriggle out of. ─── 我有个推脱不掉的约会。
75、Don't let Tom wriggle out of helping you. ─── 不要让汤姆借故不帮你。
76、Much has been made of Marilyn's desperate personal history, the litany of abusive foster homes and the predatory Hollywood scum that accompanied her wriggle to stardom. ─── 多数都是取材于玛莲令人绝望般的过去,虐待她的收养家庭以及在好莱坞一直陪伴她从无名小辈到成为明星的抵毁她的卑鄙者。
77、Analysis on plastic wriggle, reduction of well diameter, bit burying, bit jamming and being difficult for casing etc. under complicated pressure system and high pressure of the extremely thick layer. ─── 分析了巨厚盐膏层在复杂的压力系统及高温高压下发生塑性蠕动、井径缩小,易发生埋钻、卡钻、下套管困难等严重复杂情况;
78、wriggle the waist ─── 扭腰
79、wriggle instability ─── 扭动型不稳定性
80、Computer control filling quantity,wriggle pump fills high precision,large range of adjusting dosage,it is applicable for various viscosity. ─── 微电脑设定计量步数,蠕动泵执行灌装,精度高,调节剂量范围大,适用各种粘度液体。
81、He always finds a way to wriggle out of punishment . ─── 他总能想出办法逃避惩罚。
82、Mr. Pan said he would not be able to take care of them all unless they held together like this. For with hands linked, they could wriggle through like a snake wherever they wanted to go. ─── 哥哥又牵着他母亲。 潘先生说人多照顾不齐,这么牵着,首尾一气,犹如一条蛇,什么地方都好钻了。
83、wriggle out of ─── v. 靠耍滑或找借口避免, 设法逃避
84、I tried to wriggle my way an extra inch inside the cow. ─── 我试着把胳膊在母牛体内再向前多扭动一寸。
85、She manage to wriggle out of answer all the question ─── 她支吾其词避免回答一切问题
86、8.But the greater the wriggle room, the less effective the mandates will be. ─── 但是留有的余地越大,命令的有效程度也就越小。
87、wriggle one's tail ─── 扭动尾巴
88、He tried desperately to wriggle out of giving a clear answer. ─── 他竭力支支吾吾不给予明确的回答。
89、4.Most pupils wriggle as soon as they become bored. ─── 大部分学生一觉得厌烦,就会扭动身子。
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