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09-18 投稿


lanky 发音

英:[ˈlæŋki]  美:[ˈlæŋki]

英:  美:

lanky 中文意思翻译



lanky 网络释义

adj. 瘦长的

lanky 词性/词形变化,lanky变形


lanky 相似词语短语

1、laky ─── adj.湖泊的;深红色的;n.(Laky)人名;(匈)洛基

2、larky ─── adj.爱闹玩的

3、linky ─── 线

4、lankly ─── adv.细长地;瘦地

5、blanky ─── adj.可憎的,该死的

6、hanky ─── n.手帕

7、janky ─── 北方佬

8、clanky ─── 爪

9、lank ─── adj.瘦的;平直的;长而柔软的;细长的

lanky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was transformed from a lanky adolescent into a willowy young woman. ─── 她从一个瘦削的少女变成一位苗条的少妇

2、Tom was a lanky boy with long skinny legs. ─── 汤姆是一个腿很细的瘦高个儿。

3、I realize, in retrospect, that his big head and long, lanky limbs must have made a lot to coordinate. ─── 回想起来,我意识到他的大脑袋和他瘦长的胳臂在协调上一定比较费劲。

4、17. Liverpool were now in the ascendancy but despite replacing Craig Bellamy with the lanky frame of England striker Peter Crouch, they failed to produce another telling moment. ─── 利物浦现在占据了主动,但是即使用克劳奇换下了贝拉米,他们仍然没有创造出更多的射门机会。

5、To my dismay, my choice did not correspond with my daughter' s. My son-in-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee. ─── 让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

6、He was six feet four, all lanky and leggy. ─── 他身高6英尺4英寸,瘦高笨拙,大长腿。

7、Each time, I turned into a lanky lighthouse, my red face beaming for all to see. ─── 每一次当我面向聚光灯的时候,所有人都看得见我通红的脸。

8、There's a statue of Lachlan the Lanky on the seventh floor to the right of the top of the stairs, between the stairs and the Fat Lady's portrait (OP13). ─── 在八楼楼梯的右边,胖夫人的肖像和楼梯之间,有一个瘦子拉克伦的雕像(凤凰社,第13章)

9、England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson backed the claims of lanky striker Peter Crouch on Sunday when he named his squad for the friendly against Argentina in Geneva next weekend. ─── 为备战下周同阿根廷队在日内瓦举行的一场友谊赛,英格兰队主教练埃里克森11月6日公布了新一届英格兰队集训大名单。

10、Lanky Lenz, just because you are always hungry, you think that you can devour everything that my hard work brings in. ─── ”男人说:“老婆,安静些,否则我要把你的嘴蒙起来。”

11、She looked curiously at this lanky man with his bony stooped shoulders, his pinkish hair and calm unwavering eyes. ─── 她满怀好奇地瞧着这个消瘦的青年人,他那皮包骨的肩膀耷拉着,头发淡红,眼神平静而坚定。

12、She burned herself out from morning until evening and loaded so much work on her husband, Lanky Lenz, that it was harder for him than for a donkey loaded with three sacks. ─── 瘦莉莎的想法却完全相反,她总是从早忙到晚,让她的大个子丈夫伦茨干很多的活。

13、The second speaker is a lanky man in a well-pressed suit. He clears his throat before speaking. ─── 第二个发言的人瘦而高,着一身笔挺西装,未出声先清嗓子。

14、"All these events have made us feel more confident in our country, more patriotic," said Lai Yangyun, a lanky 21-year-old forestry student. ─── “所有这些事件让我们对我们的国家有了更强的信心,也变得更加爱国”,瘦长的21岁的林业学生赖扬云(音译)说。

15、He was a lithe and well-made youth, with a lanky build and a shock of dark blue hair. ─── 那是个相貌英俊行动敏捷的年轻人,体格纤长顶着一丛深蓝色头发。

16、a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws ─── 一个面容憔悴下巴突出、又瘦又长、很像稻草人的男子

17、With his lanky good looks and youthful gait, Taiwan-born Kaneshiro looks perfect to play Zhuge -- until he speaks. ─── 台湾出生的金城武有着瘦长漂亮的外型和年轻的步态,如果不开口说话,他饰演的诸葛亮会显得完美。

18、If you threw things at him, he would 16)curl his 17)lanky body around your feet in display of forgiveness. ─── 如果你向它扔东西,它会把瘦长的身体蜷缩在你脚旁,让你知道它原谅你。

19、Tall, lanky, Dowsett briefed him on the enemy situation and the disposition of the regiment. ─── 身材高瘦的道斯特向他汇报了敌军的态势和陆战7团的部署情况。

20、If you had been a businessman traveling across Texas in 1891, you might have bought a newspaper and a couple of cigars from a tall, lanky 13-year-old selling them on your train. ─── 假如你是商人旅行过德克萨斯 (美国州名) 在 1891 年,你就会| 在你的火车上买来自一个高的, 瘦长的 13 岁的销售报纸和一些雪茄他们了。

21、As a Teevan, Veld was tall and lanky with a silvery complexion and slanted silver eyes. He was apprenticed to the Jedi Ry-Gaul. ─── 作为一个提万人,魏尔德身材高瘦,皮肤银色,银眼歪斜。他是瑞高的徒弟。

22、Lean and lanky ─── 瘦长

23、Two lanky peasants said their say. ─── 那两个高个农民也说了自己的意见。

24、If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around feet in forgiveness. ─── 如果你朝他丢东西,他则把瘦长的身体蜷缩在脚上,连带其早已宽恕之心。

25、The lanky boy, with his dark brows, had shaken the dust from his feet and gone away to study. ─── 这个神情阴郁的瘦高的男孩,拍掉脚上的尘土,去外地学习。

26、She was reaching for his hair, but Lanky Lenz raised himself up, took hold of both her skinny arms with one hand, then pushed her head into the pillow with the other one. ─── 懒哈利和胖特丽娜总是为人持重,不为外物所扰。瘦莉莎的想法却完全相反,她总是从早忙到晚,让她的大个子丈夫伦茨干很多的活。可尽管如此,他们还是一无所获,一事无成。

27、Shetty, 54 years old, is a lanky and chatty man. ─── 他在印度南部城市芒格洛尔(Mangalore)长大,在家里九个孩子中排行第八。

28、a lanky teenager ─── 瘦长的少年.

29、one thing you can generally count on when the lanky figure of Barack Obama approaches a podium is that you will hear a good speech; ─── 当你看到奥巴马瘦长的身影走向演讲台的时候,你可以确定的一件事是,你将听到一场不错的演讲。

30、To my dismay, my choice didn't correspond with my daughter' s. My son-In-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee. ─── 让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

31、A lanky man recently admitted he has lied about his height in order to meet women and find a spouse, but yet he's still unhappy. ─── 一个瘦长的男子最近承认,他撒谎他的身高,以满足妇女和找到配偶,但尚未他仍不满意。

32、"Let it go, or it won't live long," said a lanky writer in our group. ─── “放了它吧,活不成的。” 同行的一位瘦高个儿作家说。

33、As if her name wasn't different enough, she was lanky and awkward as a child. ─── 除了名字奇怪以外,孩提时候的乌玛长得又高又瘦,笨手笨脚。

34、Born in 1933, Phelps is tall and lanky with a big smile. ─── 菲尔普斯生于1933年,又高又瘦,笑得很灿烂。

35、The guy's a defensive force, and he's athletic, lanky, and talented. ─── 他有防守力,体格好,身材瘦长,又有天份。

36、A young, lanky, man with grey blue eyes and short black hair wearing khaki pants and a white cotton tee was cowering against the wall. ─── 一个身材瘦长的年轻人靠在在墙上蜷缩成一团,他长着一双蓝灰色的眼睛,留着一头乌黑的短发,穿着卡其布长裤和白色棉T恤衫。

37、Now, well, no more biceps, no more abs.He's just another lollipop HK actor with lanky arms and legs. ─── 漂亮、谦逊得体,还是很厉害的歌手,镜头前的他似乎无所不能。

38、He is a lanky teenager. ─── 他是个瘦削的少年。

39、Who really were Lanky Cheung and Mountain Dog? ─── 究竟高佬祥和爬山狗是谁?

40、They zipped around on ten-speeds, lanky, scowling men who had lost their driver's licences and were now forced to ride bicycles, unwillingly getting healthier with every irritable mile. ─── 他们飞快的蹬着变速自行车,身材瘦长,板着脸,因为他们丢掉了驾驶执照,现在被迫骑自行车,不情愿地驶过每一英里,变得更健康也易怒。

41、They cited a journalist's 1861 description of the tall, lanky Lincoln's "shambling, loose, irregular, almost unsteady gait. ─── 他们引用了1861年一位记者对瘦高的林肯的描述,说他的步态蹒跚、不准确、不规则,甚至是不稳的。

42、A cheering crowd of lanky albinos ─── 一群欢呼的瘦削白化病人

43、But cool, lanky Gasol walked in and everyone wrapped their arms around his pale shoulders. ─── 但是这个瘦瘦高高的加索尔来了,所有的人都张开双臂,拥紧他柔弱的肩膀。

44、He is tall and lanky. ─── 他高高瘦瘦的。

45、The lanky form was that of Physician Vilbert, who had been called in by Arabella. ─── 原来这个瘦高个儿是韦伯大夫,阿拉贝拉把他请来的。

46、Jack and some other lanky youths queued up outside St James's Barracks in 1961 to sign up as police cadets. ─── 1961年,五短的沃纳和一群瘦长的小伙子们排在圣詹姆斯军营门口,报名当见习警察。

47、An imposing presence, lanky and angular at 6 feet 8 inches tall, Mr. ─── 加尔布雷思先生,6英尺8英寸的个子,瘦瘦高高,这样的体形给人留下了难忘的印象。

48、Named after the Hindu monkey god Hanuman, these lanky, long-tailed monkeys are found in the humid forests, swamps, and even urban areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar (Burma). ─── 这些体瘦尾长的猴子的名字源于印度教中的猴神哈奴曼,分布在潮湿的森林和沼泽中,甚至在印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉,斯里兰卡和缅甸等国的城市地区也能发现。

49、Lanky Lawrence lost his lass and lobster. ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾。

50、The first recognised 'breed' probably resembled a swift, lanky greyhound, developed for its speed in hunting. ─── 首先被认可的"品种"可能跑的很快,过分瘦长的灵狮,在寻找食物时锻炼了它们的速度。

51、Where's the lass and lobster Lanky Lawrence lost? ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了情妇和龙虾在哪里?

52、He opened cabinets and slammed them closed, stretching his lanky frame and nervously running a hand through his thick, unruly curls. ─── 他打开橱柜,又砰的一声关上,伸展了一下瘦长的身躯,不安地用手捋着浓厚不羁的卷发。

53、If you threw things at him, he would cur his lanky body around feet in forgiveness. ─── 如果你拿东西砸它,它就会把瘦长的身子蜷缩起来以求宽恕;

54、4.It appears that the plant is called abutilon, or Chinese Lantern. It is a twiggy and lanky plant but the flowers are prolific. ─── 看起来这种植物是青麻或称中国灯笼,是种枝干细长但多花的植物.

55、Tall and lanky. ─── 高的和瘦长的。

56、She was transformed from a lanky adolescent into a willowy young woman. ─── 她从一个瘦削的少女变成一位苗条的少妇。

57、If you threw things at him, he would curl his lanky body around feet in forgiveness. ─── 如果你朝他丢东西,他则把瘦长的身体蜷缩在脚上,连带其早已宽恕之心。

58、But with lanky limbs, chiseled features and striking good looks, Moore looks like she was destined for supermodel stature. ─── 但是由于瘦长的肢,诈骗特征和撞上美貌,穆尔看起来象她注定是超级名模身高的。

59、He is tall and quite lanky. ─── 他高而瘦。

60、a tall, lanky teenager ─── 身材瘦长的少年

61、3. He is a lanky teenager. ─── 那个少年歌手真是轰动一时!

62、A gangling teenager,a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man. ─── 瘦长难看的少年,这个瘦长难看的孩子几乎在一夜中变成了一个英俊的少年。

63、Between my shock of red hair and my lanky six-foot frame, I probably appeared to be even younger than my 28 years. ─── 我那一头乱蓬蓬的红头发,加上一米八瘦高的身材,看上去甚至不到28岁。

64、As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt. ─── 当他们到达海岸,一个瘦长的、黝黑的、身上沾著些许海盐的26岁青年溅踏着水面,并爬上一堆破碎的玄武岩。

65、2.My son-in-law was the tall, lanky one with spiked hair and a small goatee. ─── 我的女婿高高的瘦瘦的个子,头发粗短成刺状,留小山羊胡子。

66、Did Lanky Lawrence lose his lass and lobster? ─── 兰基.劳伦斯失去了他的情妇和龙虾吗?

67、His experience is great but the strength of the developing centers in this league may finally catch up with his lanky body this season. ─── 他经验丰富,但是年轻中锋生力军会很快追上过于瘦长的姚明。

68、Third, the use upward growth's lanky plant will also increase the thin high ingredient. ─── 第三,利用向上生长的瘦长植物也会增加瘦高的成分。

69、“Me good man. Me all right, a just few cuts man, me all right,” the lanky sprinter said. ─── "我的好人。我的所有权利,公正数削减男人,我的所有权利,“说的瘦长的短跑选手。

70、Will is tall and quiet lanky. ─── 威尔是高高的,安静的,瘦瘦的。

71、”Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes. ─── 插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。

72、He'd passed that point where the soft muscles of childhood hardened into the solid, lanky build of a teenager; ─── 他已经度过了童年松软的肌肉变得坚硬,他已经长成了瘦长身形的少年;

73、11. a gangling teenager; a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man. ─── 瘦长难看的少年;这个瘦长难看的孩子几乎在一夜中变成了一个英俊的少年。

74、You lazybones!"She was reaching for his hair, but Lanky Lenz raised himself up, took hold of both her skinny arms with one hand, then pushed her head into the pillow with the other one. ─── 她想揪他的头发,但长子伦茨坐起来,用一只手抓着瘦莉莎的两条细胳膊,用另一只手将她的头发按在枕上,听凭她叫骂,直到她最后累得又睡着了才松开。

75、Will is tall and quite lanky. ─── 威尔高高瘦瘦的。

76、The tall, lanky, soft-spoken professor enlivens his talks with trademark dry humor and a breathtaking knowledge of the natural world. ─── 又高又瘦、讲话温和的威尔逊是巡回报告团里最受欢迎的人。他渊博的自然知识和冷幽默都使他的讲话非常生动。

77、a lanky figure ─── 瘦得难看的体形

78、She is a lanky and unattractive girl. ─── 她是一个瘦长的不吸引人的女孩儿。

79、He's tall and lanky. ─── 他又高又瘦。

80、1.Often, a bony, lanky black spider will crawl around your web site, wiggle its little feet in excitement, gather up your e-mail address and store it near its pinchers. ─── 通常,一只瘦长的“黑蜘蛛”会在网站周围徘徊,兴奋地挥舞着腿脚,窃取你的电子邮箱地址。

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