lustily 发音
英:[ˈlʌstɪli] 美:[ˈlʌstɪli]
英: 美:
lustily 中文意思翻译
lustily 网络释义
adv. 强壮地;精力充沛地
lustily 相似词语短语
1、dustily ─── 满是灰尘地
2、crustily ─── adv.有硬皮地;恶意地;粗暴地
3、mustily ─── 发霉的
4、rustily ─── adv.锈蚀地;声音沙哑地
5、fustily ─── 毛茸茸的
6、plushily ─── 更喜欢
7、slushily ─── 公众的
8、trustily ─── adv.诚实地,忠实地
9、gustily ─── adv.突发地;暴风地,狂风地
lustily 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But a fit stabbing pain wakes me up , see that the transfer line inner already has scarlet blood , I want to cry out lustily for help only, why also shouts but not uttering coming. ─── 一阵刺痛将我惊醒,只见输液管内已有鲜红的血液,我想大声呼救,可是却怎么也叫不出声来。
2、let oneself go and sing lustily ─── 忘情地歌唱
3、They marched smartly, singing lustily. ─── 阔步行进高唱着歌。
4、the young plants grew lustily. ─── 那些幼小的植物茁壮成长。
5、Lustily, happily and guiltlessly did I cheer. ─── 喊得彩声震天,欢欣雀跃,理直气壮。
6、The bluff strident words struck the note sailors understood, and they cheered him lustily. ─── 水手们听明白了他直率而粗鲁的话语,他们热烈地为他欢呼。
7、the crew worked lustily, keeping up the fires ─── 船员们干起活来一个个都积极得无以复加。
8、Upon that she fell upon Chanticleer most lustily. ─── 她一听这话,就用最大的力气扑向强夏蒂勒。
9、(2)They're great for gazing lustily into each other's eyes. ─── 这些对刺激彼此的视觉非常的不错。
10、All of us joined lustily in the chorus ─── 我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。
11、The boys cheered lustily. ─── 男孩子们起劲地欢呼。
12、Then,conversing with it with my soul and combining my feelings with it,I lustily devote myself to the reconstruction and remoulding of the vivacious life. ─── 看似无情的落叶,无意的草木......,即刻凸显出有情的人物,有趣的面具......。
13、As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up. ─── 如前所述,我无意为沮丧作赋,而要作清晨精力充沛的雄鸡,立于窝巢之上,只为唤醒沉睡的四邻。。
14、She sounded the gong lustily. ─── 她用力打一下锣。
15、He had eaten lustily of butter and meat for fifteen days before the day of the wrestling-match, and even on that day.All thought he would be the victor. ─── 他在摔跤比赛前的十五天,甚至在比赛那天,都吃了大量的黄油和肉类,使身体变得强壮。
16、He was toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦乾身体。
17、David Brin was going to debate me on this, and as I walked in, the crowd of a hundred started booing lustily. ─── DavidBrin本打算与我争辩,但我走进会场时,观众们开始发出嘘声。
18、We laid hold of the rope and pulled lustily. ─── 我们抓住了绳子,使劲地拉。
19、Sanka was snoring lustily beside him, and NescaFrodo dug an elbow into his ribs to silence him. ─── 萨恩卡在旁边大声打鼾,雀巢弗罗多朝他腹部捅了一肘让他安静。
20、The all-American gold medal match was a bitanticlimactic -- especially considering how the subdued Chinese crowdhad cheered lustily for the Russian fencer in the previous bout. ─── 参加决赛的两位选手都来自美国,这使得观众兴趣有所下降,特别是此前中国观众不遗余力地为俄罗斯选手加油助阵。
21、As if cued by an invisible hand, both twins began crying lustily. ─── 好象受到一只看不见的手的影响,双胞胎开始放声大哭。
22、lustily sing a song ─── 高歌一曲
23、J-Lo had been climbing a human staircase of nearly nude male dancers and was wearing hot pants and singing lustily. ─── J-Lo当时正在攀登一座由近乎全裸的男舞者搭成的人梯,身着热裤,忘情演唱。
24、J-Lo had been climbing a human staircase of nearly nude male dancers and was wearing hot pants and singing lustily. ─── J-Lo当时正在攀登一座由近乎全裸的男舞者搭成的人梯,身着热裤,忘情演唱。
25、1. The children sang out lustily . ─── 孩子们拉开嗓门使劲唱。
26、She held a baby which was crying lustily. ─── 她怀里抱着的婴孩正在拼命地哭。
27、sing lustily ─── 引吭高歌
28、I lustily sing a song every morning. ─── 我每日早晨高歌一曲。
29、singing/cheering lustily ─── 起劲地唱歌/喝彩
30、Monica: (lustily) Let's do it! (She kisses him and they fall back onto the bed. ─── (精力充沛地)让我们做吧!(她吻他,他们后仰倒在床上)
31、He is toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦干身体。
32、There is no half way work about its influence.If it ennobles, it does grandly, if it demoralizes, it doest it devilishly.It saves or destroys lustily. ─── 最好的朋友是那些比我们更睿智和更出色的人,他们的智慧和美德会激发我们去做更高尚的事情。
33、I do not propose to write an ode to dejection but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning,standing on his roost,if only to wake my neighbours up. ─── 网友解答: 我不求写诗以表悲哀,但愿清晨有如雄鸡般立于栖所之上长鸣,只为唤 醒街邻之香梦。
34、The eighth class: How can I be lustily enough to sleep with my girl at night if I haven't slept enough? ─── 第八节课:晚上回去要陪女朋友睡,不睡多点哪有力气陪她睡?再睡;
35、"Change big " be opposite namely large and medium-sized state-owned colliery quickens reform, be in especially the reform of mechanism respect, want to have new measure, make it rises lustily; ─── “改大”就是对大中型国有煤矿加速改革,非凡是在机制方面的改革,要有新的措施,使它强壮起来;
36、He was toweling off lustily on the side of the pool. ─── 他在游泳池边使劲擦干身体。
37、For Apple critics (and what critics attack their prey more lustily than Apple's? ), that's the point. ─── 对苹果的批评者(还有什么批评者攻击起他们的猎物来比苹果的批评者更起劲儿呢?)来说,这就是问题之所在。
38、It saves or destroys lustily. ─── 它能轻易地拯救或毁坏一个人。
39、The young men with whom they talked so passionately and sang so lustily and camped under the trees in such freedom wanted, of course, the love connexion. ─── 那些热情地和她们交谈,欢快地和她们歌唱,自由自在地和她们在林中野宿的男子们,不用说都欲望勃勃地想更进一步。
40、The children sang out lustily. ─── 孩子们拉开嗓门使劲唱。
41、The pigeon in the design is singing lustily for world peace and the promotion of national arts. ─── 图案中的和平鸽在为呼唤世界和平,弘扬民族艺术而高歌。
42、In such an economy, the individual must spend continually and lustily lest the economy fall into recession. ─── 在这样一种经济中,个人必须不断地拼命消费,以免经济陷入衰退之中。
43、The boy sat on the perch and sang lustily. ─── 那个男孩坐在高处起劲地唱。
44、2、The child ren sang out lustily. ─── 孩子们拉开嗓门使劲地唱。
45、A. was 23-5) heading into a Christmas Day showdown in Los Angeles, a meeting the Lakers had been lustily anticipating since that previous June. ─── 然后就是万众瞩目的圣诞大战,在洛杉矶,湖人做足了准备,迎接去年六月以来他们最渴望的一次对决。
46、As a girl I was fortunate in having old-fashioned, religious parents, and I often think of the old hymn my good father sang so lustily as stood beside him in church, “I need Thee every hour. ─── 我是个幸运的女孩,父母的思想很传统,笃信宗教。我常记起儿时在教堂里,站在我身边的父亲经常满怀激情地哼唱一首古老的赞美诗,“上帝啊,我时时刻刻需要你!”
47、Bob ate lustily. ─── 鲍勃狼吞虎咽地吃着。
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