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09-18 投稿


lopes 发音

英:[ləʊps]  美:[loʊps]

英:  美:

lopes 中文意思翻译



lopes 短语词组

1、demetrius lopes ─── 把~a移到黑桃三号上。

lopes 词性/词形变化,lopes变形

动词第三人称单数: lopes |动词过去式: loped |动词现在分词: loping |名词: loper |动词过去分词: loped |

lopes 相似词语短语

1、hopes ─── v.希望(hope的第三人称单数);n.希望(hope的复数形式)

2、lobes ─── n.耳垂;脑叶(lobe的复数形式)

3、-lopes ─── v.轻松地大步跑、跳(lope的第三人称单数);n.(Lopes)(巴、美)洛佩斯(人名)

4、dopes ─── n.笨蛋;麻醉药物;涂料;vt.上涂料;服药;vi.吸毒;吸毒成瘾;(俚)酷毙了

5、copes ─── v.应对;处理(cope的第三人称单数形式);n.(Copes)人名;(西)科佩斯

6、slopes ─── n.倾斜,斜坡;[数]斜率;山坡翱(slope的复数形式)

7、lipes ─── 嘴唇

8、elopes ─── vi.私奔;潜逃

9、lopers ─── n.洛佩尔(男子名)

lopes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things as they are. ─── 尽管反对派的坚强核心要求维持原状,但我们仍然希望能够改变规章。

2、Don Lope de Aguirre: Perucho, do not you think the cannon might be a little bit rusty? ─── 阿奎尔:秘鲁科,你不觉得大炮有些生锈了吗?

3、Consumer Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Intrinsically Motivated Online Content By: Lopes, Alexandre B.; Galletta, Dennis F. ─── 消费者认知及其对内在驱动的在线内容的支付意愿。

4、4.Don Lope de Aguirre: That man is a head taller than me. That may change. ─── 阿奎尔:那个人比我高一个头。那是可以改变的。

5、1.After some time of this the wolf started off at an easy lope in a manner that plainly showed he was going somewhere. ─── 这样过了一段时间后,那只狼以轻快的步子跑开,明白地表示他要去某个地方,并让巴克明白也跟去。

6、Janet Lopes: Business Unity S.A. ─── 路听听听听听听听听听 Ms.

7、Carlos Nusman presents medals to Lopes and Franco on podium. ─── 卡洛斯·纽斯曼向站在奖台上的洛普斯和佛朗科颁发奖章。

8、Carlos Lopes was in his late 30s when he won the Olympic marathon in 1984. ─── CarlosLopes在1984年奥运会上赢得马拉松比赛时,已经30大几快40岁了。

9、10.Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

10、An Arctic fox lopes over snowy ground in Prudhoe Bay in an image shot before 1977 when oil wells began to sprout up across Alaska's North Slope. ─── 在这张拍摄于1977年以前的照片上,一只北极狐轻盈的奔跑在普拉德霍湾的雪原上,那时油井开始树立在阿拉斯加北坡上。

11、Of Laura Parker Bowles, the daughter of the Duchess of Cornwall, to Harry Lopes, an former underwear model. ─── 新娘是卡米拉之女劳拉·帕克·鲍尔斯,新郎是前内衣名模哈里·洛佩兹。

12、Lope de Vega ─── Vega

13、Dr Lopes, who is sponsored at the college by the Brazilian government, had begun his research by looking at how model-making had been used in practical ways over the centuries, Ms French said. ─── 弗伦奇女士说,洛佩斯博士在学院获得了巴西政府的赞助,他当年从事这项研究是从观察数百年来模型制作是如何以实用的方法使用开始的。

14、6.The deer went off at an easy lope. ─── 那鹿轻松地跳跃着去了。

15、They lope like wolves into banks, snatch fistfuls of money and live large in the face of the Great Depression . ─── 他们像狼一样大步慢跑进银行,攫取大把金钱并在面对大萧条中生活得奢侈挥霍。

16、Yuehe graveyard is located at a lope of northern Zuo Village,Yuehe Town,Tongbai County, the distance between the graveyard and western tongbai is 13 kilometers. ─── 正>月河墓地位于桐柏县月河镇左庄村北的斜坡地带,西距桐柏县城13公里(图一)。

17、SANTOS J D,LOPES A M(Institute of Biomedical Engineering,823,Porto 4150,Portugal ─── 李延报,翁文剑,杜丕一,沈鸽,韩高荣(浙江大学材料科学与工程系,杭州,310027

18、Keywords Dynamic environment;Module value of automobile emission;Mathematical model;Altitude;Length way lope;Emendation value; ─── 动态环境;汽车排放基准值;数学模型;海拔高度;纵坡;修正值;

19、He is now interned in the Wilfred Lopes Centre near Risdon Prison. ─── 其中20名死者与12名伤者均中枪于最早之90秒钟以内。

20、This paper makes an analysis of the mode of running cooperative schools in vocational colleges of Zhejiang province, in lope of providing some lessons for running Chinese-foreign cooperation schools in our vocational colleges. ─── 对浙江省高职院校具体的合作办学模式进行分析和解读,以期对我国高职院校中外合作办学的发展有所借鉴和参考。

21、hanger lope ─── 吊缆

22、Keywords Lope aerial passenger device;Variable frequency hadraulic technology;Change velocity;Runs steadily; ─── 架空乘人装置;变频液压;调速;运行平稳;

23、LOPES de ROSA, Mario ─── 马里奥·洛佩斯·德罗萨

24、I could gobble up the fifteen hundred plays of Lope de Vega in one sitting. ─── 做菜时放些炒腊肠,我可以一顿吞下维加的一千五百出戏。

25、go off at a lope ─── 大步跑开

26、He broke into the long easy lope, and went on, hour after hour, never at loss for the tangled way, heading straight home through strange country with a certitude of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame. ─── 他突然轻快地奔驰起来,一小时接一小时地跑,从没因路径的错综复杂而迷路,他越过陌生的地带,一直朝家跑回去,方向准确得都要令人类及其罗盘针自愧不如。

27、de Oliveira C, Lopes MA, Carla Longo e Pereira L, Zugaib M.Effects of pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy. Clinics. 2007 ,62(4):439-46. ─── 苏静,文建国,王庆伟.电刺激盆底肌治疗女性真性压力性尿失禁效果及尿动力学变化.郑州大学学报(医学版).2006,41(2):204-206.

28、Learn an English Word: [ lope /loup/ n. ─── 轻快的步伐;v.使大步慢跑;

29、LOPES da ROSA, Mario ─── 马里奥·洛佩斯·达罗萨

30、The three-piece of Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins , Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes and Rozondae "Chilli" Thomas sold a total of 37 million records worldwide during their career. ─── 3块tionne"笔-boz"watkins,丽莎"左眼"Lopes和rozondae"辣"托马斯共售出37万人的纪录,在世界范围内的事业.

31、Bears emerge from the woods to lope menacingly across the backyard, and at night the howling of the coyotes can spread a tingle over the skin. ─── 熊从树林中出现,凶巴巴地大步跑过后院,夜里的狼嗥能让人感到身上发麻。

32、move at a steady lope ─── 迈着稳健的大步行走.

33、Lope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite,so long are you young. ─── 在你我的心田中央有座无线电台,只要它能接受来自人类和上帝的美感,希望鼓舞、勇气和力量,你就永褒青春。

34、Despite battling against a home country favorite, Lopes won over the audience, speaking in the shared language of Portuguese. ─── 尽管洛佩斯针对本国最喜欢的搏斗,赢得了观众,在共同的语言葡萄牙语发言。

35、Temporal patterns of solute loss following wildfires in Central Portugal A.J.D.Ferreira, C.O.A.Coelho, A.K. Boulet and F. P. Lopes ─── 在葡萄牙中部天然火灾中,一些溶质的流失

36、They lie, they cheat, they steal, but they are afraid of going to prison, or having a lope tied to their neck. ─── 这些人撒谎,欺诈,偷盗,害怕进监狱,害怕刽子手把绞索套到他们脖颈上,在惴惴不安中生活。

37、Lopes and Franco serve and opponents hit Ball out of court. ─── 洛普斯和佛朗科发球,对手将球击出界。

38、The 25-year-old Lopes is Angola's first winner. ─── 今年25岁的洛佩斯是安哥拉的首个环球小姐冠军。

39、What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope? ─── 谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么?

40、5.Don Lope de Aguirre: I will marry my own daughter and found the purest race. ─── 阿奎尔:我将和我的女儿结婚,并找到最纯正的种族。

41、Domingo Lopes says he has a little trouble getting around these days, given his age. But Lopes says nothing could keep him from attending Senator Obama's speech on Thursday. ─── 洛佩兹说,因为年纪大了,他的行动有些不方便,但是,什么也不能阻挡他星期四出席奥巴马的演讲大会。

42、BORIO, Pedro Lopes ─── 佩特罗·博里奥

43、"Well, so you shouldn't be now. " He eases me into the passenger side of his car, then lopes around to the other door. ─── “噢,那你现在不应该了。”他小心地扶我坐进他车的乘客位,然后大步跑着绕到另一边的车门。

44、AS THE violins soar, a lone dancer lopes gracefully across the stage of the Joyce Theatre in New York. But this is no solo. ─── 当纽约乔伊斯剧院的小提琴音乐响起,一位孤独的“舞者”优雅的穿过舞台。

45、ZHONGSHAN LOPE ELECTRICAL LTD is mainly engaged in a special air-conditioning and energy-efficient product development and manufacturing of high-tech corporation. ─── 中山诺普电器有限公司是一家主要从事特种空调及其生产设备研发、制造的中外合资企业。

46、There are two major global issue: at one is peace and the other is development. There is lope for peace but the problem of development has not yet. ─── 当前世界上主要有两个问题,一个是和平问题,一个是发展问题。和平问题已经解决,发展问题还没得到解决。

47、Lopes J A P.Integration of dispersed generation with distribution networks-impacts studies.Proceedings of 2002 IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting,Vol.1. ─── 王志群,朱守真,周双喜,等.分布式发电对配电网电压分布的影响.电力系统自动化,2004(16).

48、Just then there is a ripple through the crowd, then gasps, cheers and applause as Obama lopes into the gym with a casual, knees-y stride. ─── 就在这个时候,人群中有些骚动。当奥巴摩迈着幽闲的大步跑入体育馆时,大家激动地向他欢呼并报以热烈的掌声。

49、lope engineering ─── 边坡工程

50、Raimundo Cardoso Lopes told me the greatest words of all time. Sometimes that's all you need. ─── 经过一段疲乏的飞行后,到达了格拉斯哥当地的机场。

51、Jubon, Lope V., Jr. ─── 菲律宾监制(菲律宾第二组).

52、Ribeiro, F. R.; Alvarez, F.; Henriques, C.; Lemos, F.;Lopes, J.M.; Ribeiro, M.F.J. Mol. Catal. A, 1995, 96:245 ─── 2000[孙尧俊,郭国清,王力平.一种气相选择吸附分离混合二氯苯的方法.中国专利,240783A.2000

53、Arad, one of the most famous designers in the world and the head of design products at the RCA, called Dr Lopes' work a 'ground-breaking new field of world importance'. ─── 阿拉德是世界上最著名的设计师之一,也是皇家艺术学院产品设计的负责人,他把洛佩斯博士的工作成果称为开创性的新领域。

54、Dr Lopes' work will be displayed at an exhibition opening at the RCA in London today. ─── 洛佩斯博士的工作成果将于今天在伦敦开幕的皇家艺术学院展览会上展出。

55、Carlos Lopes ─── 洛佩斯

56、Lopes believes Milan don't have enough money to buy both the players. ─── 他确信米兰没有足够的转会费来购买这两名球员。

57、Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

58、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. Who else is with me? ─── 阿奎尔:我是上帝的愤怒,谁愿意跟着我?

59、The club's sporting director Joao Paulo de Jesus Lopes talked to Globoesporte.com about an alleged offer made by the Rossoneri for the two players. ─── 埃尔南德斯被称作新皮尔洛,而很久以来米兰达就是转会市场上的红人。

60、Lopes J,Inniss WE.Electron microscopy of effect of polymyxin on Escherichia coli,lipopolysaccharide.J Bacterial,1997,100:1128. ─── 朱晓薇.穿心莲内酯的镇痛解热及抗溃疡作用.国外医学植物药分册,1996,11(3):133.

61、Love comes.To those who still lope although they're been disapointed.To those who still belive although they're been betrayed.To those who still need to live although they're been hart before. ─── 真有爱心的人是那些对生活仍怀着希望的人,尽管他们失望过,对人们存着信任的人,尽管他们被背叛过,仍要去爱的人,尽管他们被伤害过。

62、Lopes is Angola's first winner. ─── Lopes是安哥拉第一位环球小姐。

63、Domingo Lopes says he has a little trouble getting around these days, given his age. ─── 洛佩兹:“说真的,没有,不会在我活著的时候发生,不会的。

64、Petroleum ether Extracts of Inonotus obliquus (lOPE) ─── 桦褐孔菌石油醚提取物

65、I lope frolic songs are round you and bring you end less happiness.Merry Christmas! ─── 愿欢乐的歌声,时刻萦绕着你,使你的人生充满幸福喜悦,永浴于无尽的欢乐年华。祝你圣诞快乐!

66、Reinforcing for retaining wall, deck and steep slope, it is mainly used in the highway, railway, retaining wall, dam, deck, steep lope and geo-cell projects etc. ─── 长期高应力状态下挡土墙、桥面、陡坡的加筋处理,主要用于公路、铁路以及江河湖海岸边的加筋挡土墙、堤坝、桥面、陡坡及土工格室等工程。

67、Every morning, he would lace up his tattered running shoes and lope off along bomb-cratered roads as kids shouted "Run, Nader, Run!" ─── 每天早晨,他都会将破旧的跑鞋绑到脚上,在孩子们“快跑,纳德尔,加油!”的呐喊声中, 沿着布满弹坑的道路大步地慢跑,努力练习。

68、4)Most Australians do not want to develop all their land in the lope of keeping the large area of the land in its original state. ─── 大多数澳大利亚人不愿开发他们所有的土地,他们想让很多的国土保持原样.

69、The hares and rabbits lope away. ─── 野兔和家兔都跳跃而去。

70、In fan voting, Lopes tallied only a 3. 6 score for the swimsuit but earned a 7. 2 for her evening gown. ─── 网络投票中,Lopes的泳装仅获得3.6分,但是晚装获得7.2分。

71、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the great traitor. ─── 阿奎尔:我是一个伟大的叛国者。

72、Result:The tumors in this site stremed from deep lope parotid gland ,nerve tissues and bone tissues .Conclusion:The selection of single or tow combied approac... ─── 结论:根据肿瘤的原发部位、体积、侵犯范围、有无颈淋巴结转移等情况确定手术入路。

73、Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. ─── 阿奎尔:我是上帝的愤怒。

74、lope velocity ─── 群速度

75、Team member Rosaly Lopes described the farewell celebration as bittersweet. ─── 工作组成员罗斯丽用哭乐参半来描述这次告别庆祝会。

76、Dr Lopes' work will be displayed at an exhibition opening at the RCA in London today. ─── 洛佩斯博士的工作成果将于今天在伦敦开幕的皇家艺术学院展览会上展出。

77、Lope aerial passenger device ─── 架空乘人装置

78、Do you know my lope? ─── 你知道我能大步慢跑吗?

79、Lopes LL.1994.Psychology and economics:perspectives on risk,cooperation,and the marketplace.Annu.Rev.Psychol.45:197-227 ─── 比较了心理学家和经济学家对风险、合作及市场的哲学观和方法观。

80、This paper has dealt with the limitation of the legal protection of designs and introduced the exprience abroad, in the lope of helping the perfection of the construction of the intellectual property law system. ─── 在阐述我国外观设计法律保护体系不足的同时,适当介绍了外国的先进经验,希望能对我国的知识产权法律体系建设添砖加瓦。

81、Following them, he discovers that they belong to a loathsome, ape-like creature that lopes along before him, eventually disappearing down a ladder into a shaft. ─── 跟着那些眼睛,他发现了一群令人厌恶的猿人一般的动物。他们在他面前跳跃着奔跑,而后顺着梯子向下消失在一部升降机中。

82、There he wandered for a week, seeking vainly for fresh sign of the wild brother, killing his meat as he traveled and traveling with the long, easy lope that seems never to tire. ─── 他一边猎食,一边迈着永远不知疲倦的大步轻松自如地赶路。

83、By the second day the colts are often being ridden at a walk, trot and lope. ─── 到了第二天,他们的驯马师就开始骑著牠走路了,快跑,小跑步。

84、I'am a Chinese girl.I want to make some friends .I lope you can be my triend. ─── 我是一个中国女孩.我很想交一些朋友.希望你能是其中的一个.

85、But Lopes says nothing could keep him from attending Senator Obama's speech on Thursday. ─── 这将是我一生中最重要的时刻。”

86、What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope? ─── 谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么?

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