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09-18 投稿


liberalization 发音

英:[ˌlɪbrələˈzeɪʃn]  美:[ˌlɪbrəlaɪˈzeɪʃn]

英:  美:

liberalization 中文意思翻译



liberalization 网络释义

n. 自由化;自由主义化;放宽限制

liberalization 短语词组

1、tariff liberalization ─── 关税自由化

2、liberalization of exchange ─── [经] 外汇自由化

3、bourgeois liberalization ─── [法] 资产阶级自由化

4、liberalization of interest rate ─── [财]放宽利率限制

5、liberalization debate ─── 自由化辩论

6、financial liberalization ─── 金融自由化

7、liberalization of trade ─── [经] 贸易自由化

8、liberalization of trade and exchang ─── 贸易和 ─── 贸易自由化

9、liberalization of non-tariff barriers ─── [经] 非关税壁垒的放宽

10、liberalization list ─── 自由化清单

11、liberalization of financial market ─── 金融市场自由化

12、generational liberalization ─── 代际自由化

13、liberalization capital transactions ─── [经] 资本交易自由化

14、trade liberalization ─── [经] 贸易自由化

15、progressive liberalization ─── 逐步自由化

16、liberalization of interest rates ─── [经] 放宽利率

17、liberalization obligation ─── 自由化义务

18、liberalization measure ─── 自由化措施

19、liberalization and facilitation ─── 自由化和便利化

liberalization 常用词组

trade liberalization ─── 贸易自由化

financial liberalization ─── 金融自由化

bourgeois liberalization ─── [法]资产阶级自由化

liberalization 词性/词形变化,liberalization变形

名词复数: liberalities |

liberalization 反义词


liberalization 同义词

liberalness |breadth | open-mindedness | free thought | openness | kindness | charity | tolerance

liberalization 相似词语短语

1、mineralization ─── n.矿化;[地质]矿化作用;使含矿物

2、liberalisation ─── n.自由化;开放

3、fiberization ─── 纤维离析

4、literalization ─── 文学化

5、lateralization ─── n.(尤指脑部的)偏侧优势;偏侧性

6、lateralizations ─── n.(尤指脑部的)偏侧优势;偏侧性

7、federalization ─── n.联邦化;同盟

8、generalization ─── n.概括;普遍化;一般化

9、literalizations ─── 文学化

liberalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Trade Liberalization: A Viable Answer for Economic Development? ─── 外商直接投资和区域贸易自由化是促进经济发展的有效手段吗?

2、As you know, two of our General Secretaries fell because of their failure to deal with the problem of bourgeois liberalization. ─── 你知道我们两个总书记都在资产阶级自由化问题上栽了跟头。

3、Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. ─── 因为有一股自由化思潮。

4、"October events," 1993 referendum, "irreconcilable opposition," National Salvation Front, Ostankino, and price liberalization. ─── “十月事件”、1993年的公投、“互相对立的反对派”、民族拯救阵线、奥斯坦金诺与价格自由化。

5、To combat bourgeois liberalization, we are not going to launch a political movement. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化的问题,我们不搞运动

6、There has been a stampede of foreign firms into the Mainland China as a sequel to market liberalization within the WTO framework. ─── 在WTO的架构下,中国进行市场自由化,外国公司随即争先恐后,抢入中国。

7、Why? First, because there is now a trend of thought among the masses, especially among the young people, in favour of liberalization. ─── 为什么?第一,现在在群众中,在年轻人中,有一种思潮,这种思潮就是自由化。

8、At the background of financial capital globalization, Capital account liberalization is an unconvertible trend. ─── 在当今金融全球化的背景下,资本帐户开放将是不可逆转的趋势。

9、Abstract: In recent years the liberalization of international trade in service has become a hot topic among economic scientists. ─── 内容摘要:最近年来,服务贸易自由化成为经济学家研究的热点问题。

10、China' s economic liberalization has changed this situation. ─── 中国的经济改革改变了这种局面。

11、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

12、Assessing development impacts must be the condition for further trade liberalization, argues IMF general secretary. ─── imf 的秘书长说,评估发展和雇用影响必须成爲贸易自由化的条款。

13、Why did we do this? Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. ─── 为什么做这件事?因为有一股自由化思潮。

14、Putting the Cart before the Horse? Capital Account Liberalization and Exchange Rate Flexibility in China? ─── 中国的资本账户开放与灵活汇率制度,会不会本末倒置?

15、Two persons who were chosen failed, and not with regard to economic issues, they stumbled over the question of opposing bourgeois liberalization. ─── 两个人都失败了,而且不是在经济上出问题,都是在反对资产阶级自由化的问题上栽跟头。

16、Codes can also help countries seeking a route to capital liberalization free from destablising in flows - sequencing and an effective route map are the key to success. ─── 准则也可以帮助许多国家寻求免受资本巨资危害的资本自由化的道路-恰当排序和有效的地形图是成功的关键。

17、That is why we have particularly stressed the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles and combat bourgeois liberalization. ─── 因此,我们特别强调坚持四项基本原则,反对资产阶级自由化

18、With regard to the question of opposing bourgeois liberalization, I am the one who has talked about it most often and most insistently. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化,我讲得最多,而且我最坚持。

19、The Doha Round negotiations is crucial to global trade liberalization. ─── 多哈回合谈判事关全球贸易自由化进程。

20、Liberalization of international economic system was widely perceived as a way to avoid recurrenceof a similar calamity. ─── 人们广泛地认为,避免重遭类似灾难的一条途径是放宽国际经济体系。

21、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

22、Interference from the Right refers to bourgeois liberalization or wholesale Westernization, including blind copying of Western-style democracy. ─── 右的干扰就是搞资产阶级自由化,全盘西化,包括照搬西方民主。

23、In a word,we must uphold Party leadership and the socialist system. They must be improved,but that doesn't mean we can have bourgeois liberalization or anarchy. ─── 党的领导和社会主义制度都需要改善,但是不能搞资产阶级自由化,搞无政府状态。

24、Business, financial markets and financial liberalization in such areas as a major reform, in principle, be in Tianjin Binhai New Area to try first. ─── 业务、金融市场和金融开放等方面的重大改革,原则上可安排在天津滨海新区先行先试。

25、If it is inevitable to all the countries that making financial liberalization reform and being incorporates, how to ease the bad aftereffect. ─── 如果对世界上所有国家来说,金融自由化改革以及全球经济一体化的趋势不可避免,那么如何减轻其所带来的金融脆弱性。

26、In China, bourgeois liberalization means taking the capitalist road and leads to disunity. ─── 在我们的国家,搞资产阶级自由化,就是走资本主义道路,就统一不起来了。

27、There has been a stampede of foreign firms into the Mainland China as a sequel to market liberalization within the WTO framework. ─── 在WTO的架构下,中国进行市场自由化,外国公司随即争先恐后,抢入中国。

28、The opposite of the four principles is bourgeois liberalization. ─── 四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。

29、The struggle against bourgeois liberalization will last for at least 20 years. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化至少还要搞二十年。

30、But at the same time the European countries and Taiwan share the common values of pluralism, democratization and trade liberalization. ─── 但是,在同时,欧洲各国与台湾共享多元化、民主化与贸易自由化的共同价值。

31、Klein,M.and G.Olivei.2001,“Capital Account Liberalization, Financial Depth and Economic Growth”, mimeo(Medford,MA:Tufts). ─── 刘光灿.中国资本项目对外开放研究[M].北京:中国金融出版社,1999.

32、But after the liberalization reforms, this address, which had been used for decades, slowly stopped being used by people. ─── 但是改革开放以后,这个用了几十年的老称呼渐渐地没有人用了。

33、In the WTO, liberalization is gradual, allowing countries time to make the necessary adjustments. ─── 在世贸组织中,逐步自由化,使各国的时间来作出必要的调整。

34、China will also take steps to promote the liberalization of trade in services. ─── 中国还将积极采取措施推进服务贸易的开放。

35、Bourgeois liberalization would plunge the country into turmoil once more. ─── 如果搞资产阶级自由化,就是再来一次折腾。

36、The preference schemes appear also to erode the interest of their beneficiaries in promoting general trade liberalization. ─── 在推动普及的贸易自由化过程中,这些优惠方案似乎也减少了其受益者的利益。

37、China views this potential abrogation of long-agreed trade liberalization as a serious violation of WTO rules. ─── 中国将此视为潜在地废除了早已达成一致的贸易自由化,严重地违反了世贸组织(WTO)的规定。

38、On the one hand, service trade liberalization has unfavorable effects on environment. ─── 一方面,服务贸易自由化对环境具有不利影响。

39、Because of the liberalization of domestic financial market,the banking is facing double competition in domestic and international markets. ─── 国内金融市场开放,使我国银行业面临国内外市场的双重竞争。

40、The common (and comforting) Western assumption was that China would have to choose between political liberalization and economic failure. ─── 更常见的假设是中国将会在政治自由化和经济失败两者之间做艰难的选择。

41、Not only do the actual negotiations typically require several years to complete, but the trade liberalization agreed to is normally implemented in stages in subsequent years. ─── 不但实际的谈判总要几年的时间才能完成,而且达成协议的贸易自由化一般也要在以后的年份里分阶段地实施。

42、Taiwan s SMEs enterprise now is facing a severe business environment from competitor all around the world under globalize &liberalization trend. ─── 中文摘要我国中小企业在面对全球化与自由化的趋势下,企业的竞争者可能并来自于全球不同地区角落的业者;

43、The scope and magnitude of tariff reduction of China is amazing and contributed to trade liberalization in the Asia-Pacific region. ─── 中国降税范围之广、幅度之大举世瞩目,为亚太地区贸易自由化作出了积极贡献。

44、What is a successful program of financial liberalization? ─── 何谓成功的金融自由化?

45、Authorities are now clearly alarmed that Banks have taken the liberalization moves too far. ─── 管理机构现在显然对银行过度自由化拉响了警报。

46、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

47、The struggle against bourgeois liberalization is indispensable. We should not be afraid that people abroad will say we are damaging our reputation. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化是不可缺少的,不要怕外国人说我们损害了自己的名誉。

48、As part of this far-reaching trade liberalization agreement,China agreed to lower tariffsand abolish market impediments. ─── 作为这一影响深远的贸易自由化协定的一部分,中国承诺降低关税,清除市场准入障碍。

49、A few years ago we punished according to law some exponents of liberalization who broke the law. ─── 前几年,我们不是对那几个搞自由化并且触犯了刑律的人依法处理了吗?

50、As you know,two of our General Secretaries fell because of their failure to deal with the problem of bourgeois liberalization. ─── 你知道,我们两个总书记都在资产阶级自由化问题上栽了跟头。

51、Throughout the course of socialist modernization the Party must adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and combat bourgeois liberalization. ─── 在社会主义现代化建设的整个过程中,必须坚持四项基本原则,反对资产阶级自由化。

52、However,the "reform" advocated by certain people should be renamed liberalization -- that is,going capitalist. ─── 不过,某些人所谓的改革,应该换个名字,叫作自由化,即资本主义化。

53、In the past decade, liberalization and globalization have been the hallmark of economic policy throughout the world. ─── 在过去的十年里,自由化和全球化是经济政策的显著标志,全世界都是如此。

54、However, in reforming our political structure we must not imitate the West, and no liberalization should be allowed. ─── 在改革中,不能照搬西方的,不能搞自由化。

55、Trade liberalization reforms in both sides heighten the prospects for the expansion and diversification of trade structure. ─── 双方的贸易自由化改革照亮了贸易结构扩展和向多样化发展的前景。

56、The Soviet Union might have gone the way of China and had an economic liberalization that ignored human rights. ─── 苏联当时或许会走上中国式的道路,实行(河蟹爬过)的经济自由化。

57、Hence, we commit to further efforts in advancing trade and investment liberalization and facilitation both within our region and globally. ─── 为此,我们承诺将在全球和地区范围内进一步努力,促进贸易投资自由化及便利化。

58、Beijing delays in the housing-market liberalization why? ─── 北京住房三级市场为何迟迟未放开?

59、Unless we curb bourgeois liberalization, we cannot put our open policy into effect. ─── 不刹住这股风,就不能实行开放政策。

60、In the last few years I have stressed on many occasions the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles and oppose bourgeois liberalization. ─── 坚持四项基本原则,反对资产阶级自由化,这些年来每年我都讲多次

61、We must continue to stress the need to combat bourgeois liberalization. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化还是要讲。

62、However, the ''reform'' advocated by certain people should be renamed liberalization -- that is, going capitalist. ─── 但是没有打倒改革的口号。不过,某些人所谓的改革,应该换个名字,叫作自由化,即资本主义化。

63、The Sino-US trade imbalance impinges on the asymmetry of global trade liberalization in services and goods. ─── 中美贸易失衡与全球服务贸易和商品贸易在自由化进程上的非对称性紧密联系在一起。

64、The positive relationships between the provincial disparity or industrial unbalance or inequality and economic liberalization have been found by cointegration analysis. ─── 合理的经济结构调整政策应该力求弱化这种不平等局面,但这需要研究不平等的经济来源。

65、The preference schemes appear also to erode the interest of their benificiaries in promoting general trade liberalization. ─── 在推动普及的贸易自由化过程中,这些优惠方案似乎也减少了其受益者的利益。

66、But that didn't solve the problem. Two persons who were chosen failed,and not with regard to economic issues; They stumbled over the question of opposing bourgeois liberalization. ─── 但是没有解决问题,两个人都失败了,而且不是在经济上出问题,都是在反对资产阶级自由化的问题上栽跟头。

67、Since opposition to bourgeois liberalization is a long-term task, we are not going to launce a political movement but to rely on education. ─── 但是我们着重在教育。这是长期的任务,不采取运动的方式来处理。

68、But the struggle against bourgeois liberalization has not ended. ─── 但是,反对资产阶级自由化的斗争还没有结束。

69、Since the downfall of the Gang of Four an ideological trend has appeared that we call bourgeois liberalization. ─── 中国在粉碎“四人帮”以后出现一种思潮,叫资产阶级自由化

70、Chinese traditional financial habits will be 28 this month, Japan and China with the full liberalization of the gold market again resurgent. ─── 中国人传统的理财习惯将随着本月28日中国黄金市场的全面放开而再度回潮。

71、Thus, the direction of trade liberalization needs not only the theory provement, but also the exemple verify. ─── 因此,贸易自由化的政策方向不仅需要理论证明,而且需要实证检验。

72、Asia needs to get on with financial liberalization if it wants one day to see its financial power match its economic might. ─── 如果亚洲希望有一天能看到其金融实力与其经济实力相匹配的话,那它就需要在金融自由化的道路上继续迈进。

73、Accompany with the liberalization of international investment, foreign direct investment (FDI)develops rapidly. ─── 在国际投资自由化的趋势下,外国直接投资迅猛发展。

74、Optimists believe that gradualism will make the current liberalization last longer than the euphoric, but ultimately failed, experiences of the past. ─── 乐观者认为渐进的改革会使改革持续很长时间,而根据过去的经验,改革最终会失败。

75、We should unswervingly combat bourgeois liberalization and adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles. ─── 反对资产阶级自由化,坚持四项基本原则,这不能动遥。

76、It is worth noting that although the WTO entry and trade liberalization can bring long-term positive wealth effects, the cost on short-term regulation is noticeable. ─── 值得注意的是,尽管加入WTO和贸易自由化能带来长期、积极的财富效益,但短期内调整的成本也十分明显。

77、If we don't nip bourgeois liberalization in the bud, we may find ourselves in trouble. ─── 在苗头出现时不注意,就会出事。

78、He has begun attacking all those who talk about liberalization and democratization, expelling some from their positions in the Communist party. ─── 他开始打击那些谈论自由主义化和民主化的人,且开除其中部分分子的党内职务。

79、Its powerful left-wing parties campaigned against liberalization and got their worst drubbing at the polls in 40 years. ─── 其强大的左翼政党在和自由主义政党角逐中遭遇了40年以来罕见的大败。

80、IMF.“The IMF's Approach to Capital Account Liberalization,” Draft Issues Paper/Term of Reference for an Evaluation by IEO, www.imf.org, 2004. ─── 不同的是,在关税的大国模型分析中,征税使世界价格下降,由此外国出口商承担了征税的负担,从而导致该国福利改善。

81、I think it's too early to speculate that this might be a form of liberalization. ─── 我觉得,大家把这次解禁看作某种形式的自由化还为时过早。

82、Otherwise bourgeois liberalization will spread unchecked -- and that has been the root cause of the problem. ─── 否则就是放任了资产阶级自由化,问题就出在这里。

83、But in essence the struggle against bourgeois liberalization is a long-term task. ─── 但从根本上说,这是一个长期的事。

84、Some Asian countries are using the region's financial crisis as an excuse to offer less liberalization than they might have. ─── 一些亚洲国家正把该地区的金融危机作为借口,试图做出较少的承诺。

85、Liberalization of interest rates in the primary government debt market would be an essential prerequisite. ─── 国债发行利率的自由化是一个关键的前提条件。

86、In Taiwan, TPC will face some challenges and pressures of privatization policy and liberalization of power industry. ─── 在台湾,台电公司未来将要面对电业自由化及民营化政策的挑战与冲击。

87、The deal is one of the first fruits of a liberalization of foreign investment law. ─── 这项交易是外国投资法放宽后的首批成果之一。

88、But with the promoting of reform, interest rate liberalization has become the emergent matter. ─── 但随着改革的推进,利率市场化已成为当务之急。

89、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

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