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09-18 投稿


hampering 发音

英:[ˈhæmpərɪŋ]  美:[ˈhæmpərɪŋ]

英:  美:

hampering 中文意思翻译




hampering 短语词组

1、hampering efforts ─── 妨碍工作

2、hampering rice ─── 妨碍大米

3、hampering sales ─── 阻碍销售

4、hampering its growth ─── 阻碍其发展

5、hampering corn ─── 妨碍玉米生长

6、hampering effect ─── 阻碍效应

7、hampering sale ─── 妨碍销售

hampering 同义词

obstruct | cramp |hinder | slow down | hold back | bar | picnic basket | pannier | impede | weigh down | block | fetter | limit | bond | trammel | handicap | strangle | basket | restrain | shackle | prevent | get in the way of | halter

hampering 词性/词形变化,hampering变形

动词第三人称单数: hampers |动词现在分词: hampering |动词过去分词: hampered |动词过去式: hampered |

hampering 反义词

assist |expedite

hampering 相似词语短语

1、scampering ─── vi.蹦蹦跳跳;奔跑,惊惶奔跑;n.蹦跳;奔跑

2、hammering ─── n.锤击;锤打;抨击;v.锤击;敲打(hammer的ing形式)

3、tamperings ─── 篡改

4、hammerings ─── n.锤击;锤打;抨击;v.锤击;敲打(hammer的ing形式)

5、whimpering ─── v.幽咽(whimper的ing形式)

6、tampering ─── n.干预;贿赂;v.干预(tamper的现在分词)

7、pampering ─── n.纵容;溺爱;饮食过度;adj.过分溺爱的;v.纵容;溺爱;饮食过度(pamper的现在分词)

8、chambering ─── n.炮眼扩孔;内腔加工;v.放在枪膛内;关在室内(chamber的ing形式)

9、chamfering ─── n.[机]倒角;去角斜切;v.切斜边(chamfer的ing形式)

hampering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some refuse to take Praziquantel, believing it will hamper their ability to work. ─── 一些人认为吡喹酮会使他们无法劳动,因此拒绝使用它。

2、Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people's ability to report a fire. ─── 移除盒子将减少恶作剧电话的数量,同时也不会对人们报告火灾的能力造成影响。

3、Be in for example the bricky material with sitting room too glossy laid, the likelihood can cause harm to old person or child or hamper their action. ─── 例如在客厅铺设太光滑的砖材,可能就会对老人或小孩造成伤害或妨碍他们的行动。

4、Make proper leeway so that the fire and smoke does not hamper fire-fighting activities. ─── 将火灾处所置于下风位置有利于消防人员不受火和烟气的侵害。

5、However, in the process of its development, some questions were hampering its development and growth. ─── 但是在其发展过程中,也出现了一些问题,阻碍了集团的发展壮大。

6、Near Da-xingdi on the Salween River, construction of a road linking remote villages was suspended because landslides were hampering construction activities. ─── 在位于萨尔温江畔的大兴地乡(Da-xingdi)附近,连接僻远乡村的公路建设因为滑坡妨碍了施工行为而暂停。

7、A bunch of flower will do, or flower hamper, in case they don't have a (spare) vase in the house. ─── 不知道要买些什么礼物去别人家里,巧克力,红酒,水果,还是别的?需不需要包装的?

8、Listening to loud music while driving can seriously hamper reaction times and cause accidents, new research suggests. ─── 一项新的研究表明,边驾车边听吵闹的音乐会严重影响反应次数并引发交通事故。

9、No attempts to hamper me, or capture me! ─── 别尽想来与我找麻烦或者抓住我!

10、The KOC said the lack of kimchi and other traditional food might hamper the athletes performance. ─── KOC认为,泡菜及其它传统食品的短缺或许会给韩国运动员在本次赛事中的发挥带来一定的负面影响。

11、The party consisted of Chuehhsin and his two brothers, their sister Shu-hua and her two girl cousins, and Chin, with Ming-feng bringing a small hamper of food. ─── 去的是觉新三弟兄和淑英三姊妹,连琴一共是七个,还加上鸣凤。 鸣凤提着一个小藤篮,里面装了些酒菜。

12、Prejudice sometimes hamper a person from do the right thing. ─── 偏见有时候妨害人做正确的事情。

13、And hampering the free movement of goods would discourage Colombian farmers from diversifying away from coca and into legal crops. ─── 另外,阻碍商品的自由流动也会让哥伦比亚农民失去多元化种植的热情,不再放弃古柯,投入合法的作物种植。

14、And the imperfect credit system in the vast rural areas is seriously hampering the income increasing of peasants, agricultural development and rural prosperity. ─── 在广大的农村地区,信用体系的不完善严重阻碍了农民增收、农业发展和农村繁荣。

15、Results show that severe accumulations of noncondensable gases in condensers do accur,which hamper flow and deteriorate heat transfer. ─── 对此提出了改进方案,即将抽气口处的挡板开口,从而将积聚的不凝结气体引出,通过数值计算证实该措施有效。

16、Do not lock the door to any export, maintain a hallway, clean and tidy and decentralized, , , and, hampering the evacuation of the staff. ─── 不要锁上任何一个出口的大门,保持过道的整洁和通畅,以免妨碍员工的疏散。

17、To involve in or hamper with financial difficulties. ─── 使财政困难,使负债使卷入经济问题或以经济问题阻碍

18、Traditional pharmaceutical education hamper harmfully cultivating high quality students. ─── 传统的药学教育模式严重影响高素质药学人才的培养。

19、Maybe you scrounge through the hamper to find a shirt that's not too wrinkled and you slide into your chair just as the clock strikes eight. ─── 也许,你会从一堆衣服里找一件不算太皱的衬衫,刚好在早晨八点钟敲响时,屁股坐到位子上。

20、If the ideas don't hamper the operation of Qi and kuntanili, let it be. ─── 如果这些念头不会妨碍气、挫火的运行那就罢了,就让它走吧!

21、He wanted a box and a hamper that come from Newcastle. ─── 他要领取由新堡运来的一箱和一大篮货物。

22、A lot of non-exchangeable state-owned shares of stock appear false prosperous and hamper the sufficient function of securities market. ─── 大量非流通国有股一定程度上造成我国股市的虚假繁荣,并制约了证券市场功能的充分发挥。

23、But cloud computing is still in its infancy, and setting standards too early could hamper innovation. ─── 不过云计算还是处于初始阶段,过早地设定标准可能会束缚创新。

24、The conference pointed out that must insist grabs with both hands, the without hampering the other, two promotions. ─── 会议指出,要坚持两手抓、两不误、两促进。

25、Mr Obama knows that sending many more troops will hamper efforts to reduce the physical and mental strain on the American forces. ─── 奥巴马深知派遣更多的部队会阻止为减少美军身体和精神上的压力所作出的努力。

26、You would hamper yourself with that fellow. ─── 你会受到那个家伙的牵连。

27、Unfortunately, the administrative mechanisms that restrict network traffic also hamper development efforts within the network. ─── 可惜限制网络通行的管理机制同时也阻碍了网络内部的开发工作。

28、Can a civil servant accept gifts from members of the public in his official capacity during festive seasons, e. G. Fruit hamper? ─── 公务员可否因公职身份接受市民于过时过节时送来的馈赠,如果篮等?

29、Did learning the English language hamper your fluency with writing poems in Chinese? ─── 学习英文会造成你写作中文诗的障碍吗?

30、Falling prices and a strong currency are hampering efforts to foster a recovery. ─── 物价下降和坚挺的货币正在阻碍促进经济的努力。

31、He wanted a box and a hamper that was come from Newcastle-upon-Jyne. ─── 他要领取由泰因新堡运来的一箱和一大篮货物。

32、She prefers conservative trousers to provocative cheongsam that slit at the sides from the thigh down, as she thinks wearing the latter would hamper her movement. ─── 她宁可穿保守的裤子,而非两边大腿开叉的旗袍,她觉得穿起旗袍很撩人,但行动会不便。

33、Historical experience shows that unrestrained arms build-up will surely hamper economic growth and will not help maintain peace and security. ─── 历史经验表明,无节制地扩充军备必然影响经济发展,也无助于维护和平与安全。

34、Although the bedroom has been small, so long as designs attentively and decorates, can receive the function, the artistic without hampering the other effect equally. ─── 卧室虽然小了,只要用心设计和装饰,一样能够收到功能、美观两不误的效果。

35、A limited menu is available aboard the train, but a nice bottle of vin rouge and a simple picnic hamper will enhance your Orient-Express fantasy. ─── 在火车上提供的食物很有限,自备一瓶上好法国红葡萄酒和一份简单的野餐食盒,将会提升你东方快车之旅的乐趣。

36、Israel also came in for heavy criticism from the International Red Cross and stands accused of hampering ambulance access to civilians. ─── 以色列也受到国际红十字会的严厉批评,以色列被指控阻碍救护车前去抢救平民。

37、The transactions tax on the industry and commerce which are beneficial to the national economy should be levied only to the extent that it does not hamper their development. ─── 对于一切有益于国民经济的工商业征收营业税,必须以不妨碍其发展为限度。

38、It is also the time for destroying the enemy's communication lines on a large scale, hampering his transport and giving direct support to the regular forces in their campaigns. ─── 大规模地破坏敌之交通线,妨碍敌之运输,直接帮助正规军的战役作战,也在这个时候。

39、The global economic crisis has had little impact on Beijing's central business district (CBD), but limited space in the financial hub is hampering development, said officials. ─── 官方称,全球金融危机对北京CBD的建设只有微小的的影响,但是金融中心有限的面积正在阻碍发展。

40、Mistrust, Key Issues Hamper Peace Process in Sudan By Alisha Ryu Nairobi 09 January 2... ─── 作者:韩萱点击:123发布时间:一个月前最后评论:一个月前

41、But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. ─── 但是大众诧他乡发掘,越来越多的充作伪劣产品紧张地妨碍了我国市场经济的成长。

42、Be particularly careful if you suffer from conditions including diabetes, obesity or heart disease; these can hamper the body's cooling mechanism. ─── 如果你患有糖尿病、肥胖症或心脏病,你就要格外注意了,因为这些病症不利于身体正常的散热降温;

43、You can fill up a small laundry hamper with your older scarfs, purses, necklaces etc and make this a mini role playing station for your little ones. ─── 一枝小小的擀面杖对你的小厨师来说,就是极好的初展身手的表现机会。现在,她处处模仿我,因为我总会为她们变魔术似的做出美味的食品。

44、It is strictly prohibited from hampering the free circulation of cereal. ─── 严禁以非法手段阻碍粮食自由流通。

45、Hi, I'm Jessie Hamper from Fortune, and I'm here today with Phil McKinney from HP. ─── 嗨,我是财富频道的杰西汉普,今天和我一起的是惠普的菲尔麦克尼。

46、On the other hand, moving persistent objects themselves can hamper navigation. ─── 另一方面,移动持久对象本身可能妨碍导航。

47、If you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies. ─── 如果你的手是抖动和冰凉的,就会妨碍能量流动。

48、Your decision to leave the house is a double-edge sword. You intend to hamper me by such behaviour but remember at the same time you lose home. ─── 你决定离家出走,这既害别人又害自己。你想以此给我制造困难,但记住,这样你也同时失去了家。

49、Arguably, nailing everything down too early may also hamper innovation. ─── 事实证明,过早地把一切敲定会阻碍创新。

50、sea creeps into these fresh water marshes, however, rising salinity is hampering rice production. ─── 然而,随着海洋蔓延至这些淡水沼泽,盐度的上升正在阻碍水稻的生产。

51、Some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. ─── 也有人担心,这次选举凸显的反常状况,可能影响新一任总统的施政举措。

52、"The U.S. crude market could tighten rapidly, particularly if currently unfavourable price differentials continue to hamper imports. ─── "美国原油市场可能迅速吃紧,特别是如果目前不利的价差状况继续抑制进口的话.

53、She says she is concerned that Burma's reluctance to accept outside help might be hampering the relief effort. ─── 她说,她忧虑的是,缅甸的不愿接受外界的帮助,可能会阻碍了救援工作。

54、The existing household registration system, which has been practiced for more than 40 years, like an invisible ribbon, is hampering the free flow of people. ─── 但已经实行了40多年的户籍制度还是像一条无形的带子,束缚着人们的自由流动。

55、His marriage to one of the (Democratic) Kennedy clan -- TV journalist Maria Shriver -- looked for a while as if it might hamper his political ambitions. ─── 他的妻子,电视台记者玛丽娅·施莱芙,是肯尼迪家族(民主党)的成员。他们的婚姻曾一度被认为会阻碍他的政治野心。

56、Sleep deprivation tends to hamper the brain's ability to make new memories, a new study shows. ─── 一项新的研究显示缺乏睡眠将损伤大脑的记忆功能。

57、Other violations against the litigation procedures prescribed by law which may hamper impartiality of a trial. ─── 其他违反法律规定的诉讼程序,可能影响公正审判的。

58、The World Bank said recently that fragmented and populist governments were not only hampering reform but “complicating fiscal and macroeconomic stabilisation”. ─── 世界银行最近说,分裂的政府和民粹主义的政府不仅妨碍了改革,也“使财政和宏观经济稳定变得复杂”。

59、Liquidity is alarmingly abundant and the government's refusal to allow the yuan to appreciate is hampering the economy's shift towards consumption (see article). ─── 原译:流动资金的充裕程度已经到了令人担心的程度,同时政府也不允许人民币升值,这两点限制了经济向消费的转变。

60、Why do you want to go and hamper yourself with such a man? ─── 你为什么去受这样一个人拖累呢?

61、Buyers in South America continue to struggle to secure tonnes with seemingly ever increasing price ideas doing nothing to hamper their appetite. ─── 南美买主都在继续强夺货源,日益上涨的价格似乎并没有影响到他们的采购计划?

62、Westin also said officials had provided assurances that new Chinese sanitary standards for soyoil would not hamper trade. ─── 威斯丁还说,有关官员已做出保证,中国针对豆油的新卫生标准不会阻碍贸易的进行。

63、Some may now intermediary always under various pretexts, hampering the buyer seller meet, or even two lie, and do very simple to complex, and its purpose is to earn post. ─── 可现在有的中介总是以种种借口,阻碍买方卖方见面,有的甚至两头撒谎,把简单的买卖搞得非常复杂,其目的就是从中赚取差价。

64、But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption. ─── 但是,如果血钙含量过高,则会妨碍锌的吸收。

65、Construction cranes are being used to remove heavy parts of the collapsed roof, but snow is still falling heavily, hampering operations. ─── 救援人员还使用吊车移走屋顶塌陷后的沉重碎片。由于大雪仍下个不停,阻碍了救援的行动。

66、The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies calls the situation a worsening disaster destroying lives and livelihoods, and hampering development. ─── 国际红十字会和新月会国际联合会把这一情况称为日益严峻的灾难,它夺去生命,影响生计,阻碍经济发展。

67、If one of the former rays fails to eliminate the foe, this ray might at least hamper it. ─── 即使上述射线未能消灭对手,这道射线至少能牵制对方。

68、It stated further that IP rules and regulations might be hampering research on important diseases and new crops, that affected developing countries. ─── 它进一步说,IP规则可能妨碍对影响发展中国家的重大疾病和新农作物的研究。

69、If they hamper the operation of Qi and kuntanili, we should take “ignorance as child's babble” to make Qi and Kuntanili ignore the nonsense. ─── 但是,如果这些念头的目的是为了影响气及挫火的运行,那么,我们就应该兴起“童言无忌”的口诀,告诉气、挫火不要理睬这些胡说八道的言语,不要听它的,就当它是童言无忌;

70、He said Thick clouds of steam, thought to be from water evaporating in the spent fuel pool, is hampering their work. ─── 厂房里浓浓的水雾妨碍他们工作的进行。人们认为,这些水汽来自废燃料池。

71、But I will keep at it with his car, trying just one more time to launch one into his hamper. ─── 可我依然兴致勃勃地摆弄着他的玩具车,老想着再玩一次,再一次把玩具车开进他的洗衣篮里。

72、Ignorance of users' specific learning needs and technology aids will hamper the intercommunication. ─── 一厢情愿的将信息“推”给用户 ,忽略用户在特定时段的具体学习任务中的动态需求、以及实现这些需求的技术支持和环境因素 ,预期的交互目的就难以实现。

73、Any form of gift, including fruit hamper, is regarded as an advantage. ─── 任何形式的馈赠,包括果篮等均属利益。

74、But will China's pursuit of industrial-policy goals now hamper the industry's progress? ─── 但中国现在所追求的产业政策目标会不会阻碍该产业的发展呢?

75、But the general public is surprised to find that there are moremore fakeinferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. ─── 但是公众惊讶地发现,越来越多的假冒伪劣产品严重地阻碍了我国市场经济的发展。

76、The 8-magnitude earthquake that devastated Sichuan province on May 12 would seriously hamper tourism in affected regions in the short term. ─── 5月12日袭击四川的8级地震,在短期内将严重阻碍受地震影响区的旅游工业。

77、Listing the greater sage grouse, for instance, would hamper natural gas and coal development in ffice:smarttags" />Wyoming. ─── 例如,把大的鼠尾松鸡加入保护名单就会妨碍怀俄明开发天然气和煤。

78、Cause or may cause hamper or restriction of the export of the products or service of the country (region) or the third country (region) to our country. ─── 对该国(地区)或者第三国(地区)的产品或者服务向我国出口造成或者可能造成阻碍或者限制。

79、They are in agony, and wish release. Most suicides do not even hamper others, but are seen as a relief. ─── 他们在极度的痛苦中,并且希望被解放.大部分的自杀行为连妨碍别人都没有,而只是被看做是一个解脱.

80、In an essay published last year, he said Latin's grammatical complexity did not hamper its spread. ─── 他在去年发表的一篇论文中表示,拉丁语的复杂语法并未妨碍它的传播。

81、Markets have long been concerned that resource nationalism of the kind on display Tuesday in Baghdad is hampering new supply. ─── 全球市场一直担心周二显示出的这种资源民族主义阻碍新的石油供应。

82、Do not lock the door to any export, maintain a hallway, clean and tidy and decentralized、、、and, hampering the evacuation of the staff. ─── 不要锁上任何一个出口的大门,保持过道的整洁和通畅,以免妨碍员工的疏散。

83、They impede information flows inside companies, hampering the fluid and collaborative nature of work today. ─── 如今,这些管理方式妨碍着公司内部的信息流动,阻碍着流畅与协作的工作本质。

84、It is already hampering the oyster harvest and the Dungeness crab fishery, and it interferes with the recreational use of beaches and waterfronts. ─── 它已经妨碍了牡蛎的收成和邓杰尼斯捕蟹业的发展,还影响了海滩和海滨的娱乐用途。

85、Public health experts have warned that Europe is facing an obesity epidemic that will increase health costs and hamper economic development. ─── 公共健康专家发出警告,欧洲目前正面临普遍肥胖的问题,这会导致健康成本增加,还会阻碍经济发展。

86、The large earthquake cut all communication to the disaster area, hampering official attempts to determine the real situation. ─── 地震使受灾区所有通讯断绝,阻碍了官方对真实情况的了解。

87、There are some apples in a picnic hamper . ─── 在野餐用的大篮子里有许多苹果。

88、But as a fire brigade arrived to put out these blazes, a second explosive device apparently detonated, hampering efforts to secure the area. ─── 但是当消防队到达事发现场救火的时候,第二个爆炸装置显然被引爆,阻碍了安全救援的努力。

89、Such vehicles would hamper operations if they started swanning about in the midst of a swirling, hit-and-run tank fight. ─── 如果这些车辆在纷乱的、打了就跑的坦克战中到处行驶,它们就会妨碍作战。

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