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09-18 投稿


uncorrupted 发音

英:[ʌnkə'rʌptɪd]  美:[,ʌnkə'rʌptɪd]

英:  美:

uncorrupted 中文意思翻译



uncorrupted 网络释义

adj. 未腐败的;未堕落的;未腐烂的

uncorrupted 短语词组

1、uncorrupted bodies of saints ─── 圣人的清净身体

2、uncorrupted signal ─── 未损坏的信号

3、uncorrupted by ─── 廉洁者

4、uncorrupted saints pictures ─── 清廉圣人图片

5、uncorrupted saints ─── 清廉的圣人

uncorrupted 相似词语短语

1、incorrupted ─── 廉洁

2、uncorrected ─── adj.未修正的;未加管教的;未调整的;v.使(真航向)转换为磁航向(uncorrect的过去式和过去分词)

3、incorruptly ─── 廉洁

4、uncorrupt ─── adj.不腐败的;未堕落的;无讹误的;纯正的

5、interrupted ─── adj.中断的;被打断的;不规则的;vt.打断;中断(interrupt的过去分词)

6、uncorrelated ─── adj.不相关的

7、corrupted ─── adj.腐败的;毁坏的;崩溃的;v.(使)腐败;(使)堕落(corrupt的过去分词)

8、incorrupt ─── adj.纯洁的;不腐败的;无差错的;不被收买的

9、corrupter ─── n.腐蚀者;腐化的人

uncorrupted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fathering of bribe related with business is one of the keystones in the construction of uncorrupted politics and fight against corruption. ─── 治理商业贿赂是2006年我国政府廉政建设和反腐工作的重点之一。

2、Uncorrupted Culture Is to Be Developed in Succeeding ─── 廉政文化必须在继承中创新与发展

3、Noble Medical Morality, Excellent Skill, Precise Working Style and Uncorrupted Behavior ─── 医德高尚技术精堪作风严谨清正廉洁

4、With multilateral functions, the cultural construction of the uncorrupt and clean government serves as a new working style. ─── 进行廉政文化建设,需提高党员干部的思想政治素质,增强廉政文化的感染力和渗透力,扩大廉政文化的辐射。

5、combating corruption and building an uncorrupted government ─── 反腐倡廉

6、though his associates were dishonest,he remained uncorrupted; uncorrupted values ─── 尽管他的同事不诚实,他依然没有腐败;清正廉洁的价值观念

7、If you get zapped by a virus and don't have an uncorrupted spare hard drive to reboot from, then use a friend's computer to search the Web for a cure. ─── 如果你的电脑受病毒感染而死机,你又没有一个备份的干净硬盘来重新启动,那么就应该用朋友的电脑查找万维网以寻求补救办法。

8、to the City to work as one people, and neither request and uncorrupted. ─── 到市委工作,一心为民,不图索取,两袖清风。

9、though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted; uncorrupted values. ─── 尽管他的同事不诚实,他依然没有腐败;清正廉洁的价值观念。

10、The language of God means integrating your character with God and being uncorrupted. ─── 上帝的语言意味着与上帝合一,在心智上不受世俗的羁绊。

11、It is the uncorrupted, high efficient civil servants troop that reliably accomplishes the government"s historical mission. ─── 造就一支廉洁、高效的公务员队伍,才能为政府履行历史使命提供可靠保证。

12、uncorrupted politics ─── 廉政

13、to the City to work as one people, and neither request and uncorrupted. ─── 到市委工作,一心为民,不图索取,两袖清风。

14、Sheng is well respected, uncorrupted and very inteligent person.He would have been very efficent in that position. ─── 沈富雄的四个可能固然有问题,但试问监委里面,风格高过沈富雄的还有谁?

15、Each of these stoppages was made at a doleful grating, by which any languishing good airs that were left uncorrupted seemed to escape, and all spoilt and sickly vapours seemed to crawl in . ─── 还没有完全败坏,却已失去动力的新鲜空气似乎在从那栅栏逃逸,而一切败坏了的带病的潮气则似乎从那里扑了进来。

16、building of an uncorrupted government ─── 党风廉政建设

17、Thus, the governor doesn't flatter himself that he is uncorrupt. ─── 所以,为政者心里也没有自以为清廉的感觉。

18、Approximately 13 files consisting of the last known complete and uncorrupted set of catalog files stored in a Save subdirectory. ─── 存储在Save子目录中的已知最为完整的、未损坏的一组编录文件,大约13个。

19、uncorrupted English; ─── 纯正的英语;

20、He says the Shanghai government is the most efficient and most uncorrupt city government in China. ─── 他举了一个例子:他曾经想通过走后门来帮朋友获取特别通行证,结果走后门花了12天,他还要请吃饭。

21、He had a hard professional competence and an encyclopedic knowledge of his adopted country, an in-depth learning uncorrupted by vague idealism. ─── 他有着扎实的专业功底和对他所选择的国家的广博的了解,一场不为模糊的理想主义所腐蚀的深入学习。

22、He has been an official all his life, and remained uncorrupted. ─── 他做一辈子官儿,两袖清风。

23、What the governments and the people pursue are honest government, high efficient administration and uncorrupted prosperity. ─── 廉洁的政府、高效的管理、无腐败的繁荣,越来越成为各国政府和人民追求和奋斗的目标。

24、Utilizing these two thresholds,all pixels in the detail image are divided into three sets:uncorrupted pixels,undetermined pixels and noise pixels. ─── 最后利用两个门限,将细节图像中的像素分成‘未被污染点’、‘待定点’和‘噪声点’。

25、To stand alone is to be uncorrupted, innocent, free of all tradition, of dogma, of opinion, of what another says, and so on. ─── 独立意味着是清白的,未被污染的,不受任何传统、教条、观念和他人意见等的束缚。

26、pristine: adj, Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization. ─── 质朴的,纯洁的保持纯洁状态的;未被文明腐蚀的

27、Though his associates were dishonest, Mr. Green remained uncorrupted. ─── 虽然他的同事们不诚实,但格林先生并未同流合污。

28、The Fravashi is the part of the human soul that is divine, unpolluted, and uncorrupt. ─── 法拉瓦什是人类灵魂的神性部分,未受污染,不堕落的。

29、It is no secret that Singapore owes it all to its uncorrupt leaders for where it is today. ─── 众所周知,新加坡的成功得归功于我们廉洁的领导人。

30、Rousseau is credited with the idea of the "Noble Savage" who is uncorrupted by artifice and society. ─── “高贵的野蛮人”这一思想给卢梭带来了荣誉,他用之来指尚未收到技巧和社会腐蚀的人。

31、cultural construction of uncorrupt and clean government ─── 廉政文化建设

32、Based on the characteristics of subsystems of SINS/GPS/DVL integrated navigation system, a new fault tolerant scheme is provided, which uses parallel filters that can provide an uncorrupted optimal solution. ─── 结合SINS/GPS/DVL组合导航系统各子系统的特点,提出了一种新的容错设计方案。

33、"Set oneself an example to others, remain uncorrupted " , this is the worker's smooth to Liujun evaluation. ─── “以身作则,两袖清风”,这是职工对刘均平的评价。

34、Earlier this week, 100 Chse athletes and 2,000 Olympic volunteers made a public pledge to keep the event "pure" and uncorrupted by politics. ─── 就在这个星期早些时候,100名中国运动员和2000名奥运志愿者进行了公开宣誓,承诺让本届奥运会成为一届纯粹的体育盛会。

35、Approximately 13 files consisting of the last known complete and uncorrupted set of catalog files stored in a Save subdirectory. ─── 存储在Save子目录中的已知最为完整的、未损坏的一组编录文件,大约13个。

36、I am a common staff member, remain uncorrupted, do not be afraid of lose an official. ─── 我是个普通工作人员,两袖清风,不怕丢官。

37、The uncorrupt culture is the important part of the advanced socialism and effective way to improve the quality of the Party in relation to the conceptions and political awareness. ─── 摘要廉政文化建设是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分,是提高党员干部素质的有效途径,是深入推进反腐倡廉工作的迫切需要,在党风廉政建设中具多方面的作用。

38、He was an upright man who hated the badness as enemies and remained uncorrupted all the time. ─── 他参加过同盟会,接触过孙中山,具有坚定的民主革命思想,所以反奉并非偶然;

39、On the Construction of Uncorrupted Government Culture and the Socialist Harmonious Society ─── 廉政文化建设与社会主义和谐社会的构建

40、Equally, this view often portrayed indigenous peoples as "noble savages" living authentic and unblemished lives, uncomplicated and uncorrupted by the highly stratified capitalist systems of the West. ─── 同样地,这种观点通常认为原住民的生活自然而真实,不受西方等级森严的拜金主义生活方式的干扰,称其为“高雅的野蛮人”。

41、Be brought up to be not caught for Guan Houqing cheap, have double shoulder bright moon, of remain uncorrupted praise. ─── 他从小工诗文,善书法,聪颖过人,才资出众。长大为官后清廉不染,有双肩明月,两袖清风之誉。

42、WTO and Putting forward Uncorrupted Government Systematism ─── WTO与推进政府廉洁的制度化

43、Last rule: Don't panic. if you get zapped by a virus and don't have an uncorrupted spare hard drive to reboot from, then use a friend's computer to search the Web for a cure. ─── 最后一条措施:别惊慌失措。如果你的电脑受病毒感染而死机,你又没有一个备份的干净硬盘来重新启动,那么就应该用朋友的电脑查找万维网以寻求补救办法。

44、the official morals,legalization,serve the people,the uncorrupt administration, the industrious administration. ─── 01公务员道德;法律建构;为人民服务;廉政;勤政

45、The composition and style both recall early propaganda posters prior to the dominance of socialist realism imported from the Soviet Union, but without recalling “pure” or “uncorrupted” folk art. ─── 作品风格类近于未受社会主义苏联的现实主义艺术风格支配的早期中国政府宣传海报,但与“纯粹”、“纯正”的民间艺术却有所区别。

46、Who offends against an uncorrupted man, against a trusting and pure person, the evil will fall back upon such a fool, like minute dust thrown against the wind. ─── 若人冒犯了不应受到冒犯、清净无染者(2),该罪恶返归于愚人,如逆风扬尘。(注2)即阿罗汉。

47、uncorrupted administration culture ─── 廉政文化

48、You, a chalk; uncorrupted; three feet of the podium. ─── 您,一枝粉笔;两袖清风;三尺讲台。

49、WNN can be seen as a classifier to distinguish the corrupted or uncorrupted pixels from others in both approaches. ─── 在两种方案中,WNN都可以看作是一个区分污染与未污染像素的分类器。

50、Efforts to create a new, uncorrupt police force are moving very slowly. ─── 墨西哥在创建新廉洁奉公的警力工作上也收效甚微。

51、Company"s quality rule: scientifically, standardized, fairly and uncorrupted to provide high technical consultation. high level supervision and high quality services. ─── 公司的质量方针:科学、规范、公正、廉洁,为业主提供高技术咨询、高水平监理、高质量服务。

52、He was an official for decades; he remained uncorrupted. ─── 做官几十年,他依然是两袖清风。

53、Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization. ─── 质朴的,纯洁的:保持纯洁状态的;未被文明腐蚀的。

54、In approach 1, WNN is used to tell those uncorrupted but filtered by MMF and then the pixels are restored to their original values while other pixels will retain. ─── 在方案1中,WNN用于区分出那些没有被噪声污染但是却被MMF处理过的像素并把他们恢复为原值;

55、He was an official for decades; he remained uncorrupted . ─── 做官几十年,他依然是两袖清风。

56、uncorrupted English; learn to speak pure English undefiled- Van Wyck Brooks. ─── 纯正的英语;学会说纯正的英语-范·威科·布鲁克斯。

57、A corrupted gold is better than uncorrupted silver. ─── 败坏的金胜过未败坏的银;

58、We are determined to preserve and enhance the distinctive qualities of the civil service system i.e. permanence, professionalism, political neutrality, and an uncorrupt administration. ─── 我们要确保公务员体制的优点,包括常任、专业、中立和廉洁等,都得到保留并发挥得更好。

59、His venture with three Hong Kong dollars to create a fortune, and foremost to remain uncorrupted. ─── 他三元港币创业,能处铜臭之中而不改其心。

60、Company's quality rule: scientifically, standardized, fairly and uncorrupted to provide high technical consultation. High level supervision and high quality services. ─── 公司的质量方针:科学、规范、公正、廉洁,为业主提供高技术咨询、高水平监理、高质量服务。

61、Action: Try to obtain an uncorrupted version of the export file. ─── 各位是否曾经遇到过这种情况?

62、Under market economy, how could it be possible to keep officials uncorrupted merely by means of self-discipline without check and balance of power? ─── 在市场条件下,仅靠自律,不受制衡的权力怎能使官员不腐败?

63、Only death still remains virgin, uncorrupted. . . untouched by the hands of man. ─── 仅仅死是仍然残存下来的处女地,未腐化的,人们的手所未被触及的。

64、It is a glorious period of moral development in Chinese society in 1950's, when the ethos of righteous, uncorrupted, healthy and upward appears. ─── 摘要20世纪50年代是中国社会道德建设的一段光辉的时期,中国社会出现了一个正直、康洁、健康、向上的社会风气。

65、No secret formula,but the hard work and the entrepreneurial flair(天资, 才能) of Chinese men and women under a rule of law and efficient,uncorrupt administration. ─── 答案并不是个秘密,而是中国人不论男女也努力地工作和有领导企业的本领,加上法治和有效的、不贪污的管理,香港便能够成为这般优越进步的城市。

66、The perfection of glacial landscapes and virgin snowfall are seen in surface patterns that are uncorrupted by humans. ─── 看似不完美的面料正因其与众不同的缺陷而具有独特的魅力。

67、"though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted"; ─── 未堕落的;

68、The Uncorrupted Political Restriction System and Its Enlightenment to China's Honest and Clean Government Construction ─── 美国的廉政约束机制及对我国廉政建设的启示

69、WNN can be seen as a classifier to distinguish the corrupted or uncorrupted pixels from others in both approaches. ─── 在两种方案中,WNN都可以看作是一个区分污染与未污染像素的分类器。

70、That's why death is still uncorrupted. ─── 那是死还未被腐化的理由。

71、the Party's ethos and uncorrupted politics ─── 党风廉政

72、The government has a reputation for being uncorrupt and having a cooperative foreign policy.Botswana is often called the least corrupt nation on the continent by NGOs. ─── 该国政风清廉,采和谐一致的外交政策,往往被国际非政府组织誉为非洲最清廉的国家。

73、construction of an uncorrupted government ─── 廉政建设

74、The independence of CPA is the nature character of audit supervise,is the key to distinguish other economic supervising forms and is necessary to ensure audit supervise objective just and uncorrupted. ─── 注册会计师的独立性是审计监督的本质特征,是区别于其他经济监督形式的关键,也是保证审计监督的客观性、公正性和廉洁性的必要条件。

75、Failed to retrieve uncorrupted license ─── 重新得到未破坏的授权许可失败

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