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09-18 投稿


impertinent 发音

英:[ɪmˈpɜːrt(ə)nənt]  美:[ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt]

英:  美:

impertinent 中文意思翻译



impertinent 词性/词形变化,impertinent变形

副词: impertinently |

impertinent 同义词

cheeky | irreverent | wise | orthogonal | sassy | fresh | disrespectful | immaterial | rude | smart | brazen | contemptuous | pert | extraneous | forwards |impudent | overbold | or | forward | discourteous | impolite | insolent | brash | saucy

impertinent 反义词


impertinent 短语词组

1、impertinent nature ─── 无礼的本性

2、impertinent and insolent ─── 鲁莽无礼

impertinent 相似词语短语

1、impertinently ─── adv.不切题地;不恰当地;不礼貌地

2、appertinents ─── 附件

3、impercipient ─── adj.缺乏感知力的(等于imperceptive)

4、pertinent ─── adj.相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的

5、impermanent ─── adj.暂时的;非永久的

6、appertinent ─── 附加

7、impertinency ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

8、impertinences ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

9、impertinence ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

impertinent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、make impertinent remarks ─── 出言不逊

2、Her eyes fell on a stranger, staring at her in a cool impertinent way. ─── 她的眼睛忽然落在一个陌生人身上,那人带着一种冷漠轻慢的神情不转眼地看着她。

3、1.[Formal] rude; impertinent; assumptive; assuming; 2.irreverently ─── 不逊

4、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly.The officer thought it his duty to smile at her. ─── 她连忙把头转过去,感到丢人,并且生了气,差一点没有抓个什么东西甩在他的头上。

5、He is leading up to an impertinent request. ─── 他正在迂回曲折地提出一个唐突的要求。

6、Theology, on the other hand, induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe. ─── 另一方面,根据神学的教条,它诱导我们自以为知道的东西,恰恰其实是我们所无知的,如此,我们人类之于宇宙就产生了一种妄自尊大的感觉。

7、irrelevant; impertinent ─── 不对题

8、"Excuse my impertinent curiosity," pursued the stranger, fluttering over Mrs. Sparsit's eyebrows, with a propitiatory air, "but you know the family, and know the world." ─── "请您原谅我唐突的好奇心,"那个生客心荒意乱地俯看着斯巴塞太太的眉毛,用一种讨好的态度继续说道,"因为我知道您跟这个家庭很熟,而且又通达世情。

9、Contrary to custom, this gentleman had not been watched, for as the report ran that he was a person of high rank, and one who would allow no impertinent interference, his incognito was strictly respected. ─── 可是:这位先生并没有被监视,据说他是一个地位很高的人,不允许遭受无礼的干涉的,他的微服秘行是受人尊敬的。

10、Impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup. ─── 小孩教训大人是不礼貌的

11、His impertinent remarks wasted valuable time. ─── 他那些不著边际的话浪费了宝贵的时间。

12、Don't be impertinent,' said the King, `and don't look at me like that!' ─── “不要失礼!”国王说,“别这样看我了!”

13、Mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point. ─── 在最后谈到要点之前先说了几个不相关的事实。

14、I'm not a member of the Church of England myself, therefore it would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion. ─── 我本人不是英国圣公会成员,因此由我来发表意见未免有些冒昧。

15、It was impertinent of him to behave like that. ─── 他那种举止很不礼貌。

16、I told him of all that had occurred to make my former interference in his affairs absurd and impertinent. ─── 我把过去的事都对他说了,使他明白我当初阻挡他那件事,真是又荒谬又冒失。

17、One day, he meets a girl who is playing violin in the campus.She is Sae Hagio (Kou Shibasaki).In marked contrast to her beautiful tone and attractive looks, her personality is somewhat impertinent. ─── 大学四年级的社会福利心理学系学生结城櫂(妻夫木聪),连续收到了应徵工作未录取的通知,心情沮丧,幸好有念研究所的女友真帆(小西真奈美)的鼓励。

18、20 What you said is right.Parents, the Earth and the Heaven are impertinent to it. ─── 你说的不错,我们的父母及天地都与此事无关。

19、Back come reassuringly impertinent replies. ─── 回来的是一些令人安心的不中肯答复。

20、You shouldn't be impertinent to the elderly. ─── 你不可对长辈无礼。

21、Asking impertinent questions,often to impress others with their own importance. ─── 以傲慢的态度提出问题,给人一种只有他最重要的印象。

22、"His face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air" (Lawrence Durrell) ─── “他的脸上露出几分嘲弄甚至傲慢的表情”(劳伦斯·达雷尔)

23、One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, ─── 一天,有个阔寡妇,也就是那些自作聪明的冒失鬼中的一个,

24、The impertinent remarks teed the speaker off. He was teed off because it rained all weekend. ─── 不恰当的评论使讲话者很生气。他很生气,因为整个周末都在下雨

25、And it is the love of the impertinent and the overweening, for what stranger could be our mother and father and sister and brother? ─── 他的爱是懦夫的爱,因为强者爱的只是强者。"'

26、though they are interesting to you, they are tedious and impertinent to everybody else; besides that, one cannot keep one's own private affairs too secret. ─── 尽管这些事情对你来说兴趣盎然,但对于别人却味同嚼蜡,不得要领。再者,个人的私事也不可能永远隐秘。

27、"Mademoiselle has made arrangements?" he added in a tone which struck Winterbourne as very impertinent. ─── “小姐已经安排好了?”他又添了一句。温特伯恩觉得他的口气十分不恭敬。

28、Impertinent whelps! You dare challenge me atop my pedestal! I will crush you myself! ─── 傲慢的小崽们!你们竟然在我的殿堂挑战我?我要亲自碾碎你们!

29、People spend thousands of dollars on hardware and software just to confront impertinent questions like “Do you really want me to save this document that you've been working on all afternoon? ─── 人们花了几千美元购买的软件和硬件,结果还要面对一些粗鲁无礼的问题,比如“你真的要让我保存这个你编辑了一下午的文件吗?”

30、They stared or gave impertinent answer. ─── 他们只是瞪眼,或无礼地胡乱回答。

31、Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. It is not only an interruption, but is also a disruption of thought. ─── 在各种形式的干扰中,噪音最是鲁莽。它不仅仅是个干扰,它还中断了思想。

32、3. his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air- Lawrence Durrell. ─── 她脸上表现出有些近乎无礼的嘲弄的表情。

33、While waiting, the occupant of the carriage surveyed the house, the garden as far as he could distinguish it, and the livery of servants who passed to and fro, with an attention so close as to be somewhat impertinent. ─── 他一面等回报,一面观察着这座房子,而且观察得相当仔细,可以说多少已有点失礼了,但他所能看到的只有花园和那些来来往往穿制服的仆人。

34、The impertinent remarks teedthe speaker off.He was teedoff because it rained all weekend. ─── 不恰当的评论使讲话者很生气。他很生气,因为整个周末都在下雨。

35、Don't you get impertinent with me! ─── 你竟敢对我无礼!

36、His face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air(Lawrence Durrell) ─── 他的脸上露出几分嘲弄甚至傲慢的表情(劳伦斯·达雷尔)

37、Cheeky adj.(-ier,-iest)(of a person,his manner,etc.lacking respect,esp in a bold or cheerful way; impertinent;impudent ─── (指人、言谈、举止等)厚脸皮的,放肆的,鲁莽的,厚颜无耻的

38、an issue extraneous to the debate; the price was immaterial; mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point. ─── 与辩论无关的问题;价格不是重点;在最终说到正题之前提到几个无关的事实。

39、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly. ─── 她觉得他庸俗、笨拙、愚蠢、无用、浮夸、讨厌、无礼并且还非常丑。

40、You are an impertinent little monkey! ─── 你是一个胡闹的小猴子。

41、At this rather impertinent order, Peppino raised his torch to the face of Danglars, who hastily withdrew that he might not have his eyelashes burnt ─── 听到这一声很不客气的命令,庇皮诺便把火把举起来直逼到腾格拉尔的脸上,腾格拉尔吓得忙向后退,以免烧焦眼睫毛。

42、Nature says, he is my creature,and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. ─── 大自然说,他是我的孩子,尽管有再多莫名的痛苦,他和我在一起终究会快乐。

43、1.irrelevant to the subject; off the point; beside the mark; 2.irrelevance3.to be impertinent to ─── 不切题

44、"Would it be impertinent, Signor Sinbad," said Franz, "to ask you the particulars of this kindness?" ─── “辛巴德先生,”弗兰兹说,“我想问问您是在怎样的情形之下完成那件义举的,您不嫌太唐突吧?”

45、Since he is not polite, he often makes impertinent remarks. ─── 他没礼貌,常出言不逊。

46、Would yo think me impertinent if I were to put your theories to a more severe test? ─── 如果我用一个较复杂的试验检验你的理论,你不会觉得我无礼吧?

47、Asking impertinent questions, often to impress others with their own importance. ─── 以傲慢的态度提出问题,给人一种只有他最重要的印象。

48、I hope he didn't think me impertinent when I asked him about his private life. ─── 当我问他私人生活的时候,我不希望他认为我是无关的人。

49、impertinent conduct ─── 不礼貌的行为/举动, 傲慢的行为

50、You are impertinent, mortal. I did not offer to answer questions. ─── 你很无礼,凡人。我并非是要回答什么问题。

51、4.His remarks were impertinent. ─── 他说话语言粗鲁。

52、Don't be impertinent. ─── 别这么不礼貌。

53、He has a very satirical eye, and if I do not begin by being impertinent myself, I shall soon grow afraid of him. ─── 他挖苦人的本领特别高明,要是我不先给他点颜色看看,我马上就会见他怕啦。”

54、"Mademoiselle has made arrangements?" he added in a tone which struck Winterbourne as very impertinent . ─── “小姐已经安排好了?”他又添了一句。温特伯恩觉得他的口气十分不恭敬。

55、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

56、He considered all such inquiries on the part of a slave improper and impertinent. ─── 他认为奴隶的这种询问是不恰当和无礼的。

57、It has been too often employed against me, whereas humor is always an ally: It never points an impertinent finger into my defects. ─── 它常常与我作对,而幽默总是与我结盟;幽默决不鲁莽地指出我的缺点。

58、His ardent convictions impelled him to launch numerous projects the completion of which he regarded imperative.Anyone who dared contradict him was nothing other than impertinent in jerry's eyes. ─── 他火热的信仰促使他开展活动,他认为完成这些活动是必须的,任何胆敢反对他的人在杰里眼里都是莽撞的。

59、"The South Korean impertinent allegations are only aimed at provoking fratricidal confrontation and inciting hatred," said Choi. ─── 他说:“韩国(南韩)的无理指责只是想以煽动仇恨来挑起兄弟间的仇杀和对抗。”

60、IT was impertinent of him to behave like that. ─── 他那种举止很不礼貌。

61、5.Asking impertinent questions,often to impress others with their own importance. ─── 5. 以傲慢的态度提出问题,给人一种只有他最重要的印象。

62、If do not have the result that gets expectant from inside globalization, because the redound of company place expectation is impertinent,that may be. ─── 如果没有从全球化中得到预期的效果,那可能是因为公司所期望的回报不恰当。

63、But classics of this kind of view to edition arrange relevant controller confirms and impertinent. ─── 但这种说法经向版署相关负责人证实并不恰当。

64、And it is the love of the impertinent and the overweening, ─── "这是无礼的粗鲁的人的爱意

65、Don't be impertinent," said the King, "and don't look at me like that!" ─── 无礼,”国王说,“别那样看着我!”

66、Actually, call it " village " it is very impertinent. ─── 实际上,叫它“村”是很不恰当的。

67、If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent. ─── 一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。

68、Lydgate's conceit was of the arrogant sort, never simpering, never impertinent. ─── 利德盖特的自负是一种傲气,它从不嗤笑,从不盛气凌人。

69、People spend thousands of dollars on hardware and software just to confront impertinent questions like “Do you really want me to save this document that you’ve been working on all afternoon?” ─── 人们花了几千美元购买的软件和硬件,结果还要面对一些粗鲁无礼的问题,比如“你真的要让我保存这个你编辑了一下午的文件吗?”

70、Don't be impertinent to me Miss. It's a waste of time to talk with you. Nobody listens to me anyhow. Merry Christmas! ─── 姑妈:请不要这么没礼貌,小姐。和你们谈话真是浪费时间。反正也没人听我的。圣诞快乐!

71、Don' t make an impertinent remark. ─── 不要提出粗鲁的评语

72、"Excuse my impertinent curiosity," pursued the stranger, fluttering over Mrs. Sparsit's eyebrows, with a propitiatory air,"but you know the family, and know the world." ─── “我这种唐突的好奇心,要请您原谅,”那个生客心荒意乱地俯看着斯巴塞太太的眉毛,用一种讨好的态度继续说道,“因为我知道您跟这个家庭很熟,而且又通达世情。

73、One day a dowager of the impertinent variety who thinks herself spiritual, addressed this sally to him, "Monseigneur, people are inquiring when Your Greatness will receive the red cap!" ─── 一天,有个阔寡妇,也就是那些自作聪明的冒失鬼中的一个,问了他这样一句俏皮话:“我的主教,有人要打听,大人您在什么时候能得到一顶红帽子。”

74、"I've had enough of your rudeness. It is only a year since you were so abominably impertinent to me before and here you are again answering back" ─── “你这种粗野的态度,我受够了,你一年前就对我极为无礼,眼下你又跟我顶嘴。”

75、If Pendennis was impertinent in his talk, Foker, on the other hand, so bland and communicative on most occasions. ─── 如果说潘登尼斯在谈话时有些盛气凌人,那么福克大多是温和而殷勤的。

76、I've had enough of your impertinent words. ─── 你说话太不礼貌了,我已受够了。

77、burst of laughter, even more impertinent than the first, was heard in the quiet field. ─── 在寂静的田野里,又响起了一阵笑声,比第一次笑声更无礼。

78、You are being impertinent, child. ─── 你可太离谱了,孩子。

79、humiliate sb who has been impertinent or boastful ─── 对无礼的或自夸的人加以羞辱

80、mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point ─── 在最终说到正题之前提到几个无关的事实

81、Of course, there are still some avoidless matter.Such as indecisive teaching aims, formalism in teaching organizing and impertinent treatment in teaching. ─── 另一方面也出现了不容忽视的问题,主要表现在:教学目标落实的偏差,教学资源处理的不当,教学过程组织中的形式主义。

82、She is too free with her tongue and is rather impertinent to people. ─── 她讲话太随便, 对人相当无礼。

83、and I think it was very impertinent of him to write to you at all, and very hypocritical. ─── 我觉得他写信给你真是既没有礼貌,又非常虚伪。

84、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious. ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

85、As a gentleman himself, he thought it was only impertinent curiosity to ask where any other gentleman lived. ─── 作为一个上等人,他认为,打听别人住在哪里是无礼的举动,是多管闲事。

86、don't be fresh with me; impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup ; an impudent boy given to insulting strangers. ─── 不要对我无礼;需要教训一通的冒失孩子;惯于冒犯陌生人的无礼男孩。

87、They are grave or impertinent all the day long. ─── 他们这一天里不是庄严肃穆就是嬉皮笑脸。

88、Don't you be impertinent! ─── 别那么鲁莽!

89、The GI said, "I hope you don't think me rude or impertinent, but you have the most beautiful pair of legs I've ever seen! ─── 大兵说,“我希望你不要认为我粗鲁或无礼,但你有我从未见到过的最美的两条大腿!

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