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09-18 投稿


logics 发音

英:[ˈlɒdʒɪks]  美:[ˈlɑdʒɪks]

英:  美:

logics 中文意思翻译



logics 短语词组

1、i lose all my logics on you ─── 我对你失去了理智

2、false statement in logics ─── 逻辑中的错误语句

3、control logics ─── [自]控制逻辑

logics 常用词组

fuzzy logic ─── 模糊逻辑

programmable logic ─── 可编程序逻辑

logic control ─── 逻辑控制

logics 词性/词形变化,logics变形


logics 相似词语短语

1、logicise ─── 逻辑化

2、logia ─── n.箴言集;《圣经》上未记载的耶稣语录

3、-logic ─── n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性

4、biologics ─── n.生物制剂

5、logiest ─── adj.迟缓的,迟钝的;呆呆的(logy的变形)

6、logical ─── adj.合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的

7、logicist ─── 逻辑

8、logic ─── n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性

9、logicism ─── n.逻辑主义;逻辑皱

logics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do the stored procedures contain lots of business logic? ─── 存储过程是否包含大量业务逻辑?

2、Logicians concerned with this have tried to develop paraconsistent logics. ─── 关心这个问题的逻辑学家开发了次协调逻辑。

3、It is neither absolutism nor mysticism, nor nihilism, but full of logics and dialectics. ─── 它既不是所谓的绝对主义,也不是什么神秘主义或虚无主义,它的论证形式充满了逻辑与辩证法的意味。

4、Logos is far from absolutly distinctly great than the logic. ─── 但是呢,道比逻辑更大。

5、On logic relationship, use FS is not correct. ─── 在逻辑关系内,用FS不正确。

6、Don't chop logic with him,get on with the work in front of you. ─── 别同他诡辨啦,继续做你眼前的工作吧!

7、The legal logics in abroad has been gained fruitful while china is in its ways from the beginning only. ─── 在我国的法律逻辑刚刚起步的时候,国外的法律逻辑早已如火如荼的在发展并日渐成熟。

8、At those dreary committee meetings it is always you who put your finger on the weak spot in everybody's logic. ─── 在多次无聊的委员会会议上,每个人在逻辑上的弱点总是你给准确地指出来的呀。

9、There is a compelling logic to his main theory. ─── 他的主要理论蕴含令人信服的逻辑推理。

10、The logics and literature are total different academic fields in terms of subject categories and research objects. ─── 逻辑学和文学,就学科分类、研究对象而言,属于性质和特点迥异的学术领域。

11、I've always believed in Numbers, in the equations and logics that lead to reason. ─── 我一直相信数字,不管是方程序还是逻辑学,都引导我们去思考。

12、A combinational logic element having at least one input channel. ─── 一种至少有一个输入通道的组合逻辑元件。

13、But more and more the inner logic of the conception asserts itself. ─── 但这个观点的内在逻辑却是越来越不可抗拒。

14、By their logic, aren't all new signings disloyal? ─── 如果按照这种逻辑,难道所有新援都是不忠的?

15、Along with the rise of symbol logics and intuitional logics, "three laws of thinking" had been oppugned and challenged in many aspects. ─── 随着符号逻辑的兴起和直觉主义逻辑的出现,思维三律在许多方面受到质疑和挑战。

16、With this logic, snowwhite married the dwarf. ─── 于是公主和小矮人闹离婚。

17、The NULL value introduces the concept of three valued logic to SQL. ─── NULL值将三值逻辑的概念引入SQL。

18、The application of this doctrine in logic,epistemology,and ethics. ─── 实证哲学实证主义在逻辑学、认识论及伦理学中的运用。

19、It's important to base your fire landscaping pub-ed message on logic, not hype. ─── 基于你对于火灾景象了解的而非夸大的信息是至关重要的。

20、Based upon the abstraction of the business logic. ─── 对业务逻辑建模。

21、Make your logics work and even difficult tasks will seem to be very simple then. ─── 让您的逻辑工作,甚至将艰钜的任务似乎是非常简单的然后。

22、But such is the logic of materialistic development. ─── 但是这就是物质主义发展的逻辑。

23、Fixed some arbitration logic for random teams. ─── 增加对随机组队的仲裁逻辑。

24、One of the basic principles of narrowing the differences is the unity of these three logics. ─── 消除差异的基本原则是努力实现三个逻辑的统一;

25、Logic says that this latter case is a problem. ─── 从逻辑上说,后面这种情况有些问题。

26、But Iran refuses to follow such logic. ─── 但是伊朗拒绝遵从这一逻辑。

27、For this case, there is no complex logic. ─── 在这种场合下,并没有复杂的逻辑。

28、He confuted his opponents by facts and logic. ─── 他以事实及推理证明对手是错误的。

29、His thinking goes against all logic. ─── 他的思维完全不合逻辑。

30、Unlike CMOS-based systems, the logic is nonvolatile. ─── 和CMOS的系统不同的是,它的逻辑资讯不会逸失。

31、Business logics are referred to the remaining blackbox of a bundle other than the components above. ─── 业务逻辑指的是包的其余黑箱,而不是上面的组件。

32、A bullhead always likes chopping logic with others. ─── 一个顽固不化的人总是喜欢强词夺理。

33、The logic operator is the OR operator. ─── 它的逻辑算符是OR运算符。

34、But now more contrarian logic is needed. ─── 但现在需要更多的反向投资逻辑。

35、Allow you to include conditional logic. ─── 允许加入条件逻辑。

36、His profession was that logic was not the sole criterion of art. ─── 他的主张是逻辑并不是艺术的唯一标准。

37、What is the logic of predicates? ─── 什么叫做谓项逻辑语言呢?

38、Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. ─── 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。

39、Sherlock Holmes derived his theories from logic. ─── 夏洛克·福尔摩斯是根据逻辑进行推论的。

40、He argues with learning and logic. ─── 他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑。

41、A hardware pattern in which diode leads may be inserted to change solid-state control logic. ─── 可用插入二极管引线来改变固态控制逻辑的一种硬件设计。

42、Let the facts and logic speak for themselves. ─── 他们靠客观的态度、令人信服的事实和严谨的推理来征服读者。

43、Oh, stymied again.Your logic is bulletproof. ─── |哦,又卡住了. 你的逻辑是防弹的.

44、There's no logic in his argument. ─── 他的论据不合逻辑。

45、Philosophical logics is a group of new logic systems. ─── 哲学逻辑是一个新兴的逻辑学科群体。

46、Between logic and charity falls a shadow. ─── 合乎逻辑的行为和助人为乐之间是有一些区别的。

47、Logic of what kind of trade are its having rear? ─── 其背后有着怎样的商业逻辑?

48、A mind all logic is lie a nife all blade. ─── 全是理智的心,恰如一柄全是锋刃的刀。

49、Branching logics, however, can reason about multiple time lines. ─── 分支逻辑,但是,可以原因多时间线。

50、What's the logic of your argument? ─── 你论据的道理是什么?

51、At this point our logic was at fault. ─── 在这一点上,我们推理的方法是错误的。

52、His logic is too loose to make much sense. ─── 他的推理太不严密, 没什么道理。

53、Meet continuation of an outstanding logic toy from Disney. ─── 下面你将看到一个卓越的,迪斯尼的逻辑思考过关游戏。

54、Mathematical Logic of Winning Strategy for Games? ─── 围棋必胜法的数理逻辑观照?

55、"Mr. Fang, have you ever studied mathematical logic? ─── “方先生,你对数理逻辑用过功没有?”

56、The Searle logic is a new Boolean logic. ─── Searle逻辑是一种新型的布尔逻辑。

57、In the equations and logics that lead to reason. ─── 不管是方程式或逻辑学都引导我们去思考。

58、So called linear time logics are restricted to this type of reasoning. ─── 所谓线性时间逻辑仅限于这种类型的推理。

59、This is just a fallacy of equivocation in Logic. ─── = 这个符号在这里有不同的意义.硬拗的答案在逻辑学的角度来看,是站不住脚的.

60、He is not governed by logic. ─── 他没有逻辑性。

61、PLD and digital logic system design II. ─── 与数字系统设计2。

62、There is business logic to it, too. ─── 在商业上也有这样做的逻辑。

63、There is no logic in what she says. ─── 她讲的话没有道理。

64、She was disarmed by his logic. ─── 她被他的逻辑性驳得失去攻守能力。

65、She was having difficulty following his perverted logic. ─── 她很难理解他那反常的逻辑。

66、Your friend doesn't seem to be controlled by logic. ─── 你那位朋友好像没有逻辑性。

67、Each of the five design principles expresses or embodies a logic. ─── 五种设计原理中每一个原理都表达了或体现了一种逻辑。

68、Your paper lacks the logic to prove your thesis. ─── 你的论文缺少能证明你的论点的正确推理

69、Could Aristotelian Logic be Translated into Chinese? ─── 亚里士多德逻辑能翻译成中文吗?

70、The CLB is the basic logic unit in an FPGA. ─── CLB是FPGA内的基本逻辑单元。

71、The branch of logic dealing with analysis. ─── 分析学逻辑学关于分析的一个分支

72、And temporal logic can be extended. ─── 可以扩展时态逻辑。

73、Aristotle founded the science of logic. ─── 亚里士多德创立了逻辑学。

74、Nature's logic was too horrid for him to care for. ─── 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕,怎么能叫他信服呢?

75、He was no slavish admirer of logic. ─── 他不盲目崇拜逻辑。

76、Nature's logic was too horrid. ─── 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕。

77、The logic to this method is sound. ─── 听起来很有逻辑性。

78、There is no logic to/in any of their claims. ─── 他们的任何索赔都不具正当的理由。

79、At this point your logic is at fault. ─── 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。

80、Your friend doesn' t seem to be governed by logic. ─── 你那位朋友好象没有逻辑性。

81、A logic element that performs the Boolean operation of disjunction. ─── 一种实现“或”布尔运算的逻辑元件。同inclusive-OR gate。

82、Logic implemented in order to be filled with data. ─── 为了填充数据,单独的表需要实现。

83、You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic. ─── 你这个结论是按照形式逻辑的方法推论出来的。

84、In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. ─── 在计算机中,由输入线和输出线阵列形成的一种逻辑网络,在它们的某些交叉点上用逻辑元件相连接。

85、The instance class implements the effect logic. ─── 实例类实现效果的逻辑。

86、He expressed his thoughts with customary firmness and logic. ─── 他以一贯的坚定性和逻辑性谈了他的看法。

87、Contradicting or disregarding the principles of logic. ─── 不合逻辑的与逻辑原则相悖的或不顾逻辑原则的

88、See also deontic logic, modal logic. ─── 亦请参阅deontic logic、modal logic。

89、A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason. ─── 妄想狂,偏执狂一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症

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