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09-18 投稿


obtrusive 发音

英:[əbˈtruːsɪv]  美:[əbˈtruːsɪv]

英:  美:

obtrusive 中文意思翻译



obtrusive 反义词


obtrusive 词性/词形变化,obtrusive变形

名词: obtrusiveness |副词: obtrusively |

obtrusive 同义词

noticeable | pushy | obvious | meddlesome | intruding | presumptuous | blatant | flagrant |flashy | conspicuous | garish | unmistakable | prominent | bald | interfering | forward

obtrusive 相似词语短语

1、intrusive ─── adj.侵入的;打扰的

2、protrusive ─── adj.突出的;伸出的;招人注意的

3、extrusive ─── adj.突出的;喷出的,挤出的

4、inobtrusive ─── adj.谦虚的;不冒失的;不惹眼的

5、unobtrusive ─── adj.不唐突的;谦虚的;不引人注目的

6、obtrusions ─── n.强迫接受;管闲事;莽撞;闯入

7、obtrusion ─── n.强迫接受;管闲事;莽撞;闯入

8、inobtrusively ─── 恶作剧地

9、obtrusively ─── adv.冒失地;莽撞地

obtrusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. All this said, there are certainly some time-critical situations where users must be notified in an obtrusive, attention-demanding manner . ─── 当然,也一定存在着十分紧急的情况,需要以一种突然且吸引注意力的方式来通知使用者。

2、An obtrusive scar. ─── 一块引人注意的伤口

3、and rousing myself to dispel the obtrusive name, I discovered my candle-wick reclining on one of the antique volumes, and perfuming the place with an odour of roasted calf-skin. ─── 当我站起来去驱赶这些令人讨厌的名字时,我发现蜡烛芯掉在一册古董一样的书上。

4、"Not the less, however, came this importunately obtrusive sense of change." ─── 然而,那种起了变化的突出感觉仍然丝毫不减地纠缠着他。

5、The sofa would be less obtrusive in a paler colour. ─── 沙发的颜色再浅一点就不那么扎眼了。

6、Unduly or disagreeably conspicuous; obtrusive. ─── 突兀的过分引人注目的或注目得让人不快的;冒失的

7、There is nothing obtrusive about the old cottages. They do not dominate the landscape, but are content to be part of it, and to pass unnoticed unless one looks specially for their homely beauties. ─── 古老的农舍丝毫不引人注目,它们并不独占风光,能点缀周围的风景也十分满足; 人们只是为欣赏质朴无华的美时才会注意到它们,对此,它们也无怨言。

8、Not the less, however, came this importunately obtrusive sense of change. ─── 然而,那种起了变化的突出感觉仍然丝毫不减地纠缠着他。

9、Study on the obtrusive problems in Guangdong's implementation of sustainable development strategy ─── 广东可持续发展战略中突出问题研究

10、All this said, there are certainly some time-critical situations where users must be notified in an obtrusive, attention-demanding manner. ─── 当然,也一定存在着十分紧急的情况,需要以一种突然且吸引注意力的方式来通知使用者。

11、obtrusive remarks ─── 故意打断别人发言的话

12、Option 1 is often referred to as "obtrusive traceability, " as the requirement and the traceability are defined in the same place. ─── 选择1常被称为“鲁莽的追溯”,因为需求和追溯关系定义在相同的地方。

13、7.not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable. ─── 没有让人生厌的引人注意的。

14、the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child; ─── 一个被宠坏的孩子的任意行为;

15、The interface declaration seems obtrusive, but the intrusion is light compared to what you'll see in the implementation. ─── 接口声明似乎有些突兀,但其影响较下面将介绍到的实现内容而言还算轻微。

16、They tried to ensure that their presence was not too obtrusive. ─── 他们尽量做到在场时不引人注目。

17、Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive . ─── 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼.

18、I found him a very obtrusive person,constantly seeking the center of the stage. ─── 我发现他是个爱炫耀的人,时时抢着抛头露面.共有1条免费资料页次:1/1分页:91:

19、Most heart attacks and many strokes stem instead from less obtrusive plaques that rupture suddenly, triggering the emergence of a blood clot, or thrombus, that blocks blood flow. ─── 反之,多数心脏病及中风是因一些并未造成明显阻塞的动脉斑突然破裂,引发凝血块的生成,才使得血管产生阻塞的。

20、"This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him. ─── “这真是一个非常冒失的孩子,”葛擂硬先生转过身来向他皱着眉头说。

21、9. communicate fully with superiors, subordinates, and others who have need to know. be informative without being obtrusive or vexatious. communicate in a way that is timely, yet prompt; ─── 能与上司,下属和其他所有需要认识的人作到完全沟通。

22、None the less, when in any of my poetry my childishness became too obtrusive, he could not restrain his hearty "Ha! Ha! " ─── 话虽如此,看到哪首诗里我的孩子气太过显眼时,他就忍不住他那开心的“哈!哈!”

23、5, urban construction inharmonious, despite some overall urban construction monomer, some personality too obtrusive, can not form a good overall urban image. ─── 五、城市建筑不协调,有些建筑单体不顾城市整体,有的个性过于张扬,不能形成良好的城市总体形象。

24、The bugs can be rather obtrusive, however. ─── 不过这些图标真的很碍眼。

25、It is not obtrusive to the eye, like the lighthouse-shaped monument next to it built by a student returned from America, which gives me inflammation of the eyelids every time I look at it. ─── 它不象隔邻那座灯塔形的纪念物那么碍目; 那座灯塔形的纪念物是一位美国留学生造的,我每次看见它就觉得眼睛不舒服。

26、Characteristic - An imperfection or blemish; may range from a comparatively unimportant or unobtrusive condition to an important or obtrusive condition. ─── 缺陷-指不完美或有瑕疵的地方,缺陷范围包括从相对不重要的或不明显的情况到大的或非常明显的情况。

27、The changes of the seasons are less obtrusive on spots of this kind than amid woodland scenery. ─── 在这种地方,四季景色的递?不如林区那样突出。

28、Seed enclosed in an obtrusive sac of flesh. ─── 种子密封在一个张扬囊肉.

29、The factory is an obtrusive eyesore. ─── 这工厂很刺眼。

30、the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child; equally obtrusive was the graffiti. ─── 一个被宠坏的孩子的任意行为;墙上的涂鸦同样引人注意。

31、"This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him ─── “这真是一个非常冒失的孩子,”葛擂硬先生转过身来向他皱着眉头说。

32、A tummy tuck may cause the thighs to look out of proportion, while plumped lips may make a normal sized nose suddenly appear obtrusive. ─── 腹部除皱手术可能会引起大腿的不匀称,丰唇手术会让正常尺寸的鼻子突然看起来很突兀。

33、Instead, build a status indicator into the application so the problem is clear to the interested user but is not obtrusive to someone who is busy elsewhere. ─── 试着在程序中建立一个状态指示器,这样遇到问题时对有兴趣知道的用户就会很清楚,而不用打扰那些正忙于其他任务的用户。

34、These are much less noisy and obtrusive as compared to box fans or air conditioners. ─── 这些都是少嘈杂拦路相比鸿运扇或冷气。

35、I found him a very obtrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage. ─── 我发现他是个爱炫耀的人,时时抢着抛头露面。

36、energy-saving; illuminance standard; lighting power density(LPD); obtrusive light; ─── 关键词:节能;照度标准;照明功率密度值;光污染;

37、An obtrusive rock formation. ─── 一块突起的岩石的构成

38、The obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child. ─── 一个被宠坏的孩子的任意行为

39、Equally obtrusive was the graffiti. ─── 墙上的涂鸦同样引人注意。

40、5.I found him a very obtrusive person,constantly seeking the center of the stage. ─── 我发现他是个爱炫耀的人,时时抢着抛头露面.

41、So the search box is still flawed, but much less obtrusive. ─── 所以说搜索栏还是有问题,但是不那么烦人了。

42、These heaters are less obtrusive and are easy to store away in the summer. ─── 这些取暖器不那么难看,在夏天也容易收藏。

43、Condoleezza Rice, Mr.Carleton home like he gave me the impression : warmth and experience, not obtrusive. ─── 莱斯?查尔顿先生的家很像他本人给予我的印象:温暖、有阅历、不张扬。

44、The thumb studs offer a nice amount of purchase, but are not so large as to be obtrusive. ─── 它有一把很强壮的和稳定的锁、固体的人类工程学和大的叶几何。

45、1. The modern king have become a vermiform appendix: useless when quiet; when obtrusive, in danger of removal. ─── 现代的君王已成了阑尾:平时无用处,一旦突出,即有被切除之虞。

46、Its compact design makes it less "obtrusive" than the 2006 version. ─── 其紧凑的设计使得少“侵扰性”比2006年版。

47、I find the music in the bar very obtrusive. ─── 我觉得酒吧里的音乐太吵人了。

48、You can often find cars in which the powerful stereo systems are thumping out deafening obtrusive pop music. ─── 有些汽车上的强劲立体音响,砰砰地发出震耳欲聋的流行乐,使人侧目。

49、Study on the Obtrusive Light and TI Value of Urban Interchange Illuminating ─── 立交桥高杆照明干扰光与TI值研究

50、Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. ─── 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。

51、Such a dramatic and insistent art can qeem too obtrusive: we may long to be left to ourselves. ─── 如此戏剧化又显著的艺术作品,实在是相当的突出和引人注目。

52、I found him a very obtrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage. ─── 我发现他是个爱炫耀的人,时时抢着抛头露面。

53、I find the music in the bar very obtrusive ─── 我觉得酒吧里的音乐太吵人了.

54、There is nothing obtrusive about the old cottages. ─── 古老的农舍丝毫不引人注目。

55、Not obtrusive, go up pertly courtship, you can refuse for certain. ─── 不要莽撞,冒冒失失上去求爱,你肯定会遭拒绝。

56、It is not obtrusive to the eye,like the lighthouse-shaped monument next to it built by a student returned from America,which gives me inflammation of the eyelids every time I look at it. ─── 它不象隔邻那座灯塔形的纪念物那么碍目,那座灯塔形的纪念物是一位美国留学生造的,我每次看见它就觉得眼睛不舒服。

57、On top of the tower is an observation platform that some councillors say is obtrusive. ─── 在塔的顶部是一个了望台,一些议员认为过于招摇。

58、The sofa would be less obtrusive in a paler colour. ─── 沙发的颜色再浅一点就不那么扎眼了。

59、6. The modern king have become a vermiform appendix: useless when quiet; when obtrusive, in danger of removal. ─── 现代的君王已成了阑尾:平时无用处,一旦突出,即有被切除之虞。收藏指正

60、his sentiment, we wish he weren't so obtrusive and could take a hint when it's clear we don't want his help. ─── 虽然我们很赞赏这种感知,但我们不需要其帮助时,希望它别那么鲁莽,并给一个暗示。

61、Interviewers must take care not to make these technologies too obtrusive; otherwise, the users will be distracted and behave differently than they would off-tape. ─── 一定要小心不要让这些技术显得太突出;否则用户会分心,并且表现和平时不同。

62、It shouldn't be an obtrusive part of the design, but it should definitely be available for visitors to see. ─── 虽然站点定义不应该过分突出,但必须要醒目,保证让浏览者注意到。

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