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mitosis 发音

英:[maɪ'təʊsɪs]  美:[maɪ'tosɪs]

英:  美:

mitosis 中文意思翻译



mitosis 短语词组

1、mitosis anaphase ─── [医] 有丝分裂后期

2、gametogenetic mitosis ─── [医] 生配子有丝分裂

3、c mitosis c ─── 有丝分裂

4、somatic mitosis ─── [医] 体 ─── [细胞]有丝分裂

5、homeotypic mitosis ─── [医] 同型有丝分裂

6、mitosis prophase ─── [医] 有丝分裂前期

7、multicentric mitosis ─── [医] 多极有丝分裂

8、mitosis telophase ─── [医] 有丝分裂末期

9、asymmetrical mitosis ─── [医] 不对称有丝分裂

10、interphase of mitosis ─── [医] 有丝分裂间期

11、pathologic mitosis ─── [医] 病理性有丝分裂

12、mitosis metaphase ─── [医] 有丝分裂中期

13、pluripolar mitosis ─── [医] 多极有丝分裂

14、heterotypic mitosis ─── [医] 异型有丝分裂

15、anastral mitosis ─── [医] 无星有丝分裂

16、amphiastral mitosis ─── [医] 双星有丝分裂

17、multipolar mitosis ─── [医] 多极有丝分裂

18、aberrant mitosis ─── 畸形有丝分裂

19、atyrpical mitosis ─── [医] 异型有丝分裂

mitosis 词性/词形变化,mitosis变形

副词: mitotically |名词复数: mitoses |形容词: mitotic |

mitosis 相似词语短语

1、mitoses ─── n.有丝分裂(mitosis的复数)

2、monosis ─── 单胞菌病

3、limosis ─── n.善饥症;空腹

4、mimosis ─── 含羞草

5、miosis ─── n.(生殖细胞的)成熟分裂;减数分裂;[医]瞳孔缩小

6、amitosis ─── n.[细胞]无丝分裂

7、ketosis ─── n.[内科]酮病

8、meiosis ─── n.[细胞]减数分裂;[遗][细胞]成熟分裂

9、mitotic ─── adj.[细胞]有丝分裂的;间接核分裂的

mitosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There were different in shape and motility between the both schwann cells after mitosis. ─── 分裂后的子细胞有形态和运动时相的不同。

2、cells resulted in the formation of micronucleoli after mitosis. ─── 分裂后,前期细胞内的核仁形成微核。

3、bipolar mitosis ─── 两极分裂

4、homoeotypic mitosis ─── 同型有丝分裂

5、One of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis. ─── 中心体由九个三联体微管组成的两个圆柱体细胞组织之一,在有丝分裂中形成星状体

6、Human Peripheral blood exposed with tritiated water at variousdoses for 54 hr was examined to observe the chromosome and chromatid abe-rrations at metaphases in the first mitosis of lymphocytes. ─── 将人体外周血在不同剂量的氚水中培养54小时,观察到淋巴细胞第一次有丝分裂中期的染色体型及单体型畸变。

7、Abnormality of chromosome behavior occurs from premeiotic mitosis until various stages in meiosis. ─── 从减数分裂前有丝分裂到减数分裂的各个阶段,染色体行为都会发生异常。

8、nuclei from mitosis went into amitosis without interphase. ─── 来自有丝分裂的子核进入无分裂期的无丝分裂。

9、The Phenomena of Mitosis Inside Cell Nucleus of Egg Apparatus Before Flowering in Winter Wheat ─── 普通小麦种内卵器开花前细胞核内有丝分裂现象

10、Expression of mitosis checkpoint gene CHFR in acute leukemia ─── 急性白血病患者骨髓细胞CHFR基因表达及其临床意义

11、After microspore mitosis, calcium precipitates appeared in the big vacuole of 2-cellular pollen, and then the vacuole disappeared. ─── 在小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,在二胞花粉的大液泡中又特异性地出现许多细小钙颗粒。

12、There were detestably close synapses between homologous chromosomes during thellateprophase and early metaphase in mitosis of somatic cells. ─── 发现在其有丝分裂的晚前期、中期阶段,咯对同源染色体都在进行联会。

13、CONCLUSION: Down regulation of MAD2 expression of SGC7901 bv sequence-specific siRNA could accelerate the cell growth and impair the mitosis arrest of SGC7901 induced by VCR. ─── MAD2的抑制可使胃癌细胞SGC7901生长加速,增殖能力增强,同时减弱纺锤体抑制剂长春新碱阻滞细胞周期的作用。

14、The first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell. ─── 前期阶细胞减数分裂的第一个阶段,其间染色体浓缩且能被看见,核细胞膜衰弱,纺锤体在细胞的相对纺锤极形成

15、The stage of mitosis and meiosis, following prophase and preceding anaphase, during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate. ─── 中期细胞核的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期间内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列

16、Observation of big and small mitosis and oval cell emergence in regenerated liver tissue after partial hepatectomy ─── 小鼠单纯肝切除后再生肝组织内大小核分裂相和卵圆细胞的观察

17、In early prophase of mitosis and later prophase of meiosis, the chromosomes split lengthwise into two identical chromatids held together by the CENTROMERE. ─── 在有丝分裂前期的开始以及减数分裂前期的结尾,染色体通过着丝点形成两个完全相同的染色单体。

18、As mitosis proceeds, the spindle microtubules play a crucial role in ensuring that both paired and separated chromatids move in the right directions at the proper times. ─── 在有丝分裂过程中,是纺锤体微管确保了染色单体在适当时间以正确方向进行分离。

19、Cleavage, the major developmental event immediately following fertilization, is a special form of cell division (mitosis). ─── 受精后,立即发生卵裂,细胞有丝分裂的特殊过程。

20、The authors have observed the behaviours at mitosis and meiosis in Lilium davidii var. unicolor which has B-chromosomes. ─── 摘要对兰州百合具B染色体的细胞在有丝分裂和减数分裂过程中的行为进行了观察。

21、For over a century, scientists have strived to understand the mechanisms that govern the accurate segregation of chromosomes during mitosis. ─── 一个多世纪以来,科学家一直努力了解管理机制,在有丝分裂染色体的精确分离。

22、The cell prepares for meiosis just as it does for mitosis. But as the DNA condenses, each chromosome finds its homologous counterpart. ─── 细胞减数分裂的准备同有丝分裂一样。但是,随着DNA的浓缩,每个染色体都会与其同源染色体配对。

23、abnormal mitosis ─── 反常有丝分裂

24、Some of the reconstituted cells were found in different stage of mitosis . ─── 发现在重组细胞中有一些是处于有丝分裂的各个阶段。

25、Mammalian Spermatogenesis is a unique cell differentiation process and can be divided into three stages: mitosis, meiosis, and spermiogenesis. ─── 哺乳动物的精子发生是一个复杂的细胞分化过程,可分为有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成三个阶段。

26、Methods To make the growth curve of eryoleukemia cell, count eryoleukemia cell mitosis index and benzidine staining positive percentage when the eryoleukemia cell were exposed to HMBA. ─── 方法绘制HMBA作用下的红白血病细胞生长曲线,计数其分裂指数,联苯胺染色法检测其分化百分率。

27、If it is a fibromatous tumor, you need to check mitosis and cytologic atypia carefully to see if it is malignant, like fibrothecoma.Malignant fibrous tumor is very few in ovary. ─── 如果它是纤维瘤,你应该象纤维卵泡膜瘤一样,需要认真地观察核分裂和细胞异型性以判断它是否为恶性,卵巢恶性纤维性肿瘤非常少见。

28、multipolar mitosis ─── 多极有丝分裂

29、Analysis of Expression of Mitosis Checkpoint Gene Chfr in Bone Marrow Cells of Acute Leukemia Patients ─── Chfr基因在急性白血病骨髓细胞中表达的研究

30、anastral mitosis ─── 无星有丝分裂

31、The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to facilitate its study. ─── 丝分裂的过程实际上是机能上连续不断的,为了便于研究,通常把它分为几期。

32、4. Which of the following is not a function of mitosis in humans? ─── 下列哪个不是人类细胞有丝分裂的功能?

33、To investigate the role of the human mitotic kinesin-like protein 1(MKLP1) in mitosis and cytokinesis, E. ─── 为探讨人源驱动蛋白MKLP1在有丝分裂和胞质分裂中的作用,以E。

34、An irregular mitosis is seen in the center. ─── 中央可见病理性核分裂象。

35、Conclusion : The result s indicated that d-tubocurarine is able to inhibit mammal mitosis by blocking the function of nicotinic receptor. ─── 同时,该化合物还具有影响染色体正常分离的潜在能力。

36、a star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis. ─── 在细胞浆内形成的星状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体。

37、the transformation of small lymphocytes into larger undifferentiated cells that are capable of undergoing mitosis ─── 小淋巴细胞向使其能经历有丝分裂的无差别的较大细胞的转变

38、a star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis ─── 在细胞浆内形成的星状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体

39、Objective: To report a rare phenomena of abnormal mitosis in root tip cells of Allium sativum L. ─── 摘要目的:报道大蒜根尖细胞有丝分裂中的异常现象。

40、Microtubules ;pharmacophore ;Mitosis ;novel ;Psychological inhibition ; ─── 微管 ;

41、one of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis ─── 中心体,由九个三联体微管组成的两个圆柱体细胞组织之一,在有丝分裂中形成星状体

42、Effects of Artificially Induced Para-nodule on Mitosis and Chromosomal Behavior of Tobacco Root Tip Cells ─── 人工诱导结瘤对烟草根尖细胞有丝分裂及染色体行为的影响

43、Compensatory hypertrophy is a different, temporary growth response in which residual tissue increases in mass and cell number: cells undergo mitosis but do not dedifferentiate. ─── 代偿式肥大是一个不同的,暂时的生长应答过程,残余组织在体积和细胞数量上增加:细胞经历了减数分裂,但没有去分化过程。

44、Megasporocytes turns into megaspore by meiosis,which develops to male gametophyte after three times of mitosis. ─── 大孢子母细胞经过减数分裂,形成功能大孢子,再经3次有丝分裂,发育成雌配子体。

45、During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms. ─── 在有丝分裂的末期或第二次减数分裂末期,染色体解聚消失,中心的纺锤体解体,核仁重新出现,新核膜形成。

46、pertaining to the dense specialized portion of a chromosome to which the spindle attaches during mitosis. ─── 关于一个染色体上密集的专门的区域,有丝分裂时梭形纤维附着于此。

47、The process of mitosis is dynamic and continuous but is subdivided into phases to facilitate its study ─── 丝分裂的过程实际上是机能上连续不断的,为了便于研究,通常把它分为几期。

48、The first stage of mitosis,during which the chromosomes condense and become visible,the nuclear membrane breaks down,and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell. ─── 前期阶细胞减数分裂的第一个阶段,其间染色体浓缩且能被看见,核细胞膜衰弱,纺锤体在细胞的相对纺锤极形成。

49、Epidermal explant culture was applied, and effects of AK auto Ab with variable dose on rate of epidermaration were observed. Brd U incorporation assay was used to investigate the extent of mitosis. ─── 方法 采用贴壁法体外培养皮肤 ,比较观察不同浓度 AK auto Ab对表皮形成速率的影响 ,并采用 Brd- U掺入法测定各组细胞增殖率 .

50、pertaining to the dense specialized portion of a chromosome to which the spindle attaches during mitosis. ─── 关于一个染色体上密集的专门的区域,有丝分裂时梭形纤维附着于此。

51、In the anaphase of mitosis, many chromosome bridges were observed, some acentric fragments of chromosme lagged behind and were left in cytoplasm. ─── 在细胞分裂后期相中,有较多的染色体桥和无着丝点染色体落后以至散失在细胞质中的现象。

52、In mitosis each of the chromatids moving toward the poles represents a single complete chromosome. ─── 在有丝分裂过程中,每个染色单体大小,形态上是完全相同的,它们向细胞相反的两极移动。

53、The X chromosome is shown here in a condensed state, as it would appear in a cell that's going through mitosis. ─── 染色体在这里呈现出浓缩状态,如同他在细胞有丝分裂时呈现的那样。

54、A star - shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis. ─── 星状体在细胞浆内形成的星状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体

55、Anaphase The stage in mitosis or meiosis when chromatids are pulled toward opposite poles of the nuclear spindle. ─── 后期:在有丝分裂或者减数分裂过程中染色单体分别朝相反的两极运动。

56、pertaining to the dense specialized portion of a chromosome to which the spindle attaches during mitosis ─── 关于一个染色体上密集的专门的区域,有丝分裂时梭形纤维附着于此

57、reductional mitosis ─── 减数有丝分裂

58、So perhaps it is not surprising that the body puts a cap on mitosis. ─── 因此,身体对细胞有丝分裂加以设限,可能并不让人感到奇怪。

59、The important signal pathways included mitosis pathways, growth factor pathways, developing pathways and mucin pathways. ─── 如:有丝分裂信号通路、生长因子信号通路、与发育有关的信号通路和黏蛋白信号通路。

60、premeiotic mitosis ─── 成熟前有丝分裂

61、So the author thinks that the best experiment material is Alliam sativum L. and dyeing material is Gentian Violet (0.2%)in the experiment of the mitosis of the plant cells. ─── 作者认为以大蒜作为植物细胞有丝分裂的实验材料 ,用 0 .2 %龙胆紫染色 ,实验效果最佳。

62、Centromeres are the chromosomal domains necessary for faithful chromosome segregation and transmission during mitosis and meiosis in eukaryotes. ─── 摘要着丝粒是真核生物有丝分裂和减数分裂染色体正确分离和传递所必需的染色体区域。

63、Methods The mouse tail scaled epidermis and the vaginal epithelial in estrus cycle were used to assess the effects of Capsaicin on epidermal keratinization and epithelial mitosis respectively. ─── 方法 采用小鼠尾部鳞片表皮模型和阴道上皮细胞有丝分裂模型,观察辣椒素对表皮细胞分化及上皮细胞有丝分裂的影响。

64、The ultraweak bioluminescence r elated to the mitosis and metabolism of a plant sample is strengthened after the sample is illuminated by light. ─── 与有丝分裂和生长代谢有关的植物超弱发光在光诱导下得以加强;

65、In vivo, the lens epithelia located preequatorially on the anterior capsule may undergo mitosis and differentiate into new lens fibers. ─── 摘要于体内,座落于水晶体前囊的赤道前部的上皮细胞能进行分裂和分化以形成水晶体纤维。

66、1. AIS. First and the most important one is to rule out AIS. Morphologic features include nuclear atypia, mitosis and apoptotic bodies. ─── AIS原位腺癌:第一个、也是最需要排除的。形态学特征包括:核异型、核分裂和凋亡小体。

67、chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis. ─── 在有丝分裂及减数分裂时染色体沿纺锤体排列。

68、Keywords Soy isoflavones;Endometrium;Mitosis;Proliferating cell nuclear antigen index; ─── 大豆异黄酮;子宫内膜;核分裂率;增殖细胞核抗原指数;

69、somatic mitosis ─── 体细胞有丝分裂

70、Keywords Ce(SO4)2;micronucleus test;frequency of micronuclei( FMN);mitosis index (Ml); ─── 微核测试;微核率;有丝分裂指数;

71、A Report About Abnormal Mitosis in Root Tip Cells of Allium sativum L. ─── 大蒜根尖细胞有丝分裂发生异常现象的报告。

72、amphiastral mitosis ─── 双星有丝分裂

73、Aurora kinases play important roles in many events during cell mitosis, such as centrosome maturation and separation, spindle assembly and maintenance, chromosome segregation, cytokinesis and so on. ─── 在细胞有丝分裂中,极光激酶参与了诸如中心体成熟分离、纺锤体组装和维持、染色体分离以及胞质分裂等多个事件。

74、Methods: The effect of the gel on the epithelial mitosis and epidermal differentiation was detected using mouse vaginal mucous and mouse-tail as experimental models. ─── 方法:采用鼠尾鳞片表皮和鼠阴道上皮实验模型观察蒽林凝胶对上皮细胞分裂和表皮细胞分化的影响。

75、In addition all kinds of abnormal Mitosis behavior were also observed in different ploidy plants.The cause of diversity of chromosome numbers was priliminary analysed. ─── 对不同倍性苎麻植株分生组织的有丝分裂行为,观察到三极分裂、不均等分裂和落后染色体等异常有丝分裂现象,并对造成这种现象的原因作了初步的探讨。

76、The two sperm nuclei and the tube nucleus are all derived from a single microspore nucleus by mitosis. ─── 两个精核和管核都是从同一个小孢子核有丝分裂产生的。


78、7.During mitosis, sister chromatids remain joined by their centromere until anaphase. ─── 在有丝分裂期间,姐妹染色单体在分裂后期之前都是通过着丝点连接的。

79、Ellenberg and his colleagues more than doubled the number of genes that are known to be involved in mitosis, a type of cell division. ─── Ellenberg和他的同事们提高了参与有丝分裂(细胞分裂的一种类型)基因数量两倍以上。

80、Prophase The first stage of cell division in meiosis and mitosis. ─── 前期:细胞减数分裂和有丝分裂的第一个阶段。

81、A. During the heart stage mitosis occurs; and during the torpedo stage cytokinesis occurs. ─── 在心的过程中会出现阶段有丝分裂;并在鱼雷阶段细胞浆移动发生。

82、protozoa intracellular mitosis ─── 原生动物细胞内有丝分裂

83、Effects of Three Pretreatment on Mitosis of Root Tip of Albizzia Julibrissin ─── 三种预处理对合欢根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响

84、The normal expression of proto-oncogenes plays an important role in the regulation of spermatogonial mitosis, spermatocyte meiosis as well as spermiogenesis and sperm maturation. ─── 在正常睾丸生精过程中,原癌基因的正常表达对精原细胞的有丝分裂、精母细胞的减数分裂及精子变形、成熟有重要的调控作用。

85、Tubulin is present in virtually all eucaryotic cells and has a strong relation with cellular mitosis. ─── 事实上与细胞有丝分裂密切相关的微管蛋白几乎普遍存在于所有真核细胞中。

86、Methods To draw the MELDS19 cell growth curve, count the MELDS19 cell mitosis index,colony forming test and benziding staining positivity percentage when MELDS19 cell is exposed to HMBA and HMBPA. ─── 方法绘制HMBA单独或与HMBPA联合作用下的MELDS19细胞生长曲线,联苯胺染色法检测其分化百分率,成集落实验检测细胞增殖情况。

87、Any of several polypeptides that are produced by a body tissue and that cause the reversible inhibition of mitosis in the cells of that tissue. ─── 抗内分泌素,一种由肌体组织产生的,能使该组织细胞的有丝分裂产生可逆性抑制的多肽。

88、SFN, like the more powerful anticancer agents, interferes with microtubule functioning during mitosis in a similar manner to the more powerful anticancer drugs. ─── SFN像其他药性更强的抗癌物质一样,干扰了微管在有丝分裂期间的功能,方法也跟其他药性更强的抗癌药物类似。

89、Centrosome is a kind of tiny cellular organ, and it plays an important role in the maintenance of cellular polarity and chromosomal segregation during mitosis. ─── 摘要中心体这一微小的细胞器,在有丝分裂中对维持细胞的极性及染色体分离具有重要的调节作用。






1.G1期(first gap) 从有丝分裂到DNA复制前的一段时期,又称合成前期,此期主要合成RNA和核糖体。该期特点是物质代谢活跃,迅速合成RNA和蛋白质,细胞体积显著增大。这一期的主要意义在于为下阶段S期的DNA复制作好物质和能量的准备。

2.S期(synthesis) 即DNA合成期,在此期,除了合成DNA外,同时还要合成组蛋白。DNA复制所需要的酶都在这一时期合成。

3.G2期(second gap)期为DNA合成后期,是有丝分裂的准备期。在这一时期,DNA合成终止,大量合成RNA及蛋白质,包括微管蛋白和促成熟因子等。 M期:细胞分裂期。


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