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09-18 投稿


innateness 发音

英:[ɪˈneɪtnɪs]  美:[ɪˈneɪtnəs]

英:  美:

innateness 中文意思翻译



innateness 反义词


innateness 词性/词形变化,innateness变形

副词: innately |名词: innateness |

innateness 短语词组

1、innateness theory ─── 天性论

2、innateness approach ─── 先天性方法

3、innateness position ─── 固有的位置

4、innateness hypothesis ─── 天赋假设

innateness 同义词

inbred | instinctive | unconditioned | native | constitutional | hereditary | born | intrinsic | essential |inborn | organic | component | original | natural | unlearned | inherent | distinctive | congenital | characteristic

innateness 相似词语短语

1、inaneness ─── 空虚

2、infiniteness ─── n.无限;无限性

3、ornateness ─── 华丽

4、inchoateness ─── 早期

5、inanimateness ─── n.无生性;非动物(inanimate名词)

6、irateness ─── 暴躁

7、connateness ─── 合生

8、insaneness ─── n.狂暴;疯狂;荒谬

9、insensateness ─── 无感

innateness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Its innateness, unique qualities and invariability make the identification identities in the ticket systems possible. ─── 其先天性、唯一性和不变性等特点,使其在门票系统中准确鉴定身份成为可能。

2、Kidney is the foundation of the innateness. ─── “肾为先天之本”,在人体的生理病理中占有重要地位。

3、In this article I especially emphasize Siwutang's use in gynecoiatry and stress the basic principle of females using livers as innateness. ─── 强调了四物汤在妇科方面的运用,并突出了女子以肝为先天的基本理论。

4、Language aptitude is related to cognitive,psychological and biological factors and has the traits of innateness and stability. ─── 语言学能与认知、心理和生理因素相关联,与其它个体差异相比,语言学能具有遗传性与稳定性的特点。

5、The Clinical Application of Uplifting the Upper Eyelid Aponeurosis on Innateness Ptosis ─── 利用提上睑肌腱膜治疗先天性上睑下垂

6、Keywords Chomsky;view of language;innateness hypothesis;UG;language faculty;philosophical foundation;cognitive features; ─── 乔姆斯基;语言观;天赋论;普遍语法;语言官能;哲学基础;认知特点;

7、Language aptitude is related to cognitive, psychological and biological factors and has the traits of innateness and stability. ─── 语言学能与认知、心理和生理因素相关联,与其它个体差异相比,语言学能具有遗传性与稳定性的特点。

8、The blood clot, hemorrhage and oedema can be found in kidney slices and the level of UA, BUN all increase, it is the called “the postnatal not nourish innateness” and “earth can’t control water”. ─── 肾脏淤血、出血、水肿,血清UA、BUN的水平均升高,这就是所谓的“后天不养先天”、“土不制水”;

9、innateness hypothesis ─── 习得假说

10、Discussion on innate essence and representation after birth of innateness ─── 论禀赋的先天实质和后天表现

11、a world driven by the innateness of people and the values of justice, kindness and compassion. ─── 一个慈悲、公平正义、善良与同理心走向的、大家都满足的世界。

12、Discussion on innate essence and representation after birth of innateness ─── 论禀赋的先天实质和后天表现

13、Its innateness, unique qualities and invariability make the identification identities in the ticket systems possible. ─── 其先天性、唯一性和不变性等特点,使其在门票系统中准确鉴定身份成为可能。

14、According to his critique, the intentional experience presupposes the innateness of thought, and therefore cannot account for how a new way of thinking is borne from learning and experiment. ─── 德勒兹批判的主要论点是:意向经验隐藏了思考的本具性预设,因此无法从学习和探索的角度彻底说明崭新思考形成。

15、Regulation of innateness and prevention and treatment of hereditary diseases ─── 禀赋调控与遗传性疾病的防治

16、Historically, traditional universities have a global character of the innateness in Oriental and occidental countries. ─── 东西方大学的历史来看,传统大学本然地具有世界性品格。

17、In this article I especially emphasize Siwutang's use in gynecoiatry and stress the basic principle of females using livers as innateness. ─── 强调了四物汤在妇科方面的运用,并突出了女子以肝为先天的基本理论。

18、Regulation of innateness and prevention and treatment of hereditary diseases ─── 禀赋调控与遗传性疾病的防治

19、Methods To apply behavior therapy to 17 patients of function misarticulation including 10 patients innateness function misarticulation and 7 patients after palate operation. ─── 方法对17例功能性构音障碍患者(其中10例是先天功能性构音障碍,7例是腭裂术后功能性构音障碍),采用行为疗法进行语音治疗,并在治疗前后测量汉语语音清晰度。

20、He has no innateness in teaching. ─── 他天生不是当教师的材料.

21、It is discussed on thought structure from 3 points:the contents,form and concepts of TCM,and puts forwards that nature and innateness are the main body of thought and functional structures. ─── 思维层次从中医学术的内容、形式、观念三个方面进行了阐述。提出自然和固有是思维层次和功能层次的主体。

22、Innateness ptosis ─── 先天性上睑下垂

23、innateness position ─── 先天假设论

24、The article reviews the research progress from the three aspects of innat imunity,adaptive immunity and antifungal immunity on this field. ─── 现从固有免疫、适应性免疫以及抗真菌的免疫学治疗3方面探讨该领域的研究进展。

25、We can’t try to figure this out only from the Jewish innateness of inborn genius. ─── 在人类历史上恐怕再也难以找到一种人群间的仇恨能在广度和深度上超越反犹主义。

26、Thirdly, the deep ideological origin is found out of Chomsky's Innateness Hypothesis by tracing it back to the traditional western rationalism. ─── 最后以西方哲学唯理主义的思想传统作参照来看待乔姆斯基的语言天赋论,力图找出其提出这一理论的深层次思想根源。

27、I think the jury is out on the innateness question. ─── 我认为关于与生俱来的问题还有待商榷。

28、some emotions, it is relatively easy to see where they are located on the innateness spectrum. ─── 相对而言,我们在先天性频谱图上较容易看出一部分情感的位置。

29、language innateness hypothesis ─── 语言天赋假说

30、In Chomsky's Innateness Hypothesis, it is held that, in human brain, there is innate Universal Grammar which lies in one part of human brain called language acquisition device (LAD). ─── 乔姆斯基的语言天赋论认为,人脑中有一种天生的普遍语法,这一普遍语法存在于人脑中一个叫做语言习得机制的地方。

31、From this point of view, we know that the difference between the voice of oriole and the music of Beethoven is the feeling between innateness and one must acquired by education. ─── 这种贝多芬与黄莺之间的差异,或许就是后天感觉与天真之间的差别吧!

32、innateness knowledge ─── 先天知识

33、The existence of a purely grammatical form of SLI has become extremely controversial because it points to the existence and innateness of a putative grammatical subsystem in the brain. ─── 也有某些人指出,人们带有SLI的认知能力并未被充分地说明,以证实在一种纯粹语法的形式中存在着SLI。

34、His kindness and magnanimity is innateness!! ─── 他天生既仁慈又宽宏大量。

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