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09-19 投稿


inwrought 发音

英:[ˈɪnrɔːt]  美:[ˌɪnˈrɔːt]

英:  美:

inwrought 中文意思翻译



inwrought 相似词语短语

1、highwrought ─── 高精尖的

2、infought ─── vi.近击;暗斗(infight的变形)

3、indraught ─── n.引进;吸入;流入

4、interwrought ─── 交织

5、-wrought ─── adj.锻造的;有特定风格的;加工的;精细的;v.使发生;工作(work的过去式和过去分词)

6、upwrought ─── 更新

7、handwrought ─── adj.手工制成的;手工的

8、unwrought ─── adj.未加工的;未做成的;未开发的

9、wrought ─── adj.锻造的;有特定风格的;加工的;精细的;v.使发生;工作(work的过去式和过去分词)

inwrought 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an inwrought design. ─── 织入的图案

2、Inwrought craft is one of our traditional craft art, it has long history, aesthetic and our real life. ─── 发展至今,刺绣工艺的材料、技法、用途越来越多样化,它在现代社会取得另一片天空。

3、Of smooth face, inwrought, of bud silk, of appeal, avery kind of is different different design can be design traditional 3/4 cup underwear brings brand-new sense. ─── 光面的、刺绣的、蕾丝的、情趣的,每一种不同款式不同设计都会为传统的3/4杯内衣带来全新的感觉。

4、Inwrought gauze should see bottom gauze quality, inwrought needle is counted, pin number is secretter, stereo sense is stronger, good embroider line burnish feels strong, coloring is sterling. ─── 刺绣纱则要看底纱质量,刺绣针数,针数越密,立体感越强,好的绣线光泽感强,染色纯正。

5、Effulgent compose acts the role of ablaze series, extremely attractive inwrought craft series, be today the mainstream that Xia Liang pulls. ─── 光辉灿烂的缀饰闪亮系列、极具魅力的刺绣工艺系列,是今夏凉拖的主流。

6、The furniture things of Chinese style style and inwrought cushion for leaning on are built give low-key costly. ─── 中式风格的家具用品和刺绣靠垫营造出一份低调的奢华。

7、The teaching of Christ was the expression of an inwrought conviction and experience, and those who learn of Him become teachers after the divine order. ─── 基督的教训是他内心的信念和体验的表达。凡学他样式的人必成为合乎神职模式的教师。

8、1. His thoughts were inwrought with his love for her. ─── 他的想法中夹杂着他封她的爱。

9、You need the pattern of will expensive plant to pass us only, the inwrought and inwrought effect that we will design a satisfaction for you. ─── 你只需要将贵厂的花样传给我们,我们将为你设计出满意的刺绣刺绣效果。

10、9 see joke: Big health visit to Home A Zhou, fortunately A Zhou is absent, his madam as it happens is in inwrought. ─── 9看笑话: 大康到阿洲家拜访,凑巧阿洲不在,他的太太正好在刺绣。

11、In the article that contains inwrought figure, blended in ethical flavour adequately. ─── 在带有刺绣花纹的物品之中,充分融入了民族味道。

12、Fashion design is always seeks the advantages of long, especially Chinese traditional inwrought craft, have been used as cheongsam, dress dress of adornment design gimmick. ─── 服装设计一向是博取众家之长的,尤其是中国传统的刺绣工艺,一直是旗袍、礼服等服装常用的装饰设计手法。

13、The nautical design cushion for leaning on of inwrought craft on the collocation of single person sofa of blue white stripe, comfortable while the detail quality that does not lack the life. ─── 蓝白条纹的单人沙发搭配上刺绣工艺的航海图案靠垫,舒适的同时不缺乏生活的细节品质。

14、Effulgent compose acts the role of ablaze series, extremely attractive inwrought craft series, be today the mainstream that Xia Liang pulls. ─── 光辉灿烂的缀饰闪亮系列、极具魅力的刺绣工艺系列,是今夏凉拖的主流。

15、The needlework that they do is vivid (wait for) like sweater, inwrought, sole, lifelike. ─── 她们做出来的针线活(如毛衣、刺绣、鞋底等),栩栩如生。

16、Inwrought marriage gauze suits the female that temperamental tenderness gracefuls and restrained quite, can foil better the attractive temperament that gives a bride. ─── 刺绣的婚纱比较适合气质温柔婉约的女性,能更好地衬托出新娘的迷人气质。

17、Be in Sweden, he can go to countryside watch inwrought craft of folk every weekend. ─── 在瑞典,每个周末他都会去乡下观看民间的刺绣手艺。

18、2 knot are sutural law Be like will bunchy sutural many a departure general, discount the bear above thrum dead method, multi-purpose at inwrought small flower or leaf. ─── 2打结针脚法就似乎将成串的针脚一个一个分开了一般,并将线头上面的结扣死的方法,多用于刺绣小花朵或者叶子等。

19、a carpet inwrought with flower patterns ─── 绣有花型的地毯

20、9 see joke: Big health visit to Home A Zhou, fortunately A Zhou is absent, his madam as it happens is in inwrought. ─── 9看笑话:大康到阿洲家拜访,凑巧阿洲不在,他的太太正好在刺绣。

21、It and of detail of those same be particular about bead piece inwrought photograph is compared, come more quietly refined, more temperamental and high. ─── 床罩也是用纱做成的,配上白色的靠枕。靠枕上绣有卷草和纤细的花,表现出很雅致的情调。

22、Yifudelun is the most popular this year the design of inwrought design, of a China " happy event " word, design of art be regardinged as makes the mark of series of a towel. ─── 依芙德伦今年最流行刺绣图案的设计,一个中国的“喜”字,被当作艺术图案成为一套毛巾系列的标志。

23、Of the study tonal it is heavy, computer of the electrograph on old desk clock, inwrought cushion for leaning on and desk, notebook formed sharp contrast. ─── 书房的色调是沉重的,古老的座钟、刺绣靠垫与桌上的传真机、笔记本电脑形成了强烈的对比。

24、The candied box with fancy technology, inwrought tea cozy is very general, very good search, but can reflect exquisite conception and meticulous grade most. ─── 工艺精美的糖果盒,刺绣的茶壶套都非常普遍,十分好找,但最能体现精巧的构思和细致的品位。

25、Be in Sweden, he can go to countryside watch inwrought craft of folk every weekend. ─── 在瑞典,每个周末他都会去乡下观看民间的刺绣手艺。

26、Today, the development of the material, inwrought craft technique, use more diversity in modern society, it has another sky. ─── 本系设计运用了蒲公英刺绣图案,美丽的蒲公英是带着翅膀自然使者,绣织于布料上,风来了它依然会飞。

27、The King's daughter is all glorious within the royal abode; Her garment is a woven work inwrought with gold. ─── 13王女在宫里,极其荣华;她的衣服是用金线交织成的。

28、So, the ancients is called the needle for " down-lead " , will hold the woman at carry needle sew, inwrought work concurrently, address sb respectfully is " the needle does ' . ─── 所以,古人把针叫做为“引线”,将兼于运针缝纫、刺绣活儿的妇女,尊称为“针办’。

29、The furniture things of Chinese style style and inwrought cushion for leaning on are built give low-key costly. ─── 中式风格的家具用品和刺绣靠垫营造出一份低调的奢华。

30、In the article that contains inwrought figure, blended in ethical flavour adequately. ─── 在带有刺绣花纹的物品之中,充分融入了民族味道。

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