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lovelock 发音

英:[['lʌvlɒk]]  美:[['lʌvlɒk]]

英:  美:

lovelock 中文意思翻译



lovelock 相似词语短语

1、lovelorn ─── adj.失恋的;害相思病的

2、gavelocks ─── n.铁撬,铁杆

3、havelock ─── n.遮阳布;n.(Havelock)人名;(英)哈夫洛克

4、forelock ─── n.额发,额毛;栓;vt.以开口栓栓住

5、havelocks ─── n.遮阳布;n.(Havelock)人名;(英)哈夫洛克

6、overlock ─── n.锁边;钑骨

7、lovelocks ─── n.前额卷发

8、lovesick ─── adj.害相思病的;苦恋的

9、gavelock ─── n.铁撬,铁杆

lovelock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lovelock brought an engineer's sensibilities to the analysis of Mother Earth. ─── 洛夫洛克将工程师的敏感带入对地球母亲的分析。

2、The persistent disequilibrium that coevolutionary life generates, and that Lovelock seeks as an acid test for its presence, is stable in its own way. ─── 共同进化的生命产生出的持续非均衡态,自有其稳定之道,洛夫洛克也将这种持续的非均衡看作对共同进化机制存在与否的重要测试。

3、At the age of 90, Prof Lovelock is resigned to his own fate and the fate of the planet. ─── 在拉弗洛克教授90岁的时候,他把自己的生命交给了命运——地球的命运。

4、but it would be unwise to assume it," Lovelock said. ─── 但作此假定也可能是不智的,”洛夫洛克如是说。

5、But then, as Lovelock tells the story, "very early in the history of the planet, the climate conditions formed a window of opportunity just about right for life. ─── 但那时,如洛夫洛克故事所说,“在地球历史的太古期,气候条件形成了一个恰好适合生命诞生的机遇窗口。

6、Lovelock: "There is no clear distinction anywhere on the Earth's surface between living and nonliving matter. ─── 洛夫洛克说:“在地球表面任何地方,生命物质和非生命物质之间都没明确的区分。

7、" Lovelock called this view Gaia. ─── 洛夫洛克把这观点称为盖亚[7]。

8、Lovelock observed, "In no way do organisms simply 'adapt' to a dead world determined by physics and chemistry alone. ─── “生物体简直无法‘适应’一个仅由物理和化学支配的死气沉沉的世界。

9、"It may be that the core of our planet is unchanged as a result of life; but it would be unwise to assume it, " Lovelock said. ─── “也许我们这个星球的内核并不受生命的影响,但我不认为这种假设是合理的,”洛夫洛克如是说。

10、The NASA orbiters that circled Mars later in the decade, and the spectacular Mars soft landings the decade following made it clear to everyone that Mars was indeed as dead as Lovelock had forecasted. ─── NASA十年后发射了环火星轨道航天器,再十年后数次壮观的火星软着陆[3]探测终于明白地告诉世人,火星确实如洛夫洛克预测那样死气沉沉。

11、As Lovelock noted, we have dug up no ancient rocks without also digging up ancient life preserved in them. ─── 如洛夫洛克所知,我们挖出每一块远古岩石,也同时挖出了保存在那里的远古生命。

12、In the early 1960s Lovelock came up with a radical proposal that irked the rest of the folks on the NASA probe team. ─── 1960年代早期洛夫洛克提出了一个激进的建议,NASA探索团队的其他成员都接受不了。

13、In the early 1960s Lovelock came up with a radical proposal that irked the rest of the folks on the NASA probe team. ─── 二十世纪六十年代早期,洛夫洛克提出了一个颠覆性的建议,让NASA探索团队的其他成员都感到不痛快。

14、Lovelock was very rare breed in modern science. ─── 洛夫洛克是现代科学研究领域罕见的奇才。

15、Lovelock, C. H., “Strategies for Managing Demand in Capacity-Constrained Service Organizations”, Service Industries Journal, Vol.4, No.3, pp.12-30, November 1984. ─── 黄俊智,应用模拟技术探讨专科诊所之门诊预约挂号制度,台湾大学公共卫生学院医疗机构管理研究所硕士论文,民86年7月。

16、Lovelock told them he could determine whether there was life on a planet by looking through a telescope. ─── 洛夫洛克告诉他们,只需通过一架天文望远镜进行观测,他就能确定某行星是否有生命。

17、Gaia hypothesis, introduced by James Lovelock, says that the globe shall be taken as an organism. ─── 由jameslovelock提出的盖亚假说认为地球应被视作一个生物体。

18、John Lovelock ─── 洛夫洛克

19、Lovelock kept gazing into the mirror and finding that it was nearly bottomless. ─── 洛夫洛克不停地窥探魔镜,发现里面几乎就是个无底深渊。

20、Lovelock recognized that persistent almost-fell is a hallmark of life. ─── 洛夫洛克认为这持久的摇摇欲坠状态是生命的显著特征。

21、Vernadsky came very close to Lovelock's epiphany that the Earth's biosphere exhibits a regulation beyond chemical equilibrium. ─── 沃尔纳德斯基的看法与洛夫洛克的悟见很接近,即地球的生物圈展现的是一个超越化学平衡的规则。

22、Some environmentalists retain their antipathy to it, but green gurus such as James Lovelock, Stewart Brand and Patrick Moore have changed their minds and embraced it. ─── 虽然一些环境学家仍然对其非常反感,但是绿色的环保主义者像詹姆斯?拉弗洛克、斯坦沃特?布朗德和帕特里克?摩尔已经改变了他们的观念并开始拥护核电。

23、Aware of Lovelock' s skills, NASA asked him in 1961 to help devise ways of detecting life on Mars. ─── 理解到Lovelock的技术,1961年NASA(美国航天)邀请他去帮助设计探测火星生命的方式。

24、It seemed to Lovelock as if an invisible power, an invisible hand, pushed the interacting chemical reactions into a raised state that should at any minute swing back to a balanced rest. ─── 在洛夫洛克看来,似乎有一种看不见的能量,一只看不见的手,将互动的化学反应推至起死回生的状态,随时会旋转回至平衡的状态。

25、Lovelock says, "The Gaia theory is a bit stronger than coevolution, " at least as biologists use the word. ─── 洛夫洛克说:“盖亚理论与共同进化论相比稍显强势,”至少在生物学家采用这个词的时候。

26、It all began more than three decades ago when Lovelock devised the electron-capture detector. ─── 这一切是从超过30年前Lovelock设计了一个电子捕捉探测仪开始的。

27、And they are out of whack, Lovelock was to find out, because of the curious accumulative effects of coevolution. ─── 经洛夫洛克查明,它们的不循常,是共同进化累积形成的怪异效果。

28、engineer's sensibilities to the analysis of Mother Earth. ─── 工程师的敏感带入对地球母亲的分析。

29、Lovelock detector ─── 拉夫洛克检测器

30、" Lovelock had more complete knowledge of early Earth than was available to Vernadsky, and a slightly better understanding of the global patterns of gases and material flows on Earth. ─── 洛夫洛克有关早期地球的知识较之沃尔纳德斯基更为全面,对气体和物质在地球上的环流模式的理解也略高一筹。

31、Gaia hypothesis, introduce by james lovelock, say that the globe shall be take as an organism ─── 由james Lovelock提出的盖亚假说认为地球应被视作一个生物体

32、In 1967, Lovelock wrote two papers predicting that Mars would be lifeless based on his interpretation of its atmosphere. ─── 1967年,洛夫洛克写了两篇论文,预言说,根据他对该星球光谱的解读,火星上面没有生命。

33、Raymond Lovelock ─── 雷蒙·勒夫洛克

34、From this, Lovelock concluded that any planet that has life would reveal a chemistry that held odd imbalances. ─── 由此,洛夫洛克得出结论,任何有生命的星球,都会展现奇特的不稳定的化学性质。

35、The solidarity produced by a planetary field of creatures mirrored in a coevolving environment and each other is what Lovelock means by Gaia. ─── 全球范围内的生物在共同进化的环境中所映射出的休戚与共的关系,就是洛夫洛克所指的盖亚。

36、Lovelock, C. H. (1999), Service Marketing, Prentice Hall, Inc., NY . ─── 黄鹏飞译,服务行销,华泰书局。

37、While Lovelock backs off earlier assertions that Gaia is an organism, or acts as if it is one, he maintains that it really is a system that has living characteristics. ─── 当洛夫洛克不再强调早期的主张,说盖亚是一个有机体或表现得像一个有机体的时候,他保留意见说盖亚确实是一个具有生命特色的系统。

38、Gaia hypothesis, introduce by james lovelock, say that the globe shall is take as an organism. ─── 由James Lovelock提出的盖亚假说认为地球应被视作一个生物体。

39、How did Lovelock know? ─── 洛夫洛克是怎样知道的呢?

40、"Developed c. 1972 largely by British chemist James E. Lovelock and U.S. Biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis is named for the Greek Earth goddess." ─── 约在1972年由英国化学家洛夫洛克与美国生物学家马古利斯阐述,盖亚假说以希腊大地女神命名。

41、Lovelock says, "The Gaia theory is a bit stronger than coevolution," at least as biologists use the word. ─── 洛夫洛克说:“盖亚理论与共同进化论相比略显强势,”至少在生物学家采用这个词的时候。

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