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09-19 投稿


eardrops 中文意思翻译




eardrops 短语词组

1、lady's-eardrops ─── [网络] 吊钟;吊钟花;花枝招展的吊钟花

2、ladies'-eardrops ─── [网络] 女士们的耳朵

eardrops 相似词语短语

1、pandrops ─── 潘德罗普

2、eardrums ─── n.鼓膜,耳膜;中耳

3、eyedrops ─── n.眼药水;滴眼剂;眼泪(eyedrop的复数)

4、airdrops ─── n.空投(补给品或装备);v.空投(补给品或装备)

5、paradrops ─── n.伞投;伞降;v.(用降落伞)空投

6、ear drops ─── 滴耳剂

7、teardrops ─── n.泪滴(teardrop复数)

8、teardrop ─── n.泪珠;泪珠状物;adj.泪珠状的

9、eardrop ─── n.耳坠,耳饰

eardrops 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Tinidazole Gel Eardrops Preparation; ─── 替硝唑;凝胶;滴耳剂;研制;

2、The lady's eardrops slightly shake in the light breeze, the chicken hat flower pair of head rise very high, the spring side contains the moss of velvet sort, the flower of Niao Luo climed to treetop. ─── 吊钟花在微风里轻轻地摇,鸡冠花把头昂得很高,泉边有天鹅绒般的青苔,茑萝花攀上了树梢。

3、Yes. Your gold necklace has a diamond pendant, and your eardrops should be studded with diamond. What do you think of this pair? ─── 好的。你的金项链带一个钻石坠,那么你的耳坠也应镶有钻石。你看这对怎样?

4、pendant earrings;eardrop ─── 耳坠

5、HPLC method for determination of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and hydrocortisone in compound ciprofloxacin hydrochloride eardrops was established. ─── 建立了复方盐酸环丙沙星滴耳剂中盐酸环丙沙星与氢化可的松的HPLC测定法。

6、Auspicious hanging includes large tapestry, big room hanging, automobile hanging etc.Knitting clothing adornment includes ring, eardrop, hand chain, necklace and other woman's special adornments. ─── 图案表现了一个人打太极拳的动感姿态,其简洁的动作线条蕴涵着优美、和谐及力量,寓意世界各国人民之间的团结、合作和交流。

7、The experts at NIH say the wax can be softened by mineral oil, glycerin or eardrops. ─── NIH的专家们说耳蜡可以通过矿物油、甘油或者滴耳剂进行软化。

8、Topical therapy with eardrops is as important as local care with cleaning, drying and antiseptic solution, ointment or powders. ─── 对于耳滴剂的选择,应视病人的耳道情况,选择合适且较不具毒性的耳滴剂,并配合耳部局部治疗的施行。

9、LinYun when the surface of the image in the demo eardrop, people exclaim, immediately someone asked: "this is true? ─── 当林云当着众人的面演示耳坠里的图像时,人们惊叹了,立刻有人问道:“这个耳坠的玉石是不是真的?

10、We provide free skidproof pads to the eardrop you bought. ─── 购买耳钉饰品免费赠送防滑耳托。

11、New fund eardrop designs chic, originality infinite, these are modern distinctive small east east let you fondle admiringly for certain. ─── 新款耳坠设计别致、创意无限,这些时髦又独特的小东东肯定让你爱不释手。

12、HPLC method for determination of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and hydrocortisone in compound ciprofloxacin hydrochloride eardrops was established. ─── 建立了复方盐酸环丙沙星滴耳剂中盐酸环丙沙星与氢化可的松的HPLC测定法.


14、Keywords Olfoxacin;Gel;Eardrops;Quality control; ─── 氧氟沙星;凝胶;滴耳剂;质量控制;

15、When her white and slim fingers moved the firewood, her eardrops were dangling along with her movement, intoxicating. ─── 白皙纤细的手挑拨着木柴,耳朵上的坠子跟着晃啊晃啊晃,晃得让人心醉。

16、Objective To prepare the compound tinidazole gel eardrops. ─── 目的制备复方替硝唑凝胶滴耳剂。

17、However, the treatment with topical eardrops must not be used to replace proper cleaning of the ear or a necessary operation. ─── 对于慢性中耳炎的治疗,耳滴剂的使用绝不能取代局部治疗或必要的手术。

18、Compared with your broad mind,a mountain is just a landmark,a hill of surf is just a piece of broken jade,a crescent is just a eardrop ,a forest of flowers is just a bud. ─── 同你心胸相比,一座高山只是一方界碑,一堆雪浪只是一块碎玉,一弯新月只是一个耳坠,万树鲜花只是一朵蓓蕾。

19、However, I will let her possess an exquisite diamond ring, a pair of eardrop, and a necklace, so as to indicate her nobleness as a lady. ─── 但我会让她拥有一枚精致的指戒,一对精致的耳坠和一条晶莹的项链,以此来表明她作为女人的高贵。

20、Toudai includes six parts: the hair hoop, the back shield, the earmuffs, the pendant, the horsehair and the eardrops. ─── 头戴包括发箍、后屏、护耳、垂饰、马鬃、耳坠六件。

21、Objective: To evaluate stability and control quality of Gatifloxacin gel eardrops. ─── 目的:探讨加替沙星凝胶滴耳剂质量控制和稳定性。

22、Methods The gel eardrops was prepared by taking tinidazole and chloramphenicol as main components and carbpol as base material.The content of tinidazole was determined with UV spectrophotometry. ─── 方法以替硝唑、氯霉素为主药,卡泊姆为凝胶基质,用紫外分光光度法测定替硝唑的含量。

23、Take advantage of garlic's potent antibacterial properties and use this herb in eardrops. ─── 利用大蒜强有效的抗菌特性并将这种草药用于耳药水。

24、Perfect match line to still one sets the elegance that has strange color sapphirine and diamond likewise eardrop of 3 valve type. ─── 完美配衬还有一款同样镶有奇彩蓝宝石和钻石的典雅三瓣式耳坠。

25、22.Our company's fashion jewellery: ring、eardrop、bracelet、pendant are made of the tungsten carbide. ─── 我司生产的戒指、耳坠、吊坠、表带等钨钢饰品,采用高贵合金材料配以磨砂工艺,款式新颖独特;

26、They say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, glycerin or eardrops. ─── 他们说,可以用矿物油,甘油或者滴耳液来让耳垢变软。

27、Never try irrigation if the eardrop eardrum is borkenbroken. ─── 若是耳膜有破裂,千万别尝试耳道灌洗。

28、compound neomycin eardrop ─── 复方新霉素滴耳剂

29、Keywords Gatifloxacin;gel;eardrops;quality control; ─── 加替沙星;凝胶;滴耳剂;质量控制;

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