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09-19 投稿


jocosity 发音

英:[dʒoʊˈkɑːsəti]  美:[dʒəʊˈkɒsɪtɪ]

英:  美:

jocosity 中文意思翻译



jocosity 网络释义

n. 诙谐,戏谑;开玩笑

jocosity 词性/词形变化,jocosity变形


jocosity 相似词语短语

1、copiosity ─── 丰富

2、nodosity ─── n.多结节;有结节;节

3、morosity ─── 郁闷

4、jocosely ─── adv.诙谐地;开玩笑地

5、jocosities ─── n.诙谐,戏谑;开玩笑

6、porosity ─── n.有孔性,多孔性

7、amorosity ─── 无定形

8、mucosity ─── n.粘;粘性

9、torosity ─── 扭转

jocosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A distinguish feature of post-modern text is its jocosity writing style. ─── 而其戏谑狂欢化的表达方式,更具有明显的后现代文本特征。

2、Key words:Zhang Dachun, bildungsroman novels, taunting and jocosity, patriarchal system, traumas ─── 关键词:张大春;成长小说;戏谑嘲讽;父权体制;精神创伤

3、an endless bray of pointless jocosity&b{Louis Auchincloss) ─── 无穷无尽毫无意义的滑稽的干嚎(路易斯 奥金克洛斯)

4、A queue appeared slowly. It appeared slowly attention please. While finished the formalities, the local passengers jocosity shouted “go home, go home” as they left dragging their baggage. ─── 一条排队的长龙缓缓出现,请注意是缓缓出现。办完手续,有当地的人灰谐地喊着:“回家了,回家了”,拖着包走了。外地人则去巴士站,去机场安排的宾馆享受免费住宿。

5、In addition Bi Feiyu handles various narrating language: whoopee, jocosity and convergence to fit to different works " connotation. " ─── 另外,毕飞字在不同创作阶段的运用不同的叙述语言:狂欢,戏谑或者内敛,以符合不同的文本内涵。

6、Secondly, hidden sharp point of jocosity speech expresses novelist"s satire and jeer in amusing context. ─── 其次,暗藏机锋的诙谐性话语在笑谑中传达出小说家的讥讽;

7、"an endless bray of pointless jocosity" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “无穷无尽毫无意义的滑稽的干嚎”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

8、adaptation of jocosity ─── 戏谑性改编

9、The overall style is expressed in the form of humor, jocosity and exaggeration, which belongs to the classical theme beneficial to all ages and never tired of seeing. ─── 整体风格以幽默、诙谐、夸张的形式表现,属于老少皆宜,百看不厌的经典题材。

10、Let us Samba! Jocosity the Metallurgy of China ─── 中国冶金要跳桑巴舞

11、Through his researches on the image system figured by Rabelais, Bakhtin has blazoned forth a concept of “macro-death” with dualism and jocosity. ─── 巴赫金通过对拉伯雷塑造的形象体系的研究向我们宣扬了一种带有全民性、双重性、诙谐性的“大死亡”观念。

12、an endless bray of pointless jocosity(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 无穷无尽毫无意义的滑稽的干嚎(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

13、"an endless bray of pointless jocosity" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “无穷无尽毫无意义的滑稽的干嚎”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

14、In addition Bi Feiyu handles various narrating language: whoopee, jocosity and convergence to fit to different works" connotation. ─── 另外,毕飞字在不同创作阶段的运用不同的叙述语言:狂欢,戏谑或者内敛,以符合不同的文本内涵。

15、researches on the image system figured by Rabelais, Bakhtin has blazoned forth a concept of "macro-death" with dualism and jocosity . ─── 巴赫金通过对拉伯雷塑造的形象体系的研究向我们宣扬了一种带有全民性、双重性、诙谐性的“大死亡”观念。

16、The body feature of the Network Video Arts is characterized by its pornography, jocosity and narcissism. ─── 网络视频艺术走向身体性的表征主要是色情化、戏谑化和自恋等。

17、an endless bray of pointless jocosity(bLouis Auchincloss) ─── 无穷无尽毫无意义的滑稽的干嚎(b路易斯 奥金克洛斯)

18、Their special personality of maturity,jocosity,conversion between enthusiasm and reticence has rendered their ability to signify the glamour of their individuality. ─── 苹果电脑公司采用彩色苹果图案;雀巢公司使用“两只小鸟依偎在巢旁”的图案,形象鲜明生动。

19、the cultural jocosity of Xiao Feng; ─── 杨冕的时尚治疗;

20、Let us Samba! Jocosity the Metallurgy of China ─── 中国冶金要跳桑巴舞

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