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09-19 投稿


handcuffed 发音

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handcuffed 中文意思翻译



handcuffed 词性/词形变化,handcuffed变形

动词第三人称单数: handcuffs |动词现在分词: handcuffing |动词过去分词: handcuffed |动词过去式: handcuffed |

handcuffed 相似词语短语

1、hand-fed ─── 人工喂料

2、handcuffing ─── n.手铐;v.给……戴上手铐;限制

3、handcuff ─── n.手铐;v.给……戴上手铐;限制

4、handcrafted ─── adj.手工制作的,手工艺的

5、handicuffs ─── n.扭打

6、handfed ─── 手扶的

7、hand-feed ─── 人工给料;手工馈送;手给进

8、handfeed ─── 人工加料;用手喂,人工饲喂

9、handcuffs ─── n.手铐;用手铐铐住

handcuffed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He pointed glumly to his wrists as if he himself were handcuffed and said:" when you are free, I will be free. " ─── 这是在那些无尽等待的日子里,我们问他什么时候我们能被释放的时候,他自己亲口说(他也是不自由)的。

2、Handcuff the criminal. ─── 把犯人铐起来。

3、The professor was slammed against the wall, his body frisked, his wrists handcuffed, his dignity lost. ─── 教授被猛推倒墙上,被搜了身,手被拷着,尊严尽失。

4、Ma was not arrested, handcuffed or imprisoned at the time of his formal indictment for corruption on February 13, 2007, let alone during the pre-indictment period. ─── 当马先生在2007年2月13日正式遭受贪污罪起诉时,马先生不仅没有被收押,也没有被带上手銙,更遑论所谓的审前羁押。

5、To the glee of the audience, one is said to have mimicked the former president's arrest by raising handcuffed hands above her head and shouting slogans. ─── 为了使观众开心,一个人模仿前“总统”,双手被拷,高举过头喊着口号。

6、Moreover, the system really ground to simulate the process of shopping malls, very friendly interface, customers browse the system, and to pay the purchase price can be easily handcuffed. ─── 此外,系统还真实地模拟了商场的购物过程,操作界面非常友好,顾客在本系统中浏览、购物及支付货款都能够轻松上手。

7、But all it will take is one collision with Bruce Bowen before his knee starts to swell up like a cantaloupe once again and handcuff him to the bench the way it did in his final season with the Bulls. ─── 但是,这一切美好的愿景只消鲍文的一个碰撞,就将化为乌有。就像皮蓬在公牛的最后一个赛季一样,那一撞让他的膝盖肿得像个哈密瓜,也让他乖乖地退回到伤病席上去。

8、"Handcuff them all!" ─── “把他们全铐起来!”

9、The guard was slammed against the wall, his body frisked, his wrists handcuffed, his dignity lost. ─── 卫兵被猛推倒墙上,被搜了身,手被拷着,尊严尽失。

10、“Though he handcuffed me, humiliated my family, tried to destroy my **, put me in a dungeon in a 500-year-old fort, put me in exile for seven years; ─── 他在官邸解释说,”尽管他逮捕过我,羞辱过我的家庭,试图消灭我的政党,把我放在一个有500年历史堡垒的土牢内,驱逐了我7年,但我不是在报复;

11、If you draft Steve Nash early, try to handcuff him with Leandro Barbosa late. ─── 如果你前面选了纳什,那么后面尽力让巴博萨跟他扣在一起。

12、I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me. ─── 之后我被警察铐起来塞进了警车,那小子站在车外指着我大笑个不停。

13、Gates yelled to a crowd outside his house as he was handcuffed. ─── 当他被戴上手铐时,盖茨向房子周围的人群大喊。

14、But now, it became a handcuff and constrained children freedom and activeness conversely. ─── 但现在,它却反过来成了桎梏儿童的镣铐,压抑了儿童的自由与主动性。

15、The arrested woman was slammed against a wall, her body frisked, her wrists handcuffed, her dignity lost. ─── 当我们所要代替的名词是专有名词(某人的名字或某物的名称)时,必须在这前后加上逗号:

16、The first game, Marco Fu was not even handcuffed a 27 points, followed by Selby can not even get a single shot 77 points scored by the success of this Council. ─── 首局比赛,傅家俊一上手连得27分,可随后塞尔比单杆连得77分成功拿下了这局。

17、Although he is still handcuffed, Jack is able to steal one of the agents' guns and make it out of the power plant. ─── 尽管手上仍然戴着手铐,杰克还是设法从一名特工那里夺了一把枪,逃出了电厂外。

18、You shouldn't be handcuffed in your attempt to right wrongs. ─── 在试图把错误的东西纠正过来方面,你们不应该束缚住手脚。

19、Using four pitches -- his sinker, slider, four-seamer and splitter -- Wang essentially handcuffed the Jays, a team that has given him trouble in the past. ─── 主要运用四种球路,他的伸卡球、滑球、四缝线快速球和指叉球,王建民向来对蓝鸟表现不佳,过去遇到这支球队总是有麻烦。

20、The professor was slammed against the wall his body frisked his wrists handcuffed his dignity lost. ─── 教授被猛推倒墙上,被搜了身,手被拷着,尊严尽失。

21、Others said he had been taken to Bei Xin Bookshop and asked whether he were actually Rou Shi or not. And he had been handcuffed -- a sign that his case was grave. ─── 有的说,他曾经被巡捕带往北新书局去,问是否是柔石,手上上了铐,可见案情是重的。

22、The amendments handcuffed the committee and prevented further action. ─── 修正案限制了委员会的作用并使其不能再有所作为。

23、handcuff the criminal ─── 把犯人铐起来

24、The soldiers handcuff the ring leader and cover his head. ─── 士兵们拷上了团伙的头目并盖住他的头。

25、Drug Storehouse management system using simple and clear user interface, even if not familiar with the operation of computer users can quickly handcuffed. ─── 药库管理系统采用简洁明了的操作界面,即使不熟悉电脑操作的用户也能很快上手。

26、"With you it is different.You have health and much to live for, and you must be handcuffed to life somehow. ─── 你身强力壮,还有许多值得活着去追求的东西,因此非得跟生活铐在一起不可。

27、One cop held downthe robber while another handcuffed him. ─── 一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。

28、You want to handcuff yourself to the book? ─── 你要把你自己和样刊铐在一起?

29、On directions from Anderson handcuffed in the back of Taylor's red four-wheel drive they pulled up to the meadow at about 11:15 p.m. ─── 按照安德森提供的线索,他们在晚上大约11点15分到达大牧场。安德森被铐在泰勒的红色四轮驱动警车后座上,也同时到达。

30、Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy." Boston Review,( April/ May1999. ─── 民主论坛:是权利限制了民主吗?”,《波士顿评论》,1999年4/月。

31、I think we are onto something - next time we catch a drug dealer we handcuff the drugs to his wrist and put him on a flight to China - maybe even call ahead and tip them off as to his arrival. ─── 我认为我们学到了点什么,下一次,如果我们抓到毒贩,把他铐起来用飞机运到中国,也许在他到达前,给中国打个电话通风报信一下。

32、"The men, who were described to have dark-colored rags over their noses and mouths, handcuffed the soldier and forced him into one of the vehicles," the military said in a written statement. ─── “据描述,这些人以黑色破布蒙住口鼻铐住该士兵,然后把他塞进其中一辆汽车”,军方在一份书面报告中这样写道。

33、The other side of benevolence and righteousness is the handcuff and fetters, devised to trap people in guilt. ─── 仁义的另外一面意义,就是手镣脚铐,专门陷人于罪恶之中。

34、One cop held down the robber while another handcuffed him. ─── 一名警察按住强盗,另一名把他铐上。

35、One day, he was startled when bailiffs from the court marched into his tavern and, without a word of explanation, handcuffed him and marched him off to the court. ─── 一天,许多衙门里的衙役闯进他的酒馆(改为:许多衙役闯进他的酒馆),二话不说就把他拷起来押送到衙门去,他大吃了一惊。

36、Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamppost while handcuffed. ─── 两个囚犯手铐在一起时却分别往灯柱两边跑,结果没跑成。

37、Bystanders are often handcuffed at gunpoint, as happened to one of Lexington's blameless friends a few weeks ago in Washington, DC. ─── 就连目击者也常常被拷起双手,被枪顶着,几周前华盛顿特区莱克星顿的一个朋友就是这样,他是无辜的。

38、”asked the other.“Young!”exclaimed the first speaker,“why-Oh!Didn't you 42)catch on?Say -did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand? ─── 她说话的嗓音是那么圆润甜美而又从容不迫,表明它的主人惯于说话,也惯于被人倾听。

39、Idea 3: The police rush into the bank and handcuff Mark. ─── 想法三:警方冲进银行逮捕马克。

40、["Democracy Forum: Do Rights Handcuff Democracy." Boston Review , (April/May 1999. ─── “民主论坛:是权利限制了民主吗?”,《波士顿评论》,1999年4/5月。

41、When he got out of the car to visit, the man was handcuffed to him. ─── 那时他还在工作,是州里的假释官,因此来时带着一个囚犯,那人准是在外面休假准备回监狱去的。

42、After some discussion, I was handcuffed. ─── 在一些讨论之后,我被铐上了。

43、Xia zhixing: He like to handcuffed to bed and let me lash and drop candle wax. He just likes to do so. Just this. Nothing else nothing. ─── 夏之星:他喜欢被铐在床上,让我鞭打滴蜡油。他就是喜欢来这套。就这样啦。没事,没事。

44、The man, who could face a fine of $7,500 for breaking regulations, was handcuffed and taken to hospital with minor injuries ─── 该男子受了一点轻伤,他已被警方逮捕并送往医院,他可能会因为违反公园的规定而被罚款7500美元。

45、Martinez was taken to an inspection room, forced to remove his shoes, searched, handcuffed to a chair and held for two hours while officers questioned his documents, he said. ─── 据马丁内斯回忆说,他被带到了一间审讯室,被迫脱掉了鞋子,被迫接受了搜查。在警察审查他的文件的两个小时中,他始终被拷在一把椅子上。

46、The first guy gets handcuffed to one of the ugliest girls there. ─── 第二个人也遇到了相同的情况。

47、I saw the deaf boy sitting there on his porch just looking at me as they pulled me down from the fence and 22)handcuffed me. ─── 我说,气得浑身像片叶子似地抖个不停。

48、None of the young boy's experiences from childhood to this moment, sitting handcuffed in a chair, are of his own doing. ─── 这个年轻的小伙子带着手铐坐在椅子上,他所讲述的从童年到现在的生活经历并不是他自己所做过事。

49、The demonstratorhad handcuffed herself to the railings. ─── 有个示威的妇女把自己铐在栏杆上。

50、Mr Chau claimed an officer had told him he would be "handcuffed and taken to court" if anything illegal was found. ─── 大会的气氛时有激烈质问,但因为双方坦诚地沟通,餐馆代表明显觉得他们所受的怨气有了宣泄,对渔农处经理的态度表示接受。

51、No one is actually following the heavy methodologies we have handcuffed ourselves with. ─── 实际上没有一个人真的遵守那些曾经用来自缚的重量级方法。

52、He`s handcuffed to a briefcase. ─── 他的手边铐着一个箱子。

53、On one occasion, I slept next to a smiling convict who was handcuffed to his bunk. ─── 还有一次,我就睡在一个面带微笑、铐在床位上的罪犯旁边。

54、Florida police officer has quit, two others have been fired after a patrol car dashboard camera caught them punching and kicking a handcuffed suspect. ─── 一辆佛罗里达州的巡逻警车仪表盘上的摄像头拍摄到一名嫌疑犯被拳打脚踢后,使虐的一位警官辞职,其他两人被开除。

55、Operations Guide: upper and lower control around, handcuffed some difficulty, but the lovely picture will allow you to adhere to cross the border. ─── 操作指南:上下左右控制,上手有些难度,但是可爱的画面会让你坚持过关。

56、‘I’ was born on the day of India’s independence.This peculiarity handcuffed me to history and my destinies to those of my country. ─── “我”出生于印度独立日这一天,命运因此同历史和国家联在一起。

57、Today, I woke up handcuffed to a flagpole at my college wearing nothing but a pink lacy thong and bra. ─── 今天我醒来发现自己被铐在学校的旗杆上,身上只穿着粉红色的蕾丝胸罩和丁字裤。

58、The police handcuffed the robber, when he had come up with him. ─── 那个警察追上劫匪,给他带上了手铐。

59、Her hands were handcuffed behind her back. ─── 她的双手被反剪铐住。

60、To fetter and handcuff living Beings ─── 桎梏生灵

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