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09-19 投稿


lolled 发音

英:[lɒld]  美:[lɑːld]

英:  美:

lolled 中文意思翻译





v.懒洋洋地躺着[坐着、站着]( loll的过去式和过去分词 ); (头、舌等耷拉,下垂); 懒洋洋地坐着(或躺着、站着); 无所事事

lolled 词性/词形变化,lolled变形

动词过去分词: lolled |副词: lollingly |动词第三人称单数: lolls |动词现在分词: lolling |动词过去式: lolled |名词: loller |

lolled 相似词语短语

1、polled ─── v.对……作民意调查;(候选人)获得票数;投票;轮询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;截去(树或植物)的梢(poll的过去式及过去分词);adj.(牛、羊等)被剪去毛的;无角的

2、-olled ─── 滚

3、rolled ─── adj.轧制的;滚制的;v.使…转动;摇摆(roll的过去分词和过去式)

4、jolled ─── 蛋黄

5、lalled ─── v.发音不正确;把/r/音读成/l/音

6、loller ─── n.下垂的东西;(老了)游手好闲的人

7、dolled ─── n.洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人;vt.把…打扮得花枝招展;n.(Doll)人名;(英)多尔(女子教名Dorothea和Dorothy的昵称);(西)多利

8、colled ─── 迷路的

9、lulled ─── v.使平静;使安静;哄骗;平息,减弱,停止;使(人)放松警惕;n.间歇;暂停,暂时平静;n.(Lull)(美、西、德、加、英、法)勒尔(人名)

lolled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My head lolled against his shoulder. ─── 我把头懒懒地靠在他的肩上。

2、loll about the strees ─── 在街上闲荡

3、loll out ─── v. 伸出

4、Dog:My sweat gland is on my tongue.I must loll it out to lower the temperature. ─── 我的汗腺长在我的舌头上,我必须把舌头伸出来降温。

5、The younger brother ask me:"Elder brother, what is kiss?"I say:"Kiss?Open mouth, loll out tongue." ─── 弟弟问我:“哥,什么是接吻啊?”我说:“接吻?张嘴,伸舌头。”

6、They lolled on the grass.;;; ─── 他们懒洋洋地躺在草地上。

7、Rainbow grow after ston,will be sweety as a loll... ─── 彩虹经历过风雨后的成长,将会像棒棒糖一样甜美。

8、You know what things hot loll out tongue? ─── 你们知道什么东西热了伸舌头吗?

9、the open-air tea houses where men loll on rattan armchairs under cypress tress, spending twenty cents for a whole afternoon in summer; ─── 在那个地方儿,夏天在露天茶座儿上,人舒舒服服地坐着松柏树下的藤椅子品茶,花上两毛钱就耗过一个漫长的下午。

10、Don't loll about in the street after school. ─── 放学后不要在街上到处闲逛。

11、Mrs. Wu, who knew what was coming, lolled lazily against the back of her chair with a smile on her lips ─── 很知道丈夫脾气的吴少奶奶则懒懒地靠在椅背上微笑。

12、The dog lolled its tongue out in the heat. ─── 狗热得伸出了舌头.

13、For the more adventurers, he is even building a drinking platform at the top of the tree. Men lolled around in various stages of liberation. ─── 为了迎合一些冒险家,酒吧老板还在树顶搭了个喝酒的小平台,人们懒散地置身其中。

14、After gorging himself with the delightful fare, lbrahim the Wise drank deeply from the river, and lolled on the grass, sure that his prayer had been answered, and that he would never have to toil more. ─── 智慧的易卜拉欣狼吞虎咽地吃下了这让人心旷神怡的美食,又到河里喝了不少水,慵懒地躺在草地上,心想自己的祈祷应验了,从此不必再劳碌。

15、The child lolled about on the bed. ─── 孩子懒洋洋地躺在床上.

16、loll back ─── 懒洋洋地向后靠

17、the boy lolled out his tongue. ─── 男孩吐出舌头。

18、The dog lolled its tongue out in hot weather. ─── 狗在大热天伸出了舌头.

19、He lolled back in his chair by the fire. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠着椅背坐在炉火边。

20、lolled his head on the armrest. ─── 他的头无精打彩地靠在椅子扶手上

21、His head lolled forward in his sleep. ─── 他垂着头打瞌睡.

22、In her rare spare time, Loll enjoys playing chamber music. ─── 在难得的空閒时光里,罗尔喜欢演奏室内乐。

23、A bloated carcass of a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack ─── 一具胀得鼓鼓的狗尸耷拉着四肢趴在狸藻上。

24、Sven Loll ─── 洛尔

25、He lolled back in his chair by the fire. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠着椅背坐在炉火边。

26、loll about [around] on the grass ─── 在草地上四处悠游

27、Conclusion It possessed best resist compression, torsion resistant, bent loll equal energy force that designed vertebrae fusion ware and centrum after pedicle of vertebral arch nail fixing. ─── 结论所设计的椎间融合器和椎弓根钉固定椎体后具有较好的抗压、抗扭、屈伸等能力。

28、But I’m trying to stay firm to save some time for myself: to loll daydream. ─── 但是为了给自己省出时间来小憩、打盹、幻想,我就要尝试坚持说“不”。

29、loll against a door ─── 懒洋洋地靠在门上

30、They lolled and lolloped about day after day. ─── 他们一天又一天懒散地闲荡着。

31、Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip ─── 只消懒洋洋地享受这宁静的黄昏,一切全听其自然。

32、He lolled back in his comfortable chair. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠在舒适的椅子上。

33、They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds. ─── 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以去滚一滚。

34、He lolled and lolloped about after school. ─── 放学后他到处闲逛.

35、If loll deflection is ill side is right side, with break down limbs is the same as side, belong to paralysis of centre sex tongue, ill caustic is the pathological changes of midbrain above. ─── 如果伸舌偏向病侧对侧,与瘫痪肢体同侧,则属中枢性舌瘫,病损为中脑以上的病变。

36、When he let go the head lolled sideways. ─── 他一放手,脑袋便垂向一侧。

37、Vi. To move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll ─── 闲逛以懒懒的,放松的方式移动或行动;漫步

38、He showed a visitor through his barns, where cows with yellow identification tags in their ears munched on a ration made mainly of corn plants or lolled about in sandy stalls. ─── 他带一名参观者去他的农舍,那里耳朵上带着黄色确认标牌的奶牛要么在咀嚼着玉米制成的饲料,要么在沙地牲口圈里懒洋洋的休息。

39、A photographs feed automatic disease: Lip of expressional absorb, lap, loll, deglutition, mastication. ─── a 摄食自动症:表现吸吮、舐唇、伸舌、吞咽、咀嚼等。

40、They lolled and lolloped about. ─── 他们懒散地闲荡着。

41、loll one's head out of the window ─── 把头伸出窗外

42、he let go the head lolled sideways. ─── 他一放手,脑袋便垂向一侧。

43、The dog's tongue lolled out. ─── 狗的舌头伸了出来.

44、soot loll technique ─── 烟迹技术

45、The hunting dog lolled its tongue out. ─── 猎狗伸出了舌头.

46、1. Next time don't loll out your tongue out. ─── 下次可别伸出舌头来嘲笑人了。

47、Jackson lolled back in his armchair drinking beer. ─── 杰克逊懒洋洋地仰靠在扶手椅上,喝着啤酒.

48、4. Jackson lolled back in his armchair drinking beer. ─── 杰克逊懒洋洋地仰靠在扶手椅上,喝着啤酒。

49、That intolerable cub shuffled about so sleepily and lolled against the rails in such a slack, improper fashion that I came down on him sharply ─── 这个黄毛小儿瞌睡虫似地拖着脚步晃来晃去,还瘫软着身子靠在栏杆上,一点不象样子,便冲着他吼叫起来。

50、The dog let its tongue loll out. ─── 狗伸出舌头。

51、Results We got the mechanical property indices of each group on the proneness, aback loll, axial compression, torsion, stress relaxation and creep. ─── 结果得出了各组标本前屈、后伸、轴向压缩、扭转和应力松弛、蠕变力学性能指标。

52、They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds belonging to the young ladies in the households of the local tyrants and evil gentry. ─── 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以踏上去滚一滚。

53、4.The dog lolled its tongue out. ─── 这狗伸出了舌头。

54、To anyone who has spent time in India's villages, paying to sun oneself while cattle loll and cowpats dry under the sky might seem a little far fetched. ─── 去印度旅游的游客常常被带去欣赏壮观的陵墓、精美的宫殿和迷人的海滩,或是加入惊险刺激的攀登喜马拉雅山之旅。

55、Is it realy enough to slide self and trolley bag into a steel cylinder to be ferried a thousand miles to loll on a sun lounger? ─── 难道将我们自己和拉杆箱一起装入钢筒中飞舟渡过一千英里,然后懒洋洋地躺在躺椅上晒日光浴,就能使我们满足吗?

56、Sue lolled back in her seat, enjoying the sunshine. ─── 苏懒洋洋地向后靠着,享受着阳光。

57、She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling. ─── 她閒躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头閒靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。

58、They talked about human injustices in some countries, while they lolled around for hours on the beaten brown carpet that blanketed the wide hallways of our one-hundred-year-old stone dorm. ─── 一连好几个小时,他们懒洋洋地围坐在我们有一百年历史的石头宿舍宽阔的大厅里陈旧的棕色地毯上,谈论某些国家的侵犯人权问题。

59、loll in a chair [on a sofa, against a wall] ─── 懒洋洋地倚靠在椅子里 [在沙发上,墙上]

60、the two girls lolled in their chairs. ─── 两个女孩懒洋洋地坐在椅子上。

61、The hunting dog lolled its tongue out. ─── 猎狗伸出了舌头。

62、He lolled and lolloped about after school. ─── 放学后他到处闲逛。

63、Loll on beds inlaid with ivory and sprawl over the couches ─── 躺卧在象牙床上,舒身在榻上

64、And when I used to the rhythm, while the brush is beginning to the throat side, I am starting to loll my tongue. ─── 不过我常常会抓到节奏感之后,只要刷刷开始从喉咙处刷起时,我也会跟著舔舌头。

65、They lolled and lolloped about. ─── 他们懒散地闲荡着.

66、His head lolled forward in his sleep. ─── 他垂着头打瞌睡。

67、After drinking and eating they lolled in the shade and Fabrizzio unbuttoned his shirt and contracted his stomach muscles to make the tattoo come alive. ─── 吃饱喝足之后,他们懒洋洋地躺在绿荫下。 法布里吉奥解开衬衫,把肚皮一伸一缩的,这一下他肚皮上的花纹更明显了。

68、The experimental results show that the training speed of LOLL reaches 4 times the speed of conventional BP, and the speech nonlinear predictor based on LOLL algorithm performs well. ─── 实验结果显示,LOLL训练算法的速度比传统的BP算法快4倍,用它构成的语音信号非线性预测器有较好的预测性能。

69、A bloated carcass of a dog lay lolled on bladderwrack. ─── 一具胀得鼓鼓的狗尸耷拉着四肢趴在狸藻上.

70、1. Price cut inevitable as new crop available soon loll off until notice. ─── 新的谷物即将上市,价格降低在所难免,请稳住另候通知。

71、Do stand up straight, don't loll about like that! ─── 站直,别那样歪七竖八的!

72、loll around ─── loll about

73、To lounge about; loll. ─── 闲逛;游荡

74、By Brady's cottages a boy for the skins lolled, his bucket of offal linked, smoking a chewed fagbutt ─── 一个拾破烂的少年在布雷迪公寓[1]旁闲荡,臂上挎了一篮子(提梁是用绳子绑的)碎肉,吸着人家嚼剩的烟头。

75、His head lolled to one side, like a puppy picked up by the neck-scruff; ─── 他的头倾向一边,就象一只小狗,被人揪着脖子后面,提了起来;

76、And once in from the hills, the men can loll for hours over a demitasse of fierce black coffee sipped down to the slurry at the cup's bottom. ─── 男人们一从山上回来,便会懒洋洋地喝起浓烈的黑咖啡来,一喝就是好几个小时,直到杯底只剩咖啡渣为止。

77、She be loll on a sofa, with nothing to do ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做

78、loll around in the sun ─── 在阳光下懒散地闲荡

79、A frost lolled off nearly all the apple blossom, with the result that we had a very poor crop this year. ─── 一场霜几乎把所有的苹果花都毁坏了,因此今年苹果歉收。

80、loll around the house ─── 在家中呆着.

81、Sue lolled back in her seat, enjoying the sunshine. ─── 苏懒洋洋地向后靠着, 享受着阳光.

82、The dog lolled its tongue out in the heat. ─── 狗热得伸出了舌头。

83、Do not loll about on the bed. ─── 别懒洋洋地赖在床上不起来。

84、donkey:yes, but how funny it is you loll your tongue out! ─── 是的,但是你把舌头伸出来很滑稽呢!

85、The dog's tongue lolled out. ─── 狗的舌头伸出在外。

86、" They now golfed and lolled around in swanky saunas. ─── 现在他们打高尔夫,蒸桑拿,过着时髦的休闲生活。

87、loll about ─── 懒洋洋地坐着

88、Renate Loll is a professor at Utrecht University, where she heads one of the largest groups for quantum gravity research in Europe. ─── 罗尔是荷兰乌特列兹大学的教授,主持一个欧洲最大的量子重力研究团队。

89、My head lolled against his shoulder. ─── 我把头懒懒地靠在他的肩上。

90、They lolled and lolloped about day after day. ─── 他们一天又一天懒散地闲荡着.

91、Facial expression flesh group convulsion, can behave the eye that it is a mouth askew, dehisce, loll or roll tongue. ─── 面部表现肌群痉挛,可表现为口眼歪斜,张口,伸舌或卷舌。

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