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09-19 投稿


indelicacy 发音

英:[[ɪn'delɪkəsɪ]]  美:[[ɪn'delɪkəsɪ]]

英:  美:

indelicacy 中文意思翻译



indelicacy 词性/词形变化,indelicacy变形

名词复数: indelicacies |

indelicacy 同义词

tastelessness |tactlessness | bad manners | crudeness | coarseness | impropriety | indecency

indelicacy 反义词


indelicacy 相似词语短语

1、indexical ─── adj.像索引排列的;索引的

2、inefficacy ─── n.无效;无效力

3、indelicacies ─── n.粗俗,无教养

4、indelibly ─── adv.不能消灭地

5、indexicals ─── 索引

6、indelicate ─── adj.无教养的;不文雅的;下流的,粗俗的

7、intricacy ─── n.错综,复杂;难以理解

8、indelicately ─── adv.粗野地;下流地

9、delicacy ─── n.美味;佳肴;微妙;精密;精美;敏锐,敏感;世故,圆滑

indelicacy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shameful state includes the exposure of physical indelicacy and off intellectual and moral weakness. ─── 羞愧状态包括对身体的不适当的暴露,对于理智上的或道德上的弱点的暴露。

2、it is an indelicacy, like talking in mixed company about venereal disease or abortion in the old days. ─── 这是一个不适宜的话题,就像过去在男女一起时谈论性病和流产一样不易启口。

3、indelicacy is too mild a term to convey the idea ─── 用“有伤大雅”四个字来形容,也还嫌太轻描淡写。

4、but the indelicacy of her conduct was so much the greater, and to a woman in Mrs.Dashwood's situation, with only common feelings, must have been highly unpleasing; ─── 不过,她的行为实在太不文雅,按照人之常情,任何一个女人处在达什伍德太太当婆母的位置上,都会感到很不愉快。

5、I've noticed you for long time. Except sarcastic remarks and indelicacy you could make, wonder what you have. ─── 看了你很久,除了会说一些风凉话和下流兮兮的东西,不知你有什么研究和水平。

6、it is an indelicacy like talking in mixed company about venereal disease or abortion in the old days. ─── 这是一个不相宜的话题,就像过去在男女一起时谈论性病和流产一样不易启口。

7、Because of sedimentationed indelicacy broad, tide flows backwards, reason river water is much cannot drinkable. ─── 因沉降的下流宽广,海潮倒流,故河水多不能饮用。

8、Free from indelicacy; modest. ─── 高雅体面的

9、"But there seems indelicacy in directing his attentions towards her, so soon after this event. ─── “不过,她家里一发生这件变故,他就去向她献殷勤,这未免不象话吧。”

10、Cheap goods: Indelicacy bah, not be good thing. ─── 贱货:下流呸,不是好东西。

11、The high the latest fashion that autumn winter series contains clarity is delicate divine marrow, the outside indelicacy of firm independence shows meticulous woman idiosyncratic. ─── 秋冬系列带有清楚的高级时装精致神髓,坚强独立的外表下流露细致女性特质。

12、She saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done, and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct. ─── 她发觉他那样自称自赞,是多么有失体统,而且他又是多么言行不符。

13、impression that someone as simple and natural as giving you what you happen to have to someone who happens to be in need of it is in itself and indelicacy. ─── 你恰好有的东西给予恰好需要的人,这本是简单自然的事,却给人似乎有欠慎重的印象。

14、Hot spring of arteries and veins of quick profit bosom scooping up, dragon drips at ground indelicacy. ─── 灵润挹怀、龙脉温泉于地下流淌。

15、Quick profit bosom scooping up, hot spring of dragon arteries and veins drips at ground indelicacy. ─── 灵润挹怀,龙脉温泉于地下流淌。

16、I've noticed you for long time.Except sarcastic remarks and indelicacy you could make,wonder what you have. ─── 看了你很久,除了会说一些风凉话和下流兮兮的东西,不知你有什么研究和水平。

17、decent--characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality;free from indelicacy;modest. ─── 得体的以符合公认的行为和道德规范为特征的;


shark fin soup 鱼翅汤People in California can no longer eat the Chinese delicacy of shark fin soup. 美国加利福尼亚州的人们不再能吃鱼翅汤这种中餐佳肴了。


nutrition moisturizing营养保湿双语例句1To stimulate cell regeneration and more in-depth nutrition nasalmoisturizing skin feeling silky delicacy of a whitening Herbalfascinating texture.刺激细胞再生,更能深层的营养润泽鼻部肌肤,感觉柔滑细腻呈现嫩白亮采的迷人质感。 2Function: perfect aloe vera gel is pure natural beauty crystal withnutrition, moisturizing, sunscreen, whitening, anti-wrinkle, go spot,pox-eliminated effect.作用:完美芦荟胶是纯天然的美容晶,具有营养、保湿、防晒、增白、抗皱、去斑、去痘的功效。

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