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09-17 投稿


interrogator 发音

英:[ɪnˈterəɡeɪtər]  美:[ɪnˈterəɡeɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

interrogator 中文意思翻译



interrogator 词性/词形变化,interrogator变形


interrogator 短语词组

1、interrogator-transmitter ─── [电] 询问器

2、interrogator responser ─── [计] 问答机

3、Marine Radar Interrogator-Transpond ─── 海洋雷达拦截器-Transpond

4、interrogator transponder ─── [计] 问答机

5、video data interrogator ─── [计] 显示数据询问器

6、interrogator delay ─── [计] 询问器延迟

7、automatic interrogator ─── 自动询问器

8、interrogator-responder ─── [计] 问答器

9、Marine Radar Interrogator-Transponder ─── 海洋雷达拦截器-转发器

10、interrogator set ─── [计] 询问器

11、interrogator-responder system ─── [计] 问答方式, 询问应答方式

12、interrogator-responsor ─── [电] 询答机

interrogator 相似词语短语

1、interpolator ─── n.窜改者,插入器;内插程序

2、interrogated ─── [计]询问

3、interrogatory ─── n.质问;疑问;adj.质问的;疑问的

4、interrogate ─── vt.审问;质问;[计]询问;vi.审问;质问

5、interrogatee ─── 访谈

6、interrogation ─── n.讯问;审问;[语]疑问句

7、interrogates ─── vt.审问;质问;[计]询问;vi.审问;质问

8、interrogatories ─── n.疑问;问题;书面质询(interrogatory的复数形式)

9、interrogators ─── n.质问者;询问机

interrogator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、interrogator delay ─── 询问器延迟

2、Before long I was asked about my age by a Westerner again. This time the interrogator was a cute small boy about 6, who was my Landlord's son. ─── 不久,我再次被一个西方人问及年龄。这次询问者是我房东6岁左右的漂亮的小男孩。

3、GIRU Ground Interrogator Receiver Unit ─── 地面应答机接收单元

4、You guessed it - Cabal Interrogator. ─── 呵呵,你也猜到了---柯帮诘问人。

5、Torture was once common in Europe's market squares.It is now unacceptable even when the world's most powerful nation wears the interrogator's mask. ─── 酷刑在欧洲的广场上曾经很常见,而现在即便是世界上最强大的国家带上刑讯者的面具都不可接受。

6、(Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death. ─── - 在杀死审讯者达库斯之后的20分钟内,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

7、Improved Interrogator Side Lobe Suppression ─── 改进型问答机旁瓣抑制

8、An interrogator clutched one detainee's neck so that he repeatedly passed out. ─── 一审讯官紧紧掐住一囚犯的脖子以致他几次昏厥过去。

9、When asked about keeping focus during the finals and dealing with requests for tickets from friends and family, he turned on both the interrogator and the aforementioned friends and family. ─── 当被问到专注于总决赛,以及如何处理来自朋友和亲人的球票要求时,他提到了发问者和前面说到的朋友与家人:我没有这个问题。

10、sonar interrogator set ─── 声纳询问器

11、It says one interrogator threatened to kill the children of one 9/11 suspect, while another threatened a detainee's mother. ─── 报告说,一名审讯人员威胁要杀死一名911嫌犯的孩子,还有一名审讯人员则威胁一名被拘留者的母亲。

12、He also claims an American interrogator submitted questions for others to ask during this process. ─── 他还声称,在此过程中,一名美国讯问者提出问题,让其他人来问。

13、interrogator responder beacon ─── 问答器信标

14、This article starts with one of its weakest links, respecting and protecting the rights of the criminal suspect to study the harmony between the interrogator and the criminal suspect. ─── 本文试图从讯问这一刑事司法阶段打开缺口,探寻侦讯人员与犯罪嫌疑人之间的和谐。

15、It eliminates any bias in favor of living organisms by forcing the interrogator to focus solely on the content of the answers to questions. ─── 翻译的是:通过使询问者只关注回答问题的内容消除了有利于生物体的偏置。

16、When U/W and controlling versions of Affinity were king, Cabal Interrogator was the perfect assassin, but he no longer carries his weight. ─── 在此之前,如果白蓝和控制型共鸣是赛场上的国王,接吻男就是那个完美的刺客,而现在,它已经不堪重负。

17、includes two kinds of device, interrogator and tag, exchanging information throughradio wave. ─── 出无线电波,将会造成讯号碰撞,以致于其它装置无法读取到正确资讯。

18、: The suspect finally confessed the details, faced with the attack of the interrogator. ─── 在审讯人员强大的攻势下,嫌疑犯终于详述了实情。

19、track interrogator ─── 轨道情况询问器

20、RF front end transceiver is one of the most important parts in RFID system, including interrogator transceiver and transponder transceiver. ─── 模拟前端是射频识别芯片中的关键模块,包括读写器模拟前端和标签模拟前端两个部分。

21、The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar. ─── 很显然,那名办事员是位职业女性,自信、有能力,并有着一个类似“官方讯问员”或“镇登记员”之类很堂皇的头衔。

22、"Sometimes they make fun of you. They ask if you want water, and if you say yes they bring it, but then the interrogator drinks it. " ─── “有时候他们拿我取乐。他们问我想不想喝水,如果我说想,审问者就拿水来,然后自己喝掉。”

23、CFBG with triangular and broad-band spectra is fabricated.The simulation results are shown when the grating acts as interrogator in the FBG sensor systems. ─── 实验制作了宽带宽具有三角形反射谱的T-CFBG,并对其用于传感解调予以了模拟分析。

24、Interrogator Michael Goldman Gilad, was there. ─── 审讯员麦克·戈德曼·吉拉德就在现场。

25、An interrogator clutched one detainee's neck so that he repeatedly passed out. ─── 紧捏犯人脖颈使其多次昏迷。

26、interrogator transponder ─── 问答机

27、shipboard interrogator ─── 船只询问器

28、Assuming tags in the interrogator access range are uniformly distributed, a multi-stage interrogation scheme is utilized to further avoid tag collisions and minimize the system power consumption. ─── 假设标签在读取的范围内均匀分布,利用分阶读取的技术将更进一步避免标签冲突并且使系统能量消耗减到最小。

29、low-power interrogator ─── 小功率询问器

30、interrogator responsor ─── 质问机

31、Interrogator Responser Transponder ─── 询问应答机

32、Channel Multiplex Circuit Design for Optical Sensor Interrogator Based on Serial Interface ─── 基于串口的光纤光栅解调仪多通道扩展电路设计

33、On the Indispensable Quality of Investigative Interrogator under New Situation ─── 论新形势下侦查讯问人员应具备的基本素质

34、Design of UHF RFID Interrogator ─── 超高频射频识别系统读写器设计

35、AGILITY TUNING, The capability of the DME to alternately tune between two different DME stations in order to get two distance readings from one interrogator. ─── 快速调谐,机载DME通过交替调谐两部地面DME电台以测得来自同一台询问机的两个距离数据的能力。

36、Air Interrogator System ─── 航空问答机系统

37、The plan says that there must be a physical barrier between a detainee and the interrogator during questioning. ─── 计划规定在审讯期间,审讯者和犯人之间必须设立物理屏障。

38、No,I was not mad, but my interrogator was furious. ─── 不,我没疯,只是质问我的人怒不可遏。

39、Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator ─── 空中交通管制信标询问器

40、airborne interrogator responder ─── 机载询问应答机

41、interrogator responser ─── [计] 问答机

42、The Turing test is often simplified to one in which a machine attempts to convince a human interrogator that it is a human. ─── 图灵测试通常被简化为这样一种形式:机器试图让人类询问者相信它是人类。

43、military judicial interrogator ─── 军法询问员

44、"The Great Interrogator of Human Soul" --Lu Xun and Lu Ling in My Eye ─── "人的灵魂的伟大审问者"--我看鲁迅与路翎

45、" continued my interrogator. ─── 我的询问者继续说。

46、coded interrogator ─── 编码询问器

47、Lagouranis, who was an army interrogator from 2001 to 2005 with the rank of specialist, is haunted by images of Iraqis, largely innocents, he had abused. ─── 劳根瑞尼斯是2001年至2005年驻伊美军专家级的审讯官,他常常被自己曾虐待过的伊拉克人的形象所困扰,这些人大部分是无辜的。

48、The capability of the DME to alternately tune between two different DME stations in order to get two distance readings from one interrogator. ─── 机载DME通过交替调谐两部地面DME台,以测得来自同一台询问机的两个距离数据的能力。

49、Unfortunately, the operation was being conducted under the direction of an agent who, though a capable interrogator, had little experience as a field operator. ─── 不幸的是这次行动的指挥是一个擅长室内审讯而对现场行动知之甚少的人。

50、interrogator responder ─── 判断响应装置,询问接收装置

51、Thirty people got the gender wrong, and those subjected to physical threats were the worst at recognising their interrogator. ─── 30人将性别搞错,而饱受肉体恐吓的受测者在识别审讯者时的表现最差。

52、DME interrogator ─── 测距装置询问机

53、AGILITY TUNING,The capability of the DME to alternately tune between two different DME stations in order to get two distance readings from one interrogator. ─── 快速调谐,机载DME 通过交替调谐两部地面DME 电台以测得来自同一台询问机的两个距离数据的能力。

54、28. It is now unacceptable even when the world's most powerful nation wears the interrogator's mask. ─── 而现在即便是世界上最强大的国家带上刑讯者的面具都不可接受。

55、A new method of spread spectrum communication and modulation based on tag to interrogator link of RFID system is intro-duced in this paper. ─── 本文提出了一种应用于射频识别系统从RFID标签到读卡器的反向链路通信的扩频解扩方法。

56、He also claims an American interrogator submitted questions for others to ask during this process. ─── 他还声称,在此过程中,一名美国讯问者提出问题,让其他人来问。

57、station interrogator ─── 车站询问器

58、But the Belgian police investigation finds that there is no torture interrogator acts. ─── 但比利时警方调查后认定,审讯员不存在刑讯逼供行为。

59、No, I was not mad, but my 5)interrogator was furious. ─── 不,我没疯,只是质问我的人却怒不可竭。

60、As much as it pains me to say it, I've come to the conclusion that Cabal Interrogator is similarly no longer worth main deck slots. ─── 尽管我并不愿意承认,但是现在的环境导致柯帮接吻男...不再适合占据主牌的栏位了。

61、I will get out of here; you won't," she once snapped at an interrogator. ─── 一天我会离开这里;你们永远不会,”她曾向一个审讯者怒吼道。

62、Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately. ─── 范小姐就缺少这样一个切切私语的盘问者。

63、interrogator set ─── 询问器

64、polygraphic interrogator ─── 测谎审讯员

65、Design of RFID interrogator based on warehouse management of logistics ─── 基于物流仓储管理的RFID读写器设计

66、The radar includes a fully integrated Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) interrogator system. ─── 该雷达包含一个完全集成的敌我识别系统。

67、ATCBI Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator ─── 空管信标应答机

68、It also can be used as the signal encoder of interrogator of the surface-to-air SSR. ─── 又可用作地-空雷达的地面询问机询问信号编码器。

69、At one point, as one boy rests his head on the table, the interrogator flicks at him, shouting: "Lift your head, you. " ─── 一个孩子一度伏在桌上,审问者拍着他叫:“抬起头来”。

70、interrogator circuit ─── 询问电路

71、The questions will usually begin before our tickets have been checked and after I answer the first three the interrogator will alert the other passengers to the fact that I speak Chinese. ─── 这些问题通常在验票之前就开始了,在我回答了头三个问题之后,讯问者就会提醒其他乘客注意我会讲中文的事实。

72、Hans, whose primary responsibility as interrogator was to make a positive identification, knew them by heart: his height and weight, head circumference and shoe size, scars, detal work, a tattoo under his left arm listing blood type. ─── 汉斯作为问讯人,首要责任是确定他的身份,把他的所有特征都牢记在心:身高、体重、头围、鞋码、伤疤、牙医记录,以及左臂上表明血型的文身。

73、One of these jailed women shares her conversation with her interrogator in prison. ─── 狱中其中一名女性透露审讯人员与她的对话。

74、video data interrogator ─── 显示数据询问器

75、maritime radar interrogator transponder ─── 海上雷达询问应答器

76、Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death. ─── 在杀死审讯者达库斯之后的20分钟内,击败魔环中的魔网守护者埃雷苟斯(英雄难度)。

77、'''Quote''' "''Each of us plays a role;each time a different role.Maybe the last time I was the interrogator and you were the prisoner. ─── “我所不能做的,就是我不能让穿着这个制服的人走上证人席,并在誓言下撒谎。

78、airborne interrogator ─── 机载询问器

79、VDI? Video Data Interrogator? ─── 视频数据询问器?

80、radar interrogator transponder ─── 雷达询问应答机

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