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09-17 投稿


Jansenist 中文意思翻译



Jansenist 词性/词形变化,Jansenist变形


Jansenist 相似词语短语

1、arsonist ─── n.纵火犯人

2、Galenist ─── n.(古希腊医师)盖仑的信徒

3、alienist ─── n.精神病医生;精神病学家

4、Jansenistic ─── 詹森主义

5、canonist ─── n.圣典学者;精通宗教法规的人

6、jargonist ─── n.行话,术语;黄锆石(jargon的变形)

7、Jansenism ─── n.詹森主义

8、lanternist ─── n.(英)幻灯放映员

9、Jansenist ─── n.詹森教派信徒;詹森主义者

Jansenist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jongbloed, Suurbier (De Jong), Haan, Krol, Rijsbergen, Jansen, Neeskens, Van Hanegem, Rep, Cruyff, Rensenbrink (R. Van der Kerkhof ─── 翁布鲁特,苏比亚(狄庄),夏恩,赖斯贝根,哥路,尼斯坚斯,云汉尼金,雷普,告鲁夫,伦辛贝克(云达却贺夫

2、Germany has major injury problems - captain Michael Ballack, Torsten Frings, Mario Gomez, Lukas Podolski, Tim Borowski and Marcell Jansen are all out of the game. Jansen pulled out late Thursday. “ ─── 德国队受到严重的伤病困扰.缺席的包括队长巴拉克,弗林斯,戈麦斯,波多尔斯基,菠萝和扬森.”

3、Michael Jansen Director of Material Engineering ─── 工程副总裁

4、If Jansen cannot appear, Lahm will most likely fill the left-back berth with Christian Lell on the right of the back four. ─── 如果扬森无法上场,很有可能将是拉姆填补左后卫的位置,莱尔出任四后卫体系中的右后卫。

5、Marcell Jansen: ”An early goal away from home is always good news.Duisburg knew they had to win at all costs, but we seized the attacking initiative and quickly added to our total. ─── 扬森(拜仁后卫):能够在客场早早进球总是很好的,虽然这是杜伊斯堡一场必须赢下的比赛,但我们取得了一个好的开局并最终获得了胜利。

6、In an already-infamous gnomish family, word of Jan's exploits have spread across the breadth of Faerun and will likely grow into the greatest Jansen legends of the future. ─── 在这个已经恶名昭彰的地侏家族里,姚恩的事迹将会传送菲朗大地,并且在未来可能会成为最伟大的姚森传奇。

7、Dutch goalkeeper Jansen played a major role in his team 's victory. ─── 在荷兰队获胜的这场比赛中,守门员简生起了很大作用。

8、Jansen's operation ─── [医] 扬森氏手术(额窦手术)

9、Theo Jansen's walking creatures, made out of plasic yellow tubes. ─── 西奥扬森的行走的动物,开出的黄色塑料管。

10、Jansen's scalp retractor ─── 詹森(氏)头皮拉钩

11、Jansen's monopolar coagulation forceps ─── 詹森(氏)单极电凝镊

12、Jansen added that the matches marked the first time in South African football that stadiums had used a seating plan to allocate seats. ─── 简森补充说这些比赛在南非足球史上是里程碑,体育场第一次要增加座位来满足球迷的需求。

13、Jansen,Sue Curry (2002),Critical Communication Theory:Power、 Media,Gender,and Technology,Lanham:Rowman &Littlefield.p241 ─── 布罗代尔,资本主义的动力,北京:三联书店,1957:78.

14、Jansen's tests ─── [医] 扬森氏试验(检畸形性髓关节炎)

15、Jansen's sharp scoop for maxilla resection ─── 詹森(氏)上颌骨剥离锐匙

16、see Jansen et al. (2005) for some further references. ─── 见杨森等人。( 2005年)的一些进一步的参考。

17、Molag, M. and Jansen, C.M., “Risk analysis to optimize safety during basic tunnel design”, TNO Environmental Sciences, Netherlands (1998). ─── 黄第胜,我国捷运系统地下车站避难安全性评估之研究,中央警察大学消防科学研究所(1999)。

18、Bartholomew MM, Jansen RW, Jeffetrs L J, et al. Hepatitis B virus resistance to larnivudine give for recurrent infection after othotopic liver transplantation. Lancet 1997 ; 349:20 ─── 姚光弼,王宝恩,崔振宇,等.拉米夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎的长期疗效.中华肝脏病杂志1999;7:80

19、Hollander, Jansen(1951) and England, Field(1954) reported streptococcus suis infections. ─── 荷兰Jansen等(1951)和英格兰Field等(1954)报道了仔猪链球菌病。

20、"Do something every single day that is about looking for a job," Jansen says. ─── 詹森说,“和找工作有关的事情每天都要做。”

21、Jansen operation ─── 杨森手术

22、Jansen mastered all available skills. ─── 杨森掌握所有技能。

23、The second category is that of men of Jansenist tinge. ─── 第二类是男性的简森派色彩。

24、Jansen advises, "Make a list of your five favorite things to do, and do them!" ─── Jansen建议:“列出自己最喜欢做的五件事,然后去做吧!”

25、Jansen's flap knife ─── 詹森(氏)皮片刀

26、Johannes Jansen ─── 扬森

27、Jansen's nasal forceps ─── 詹森(氏)鼻用镊

28、Jansen's nasal chisel ─── 詹森(氏)鼻骨凿

29、Mr. Jansen is a talented person. ─── 简森先生是个有才华的人。

30、Wayne Jansen,Tom Karygiannis.NIST Special Publication 800-19-Mobile Agent Security.http //www.Nist.gov. ─── 王汝传等,移动代理安全性研究综述[J],重庆邮电学院学报(自然科学版),2004.3(81-86).

31、Henze M,Harrenmoes P,Jansen JL C,Arvin E,Wasetewater Treat.ment.Biological and Chemical Processes.2nd Edition.New York:Springer,1997 ─── 李军,杨秀山,彭永臻.微生物与水处理工程[M].化学工业出版社,2002.

32、Jansen clause ─── 森条款

33、Herman Jansen, Board Member of International Fur Trade Federation and President of North American Fur Auctions ─── 赫尔曼。詹森,国际裘皮协会董事、北美毛皮拍卖行总裁

34、Jansen and Shearson (1987) point out, adopt bigger container ship mean “large-scale production of shipping take at sea, and its scale uneconomically receives in the harbor. ─── 詹森和施尼尔森(Janson and Schneerson, 1987)所指出,采用较大的集装箱船意味着“船舶的规模经济得之于海上,而其规模不经济受之于港内”。

35、Emily Jansen was the first female Australian athlete to compete at a Winter Paralympic Games. ─── 这是残奥会的新标志“三色飘带”首次被用作各比赛项目的徽标8**。(13分)

36、"Do something every single day that is about looking for a job," Jansen says。 ─── 詹森说,“和找工作有关的事情每天都要做。”

37、Jansen's bone curette ─── 詹森(氏)骨刮匙

38、The Roman Catholic doctrine of Cornelis Jansen and his disciples,salvation is limited to those who are subject to supernatural determinism and the rest are assigned to perdition. ─── 詹森和他的门徒的罗马天主教教义,相信上帝决定论的人能得到拯救其他人遭受浩劫。

39、"I think it's acceptable to lie about being passionate about an industry," Jansen says. "Nobody was born being passionate about manufacturing." ─── 假装对某个特定行业有浓厚的兴趣无疑是告诉招聘人员你特别渴望得到他们提供的职位。

40、Jansen's ear mallet ─── 詹森(氏)耳锤

41、* "Create an advisory board of smart and empathetic people and confer with them regularly about your job search," says Jansen. ─── Jansen说:”组建一个由聪明、善解人意的人们组成的顾问团,定期和他们商讨找工作的事宜。

42、We do not count on ourselves to be able to have a pair of steely human body like Jansen, but cross-country car can satisfy the desire with him expeditionary adversity partly at least. ─── 我们不指望自己能像强森一样拥有一副钢铁之躯,但越野车至少可以部分满足自己逆境探险的欲望。

43、“We now demonstrate why it isn’t going to work”, Ron Jansen says. ─── 直到现在,还没有人能够成果地把磁层和电子层结合起来。

44、Jansen, Dennis W. and Ming-Jang Weng (1999), “A k% Money Growth Leadership Rule in an International Monetary Policy Game,” Contemporary Economic Policy, vol.17:4, pp.506-516.(SSCI ─── 翁铭章与陈伯壎(1997),,,第217-247页。

45、"Do event eVery abundance single day those is about seeing for a job," Jansen says. ─── 詹森说,“和找任务有关的事件每一天都要做。”

46、Jansen's mastoid rongeur ─── 詹森(氏)乳突咬骨钳

47、Jansen system ─── 詹森系统

48、Fine-tune your brushless motor with this new set of tuning armatures from Team Orion developed by Oscar Jansen. ─── 微调您的无刷电机与此一套新的调整电枢从小组开发的猎户座奥斯卡扬森。

49、Jansen's mallet ─── 詹森(氏)骨锤

50、Jansen's brain dressing forceps ─── 詹森(氏)脑敷料镊

51、Jansen's mastoid retractor ─── 詹森(氏)乳突牵开器

52、Herman Jansen, Director of International Fur Trade Federation and President of North American Fur Auctions ─── 国际裘皮协会董事、北美毛皮拍卖行总裁

53、Jansen's nasal gouge ─── 詹森(氏)鼻圆骨凿

54、Jansen's rongeur ─── 詹森(氏)咬骨钳

55、Jansen set up a new world record for the 400 metres. ─── 珍森为400米跑创造了一个新的世界纪录。

56、With Benitez refusing to rule out a switch to Serie A after his side's 0-0 draw with Wolves on Tuesday, Jansen took a similar stance with Kuyt. ─── 在周二0比0战平狼队赛后,贝尼特斯已经否认转会到意甲执教,詹森也是相同的观点。

57、The only remaining doubt concerns left-back Marcell Jansen, who went for a long run on Sunday and joined the travelling party for Burghausen. ─── 唯一仍然不确定的是左后卫扬森,他周日尝试了长跑,也将随队去布格豪森。

58、Jansen's ear curette ─── 詹森(氏)耳刮匙

59、Dutch goalkeeper Jansen played a major role in his team's victory.In the first half when the Dutch defense made a high number of errors,he continually rescued his side to deny Spain's lively forwards a goal. ─── 在荷兰队获胜的这场比赛中,守门员简生起了很大作用。上半场,当荷兰队防守频频出错的时候,他成功地封住了西班牙活跃的前锋射过来的一球。

60、Jansen's test ─── [医] 扬森氏试验(检畸形性髋关节炎)

61、Jansen, Cornelius Otto ─── 詹森

62、Jansen's disease ─── 詹森(氏)病:干骺端软骨发育不良

63、Jansen Chevrolet - Franchised auto dealer offering new and used vehicle sales, leasing, financing, service, parts and accessories. Used vehicle inventory featured online. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

64、Waltherus Wilhelmus Hendricus Jansen ─── 韦恩信(1943-),荷兰人,香港实业家。

65、Marcell Jansen ─── 马歇尔·扬森,德国足球运动员,司职后卫

66、Jongbloed; Krol, Poortvliet, Brandts, Jansen (Suurbier), W. Van der Kerkhof, Neeskens, Haan, Rep (Nanninga), Rensenbrink, R. Van ─── 翁布鲁特,哥路,玻维列,白兰斯,赞臣(苏比亚),W.云达却贺夫,尼斯坚斯,夏恩,雷普(兰宁加),伦辛贝克,R.云达却贺夫

67、Hahn, Volker Jansen, Norbert Stresau. ─── 作者声明: Ronald M.

68、"Most universities have online directors of alumni, so I'd go that route if possible," says Jansen. ─── 詹森说,“大部分大学都有在线的校友联系人,如果可能的话我会走那个路线,如果这行不通,备选方案是联系校友办公室。”

69、Jansen's retractor ─── 詹森(氏)牵开器

70、Theo Jansen is an artist and kinetic sculptor living and working in the Netherlands. ─── 这位来自荷兰的艺术家,有着在大学里学习科学的背景。

71、“It was like pinball, it would never normally have gone in,” commented left-back Marcell Jansen, “even Olli was laughing about it. ─── “那像一个弹球一样,一般情况下是不会进的。”扬森在赛后说,“奥利对此感到好笑。

72、the Roman Catholic doctrine of Cornelis Jansen and his disciples; salvation is limited to those who are subject to supernatural determinism and the rest are assigned to perdition. ─── 詹森和他的门徒的罗马天主教教义;相信上帝决定论的人能得到拯救其他人遭受浩劫。

73、Jansen,Sue Curry(2002),Critical Communication Theory:Power、Media,Gender, and Technology,Lanham:Rowman &Littlefield.p241 ─── 布罗代尔,资本主义的动力,北京:三联书店,1957:78.

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