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incompact 发音

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英:  美:

incompact 中文意思翻译



incompact 相似词语短语

1、recompact ─── recopact

2、compact ─── adj.袖珍的;紧凑的;坚实的;矮小而健壮的;简洁的;n.小汽车;带镜小粉盒;契约;v.把……压实;使简洁;使紧密,压缩;订立(协定)

3、subcompact ─── n.[车辆]超小型汽车;微型小客车

4、recompacts ─── recompacts

5、incompared ─── 不完整

6、incompactly ─── 松散地

7、incomplete ─── adj.不完全的;[计]不完备的

8、incompliant ─── adj.不肯让步的(名词incompliance,副词incompliantly);不顺从的

9、uncompacted ─── adj.未压实的(不密实的)

incompact 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Jeopardizing of the Slant of Bore to Hydrographic Bore and Precaution in the Incompact Stratum Layers ─── 松散地层中井斜对水文钻孔的危害及预防

2、Experimental Study on the Technology of Floor Heave Control in Incompact and Fractured Soft-Rock Roadway ─── 松散破碎软岩巷道底鼓控制的试验研究

3、Because in the solid transportation part of the conical twin-screw extruder materials processed are in the forms of incompact grain.So our first study is to confirm its physical character. ─── 利用该透明机筒进行不同条件下的物料输送实验,观察到物料在该段运动情况,并对其运动进行了分析,提出临界充满度和临界角的概念,对固体输送角进行了推导。

4、This type of machine is applied in baling press of incompact materials, e.g. waste paper, pl... ─── 发布者:邹清玲所在地:广东广州市行业:机械及行业设备职位:电子商务工作年限:三年以上

5、If walk when incompact and contractible abdomen, no matter you walk along how many, also cannot stimulate your abdominal muscle, your alvine won't narrow. ─── 如果走路时不紧缩小腹,不管你走多少路,也无法刺激你的腹部肌肉,你的小腹就不会缩小。

6、But breakage rate of emulsified asphalt should be retarded, and asphalt concrete blended with modified emulsified asphalt will be incompact and lackluster. ─── 但硅烷偶联剂会稍微延缓乳化沥青的破乳速度,改性乳化沥青拌和后的沥青混凝土略松散,且略欠光泽。

7、incompact and fractured soft-rock roadway ─── 破碎软岩巷道

8、According to expert introduction, one closes incompact faucet every months can run off 1 comes 6 cubic water, a slack closestool wants run off every months 3 to 25 cubic water. ─── 据专家介绍,一个关不紧的水龙头每月能流掉1至6立方水,一个漏水的马桶每月要流掉3至25立方的水。

9、One closes incompact faucet, the water of run off of a month is counted with ton plan. ─── 一个关不紧的水龙头,一个月流掉的水数以吨计。

10、The results indicate that the construction waste is an incompact granule structure, and shows the characteristics of small deformation and time effect under loading compared with general soil. ─── 研究结果表明,建筑垃圾是一种散粒状结构体,在荷载作用下与一般土体相比,表现出小变形特性和时效性。

11、The results indicate that the leachate pollution inside the landfill is maximum,second to it is in the south of landfill,and then the incompact deposit,sandstone and mudstone area. ─── 结果表明:填埋场内渗滤液污染最大,其次是南边部位,之后依次是第四纪松散堆积层,砂岩、泥岩分布区;

12、Regional industry culture not only has regional, incompact and extensive talent view, but also can accelerate the talent resources optimizing disposition. ─── 区域产业文化不仅具有区域性、宽松性和产业群人才观三大特征,还具有促进区域人力资源优化配置的功能。

13、Contain lavender plant essence and vitamin, smoothe and fresh, have incompact and fashional style, suitable to all type of scalp. ─── 含薰衣草植物精华及维他命成分,持久贴服,清爽自然,塑造松散而充满动感的时尚造型,适合任何发质。

14、Gates is incompact poured a cup of reeky coffee slow to oneself, behavioral comparing is patted slow at ordinary times, because he is unemployed. ─── 盖茨不紧不慢地给自己倒了一杯热气腾腾的咖啡,动作比平时慢了一拍,因为他失业了。

15、Research and application of two stage coupling grouting technology in incompact and fractured surrounding rock of mine roadway ─── 松散破碎围岩两步耦合注浆技术的研究与应用

16、Deep Incompact Strata ─── 厚松散层

17、Changeless is tall purity is oleaginous, light bright is incompact the use feeling that stretch tight. ─── 不变的是高纯度的油质,轻爽不紧绷的使用感。

18、A Thermodynamic Method for the Volumetry of Hygroscopic and Incompact Material ─── 一种测量吸湿性松散物料体积的热力学方法

19、This paper introduces the basic idea and algorithm of sparse Matrix multiplication by using incompact storage method. ─── 摘要介绍了对稀疏矩阵进行压缩存储时,稀疏矩阵相乘运算的基本思想和算法。

20、Drilling Construction Technique in Complicated Rock Stratum and Incompact Coal Seam in Ningxia Coalfield ─── 宁夏煤田复杂岩层和松散煤层钻探施工技术

21、Study of building RRC gravitational dam on incompact granule foundation ─── 散粒体地基上建碾压混凝土重力坝的研究

22、Experiments are made on sandstone and quartz powder, whose structures are incompact under the function of cyclic stresses. ─── 在循环应力作用下,对砂岩和石英砂两种结构较松散的样品进行了实验研究。

23、The practices showed that the two stage coupling grouting technology is an effective access to solve the difficult support problem of the incompact and fractured surrounding rock. ─── 实践表明,两步耦合注浆技术是解决松散破碎围岩支护的有效途径。

24、The dried powder of ADU is incompact, and the UO2 powder produced by ADU has excellent capability in pressing and sintering. ─── 干燥后的ADU粉末松散,经分解还原得到的UO2粉末具有良好的压制、烧结性能。

25、There is also a variable in the materials to include chemicals in order to increase the degree of loose material, so that implantated incompact. ─── 还有一栽是在质料洋参增一些冻学品来补偿质料的不松密度,使质料暗不天坚固。

26、" Socrates is incompact not slow say: "I know, there can be heavy rain of bend of a basin after a thunder. ─── 苏格拉底不紧不慢的说:“我知道,一阵雷电之后就会有一场盆倾大雨的。”

27、Some countries' passive mode is the result of their incompact allocating system of enforcement power. ─── 部分国家采取前一模式是因为其实行过分松散的执行权分配体制。

28、Incompact sodium chloride crystals that anti-caking better at high humidity level were obtained in experiments. ─── 实验得到了松散性好、高湿度下能较好抗结块的氯化钠结晶体。

29、incompact soil ─── 松散土体

30、The cross section shows irregular dentate shape with an incompact structure which has a lot of small openings. ─── 纤维的横截面呈不规则锯齿形,结构松散,纤维中有许多孔隙。

31、The incompact Aeolian Sandy Soils was encountered duringthe pavement construction for the effect of the specialgeographical condition. ─── 在公路建设过程中,由于特殊地理环境的影响,常常会遇到极为松散的风积砂土。

32、Second sees armour, incompact not slow say: "You are betterer than me, tigress not only punish me issued a bed, still looked for a reserve. ─── 乙看了看甲,不紧不慢的说:“你还比我好些,母老虎不但把我罚下了床,还找了一个替补。”

33、Brothers activity is ineffective, the make a fist is incompact. ─── 手足活动不灵,握拳不紧。

34、Changeless is tall purity is oleaginous, light bright is incompact the use feeling that stretch tight. ─── 不变的是高纯度的油质,轻爽不紧绷的使用感。

35、Keywords incompact and fractured chamber;bolting and grouting;numerical simulation;FLAC3D; ─── 松散破碎硐室;锚注;数值模拟;FLAC3D;

36、CD industry of China all the time with incompact not slow pace is going ahead. ─── 春天来了,仿佛也带来了一波投资光盘生产企业的春潮。中国的光盘行业一直以不紧不慢的步伐向前走着。

37、In other words, harder and denser aragonite is changed into incompact calcite under the action of magnetic field. ─── 北京工业大学工学硕士学位论文一(3)在其它实验条件不变的情况下,发现污垢热阻随着硬度的增加而增力口。

38、incompact and fractured chamber ─── 松散破碎硐室

39、Aiming at the problems of the complicated authorizing way of access control strategy to shared resource,authorized granularity's incompact,this paper introduces role mechanism. ─── 针对共享资源访问控制策略的授权方式复杂、授权粒度不细致的问题,引入角色机制,把角色访问并发控制策略应用到系统中,设计基于角色的系统功能权限的位映射算法。

40、This model is used for the drying of incompact powder and granules. ─── 该机适用于料度分布较广的松散性粉状和料状的干燥。

41、if the book block comparison at the time of the incompact, and cutting edge on a size is not liable to occur. ─── 如果书芯比较松散,裁切时就易出现刀口尺寸不一样。

42、Xiaochen ao reservoir dam was built on soft soil foundation with low intensity and high compressibility and the dam material was incompact,so that the normal anti-seepage treatment was not suitable. ─── 小陈岙水库大坝建在强度低、压缩性高的深厚软土地基上,因坝体材料较松散,常规的防渗处理措施不适用。

43、As the old specific water yield apparatus can not put up visually the influence of water level and its decrease depth on the specific water yield of incompact soil sample, a new apparatus is designed. ─── 摘要针对原有给水度实验仪不能直观反映地下水水位埋深及其降深对给水度影响的缺点,设计了能采用柱体法测定松散土体试样的给水度的实验仪。

44、Keywords incompact strata having cracks;technology of heading construction;test; ─── 散体、裂隙岩体;成巷技术;试验;

45、Experiments got incompact sodium chloride crystals that anti-caking better at high humidity level. ─── 实验得到了松散性好,高湿度下能较好抗结块的氯化钠结晶体。

46、The author tries to describe the ambulatory immigrant society and incompact lineage organization. ─── 描述流动的移民社会与松散的宗族组织。

47、Multi-agent is an incompact coupling network composed of several agent, is also a typical distributed calculated system. ─── 多代理是由几个松散的代理组成的联结网络,也是一个典型的有计划分配的系统。

48、Though salesmen have strong internal power, they will not meet their customers' more and more demands if their organization is incompact, less cohesive strength, bad work. ─── 不管销售人员的内在动力如何,如果他们组织松散,凝聚力不强,工作不努力,他们就会难以满足客户越来越多的要求。

49、incompact strata having cracks ─── 散体、裂隙岩体

50、Study on the determination of thermal conductivity of several incompact biomass by hot-wired method ─── 利用热线法对松散类生物质导热系数的测试

51、Crepuscular, the setting sun lies lackadaisically horizon, incompact give out gentle ray slow. ─── 黄昏,夕阳懒洋洋的卧在天边,不紧不慢地发出暖和的射线。

52、Analysis and Study on the Embedded Test Control System for Measuring Incompact Material by Spherical Method ─── 圆球法测量松散材料导热系数嵌入式测控系统的研究分析

53、Do one close incompact faucet is a month met run off how many tap water? ─── 传统的老式水龙头、水管轻易生锈且会污染水质,早起使用时需要先将管里存有的黄水流掉。

54、Wave velocity and attenuation in the incompact medium under cyclic stress ─── 循环应力作用下松散介质的波速和衰减特性

55、At last, the designability of the protein strucure is analysed betweenthe compact model and incompact model. ─── 最后分析了在紧致和非紧致两种情况下蛋白质结构的可设计性。

56、incompact cellophane ─── 散包


58、Development of Teaching-Experiment Apparatus to Mensure the Specific Water Yield of Incompact Soil Sample ─── 测定松散土体试样给水度实验仪的研制

59、Analysis of overlying strata movement and failure in extracting under extremely thick and water-content incompact roof ─── 巨厚松散强含水层下开采覆岩移动破坏分析

60、the blanket when incompact, rolling, sliding prone to arisen to: a line of ink traces. ─── 橡皮布坚固,滚压时便当爆发滑动摩擦,呈现了条状墨杠陈迹。

61、But, up to now, major base did not form base, is a few correlation spend incompact independent company only, between them cooperation of very difficult generation. ─── 可是,截至今朝,大部门基地并没有形成基地,而只是一些联系关系度不紧的自力公司,它们之间很难发生协作。

62、This paper introduces the basic idea and algorithm of sparse Matrix multiplication by using incompact storage method. ─── 介绍了对稀疏矩阵进行压缩存储时,稀疏矩阵相乘运算的基本思想和算法。

63、The characteristic and the formation process of moraine hill in the Dalian area along the coast are analyzed from the phenomenon of the Quaternary incompact layer covering the Dalian red clay. ─── 冰体融化后,包裹在冰川体内的碎屑物质直接堆积沉积称冰碛土,其特点是无层序,无分选,块石、砾石、砂及粘性土杂乱堆积,常具架空结构,力学性质差异大。

64、RESULTS &CONCLUSION:Part of the package inserts were not standard in writing contents in that they are unscientific and incompact,which thus remain to be improved. ─── 结果与结论:部分中药注射剂说明书内容不规范,缺乏科学性和严谨性,亟待改善。

65、High carbon content of iron castings and defects of incompact structure and a great deal of sand holes on the surface of iron castings make it difficult for electroplating. ─── 铸铁件含碳量高,结构疏松、表面有大量砂眼等缺陷,增加了电镀的难度。

66、Contain deep-sea and mineral composition and provitamin B5, the feeling after your skin is used is relaxed and humid incompact stretch tight. ─── 含深海矿物成分及维他命原B5,令肌肤用后感觉清爽湿润不紧绷。

67、incompact surrounding rock ─── 松散性围岩

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