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09-19 投稿


jibs 发音

英:[dʒɪbz]  美:[dʒɪbz]

英:  美:

jibs 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 船首三角帆


v.<过时,非正>不愿做,不肯接受( jib的第三人称单数 ); 移转

n.艏三角帆( jib的名词复数 ); 主帆前的小帆; (起重机的)悬臂; 挺杆


jibs 词性/词形变化,jibs变形

动词过去式: jibbed |动词现在分词: jibbing |动词第三人称单数: jibs |动词过去分词: jibbed |名词: jibber |

jibs 短语词组

1、netted jibs ─── 网状吊臂

jibs 相似词语短语

1、gibs ─── [机]扁栓;夹条(gib的复数);雄猫(gib的复数)

2、bibs ─── abbr.魔豆国际双语学校(BeanstalkInternationalBilingualSchool)

3、jibbs ─── n.船首三角帆

4、jibes ─── 嘲笑

5、-ibs ─── abbr.情报库系统(IntelligentBuildingSystem)

6、dibs ─── n.权利;零钱;骨制的筹码

7、jabs ─── n.注射(jab的复数形式);猛戳;v.刺;戳;猛击(jab的三单形式)

8、fibs ─── v.撒小谎;打(fib的三单形式);n.小谎(fib的复数)

9、jib ─── n.船首三角帆;(起重机的)悬臂;v.踌躇不前,停止不动;不愿做,不愿接受;转帆

jibs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a triangular sail stretching from the foretopmast head to the jib boom and in small craft to the bowsprit or the bow ─── 一面从前桅的中段展开至下桁的三角形帆,在小艇上则展开至第一斜桅或艇首

2、Further more, as the general agent of Jimmy Jib, all kinds of Jimmy Jibs will be sold at a relatively lowest price. ─── 另外我们作为美国占美摇臂在中国的总代理,将对占美各类型号的摇臂提供最优最低的销售价格,真诚期待您的关注。

3、My car sometimes jibs at a steep hill. ─── 我的汽车有时遇到陡坡会停的。

4、An improved jib thatis remade in feature sizes is self-positioned and erected in a port in order to save time and fair. ─── 为节省时间和费用,某港对主要尺寸变更后的门机新造臂架进行定位、安装。

5、The government in Sudan's capital, Khartoum, may jib at the prospect of West Europeans or Americans providing or flying aircraft over Darfur, so it would be good if Russia or India were to help out. ─── 在苏丹首都喀土穆,政府不愿寄希望于西欧或美国来提供或者让飞机飞越达尔富尔地区的上空。因此,如果俄罗斯或印度能够急人所难,则再好不过了。

6、car sometimes jibs at a steep hill. ─── 汽车有时遇到陡坡会停的。

7、the cut of sb.'s jib [ rig ] ─── 仪态, 外貌

8、any of several parts of standing rigging strengthening the bowsprit and jib boom against the force of the head stays ─── 一种直立索具,用以加固船首斜桁和船斜帆桁,以抵御船头支索力量

9、Through the research on parame, tric drawing of main View of jib system, provide the approach of parametric drawing of structural components; ─── 5、通过对臂架结构主视图的参数化绘图研究,提供了结构件绘图参数化的途径;

10、A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail , and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit. ─── 小帆船用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆

11、One or more jibs may fly forward of the foremast. ─── 前桅前方有一到多个前帆。

12、Stress Analysis and Study of Pipelayer Jib Structure ─── 吊管机吊杆结构应力分析及研究

13、The schooner trembled to her keel under the reverse; but next moment, the other sails still drawing, the jib flapped back again, and hung idle. ─── 在这后退作用力影响下,大船连龙骨都颤动了起来,但紧接着,虽然其它船帆还张着,三角帆却哗啦一声垂下来不动了。

14、1.A safe system of work shall be devised and adopted for dismantling lattice jib of the crawler mounted mobile crane. ─── 1. 为拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂而制订一套安全工作制度,并加以采用。

15、deploying police resources to investigate a humour jib of white elephants placed outside Buangkok mrt station is another. loosen up! ─── 另一件事就是调查白象的事件。。。太无聊了吧??有点幽默感好吗?!?!不会失业的!玩要玩得劲兴,工作要努力。

16、Dynamic analysis of flexible jib of tower crane in case of braking slewing motion ─── 塔式起重机柔性臂回转制动过程动力分析

17、Usual Rope Compensation Scheme Comparison for Single Jib Crane ─── 单臂架式起重机常用绳索补偿方案的比较

18、If its search business jib, of cereal song the top of head " the company of the hottest science and technology on the world " halo will become a kind go. ─── 如果其搜索业务踌躇不前,谷歌头顶的“世界上最火爆的科技公司”光环将成为一种过去。

19、The Development of an Integrated CAD System for Designing the Structure of Jib Cranes ─── 中小港用起重机金属结构CAD系统的开发和研究

20、Even at the outer end of these extremely long jibs, the cranes can still lift up to 2,000 kilograms; some of them also feature the added convenience of Litronic control. ─── 即使在这些极长副臂的最外端,起重机仍然可以起吊起高达2,000公斤;其中部分还配备Litronic控制系统。

21、a sail,such as a jib,set forward of a foremast ─── 如三角帆等安装在前桅前方的帆

22、The three head sails comprise flying jib, inner jib and a Bentinck sail. ─── 三个船首斜帆是由船首桅帆、侧船首三角帆以及三角形大横帆构成。

23、The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages ─── 全体工作人员对新工作时间表倒不介意, 但不同意削减工资

24、2.Suitable supporting blockings should be provided under every joint of the lattice jib whenever lattice jib is to be dismantled. ─── 2. 每当拆除猪笼吊臂时,应该在猪笼吊臂的每个接驳点提供适当的承托物。

25、Jib type cranes--Load moment limiters--General technical requirements ─── GB7950-1987臂架型起重机起重力矩限制器通用技术条件

26、That lies in hardness of this jib, punishment to fault in testimony, division of officers and office workers, existence of difficult and complicated cased and restriction of expenditure, etc. ─── 其原因在于检验工作的辛苦、检验不实的惩处、吏具体办事却没有俸禄、疑难症状的存在、报验经费的制约、受人胁迫或贿赂、钻免验的空子等。

27、His small car sometimes jibs at a steep hill. ─── 他的小汽车有时遇到陡坡便爬不上去.

28、The Hispaniola was under her main-sail and two jibs, and the beautiful white canvas shone in the sun like snow or silver, When I first sighted her, all her sails were drawing; ─── 伊斯班袅拉号扯着主帆和两张三角帆,美丽的白帆在阳光下银光闪闪,洁白如雪。我第一眼看到它的时候,所有的帆都张着。

29、1. The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages. ─── 全体工作人员对新工作时间表倒不介意,但不同意削减工资.

30、The three head sails comprise flying jib, inner jib and a Bentinck sail. This sail plan totals about 1047 square meters and there will be another multi-purpose sail of 400 square meters for downwind sailing. ─── 三个船首斜帆是由船首桅帆、内侧船首三角帆以及三角形大横帆构成。帆的平面总面积为1047平方米,另外还有400平方米的多用帆以供顺风行船时使用。

31、Repair of the damaged second jib section of a QY truck crane ─── QY型汽车起重机二节臂损坏的解决方案

32、Force calculation of fixed pillar jib crane ─── 定柱旋臂式起重机的受力计算

33、All hands obeyed, and at once the eight or ten seamen who composed the crew, sprang to their respective stations at the spanker brails and outhaul, topsail sheets and halyards, the jib downhaul, and the topsail clewlines and buntlines. ─── 全体船员立刻按命令行动起来。 船上一共有八个到十个海员,他们有的奔到大帆的索子那里,有的奔到三角帆和主帆的索子那里,有的则去控制转帆索和卷帆索。

34、Crane's lifting capacity will depend on the jib length; different jib length will have different lifting capacity at respective operating radius. ─── 吊机的吊重能力取决于吊臂的长度;不同的吊臂长度在不同的作业半径下会有不一样的吊重能力。

35、The MK is transported as a complete machine with telescopic tower, trolley jib, complete ballast, power generation unit and elevating cab. ─── MK可以在配备伸缩式塔架、小车副臂、完整配重、动力装置与高架司机室的情况下,以整车形式运输。

36、JIBS is the official publication of the Academy of International Business , publishing papers of significant interest that contribute to the theoretical basis of business and management studies. ─── JIBS是国际商务学术研究的官方公开刊物,刊登对商业和管理研究的理论基础具有重要意义的文章。

37、Auditors tend to let directors get away with murder, for if they protest at creative accounting the firm is promptly sacked in favor of a substitute that will not jib at economy with the facts. ─── 审计员们一般都会让董事们过关,因为如果抗议公司篡改数据,他们马上就会被那些不会对实际经济状况挑刺的人替代。

38、The influence of rigid pull rod weight on the tower crane jib checking ─── 刚性拉杆自重对起重臂校核计算的影响

39、Optimized design of jib of derrick tower crane ─── 动臂式塔式起重机起重臂结构优化设计

40、3D finite element analysis of connecting pin shafts in jibs of DBQ 3000 series tower crane ─── DBQ3000系列塔式起重机臂架销轴联接的三维有限元分析

41、"" of method of jib of city plan cubage is area of our country Taiwan the precedent of imitated 1998 Japan, United States and activate. ─── "都市计划容积移转办法"为我国台湾地区1998年仿效日本、美国的先例而创设。

42、A top-mast was hoisted, and another jib, held out to the wind, added its force to the other sails. ─── 大帆上又加上了顶桅,张起了兜风的顶尖帆,这样就更增加了整个雪橇的帆面,也加大了风的推动力。

43、Jib structure of the dynamic response results of displacement and stress for a more in-depth analysis Jib structure such as the dynamic design analysis provide a basis and reference . ─── 对臂架结构的动态响应计算结果中的动位移和动应力进行较深入地分析,为该类臂架结构的动态设计分析提供依据和参考。

44、The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages. ─── 全体工作人员对新工作时间表倒不介意,但不同意削减工资。

45、Furthermore it also makes a modal analysis of jib structure and derives inherent frequencies and vibration patterns, which provides theoretical basis for design. ─── 同时对臂架结构进行模态分析,得出各阶固有频率和振动模型,为设计提供理论依据。

46、jib at working overtime ─── 不愿意加班

47、Calculation of Deflection and Camber for the Column Jib Crane Based on ANSYS ─── 基于ANSYS的定柱式旋臂起重机的挠度与翘度设计

48、swinging pillar jib crane ─── 定柱旋臂起重机

49、The section selection of stability check of the double-hinged jib frame ─── 双吊点臂架整体稳定性校核段的选择

50、He jib when he hear how much the ticket will cost. ─── 他一知道票价就不想买了。

51、All hands obeyed,and at once the eight or ten seamen who composed the crew,sprang to their respective stations at the spanker brails and outhaul,topsail sheets and halyards,the jib downhaul,and the topsail clewlines and buntlines. ─── 全体船员立刻按命令行动起来。船上一共有八个到十个海员,他们有的奔到大帆的索子那里,有的奔到三角帆和主帆的索子那里,有的则去控制转帆索和卷帆索。

52、TADANO the sale of 50 tons. Kato 50 tons of used cars, such as hoists, the festival boom, jib, Nissan engines, ─── 出售多田野50吨.加藤50吨等二手汽车吊,节主臂,有副臂,尼桑发动机,

53、For its larger crawler cranes with lifting capacities up to 1,350 metric tons, Liebherr also offers a wide range of multifunctional jib systems. ─── 对于起重能力高达1,350公吨的大型履带式起重机,利勃海尔还提供各种多功能副臂系统。

54、After manufacture, the sections of the mast and jib are linked by pin shafts and all have exchangeability for installation. ─── 主, 副臂分段制造后用销轴连接, 各个分段均能互换装配。

55、Danger of tipping backwards of jib! ─── 向后倾斜副臂危险!

56、Fixed centre of mass for jib balance ─── 不变质心平衡原理

57、Optimization about the structure of crane jib arm mainly focuses on gantry crane and single-arm crane presently, moreover toward the jib arm structure, the study is still underway. ─── 因此,对拔杆式起重机臂架结构的拓扑优化进行研究和创新有着很大的必要性以及相当重要的工程实际意义。

58、Designing welding procedure and welding procedure equipment of jib of underground scraper ─── 井下铲运机举升臂焊接工艺及工装设计

59、revolving mast-type jib crane ─── 定臂转柱起重机

60、The super light friction steel-support is suitable for jib door window, it can not only meet your requirement on security and convenience when opening, but also serve you with enough force of friction. ─── 产品说明:轻量级的摩擦式钢撑适用于平开窗户,它能满足你对安全性及开关方便的需求,并且在你开窗子的时提供足够的摩擦力。

61、You should jib at all grief which can not be brushed aside ─── 你应该避开一切无法排遣的忧愁。

62、The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages. ─── 全体工作人员对新工作时间表倒不介意.但不同意削减工资.

63、It is not selfish holds with to the free limit and the attachment, but is “you have your copper jib, I have I red large flowers”, “as if forever separate, actually lifelong relies on one another”. ─── 不是自私的占有和对自由的限制和依附,而是“你有你的铜枝铁臂,我有我红硕的花朵”,“仿佛永远分离,却又终身相依”。

64、Portal bridge crane with fixed jib ─── 在桥架上装有固定臂架的门式起重机

65、A Study of Switch Type Hydro-electric Servo System of Jib Luffing Mechanism in Rock Drill Robot ─── 凿岩机器人钻臂变幅机构开关式电液伺服系统的研究

66、In his youth he lost several jibs, just because he dared to answer back. ─── 他年轻时,只不过敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。

67、The freight of JIBS is a bit high,so we need to use barge but not the roll-shipment. ─── 吊臂(JIBS)的运输费用比较高,我们有时需要用驳船而不是滚装船.

68、Optimal Structural Design of Portable Column Jib Crane Based on ANSYS ─── 基于ANSYS定柱式旋臂起重机金属结构的优化设计

69、A small sloop with a mainsail, jib, and keel but no bowsprit. ─── 单桅帆船有一个主帆、三角帆和龙骨但没有船首斜桁的单桅小帆船

70、Testing Modality Analysis for Jib and Counter Balance Boom of Tower Crane ─── 塔式起重机起重臂、平衡臂系统试验模态分析

71、Repairing welding of hammerhead jib on the large hot die hammer ─── 大型热模锻锤锤臂焊接修复

72、Research on Completed Optimized Design of Structure for Slewing Jib Crane ─── 定柱式旋臂起重机结构整体优化研究

73、Kinematic Analysis Based on Multi-body Dynamics for Placer Jib of Concrete Pump Truck ─── 基于多体动力学的混凝土泵车臂架的运动分析

74、Optimal structural design of a portable column jib crane based on ANSYS ─── 基于ANSYS的定柱式旋臂起重机机械结构的优化设计

75、But later period is overcome in Ba Luo, jib of European artistic center arrives France, ─── 但在巴洛克后期,欧洲艺术中心移转到法国,

76、Arm post type of jib arm crane is a medium-sized lifting and transporting equipment.It has a unique structure, and is safe and dependable. ─── 定柱式旋臂起重机是近年发展起来的中小型吊运装备,结构独特,安全可靠,具有高效。

77、Reverse design of back rocker powered luffing mechanism of jib crane ─── 后摇杆驱动臀架起重机的变幅机构反求设计

78、The staff don't mind the new work schedule but would jib at takng a cut in wages. ─── 员工们不介意新的工作表但是他们不愿意下调工资。

79、Analyses of Folding Control System of Tower Crane with Telescopic Jib ─── 伸缩臂式塔机折叠控制系统分析

80、We are specializing in the production of various kinds of standard booms, arms, and extension jibs for construction machinery. ─── 公司可为各种品牌挖掘机设计、生产标准和非标的大、小臂、加长臂。

81、Winner of the first-ever big mountain jib competition at the World Heli Ski Championships ─── 世界直升机滑雪冠军赛第一次高山jib特技赛赢家

82、Journal of graduate school student association:Won Woo Ron Jib"," "," : ,1973" ─── "人文科学","延世大学校人文科学硏究所",":延世大学校人文科学硏究所,1957"

83、His small car sometimes jibs at a steep hill. ─── 他的小汽车有时遇到陡坡便爬不上去。

84、Stationary slewing crane Pilaster jib crane ─── 壁柱式旋臂起重机

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