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09-19 投稿


hetero 发音

英:[ˈhetəroʊ]  美:[ˈhetərəʊ]

英:  美:

hetero 中文意思翻译




hetero 短语词组

1、hetero conjugation ─── [化] 复共轭

2、hetero-ion ─── [化] 杂离子; 混杂离子

3、hetero-aerobic lagoon ─── 杂氧泻湖

4、hetero form ─── 异型

5、hetero-tissue graft ─── 异种组织移植

6、hetero-ovular twins ─── [医] 双卵性双胎

7、hetero-cycloaddition ─── [化] 杂环加成

8、hetero-skin graft ─── 异种皮肤移植

9、hetero-polymerization n. ─── 杂聚合

10、hetero- ─── 表示“其他的, 不同的,异”之义(元音之前作heter-)

11、hetero-nuclear ─── 杂核

12、cationic hetero atom ─── [机] 阳的异原子

13、hetero ion ─── 离子-分子复合体

14、hetero-esteoplasty ─── [医] 异体骨成形术

15、hetero-atomic ring ─── 杂原子环

16、hetero-erotism ─── [医] 异体性欲

17、hetero-immune substance ─── [医] 异种免疫质

hetero 词性/词形变化,hetero变形


hetero 相似词语短语

1、heterodox ─── adj.异端的;非正统的

2、heterosex ─── n.异性性欲,异性恋;异性性行为

3、heteropod ─── 异足类

4、heteros ─── 异性恋的(hetero的复数)

5、hetaera ─── n.古希腊的高级妓女;妾;交际花(等于hetaira)

6、hetero- ─── adj.(人)异性恋的;涉及异性恋的;异性间的;n.异性恋者

7、Herero ─── n.赫雷罗族;赫雷罗语;赫雷罗人(非洲纳米比亚中部班图人)

8、heter- ─── n.(Heter)(美)赫特(人名)

9、heteronym ─── n.同形异音异义词;异形同义词

hetero 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、he effect of different pulverized coals and chars on NO hetero geneous reduction in the fuel rich stage of reburning was studied in a bench sca le flow reactor. ─── 在小型流动反应器中研究了不同煤粉及其煤焦对富燃料再燃区NO异相还原的影响。

2、hetero atom ─── 杂原子

3、hetero polyacid ─── 杂多酸

4、es ist ein klein shclafzimmer aber auch ein gross buro zimmer mit sofa and kelin balkon. we are three cool people 1 gay 1 bi and i hetero. ─── 帮某人看房屋信息,看到超级雷的一条信息。今天才在法兰学生宿舍网站发布的,新鲜出炉的哦。

5、On surviving pottery depicting erotic art, one-third of it shows hetero-anal intercourse. ─── 在存留下来的描绘情色艺术的陶器上,三分之一都有描绘男女爆菊。

6、The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thand God are hetero are shy and never make the first move! ─── 又好又帅又有点钱而且是个异性恋的男人偏偏害羞而且从不采取行!

7、A hilarious new tv program, presented by three hot, hetero, male asian-american hosts, exploring hong kong through sketch comedy and ridiculous stunts. ─── 一个全新的趣剧,由三大英俊,潇洒的美籍亚裔型男演出,他们以有趣的方法介绍香港.

8、Calculation of hetero junction conduction band for a field-assisted InP/InGaAsP/InP semiconductor photocathodes[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李晋闽,郭里辉,王存让,张工力,侯洵.

9、Keywords Scanning tunneling microscopy;Cyclic voltammetry;Heteroatom-bridged calix(hetero)aromatic hydrocarbon;Self-assembly; ─── 扫描隧道显微术;循环伏安法;杂杯杂芳烃;自组装;

10、Progress in Hetero Ene Reaction ─── 杂原子烯反应研究进展

11、Shaking Table Test and Model Establishment of Reinforced Concrete Frame Model with Hetero - columns and Diagonal Braces ─── 异型柱斜撑框架结构模型振动台试验及建模

12、Our main prvduct include:“O”type Ring, “V”type ring and “U”type ring, shim;rubber cap, Ripple copulation tube, valve plat absorber.Rubber baton and kinds of hetero type and kinds of hetero type seal. ─── 最近,公司又开发成功了浇注型聚氨脂系列新产品,并且已经投入批量生产。

13、Keywords pentaerythritol;hetero diacetal;hetero diketal;monoacetal;monoketal;microwave irradiation; ─── 季戊四醇;杂二缩醛;杂二缩酮;单缩醛;单缩酮;微波辐射;

14、hetero pole distance ─── 异极距

15、Study of Swift Data Extraction among Different Hetero Database Platform ─── 异型数据库平台之间快捷实现数据提取

16、cationic hetero atom ─── [机] 阳的异原子

17、In vertebrates, gap junction hemichannels are primarily homo- or hetero-hexamers of connexin proteins. ─── 在脊椎动物中,间隙连接的半通道主要是连接蛋白的同型或异型六聚体。

18、Ab initio theoretical study of the hetero Diels-Alder reactions of 1,3-butadiene and furan with thioformaldehyde ─── 1,3-丁二烯及呋喃与硫甲醛杂Diels-Alder反应的理论研究

19、hetero typical fibers ─── 两型毛(羊毛)

20、Clearly, hetero-anal sex has been part of human sexuality for centuries, but in the U. S. , it was rarely mentioned until AIDS appeared. ─── 显然,异性@肛@交时人类“天性”的一部分。但是,在美国,直到艾滋病出现后它才被提及。

21、hetero bipolar transister ─── 杂双极晶体管

22、hetero en zyme ─── 异源同工酶

23、I am a happily married hetero with a four-year-old daughter. ─── 我是一名幸福地已婚异性恋者,有一个四岁的女儿。

24、The latter group is used to describe the eu- and hetero-chromatin in a way complementing the textural methods. ─── 后者是用来描述欧盟和异染色质的方式补充结构的方法。


26、The beautiful women, who are not so nice and some what hetero don't think we are beautiful enough. ─── 不是很好但是很漂亮又是异性恋的女人却嫌我们不够漂亮。

27、The women who are somewhat beautiful, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are hetero are shy and never make the first move! ─── 又好又漂亮又有点钱而且是个异性恋的女人偏偏害羞而且从不采取行动。

28、double hetero junction ─── 双异质结

29、The thermionic emission cooling employing hetero structure is a high efficient cooling method. ─── 基于异质结结构热电子发射的热电制冷,是近年来提出的一种高效制冷方法。

30、Time-series Econometrics: Cointegration and Autoregressive Conditional Hetero skedasticity--A Brief Introduction to the Research Achievements of the 2003 No bel Prize Laureate in Economics Trans ─── 时间序列计量经济学:协整与有条件的异方差自回归--2003年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者研究成果简介

31、hetero (aryl) aldehyde ─── 杂(芳)醛

32、hetero conjugation ─── 复共轭

33、Keywords N oxidized pyridine;hetero polyacid;oxidated;dihydroxide; ─── 氧化吡啶;稀土杂多酸;氧化;过氧化氢;

34、Hetero Powered Earth-Launched Intertribal Spacecraft ─── 混合动力地球发射星际轨道航天器

35、Keywords active carbon;hetero polyacid;cyclohexanol;butane dicarboxylic acid; ─── 活性炭;杂多酸;环己醇;己二酸;

36、An important conclusion was obtained.It was impossible to conserve hetero zygote for a long time in colong. ─── 从模拟试验结果验证了群体遗传学理论的一个重要结论:群体中长期保存 杂合子是不可能的。

37、hetero junction ─── 异质结

38、there was amplification of H-ras gene in clone 10 after 2 Gy irradiation. The amplification of H-ras gene in clone 10 after 2 Gy irradiation might be involved in hetero geneity of CaEs-17 cell line. ─── 用SouthernBlot杂交检测了H-ras基因的扩增,结果发现克隆10亚系在照射2Gy后H-ras显著扩增,可能克隆10的放射抗拒与H-ras的扩增有一定关系,但未发现两者之间有恒定的关系。

39、The hetero ene reaction is an important part of ene reaction. ─── 杂原子烯反应是该反应的重要组成部分。

40、hetero refraction ─── 屈光不同

41、hetero epitaxial ─── 异相外延

42、That's why I said your hetero normative box away from me and my body, okay? ─── 所以我要说,把你的异性恋正常观念从我人和我身体上拿开,好嘛?

43、This paper reviews the progress of the hetero ene reaction involving the hetero ene components which contain nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and silicon atoms. ─── 本文主要综述了含氮、氧、硫、磷、硅等杂原子烯组分参与的杂原子烯反应的研究现状。


45、The women who think we are beautiful, that are hetero somewhat nice and have money are cowards. ─── 又好又有钱又是异性恋又觉得我们漂亮的女人却又没胆量。

46、Heteroatom-bridged calix ( hetero ) aromatic hydrocarbon ─── 杂杯杂芳烃

47、The handsome, nice and hetero usual men are married. ─── 又帅又好又不是同性恋的男人都结婚了。

48、hetero epitaxy ─── n. 异质外延

49、I dont care if he is bi, gay, hetero, tall, short, fat, thin or other. . . (he's still sexy)Rude comments will be delete. ─── 我不关心,如果他是双向的,同性恋,异性恋,身材高大,短,胖,瘦或其他…(他依然性感)粗鲁的评论将被删除。

50、Keywords molecular connectivity;hetero - atoms;valence of vertex;substitutional effect of hetero - atoms; ─── 分子连接性指数;杂原子;点价;杂原子取代效应;

51、hetero diacetal ─── 杂二缩醛

52、hetero - organization ─── 他组织

53、Leonurus hetero phyllous Sweet ─── 益母草

54、Now we have the first gay cowboy movie, and my kids haven't even had the chance to see any hetero cowboy movies. ─── 现在我们拥有了第一部同性恋牛仔的影片,但我的孩子们却连去看异性恋牛仔影片的机会都没有。

55、Theoretical study on the hetero Diels-Alder reaction between 1,3-butadiene and silyleneimine ─── 1,3-丁二烯与硅甲基亚胺杂Diels-Alder反应的理论研究

56、hetero junction laser diode ─── 异质结激光二极管

57、Keywords Cyanobacteria;Single cell;Hetero cyst;Confocal microscopy;Absorpt ion spectra;Fluorescence emission spectra; ─── 蓝藻;单个细胞;异形胞;共焦显微术;吸收光谱;荧光发射光谱;

58、And, despite the "odds" out there, it IS possible to get HIV from only ONE episode of unprotected hetero sex. ─── 而且,尽管几率很低,但是一次无保护的异性性行为是有可能导致感染的。

59、hetero structure ─── 异质结构

60、hetero diketal ─── 杂二缩酮

61、hetero epitaxial diode ─── 异质外延二极管

62、We tend to use terms like 'a-romantic', 'bi-romantic' and 'hetero-romantic'. ─── 我们喜欢用“A-浪漫”,“ B-浪漫”或“异性浪漫”等词。

63、Since the slicing scheme in the TMM requires no periodicity along the propagating direction, we can apply this method to solve the transmission spectrum for hetero photonic crystals. ─── 传输矩阵法的各个分割区块互不相同,故可处理非周期性之结构。因此我们可以此方法计算二维异质结构的光子晶体传输频谱。

64、hetero ion ─── n. 杂离子

65、The handsome, nice and hetero men are married. ─── 又帅又好的男人是同性恋。

66、hetero fibre ─── 异质纤维

67、Catalysts for Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction of Imines ─── 亚胺杂Diels-Alder反应的催化剂

68、mesoporous molecular sieves containing hetero atom ─── 杂原子介孔分子筛

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