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09-19 投稿


individualizing 发音

英:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

individualizing 中文意思翻译



individualizing 词性/词形变化,individualizing变形

动词现在分词: individualizing |动词第三人称单数: individualizes |名词: individualization |动词过去分词: individualized |动词过去式: individualized |

individualizing 反义词


individualizing 同义词

independence | individuation | identity | distinctiveness | self | originality | eccentricity | individualism | uniqueness | nature | thing |personality | difference | personal identity

individualizing 相似词语短语

1、individualities ─── n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数)

2、individuating ─── v.个体化,感觉独立;使有区别

3、individualization ─── n.个性化;个体化

4、individualize ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

5、individualizes ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

6、individualising ─── v.使个性化;使因人(或因地等)而异(individualise的现在分词,等于individualize)

7、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

8、individualizer ─── 个性化

9、individualized ─── adj.个人的;有个性的;具有个人特色的;v.使…个性化;分别详述(individualize的过去分词)

individualizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、individualizing service ─── 个性化服务

2、all these, with other circumstances, direct and indirect, long obstructed the spread through the whole world-wide whaling-fleet of the special individualizing tidings concerning Moby Dick. ─── 这一切,再加上其他情况,直接或间接长久阻挠着向整个捕鲸界传播集中在白鲸身上的纷纷传闻。

3、Thirdly, it probes into his unique individualizing creating space from simplicity and succinct y in his writing style and abundance of the content of his works. ─── 三、从作品的单纯简洁和意蕴的丰富两个方面探讨余华独特的个性化创作空间。

4、However, the penalty individualizing requests to take perpetrator's personality characteristics as the basis, realizing the essence of penalty to be fair. ─── 然而,刑罚个别化要求适用刑罚应当以犯罪人的人格特征为依据,使刑罚实现实质公正。

5、This approach also offers hope for individualizing therapies, also known as "immuno-pharmacogenomics. ─── 这一做法也带来了希望,为个体化疗法,又称为"免疫药物基因组学。

6、The sitting room should be whole house beautiful or most individualizing space. ─── 客厅应是整个居了漂亮或最有个性的空间。

7、Yes, a t a recent rew a rding ceremony, she said "No m atter whe ther concerning countries or individu a ls, a s long a s the y continue to keep the f a ith, a ll of them will see a better future. ─── 是的,在最近的一个颁奖典礼上,她说“无论是国家还是个人,只有坚定信念,明天才会更美好.

8、Individualizing Selection of Optimal Cardiac Ventricular Pacing Position ─── 个性化选择最佳心室起搏部位的临床研究

9、individualizing education program and curriculum teaching implementation. ─── 个别化教育计画与课程教学的实施。

10、Identifying and individualizing trend themes. Tests, discussions and research material. ─── 流行主题的鉴定与区别。

11、In the meantime, individualizing dose and duration of pegylated interferon and ribavirin might improve sustained virologic response rates in patients with hepatitis C. ─── 在此期间,干扰素和利巴韦林的个性化剂量和疗程可能改进了丙肝患者的耐药性。

12、In man-made leather the reverse side the picture gives the design that he likes, even if be a simple circle only OK also, next along it scissor is together very individualizing carpet. ─── 在人造皮革背面画出自己喜欢的图案,哪怕只是一个简单的圆形也可以,然后沿着它剪下来就是一块很有个性的地毯。

13、Seeing the Individualizing Chinese Teaching of Foreign Teachers ─── 对外籍教师进行个体化短期汉语教学初探

14、The purpose of the thesis is to understanding the strategy on the fine arts individualizing teaching in the elementary school. ─── 人类社会已经步入了一个尊重个性、弘扬个性、塑造个性的时代。

15、Action of Individualizing Grading Nutritional Support in Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis ─── 个体化阶段性营养支持在治疗重症急性胰腺炎中的作用

16、Why Individualizing Hormone Therapy Is Crucial: Putting the Results of the WHI Trial Into Perspective ─── 为什么个别化荷尔蒙治疗是决定性:WHI的试验结果在未来的运用

17、By individualizing benevolence Smith was able to theorise for economy mechanism and to consider economy in the line of idea of progress. ─── 本文认为,史密斯的去才德化论述让机械(自然化)的经济运作成为可能,并且易于与历史发展概念相结合。

18、Tourism product diversifying, consumption individualizing, service serializing is the trend of modern tourism development. ─── 旅游产品多样化,消费个性化、服务系列化是今后旅游产业发展的趋势。

19、Educators should take a new look at individuality and individualizing instruction. ─── 人的个性并不只意味着差异性,它还有趋同的内容。

20、"Individualizing care means appreciating aspects of the patient's life, " said Professor Schwartz. "We call it their context. " ─── 伊利诺伊大学的艾伦·史瓦兹教授说:“个性化医疗是指了解病人生活的各个方面,我们称它为背景因素。”

21、At present in world majority government by law quite perfect country, and was suitable regarding the penalty individualizing research quite is already perfect. ─── 目前世界上大多数法治比较健全的国家,对于刑罚个别化的研究和适用已经比较完善。

22、Further more, pluralism of American society and the current trends of secularizing and individualizing are the needful conditions for the syncretization. ─── 社会的多元化、宗教信仰的世俗化和个人化倾向也是这种融合不可缺少的大背景。

23、A system of moral corrections, the essence of academic ethics, constitutes the key part in individualizing academic ethics, and in evaluating a scholar's moral standards. ─── 学术道德规范是学术道德的核心内容,是实现学术道德个体化的重要环节,也是衡量学者道德水平、进行道德评价的标准。

24、Identifying and individualizing trend themes. Tests, discussions and research material. ─── 流行主题的鉴定与区别。

25、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。

26、Development and application clinical pharmacokinetics and individualizing dosage regimens system ─── 临床药动学给药个体化系统的研制及应用

27、Discussion on Individualizing Teaching of Music ─── 论音乐个性化教学

28、The sitting room should be whole house beautiful or most individualizing space. ─── 客厅应是整个居了漂亮或最有个性的空间。

29、Independent study is the basic principle of individualizing teaching. ─── 自主学习是个性化教学的基本精神。

30、individualizing methods ─── 林分经济法

31、individualizing e-learning system ─── 个性化学习平台

32、Character is “the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation” (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary). ─── 特性是“综合的精神和伦理特点,通常用来区分人,群体,或者国家”。

33、Some received training on individualizing care. Others did not. ─── 有些接受过个性化诊疗训练,有些则没有。

34、A technique of acting in which the actor recalls emotions and reactions from past experience and uses them in identifying with and individualizing the character being portrayed. ─── 体验派表演方法一种表演技巧,演员回忆过去经历过的情感和反应并利用它们来与所饰角色取得共鸣从而使角色生动鲜明。

35、Quality education cannot do without individualizing education; ─── 没有个性的民族,是死气沉沉的民族;

36、Some received training on individualizing care. Others did not. ─── 他们之中有些接受过个性化诊疗训练,有些则没有。

37、Individualizing treatment in multiple myeloma ─── 多发性骨髓瘤的个体化治疗

38、Individualizing dose and duration of pegylated interferon and ribavirin according to on-treatment virologic response may improve sustained virologic response rates. ─── 据治疗过程中的病毒反应,聚乙二醇干扰素和利巴韦林的个性化剂量和疗程,能有效改进耐药反应。

39、Individualizing English Instruction Using Computers ─── 运用计算机进行个性化英语教学

40、Key Technology of Individualizing Customization to Be Oriented Toward Networked Manufacturing ─── 基于网络化制造的个性化定制关键技术

41、individualizing genitive ─── 个别化属格

42、Individual character sheet tastes: Shoe, vanity and adorn article should cooperate to be installed late, high but not make public, individualizing unique design sheet is tasted can deepen others the impression to you. ─── 个性单品:鞋子、手袋及饰品要配合晚装,高贵但不张扬,有个性的独特设计单品能加深别人对你的印象。

43、To achieve this goal, the curriculum must teach students in accordance with their aptitude and erphasize student's individualizing study. ─── 能力既因人而异,而教育目标在于人尽其才,要达到这个目标,一是课程设计必须因材施教,二是要重视学生的个别化学习。

44、This only very individualizing eagle, very confident made a decision: I still do I yourself. ─── 这只非常有个性的鹰,非常自信的做了一个决定:我还是做我自己吧。

45、Realm required the use of individualizing, value-related (ideographic) concepts, while the physical, ─── 在物质领域要求普遍的(以法律为根据的)概念的同时,人文领域要求使用个性的、

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