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09-19 投稿


kinky 发音

英:['kɪŋkɪ]  美:['kɪŋki]

英:  美:

kinky 中文意思翻译


adj.卷曲的,古怪的; 变态的

kinky 网络释义

adj. 奇形怪状的,怪癖的;稍微变态的;扭结的,古怪的

kinky 词性/词形变化,kinky变形

形容词比较级: kinkier |副词: kinkily |形容词最高级: kinkiest |名词: kinkiness |

kinky 短语词组

1、kinky-head n. ─── 黑人

2、kinky boots ─── 古怪的靴子

3、kinky angel ─── 古怪的天使

4、kinky love ─── 古怪的爱情

5、kinky luv ─── 古怪的luv

6、kinky look ─── 古怪的样子

7、kinky angels ─── 古怪的天使

8、kinky-hair syndrome ─── [医]卷发综合征 ─── [X线征像]

kinky 相似词语短语

1、kink ─── n.扭结;奇想;蜷缩;vi.扭结;vt.使扭结;n.(Kink)人名;(瑞典)欣克

2、kindy ─── n.(澳)幼儿园;n.(Kindy)人名;(阿拉伯、几)金迪

3、kicky ─── adj.精神饱满的;活泼的

4、kinkly ─── 古怪地

5、inky ─── adj.漆黑的;墨水的;给墨水弄污的

6、linky ─── 线

7、kinks ─── n.奇想乐队(乐队名)

8、hinky ─── 值得注意的

9、dinky ─── adj.极小的;整洁的;微不足道的;abbr.丁期(夫妻双收入,没小孩,但对孩子仍有期待)

kinky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His current esearch involves the kinky pastime known as sploshing-the eoic act of dumping a plate of food on your loved one. ─── 他目前研究的对象包括一种稍微变态的娱乐叫做泼洒-这种煽情行为是把一盘食物倒到爱人身上。

2、Maybe it was more like a fetish room or something kinky like that,except it didn't feel that way. ─── 或许它更接近敬拜室或是和那差不多的古怪场所吧,除了氛围不像。

3、Are you wiIIing to become a murderer just to get some kinky sex? ─── 你愿意为了变态的性爱成为杀人凶手 吗 ?

4、The romantic, the saucy and the disturbingly kinky are often hard to tell apart as my list gently illustrates. ─── 正如我列出的名作所说明的那样,浪漫,俏丽和令人不安的欲望之间通常是很难分辨的。

5、Scott: I dunno; sounds kinda kinky! Heh heh! ─── 我不知道,恩,听起来怪怪的。嘿嘿!

6、The guy is so kinky that everyone avoids him. ─── 那家伙古怪得很,大家都不理他.

7、Make it fun, make it kinky, change it up. ─── 让它趣味浓点,不同寻常些,完全改变一下。

8、Keywords Air-jet Loom;Multi-Filling Fabric;Jacquard Fabric;Coverage;Tension;Stack Weft Kinks;Kinky Kinks; ─── 喷气织机;多纬织物;提花织物;被覆;张力;堆积纬缩;扭结纬缩;

9、his appetite for kinky filmmaking,unmitigated by any artistry(bJohn Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(b约翰·西蒙)

10、Sales in the French erotic industry have fallen as the global economic crisis has driven consumers to reduce their spending on sex toys, massage oils and other kinky products, sector specialists say. ─── 法国情色业生意已经随著全球经济危机导致消费者减少情趣用品、按摩油和其他怪异癖好用品花费而下滑,业界专家说。

11、kinky look ─── 奇装异服

12、I give you Kinky Kelly and the Sexy Stud! ─── 我向你们介绍古怪凯丽和性感种马!

13、his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry(John Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰 西蒙)

14、I ve always thought of threesomes as kind of kinky. ─── 我总觉得三个人在一起是很奇怪的.

15、Kinky: Who knew the Jokers were ***ual 5. ─── Dotcom: 完美的知道她的E-mail信箱地址!

16、She shook her until the kinky head rocked drunkenly. ─── 她拽住她用力摇晃,直摇晃得她的黑脑袋像醉鬼一般摆来摆去。

17、Now our team is ranked top in the Kinki area of Japan.So our team is thought to be one of the best 4 tames in Japan. ─── 现在我们球队在日本近畿地区排名第一个球队,所以,我们可以算是日本前四强的球队。

18、his appetite for kinky filmmaking,unmitigated by any artistry(John Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰·西蒙)

19、kinky thread ─── 扭结纱

20、I love you when you talk kinky. ─── (我就喜欢妳说些性变态的话。

21、The items are sometimes bizarre, funny, sad, or kinky. ─── 这些物品有的很有趣,有的很伤感,也有些很怪诞。

22、There's lots of straight sex in the film, but nothing kinky. ─── 那部影片里有不少性行径镜头, 可是没有变态的.

23、He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity. ─── 他一直在进行一些反常的性活动。

24、A: Hey , pretty young thing ! How about some kinky lingerie? ─── 嘿, 年轻漂亮的小姐! 来件特别的性感内衣 如何 ?

25、"his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry" (John Simon) ─── “他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作”(约翰·西蒙)

26、kinky demand curve ─── 突点需求曲线, 屈折需求曲线

27、Strangely for someone whose work can pack such an erotic charge.Bitesnich insists he wants to make the nude body "less kinky". ─── 很少有人可以像他那样将性的动力如此凝聚在一起的,用他的话来说,就是使人体摄影“稍微曲卷和怪异”。

28、kinky hair. ─── 卷曲的头发

29、Perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords. ─── 卷曲的电话线也是卷曲的一种形式.

30、The pseudo-force method is applied to calculate the compressive strength factor of the kinky propagated crack with the effect of interaction among cracks taken into account. ─── 采用伪面力法计算了考虑相互作用的弯折扩展裂纹应力强度因子,并通过一些简化得到了显式的表达式。

31、A sword that turns into a whip, how kinky is that? ─── 一把刀子转换成鞭子,它是如何弯曲的呢?

32、Menkes' kinky hair disease ─── 门凯(氏)卷发病

33、kinky filling ─── 扭结纬纱

34、kinky boot ─── n. 长统女靴

35、He had red kinky hair. ─── 他有一头红色的卷发。

36、If you have a voracious need for more and more expensive toys, prestigious awards, kinky sex and so on, the root of your craving probably isn't the sparkle of real fun, but an inner void. ─── 如果你贪婪地在想要获得越来越贵重的玩具、或更高的奖项、更古怪的性生活,那么你的渴求根源或许不发自真正快乐的火花,而是内心的空虚。

37、Kinky Weft ─── 纬缩

38、Recently, after a boozy night out with the girls, I came home, slipped my kinky outfit on and lay in bed waiting for my man to return. ─── 前不久的一个晚上,我和一些女孩子出去玩,喝的烂醉回到家里,我套上了那套风骚的制服,躺在床上等他回家。

39、A sword that turns into a whip, how kinky is that? ─── 一把刀子转换成鞭子, 它是如何弯曲的 呢 ?

40、- Kinky's still here, isn't he? ─── |- 阿基还在吧?

41、eg:I love you when you talk kinky. ─── 我就喜欢你说些变态的话。

42、My kitty, Kinky, recently turned one and had his own little birthday party. ─── 我的小猫,纠结的,最近转一而且举行他拥有小生日党。

43、Wow, that's kinky. ─── 哇,真是奇怪.

44、kinky hair ─── n. 卷缩发

45、6. There's lots of straight sex in the film, but nothing kinky. ─── 那部影片里有不少性行径镜头,可是没有变态的.

46、KinKi Kids ─── 近畿小子,来自日本的音乐人

47、I ve always thought of threesomes as kind of kinky. ─── 我总觉得三个人在一起是很奇怪的。

48、Perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords. ─── 卷曲的电话线也是卷曲的一种形式。

49、kinky hair syndrome ─── 卷发综合征, 头发纽结综合征

50、I'll bet she's got some serious and kinky skeletons in the closet. ─── 我打赌在她的壁橱里放有一些严谨和古怪的骨架

51、Kinki Nippon Railway ─── Kinki Nippon Railway公司(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地日本, 主要经营铁路运输)

52、kinky boots ─── 长统女靴

53、I don’t know if this person chose to wear this costume or were forced at gunpoint to fulfill some kinky request but I actually hope it was the latter for her sake. ─── 我不知道,如果此人选择穿这种服装或被迫在枪口下完成一些纠缠的请求,但我真的希望这是后者为了她的缘故。

54、This video was sent to us by Melina's neighbor , to prove wrong all those who said girls just 18 years old do not get kinky when having some quality time with their pussies. ─── 麦俐娜的邻居将这盘录象送给我们,是想对那些说女孩18岁是都是很本份的人说,你们错了,当她们有美好的休闲时光时,她们也在玩她们的逼呢。

55、hey kinky would love to chat are you interested? ─── 会员可以在此回答上投票!

56、My kitty, Kinky, recently turned one and had his own little birthday party. ─── 我的小猫, 纠结的, 最近转一而且举行他拥有小生日党.

57、his appetite for kinky filmmaking, unmitigated by any artistry(bJohn Simon) ─── 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(b约翰 西蒙)

58、Another woman said she “found some aspects of sleepsex pleasurable ... and a little kinky,” Schenck notes. ─── 另外一个女士提到睡梦里做爱,在某些方面是令人愉悦的,但显得有些古怪。

59、Too bad that foxy groupie I picked up before the show stormed out of here. I was so looking forward to some real kinky action. ─── 我的学徒终于学会了主唱技能,因此现在我的技能也有了些许的增长。

60、Menke kinky hair syndrome ─── 门克斯扭结发综合征

61、Keywords Double Weft Fabric;Kinky Weft;Hairiness;Tension;Air Pressure;Processing Configuration; ─── 双纬织物;纬缩;毛羽;张力;气压;工艺配置;

62、The leaks showed that Vanderbilt spares no one's blushes in its explicit descriptions of kinky sex. ─── 从泄漏的小说内容中来看,范德比尔特的文字对变态性行为那毫不含蓄的描写足以让人面红耳赤.

63、in Hokkaido, north-east, Kanto, Kinki, Shikoku and Kyushu, central China has 8 sub-areas Bureau. ─── 在北海道、东北、关东、近畿、四国、九州、中部、中国地区设有8个地方分局。

64、She shook her until the kinky head rocked drunkenly. ─── 她拽住她用力摇晃,直摇晃得她的黑脑袋像醉鬼一般摆来摆去.

65、He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity. ─── 他一直在进行一些变态的性活动。

66、Plastic and Reconstructive Surg ery, Kinki University School of Medicine, Osaka-Sayama, 589-8511, Japan; ─── 近畿大学医学部形成外科 ,日本 大阪 狭山市589-8511;

67、I then took a large mouthful of champers and wrapped my lips around his dick.The bubbles must have been amazing because he was coming in seconds, so I gulped down the kinky mixture. ─── 直到今天,那一次的高潮还历历在目,栩栩如生,因为它太棒了,太伟大了,它让我完全从酒精的麻醉中清醒,并飞到了天堂。

68、44 yo MWF bi, kinky, love to show off, tease, groups.... ─── 我是女性且对恋爱抱开放态度。

69、Early Horn is quite kinky. ─── 霍恩在早期艺术创作中想法确十分怪异。

70、Dohmoto Koichi formed the KinKi Kids together with Dohmoto Tsuyoshi. Though both share the same family name, they are not brothers. Koichi has starred alongside Tsuyoshi in severalpopulardramas. ─── 堂本光一与堂本光共同组建了近畿小子。虽然二人姓氏相同,却不是亲兄弟。光一曾与光共同主演了几部受人欢迎的电视剧。

71、And Kells Whiting was cleaning up money with his hair straightener, because he told the negroes they wouldn't ever be permitted to vote the Republican ticket if they had kinky hair. ─── 凯尔斯 - 惠廷的头发拉直机也大赚其钱,因对他对黑人说,要是他们的头发老这么鬈曲着,就永远不让他们投共和党的票。

72、The inside looked like a torture chamber or dungeon, except bizarrely clean and, well, shining. Maybe it was more like a fetish room or something kinky like that, ─── 里面看上去像是拷问室或是地下城,除了干净得令人奇怪之外并且还,好吧,充满阳光。或许它更像物神室或是和那差不多的古怪场所,

73、kinky hair disease ─── 卷发病

74、Annie: That is really kinky and weird. ─── 安妮:我那天穿的服装就是奇装异服。

75、She would snip the bottom of a sweater and pull out a kinky thread of yarn, anchoring it to a piece of cardboard. ─── 就是这样,我父母得以认识许家、龚家及圣克莱尔家。我母亲能感觉到这些女人们也各自有她们的隐痛,她们遗失在中国的梦幻和希望。

76、He played in Three Kings with George Clooney and in Hideous Kinky with Kate Winslet. ─── 他在[三王]拌演乔治克鲁尼和[可怕的纠缠]拌演凯特温斯莱特.

77、Menkes' kinky hair syndrome ─── 门凯(氏)卷发综合征

78、The guy is so kinky that everyone avoids him. ─── 那家伙古怪得很,大家都不理他。

79、Keywords rapier loom;weaving defects;double picks;tri-skips;kinky filling;weft crackiness;cause;precaution; ─── 剑杆织机;织疵;百脚;三跳;纬缩;稀密路;成因;防治;

80、I ve always thought drag queens were kinky. ─── 我总觉得男穿女装是很奇怪的。

81、It was so kinky, I had no complaints when he bent me over his medical couch, pulled my knickers to the side and began to hammer into my wet pussy. ─── 这时我就感觉到阳光、湿热的舌头还有轻轻的海风,一起爱抚着我的花蒂。这种三位一体的刺激把我送到了伊甸园,天堂之上的天堂,我疯癫着抵达了最高点。

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