kiosk 发音
英:['kiːɒsk] 美:['kiɑsk]
英: 美:
kiosk 中文意思翻译
kiosk 网络释义
n. 凉亭;公用电话亭;报摊
kiosk 词性/词形变化,kiosk变形
kiosk 短语词组
1、kiosk mode ─── 资讯亭模式信息亭模式
2、telephone kiosk ─── 电话亭; ─── 电话间
3、multimedia kiosk ─── 多媒体服务台
4、retail kiosk ─── 零售亭
5、amalgamated kiosk ─── 合并报亭
kiosk 相似词语短语
1、Biisk ─── 尖刻的
2、Biysk ─── n.比斯克(俄罗斯地名)
3、Eisk ─── 埃斯科镇
4、Nios ─── Nios公司
5、-ios ─── abbr.网间网操作系统(Internetwork0peratingSystem);国际标准化组织(InternationalOrganizationforStandardization);仪表操作台(InstrumentationOperationsStation);IOSiphone操作系统(iphoneoperationsystem);n.(Ios)人名;(尼日利)约斯
6、Pinsk ─── n.平斯克(白俄罗斯城市)
7、Bisk ─── n.浓汤(等于bisque)
8、kiosks ─── n.报摊,电话亭(kiosk的复数);店铺设计
9、Minsk ─── n.明斯克(白俄罗斯首都)
kiosk 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Wanxing Shanghai is a production company that specializing in manufacturing luxury brands boutiques, cosmetics kiosk, roadshow and conference propos. ─── 上海皖星道具设计制作有限公司是一家以化妆品专柜、品牌专卖店、企业形象设计制作专业化公司。
2、Ling Lane kiosk in the bush and dancing drag Swim Suit, the U.S.-ah. ─── 凌子在小亭里转转,舞曳几圈,好美啊。
3、[France] kiosk ─── 书报摊
4、In Kunju Operas Mountain Kiosk,To Meet At Old Town,Zhong Kui Took His Younger Sister In Marriage,Hui Ming Delivered A Letter,etc,he portrayed many vivid characters. ─── 在《山亭》、《刀会》、《古城会》、《钟馗嫁妹》和《惠明下书》等剧目中,所演人物形象生动,唱做俱佳。
5、(retail) kiosk ─── 售货亭
6、5 A pillar box for me to post letters stands in a petrol kiosk. ─── 在加油站里有一个供我寄信的邮筒。
7、refreshment kiosk ─── 小食檔;小食亭
8、They crawled through the opening. Dooku saw an orientation kiosk and hurriedly accessed the Senate map. He found the fastest route to an exit. ─── 他们陆续爬出洞口。杜库看到一个售货亭,他急忙跑过去找议员区地图,看过地图,他发现一条到达出口最近的路。
9、An exhibition designer had created a plan for the kiosk itself, but now Menashe was looking for images to accompany the text. ─── 一个展会设计师负责了展板的设计,现在,克劳蒂娅要给文字说明配上一些图片。
10、transformer kiosk ─── 变压器亭变压塔
11、multimedia kiosk ─── 多媒体广告亭
12、Sales Board For Various Items and Articles of Coffee Kiosk ─── 咖啡店商品及用品销售台
13、Personal items: medication, mobile phone charger, small amount of money for buying things from the kiosk or the bookstore. ─── 个人用品:药物丶无线电话充电器丶小量金钱以购买零食及书籍。
14、When designing any embedded system, whether it is a smart appliance, kiosk system, or handheld device, keep these basic principles in mind: ─── 在为嵌入系统设计时,无论是智能家电、信息亭系统,还是手持设备,我们都必须牢记如下原则。
15、Kiosk users, in comparison with sovereign desktop application users, are at best infrequent users of kiosks and, most typically, use any given kiosk once. ─── 信息亭的使用者和独占桌面应用用户相比,是最典型的非频繁使用者,绝大多数情况下他们每次遇到的信息亭最多只使用一次。
16、Kiosk support so multiple users can access a single machine that runs one instance of the rich client. ─── Kiosk支持,多个用户可以访问运行一个丰富客户机实例的单台机器。
17、"Kiosk Originally, in Islamic architecture, an open circular pavilion consisting of a roof supported by pillars." ─── 凉亭: 亦译基奥斯克。原为伊斯兰教建筑中的露天圆亭,用几根柱子支撑着顶盖;
18、A woman at a shopping center kiosk smiles at a travel ad, prompting the device to print out a travel discount coupon. ─── 一位妇人对购物中心的信息显示台上的旅游广告笑了,提示该信息台打印一张旅游优惠卷。
19、A Comparison between "Peony Kiosk" and "Romeo and Juliet ─── 《牡丹亭》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之比较
20、boat hire kiosk ─── 小艇出租亭;船只出租亭
21、Today, 12,000 people save money at this kiosk alone. ─── 今天,12,000人在这些公用电话亭存钱。
22、Pavilion West, along the stairs down, that is, wings to fly hexagonal want to save natural sharp kiosk, built in Guangxu seven years (AD 1881), the name "Better Pavilion. ─── 亭西沿台阶下山,便是翼然欲飞的六角攒尖小亭,建于光绪七年(公元1881年),名“不如亭”。
23、Kiosk mode takes advantage of the full-screen mode to present users with a limited version of the browser, for use for example in schools, libraries, or public information kiosks. ─── Kiosk模式结合了全屏模式的优点,并限制用户的操作,可用在例如学校、图书馆或公共信息亭等地方。
24、In the In-store pickup requirement, from the Area Path column list, select Kiosk. ─── 在“存储拾取”要求中,从“区域路径”列列表中选择“Kiosk”。
25、Their winning entry, called Vondel Verses, includes designs for a kiosk, a park bench and a lamp post. ─── 他们获奖的项目,要求冯德尔诗篇,包括设计一个报亭,一个公园的长椅及一支灯柱。
26、Google also possibly sees the use of kiosks to create and print these documents:the customer interface documents may be provided via a kiosk ─── Google还可能通过书报亭创建并打印他们的文章:用户界面的文档可能由书报亭提供。
27、I was getting cigarettes at the kiosk. ─── 我正在书报亭买烟。
28、To do that, Calendar Club developed an ECR replenishment solution in which point-of-sale data from each kiosk are electronically communicated to company headquarters every night. ─── 为了要做那,日历联合行动发展ECR再补足解决在哪一来自每个亭的点--售卖数据每天夜晚电子地被沟通到公司总部。
29、Samer Fathi, 40, has a small kiosk that sells chips and cigarettes and phone cards downtown. ─── 40岁的撒默.法西有一个小的贩售亭,卖洋芋片、香菸和电话卡。
30、Now, normal touch sensors that you see, like on a kiosk or interactive whiteboards, can only register one point of contact at a time. ─── 现在注意,一般你们看到的触摸感应器,好比在自动终端机或交互白板上,只能一次注册一个接触点。
31、A piece of concrete slab was placed next to the kiosk as an interim solution. ─── 在检查站旁设置混凝土板,作为临。
32、advertising kiosk ─── 广告亭
33、GNOME and KDE allow you to lock down the system easily, up to a kiosk level. ─── GNOME和KDE也支持轻松地限制系统,甚至可以把系统限制到kiosk的水平。
34、Mr Impio says he recently met an entrepreneur with a roadside kiosk who sold underwear and ice cream, “an interesting combination”. ─── 因皮厄先生说,他最近遇到了一个路边摊点业主,其出售内衣和冰激凌,“这真是一个有意思的结合”。
35、For kiosks, the contextual concerns focus more on the environment in which the kiosk is being placed and also on social concerns: What role does the kiosk play in the environment? Is the kiosk in the main flow of public traffic? ─── 对于信息亭系统,情境考虑主要集中在该信息亭所处的环境,还有其社会影响。 即该信息亭在这个环境下,要起什么作用?
36、"We went into a market and established a kiosk in that market out of a butcher's shop, " Kalanda says. ─── 卡兰达说,“由于一家肉店,我们进入这个市场,在那个市场我们建立了一个公用电话亭”
37、There was no kiosk in the street, but you could buy water and fruit from here. ─── 尽管街道两旁没有售货面铺,但在这里可以买到饮料和水果。
38、Studios would prefer people to get their films in almost any way other than renting them from a kiosk. ─── 制片公司希望人们能以几乎任何方式得到影片,而不只是从售货终端租赁。
39、She won the Performance Prize in Shanghai Drama Festival because of acting Liu Meng-hai in MuDan Kiosk. ─── 她 在《牡 丹 亭》中 饰 柳 梦 海,荣 获 上 海 戏 剧 节 演 出 奖。
40、Mr Eric Tong of Hactl showed the condition of damage by tractors to the concrete slab where the kiosk used to be located. ─── 保安检查站乔迁到安全地点香港空运货站有限公司唐子伟展示被牵引车撞毁的混凝土板,该混凝土板设置在检查站以往所在位置。
41、Let your users run applications on virtually any computer they have access to, including kiosk and hotel PCs. ─── *照顾到您的移动办公员工让您的用户可以在任意一台电脑上运行部署的应用程序,即使是报摊和酒店的电脑。
42、Kiosk users typically don't have access to keyboards or pointing devices, and often wouldn't be able to use either effectively if they did. ─── 信息亭通常不提供键盘或者鼠标设备,即使有这些输入设备,人们使用起来也不是非常顺手。
43、public telephone kiosk ─── 公用电话室
44、Various Coffee and Tea products with attractive packagings were on display at our kiosk during the event. ─── 品质优越,包装精美的海军牌产品在清真食品展览会上展销。
45、A kiosk showing a printed map of downtown, for example, is information in the world. ─── 例如,公用信息亭张贴的城镇地图就是世界中的消息。
46、With one of these coins she would buy a sweet from an Indian shopkeeper. With the other, she would buy potable water from a kiosk. ─── 她会用一个硬币从一个印度人开的小店里买颗糖,另一个呢,她会从小售货亭买瓶水。
47、In Kunju Operas Mountain Kiosk, To Meet At Old Town, Zhong Kui Took His Younger Sister In Marriage, Hui Ming Delivered A Letter, etc, he portrayed many vivid characters. ─── 在《山 亭》、《刀 会》、《古 城 会》、《钟 馗 嫁 妹》和《惠 明 下 书》等 剧 目 中,所 演 人 物 形 象 生 动,唱 做 俱 佳。
48、Peak flat, there are the four corners of the empty Body Spirit save tip kiosk, famous Mission Hills Pavilion, on behalf of Jian Yuqing, 1972 maintenance. ─── 山顶平缓,有体态灵空的四角攒尖小亭,名观澜亭,建于清代,1972年维修。
49、Drag-and-drop can be very difficult for users to master on a touch screen, making it inappropriate for kiosk users who will never spend enough time to master demanding interaction idioms. ─── 在触摸屏上很难掌握拖放操作,因此信息亭的使用者基本上从来不会花费时间在触摸屏上学习和练习这种操作。
50、Under the Electronic Tax Reserve Certificates Scheme, certificates can be purchased using various electronic means, i. E. By bank autopay, telephone, the Internet, public information kiosk and bank ATM. ─── 在电子储税券计划下,纳税人可经各种电子付款途径买券,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网、生活站和银行自动柜员机等。
51、A KIOSK is a client device which targets users of all ages, who have various educational backgrounds, and varied computer experience. ─── KIOSK是一个客户端设备,它的用户包括各个年段的人,而且他们具有不同的教育背景和计算机使用经验。
52、For kiosks, the contextual concerns focus more on the environment in which the kiosk is being placed and also on social concerns: What role does the kiosk play in the environment? ─── 对于信息亭系统,情境考虑主要集中在该信息亭所处的环境,还有其社会影响。
53、multi-media kiosk ─── 多媒体信息站
54、There is a small black bamboo beside the kiosk in the garden. ─── 园林中的凉亭边,有一小片墨竹林。
55、East there still is a kiosk in the center of hole, of carved beams and painted rafters, namely too old mannish. ─── 东坑的中心还有一个亭子,雕梁画栋的,就是太老气了。
56、While DVD sales are down in the US, rental revenues are up, thanks to subscription services such as Netflix and kiosk services like Redbox. ─── 尽管美国DVD销售低迷,但得益于Netflix这样的订购服务和Redbox这样的租借亭,租借收入有所增长。
57、HKWDC will provide a Kiosk with workstation in Window XP O/S, a glass box or / and LCD monitor for product display. ─── 展示亭为参展者提供WINDOWSXPO/S工作站、一个玻璃柜或/及LCD屏幕作为展示用途。
58、In a kiosk, you can't show the full usage of products. ─── 在一个小型店面里,我们不能将产品的整体性能充分展示出来。
59、Developing a KIOSK portal application. ─── 开发KIOSK门户应用程序。
60、With the other, she would buy potable water from a kiosk. ─── 她会用一个硬币从一个印度人开的小店里买颗糖,另一个呢,她会从小售货亭买瓶水。
61、Savage knight jumps on kittenish kiosk rarely ─── 凶残的骑士很少跳到装饰如猫的亭子上去
62、This risk occurs because a user's credentials remain in the cache when the next user accesses the kiosk. ─── 发生风险是因为下一个用户访问网亭时,用户的凭据仍保留在缓存中。
63、After this, essays about kiosk, dais, building and pavilion have become one of the most popular subjects in the essays from Yuan to Qing Dynasty. ─── 元明清散文中亭台楼阁成为文人士子笔下最常见的题材之一,北宋时期,亭台楼阁散文的篇目近500篇。
64、Under the Electronic Tax Reserve Certificates Scheme, certificates can be purchased using various electronic means, i. E. By bank autopay, telephone, the Internet, public information kiosk or bank ATM. ─── 在电子储税券计划下,纳税人可经各种电子付款途径买券,包括银行自动转账、电话、互联网、公众资讯服务站和银行自动柜员机等。
65、Book Kiosk; Book Shop ─── 书屋
66、He phoned his friend in a kiosk. ─── 他在一个电话亭给朋友打了电话。
67、There behind the some trees and a kiosk. ─── 他们后面有一些树林和一个凉亭。
68、a pavilion; a kiosk ─── 亭子
69、Once received, the information is analyzed, and unique replenishment orders for each kiosk are generated and sent to the distribution center for picking, packing, and shipping. ─── 一次收到,数据被分析,和独特的再补足命令因为每个亭为采集,包装和海运被产生而且送到分配中心。
70、Room kiosk in front of the "Back to the World Pavilion", was built in 1931, surface mounted wall around Taiwan, there are many stele. ─── 室前的小亭为“回澜亭”,建于1931年,台面周围台墙镶嵌有许多碑碣。
72、"Kiosk Originally, in Islamic architecture, an open circular pavilion consisting of a roof supported by pillars." ─── 凉亭:亦译基奥斯克。原为伊斯兰教建筑中的露天圆亭,用几根柱子支撑着顶盖
73、This digital information KIOSK -- confirmed the effectiveness of local public goods private supply and give proposals to privatization of Local public goods. ─── 因此,政府在公共事务管理和公共物品供给上的主导地位不能因市场化取向而削弱,反而应该时刻得到强化。
74、Go soon, she very hungry now, sat down at a kiosk selling for her, the master free cooked a noodles, she ate very sweet. ─── 走了不久,她饿得不行了,在一面摊前坐下了,卖面的师父为她免费煮了一碗面,她吃得很香。
75、, at any SingPost Post Office counter or S.A.M kiosk island-wide!For Credit Card phone bookings, dial 6222 5595 for the GATECRASH ticketing hotline. ─── 8个不同身份的女人-包括妈妈、妻子、女儿,女管家和女佣在一次归国假期中被困在一所密室里,故事描述了一宗秘密谋杀案及这八个女人之间复杂玄疑的人物关系。
76、In the Create new client application task, from the Area Path column list, select Kiosk. ─── 在“创建新客户端应用程序”任务中,从“区域路径”列列表中选择“Kiosk”。
77、kiosk terminal of ticketing system ─── 售票终端系统
78、Because potential users have few expectations of the contents of an explorational kiosk, it becomes difficult for them to justify waiting in line to use one. ─── 人们不会在交易型信息亭前逗留过长时间,他们通常也不太讨厌排队等待使用,因为他们脑子里都有明确的目标;
79、linked circular kiosk ─── 双环亭
80、Help people realize the dream of owning a coffee kiosk ─── 实现开设正宗咖啡店的梦想
81、1.a pavilion; 2.a kiosk to be stagnant ─── 亭
82、Kiosk that sells foreign product to tourists, as in snickers chinese sprite and lays from 2001. ─── 卖进口产品给外国人的亭子,哈哈,中国产的雪碧还是2001年的。
83、public telephone booth; public telephone box; public telephone kiosk ─── 公用电话间
84、A 46-year-old rock star from Ireland stopping at a small kiosk where a woman from Ghana runs her own business selling shares of call time on cell phones. ─── 一个46岁的来自爱尔兰的摇滚歌星来到一个小店,在那里一个加纳妇女经营者卖手机的通话时间的生意。
85、When designing kiosk interfaces, carefully consider the use of sound . ─── 在设计信息亭界面时,要小心考虑声音的使用。
86、A variety of lively competitions and nightly lucky draws with fabulous prizes will be on hand including a kiosk chock with new Oktoberfest lion, fans, T-shirt etc. ─── 另有多样化的现场比赛及激动人心的幸运抽奖。同时,具有德国特色的新款啤酒节狮子、纸扇和T恤等纪念品,恭候选购。还在犹豫什么呢?
87、But when she returned to her hometown in early 1960s, the kiosk was no more. ─── 但当她于60年代初回到家乡,小售货亭再也不见了。
88、wayside pavilion; kiosk ─── 凉亭
89、At first kiosk in the form of a four-volume small pavilion, grass roof timbers or Wading, simple structure. ─── 亭的形式起初是一种体积不大的四方亭,木构草顶或瓦顶,结构简易。
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