intertwined 发音
英:[ˌɪntəˈtwaɪnd] 美:[ˌɪntərˈtwaɪnd]
英: 美:
intertwined 中文意思翻译
intertwined 词性/词形变化,intertwined变形
动词现在分词: intertwining |动词过去分词: intertwined |动词第三人称单数: intertwines |名词: intertwine-ment |动词过去式: intertwined |
intertwined 相似词语短语
1、interjoined ─── 相互连接
2、intertwisted ─── vi.绞合;缠结;vt.使绞合;使缠结;n.绞合;缠结
3、intertwines ─── vi.纠缠;编结;vt.缠绕;纠缠
4、interdined ─── 共餐
5、intertwine ─── vi.纠缠;编结;vt.缠绕;纠缠
6、interwind ─── v.(使)互相盘绕
7、interveined ─── v.交错,使布满脉络
8、entertained ─── v.娱乐(entertain的过去分词);款待;adj.娱乐的;愉快的
9、interlined ─── v.(在文本行与行之前)插入(或书写、印刷)词语;织物与普通衬里间加衬布;adj.联运的
intertwined 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、From an interaction standpoint, one defining characteristic of embedded systems is the often closely intertwined relationship of hardware and software components of the interface. ─── 从交互设计的角度来说,我们在阐述嵌入系统的特征时,经常会和界面的硬件,以及软件组件紧密地关联在一起。
2、His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes, which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals. ─── 祂的象徵是疗愈的双手与权杖,上面装饰著两条蛇相互纠缠带有翅膀的东西,这标志在药房或医院常见到。
3、Intertwined in a variety of communication methods in a summary! Some may be in use when the need to revise! ─── 在通信中多种交织方法的一个总结!有的可能在用时需要修改!
4、With this new kind of power, the economic and geopolitical sides are ever more intertwined. ─── 带有这种新形式的强权,经济层面和地缘政治层面更加纠缠在一起。
5、The insects that appear in Xu Bin's latest collection come from youthful reminiscences intertwined with the artist's immersion in the study of classical Chinese ink paintings as a child. ─── 在徐邠近作中出现的昆虫来源于他对少年时代的怀念和学习传统水墨画时沉浸在草虫带来的不可言说的愉悦感。
6、The sheer volumes of outstanding CDS contracts -- and the fact that they trade directly between institutions, without centralized clearing -- intertwined the fates of many large banks and brokerages. ─── 发行在外的大量信用违约掉期合约,加上它们在机构间直接交易、缺乏集中化清算的事实,让许多大银行和经纪商的命运交织在了一起。
7、How many times intertwined by bitters and darkness ─── 几番若痛的纠缠多少黑夜掐扎
8、On the day of our first meeting the couple sit on a banquette at the Ritz, hands and arms intermittently intertwined. ─── 但是,路易丝总是推动着他到专家那里去看心脏和胸部疾病。
9、The intertwined strategies of mitigation and adaptation will be the topics of future columns. ─── 减轻压力与适应灾变的种种策略,将会是本专栏未来的议题。
10、People, capital, ideas once flowed across the world and intertwined into a network of power/knowledge/desire that influenced not just the cores but the peripheries of the empires. ─── 人群、资本、理念流窜世界各个角落,交错成一个权力/知识/欲望的网络,影响这帝国的核心与边陲。
11、Her fate intertwined with his. ─── 她的命运与他的交织在一起。
12、It simply takes as a given that societal and personal sicknesses are inextricably intertwined. ─── 它告诉我们一个简单的事实,社会与个人的疾病是不可避免地纠缠在一起的。
13、For reasons of geography Mexico's fate is ineluctably intertwined with that of the United States. ─── 由于地理上的原因,墨西哥的经济与美国不可避免地纠结在一起。
14、He intertwined his fingers with hers. ─── 他用手指勾著她的手指。
15、However the fact that there are 18 places cast to be destroyed within the Tao is not a surprise as most patterns here are refracted in 18 patterns intertwined or intermingled to cause extinction. ─── 不过在道中有18个地方被铸造来受到破坏的事实,并不令人惊讶,因为这里的大部分模式,在18种模式中被折射,纠缠混和而带来灭绝。
16、China and the US: Intertwined Interests and Interactive Strategies ─── 中美利益交汇与战略互动
17、Under index-controlled partitioning, the concepts of partitioned table, partitioning index and clustering were all intertwined. ─── 对于索引控制的分区方法,分区的表、分区索引和群集这几个概念之间有点纠缠不清。
18、Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm. ─── 请注意这如何跳动这银白‘弓形’和其它缠绕颜色在你的横膈膜上闪耀如大雨倾下。
19、If new code is too intertwined with old code, refactoring can often help resolve issues. ─── 如果新代码和旧代码交错程度很高,则重构通常有助于解决问题。
20、The United States and China are so economically intertwined, the functionalists argue, that they ought to be strategic partners as well. ─── 他们强调,美国和中国经济上互相依赖,理应成为战略伙伴。
21、His tales of the macabre, with death and beauty closely intertwined, were admired by many editors. ─── 他那些以死亡为主题的故事,将死亡和美紧密的交织在了一起,得到了众多编辑的青睐。
22、Biomechanical work usually involves an anatomical flesh intertwined with some technical drawings of machines. ─── 它通常是解剖学上的生物体和机械缠绕组成的图形。
23、But it is getting harder to stop international economic integration, because at each stage of the production process firms are more intertwined than they were. ─── 但是现在越来越难以停止国际经济一体化的进程了,因为在生产过程的每一个阶段企业都比以前更加交错复杂了。
24、Nowhere else on earth are the natural and the spiritual worlds so intertwined as in India. ─── 地球上没有其他任何地方在能比印度的大自然与精神世界的融合更加完美。
25、Because my work and my life are quite intertwined, many people have been involved in both, and I wish I had enough space and time to thank them all as they deserve. ─── 因为我的工作和我的生活被纠缠太多,许多人们也被此两者纠缠,而我希望有足够空间和时间来感激他们所有应该得到的。
26、An intertwined relationship between enterprise and market ─── 企业与市场的嵌入关系
27、A radical clean-up has led to the removal of thousands of scribbled amorous words, hearts, arrows and intertwined initials from the walls. ─── 大扫除时清除了成千上万则信笔拈来的爱情誓言、心形图案、邱比特的箭和互相纠缠的姓名首字母。
28、a style of painting,sculpture,and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations ─── 奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案,一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格
29、" The youth graduate from university into the real world, where relationships between people are complexly intertwined. ─── 一个年轻人大学毕业,走入社会,就进入了复杂的人际关系中。
30、Even with the advent of IUPAC nomenclature, name reactions are still intimately intertwined with our profession,becoming a part of our daily language. ─── 即使用IUPAC 命名法,名字回应的来临仍然被亲密有我们的头班缠结,成为我们的每日的语言的一部分。
31、Their lives have become inextricably intertwined, not only because they are filming movies together, but because their experiences are so closely parallel. ─── 他们的命运已经纠结再一起,不只是因为他们一起拍电影,还因为他们所面对的经验几乎是相同的。
32、The Origin Theory and Inovative Research of Syndrome of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Intertwined of Heart Diease in TCM ─── 中医心病痰瘀互结毒损心络的理论渊源与创新性研究
33、The other application servers typically have components that are intertwined. ─── 其他应用服务器拥有的组件通常彼此纠缠在一起。
34、His fingers intertwined with hers. ─── 他的手指勾著她的手指。
35、If the frog sees a pair of orbiting particles, the bird sees two spaghetti strands intertwined like a double helix. ─── 如果蛙看到一对相互环绕的粒子,鸟看到的就是两股螺旋般缠绕在一起的面条。
36、One can also see where one's will centers have become intertwined and intermixed with others that one knows. ─── 你也能观察你的意志中心与你所知的其他人缠绕或混淆的地方。
37、This is very intertwined with issues of Jeffersonian agrarian democracy.The issue is not money, but rather living a particular way of life. ─── 关于杰斐逊派所提的土地民主政策一事非常的复杂,此事不是牵涉到钱的问题,而且牵涉到生活方式的问题。
38、Rabbits also have spongy intertwined bone lining their upper jaws that is believed to aid in heat dispersal when the animals are running. ─── 下颌关节突与颅骨的关节窝联结比较松弛,既可前后移动,又能左右错动,既能压碎食物,又能碾磨植物纤维。
39、Based upon the records reviewed thus far by the Great Central Sun, the universe of which Earth is a part has become intertwined and intermixed with another universe from another creation altogether. ─── 基于大中枢太阳目前为止对记录的回溯,地球所在的宇宙和来自其它创造物的另一个宇宙产生了缠绕和混杂。
40、Their political careers had become closely intertwined. ─── 他们的政治生涯已经紧密地结合在一起了。
41、Intertwined though their economies are through the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico's hopes of forming part of something like the European Union are forlorn. ─── 尽管三国的经济通过北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)交织在一起,但墨西哥希望三者能形成类似欧盟的某个分支的愿望却不大可能实现。
42、The main reason is that the study of popular and folk literatures is in an intertwined state of symbiosis and separation. ─── 其中一个重要的原因是俗文学与民间文学的研究始终处于依附与分离相互纠缠的状态中。
43、a complex,ornate design of intertwined floral,foliate,and geometric figures ─── 一种复杂的装饰性的设计,由花、叶及几何图案缠绕在一起
44、Some are bent and intertwined like a complicated pretzel or perhaps resembling a stiff roll of ribbon confetti that has been stretched and then released to take the shape of less stress. ─── 小弟最近在翻译关于蛋白质结构的一个句子遇到了困难,望得到高人的指点!帮我翻译一下.太感谢了!!
45、If one day we meet again, all will be cast into the shade brain repeatedly intertwined you just give it a little happiness. ─── 如果有一天我们再次遇见,所有的都会黯然失色脑中反复交织的只是你给的那一点幸福。
46、Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined. ─── 医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。
47、Secondly, the fundamental spirit of the more than 2000-year-old Chinese New Year is closely intertwined with the traditional culture and values of the Chinese. ─── 其次,延续了两千多年的春节其基本精神是跟华人的传统文化与价值观分不开的。
48、The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials. ─── 这些毛巾上绣着他们缠绕着的第一个字母。
49、Humans have become holographically and genetically intertwined with many other humans from other creations, and karma displaced over time. ─── 人类已变得与其他造物的很多其他人全息化遗传缠绕的,业力也随时间被置换。
50、The S&L debacle was intertwined with the problems that high interest rates brought to other financial institutions, including banks and insurance companies (some of which also went out of business or were threatened with insolvency). ─── 与储贷业的大失败相伴随的还有高利率给其他金融单位带来的困难,这些单位包括银行和保险公司(其中有些也停止营业或受到破产的威胁)。
51、The human field has become increasingly intertwined or attached in the many falls in consciousness over time and upon earth. ─── 在地球上随时间经历的多次意识下降中,人类能量场变得日益缠绕和系缚。
52、Still, many Democratic policy thinkers in the United States are beginning to embrace the Rodrik argument that trade and social programs must be intertwined. ─── 尽管如此,美国民主党许多政策分析家,已开始拥抱罗德瑞克贸易和社会方案必须交织结合的主张;
53、In the shattering, human holograms intertwined with one another, and soul holographic planes intertwined with the human holographic planes. ─── 在粉碎中,人类的全息图彼此混淆,而灵魂全息层和人类全息层相混淆。
54、They intertwined their fingers. ─── 他们把手指勾在一起。
55、Before the palace are some giant banyan trees whose entangled foliage and intertwined roots provide a good resting place for visitors ─── 宫前有数株榕树,盘根错节,枝繁叶茂,为游人休憩佳处。
56、And, educators maintain, those three cornerstones of a successful technology program are inextricably intertwined. ─── 并且,教育家们强调,成功的信息技术规划这三大内容是相互依存,缺一不可的。
57、Nuclear size effects are intertwined with nuclear force effects. ─── 原子核大小的影响与核力的影响纠缠在一起。
58、Interlocking duos of 14K white gold circles are intertwined for a cosmopolitan look. ─── 14K白金圈双重连锁扣的交错打造了此款手链外观的整体效果。
59、Our economic interests have long been intertwined, and I firmly believe that if Hong Kong succeeds, China will benefit. ─── 一直以来,中国和香港的经济是互利互惠的,我深信香港若成功,中国会受惠。
60、When three men attempt to apprehend the elusive criminals behind these illicit trade organizations, they find their lives intertwined in ways they never could have imagined. ─── 当3个人试图在这些违法的世界贸易组织后面追查狡猾的罪犯时,他们发现他们的生活陷入了他们从未想到的境地。
61、Each embarks on his own journey and although their paths never cross, their fates turn out to be inseparably intertwined. ─── 两个人各自展开了自己的旅途,他们从无交集,但他们的命运最终却纠缠在一起。
62、Two vines intertwined over the wall. ─── 墙上攀缠着两种藤蔓。
63、Their fingers intertwined. ─── 他们的手指在一起勾著。
64、Last autumn A trio tossing acorns To carp in this pond; Now, cold fingers intertwined, Only the two of us in the morning wind. ─── 一行三人抛橡子逗弄池中鲤鱼;如今,冰凉的手指交缠,晨风中只有你我。
65、A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations. ─── 奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格
66、China is one of America's most important trading partners, and its economy is tightly intertwined with efforts to reverse the global downturn. ─── 中国是美国最重要的贸易伙伴之一,它的经济与扭转全球经济下滑的努力密切相关。
67、Allow any part of the subtle bodies that is twisted to untwist and separate from any other that one is intertwined with. ─── 允许精细身体中扭曲的任何部分解开扭曲,从混杂在一起的其他部分中分离开来。
68、Sitting beside her in a dimly lit room that smelled sharply of disinfectant, I realized that because my life was so intertwined with hers, I, too, was a patient. ─── 在一间点着昏暗灯光的房间里,那地方闻起来有很强的消毒剂的味道,我坐在妻子身旁,意识到,正因为我的一生和她如此密切相连,因此我自己实际上也是个病人。
69、Simultaneously, the chapters also reveal the intricacies of Strauss’s famous work and thought, where politics and philosophy are deemed to be fundamentally intertwined. ─── 同时,书中的章节也展现了施特劳斯著名作品与思想的错综复杂性,这里政治与哲学间即注定在根本上是交织的。
70、Her moist and inviting lips attracted me like a rare flower's stamen, and I felt a sudden carnal pleasure as our tongues intertwined smoothly and perilously, like precious silk. ─── 她的嘴唇里的潮湿和温暖像奇异的花蕊吸引住了我,肉体的喜悦突如其来,我们的舌头像名贵丝绸那样揉滑而危险地叠绕在一起。
71、they had grown together like two trees whose roots are mingled, whose branches intertwined, and whose intermingled perfume rises to the heavens ─── 他们并肩长大了起来,就象两棵在地下根须纠缠,空中丫枝交错,花香同时升上天空的树一样。
72、Of course the problem of earthquake prediction is intimately intertwined with those of the seismic source processes, of tectonics and self organized criticality. ─── 地震预测问题当然与地震的那些板块和自组成危险状态及其震源过程密切地缠绕在一起。
73、I did not know that names could substitute and represent personalities simultaneously, and the life of words is dangerously intertwined with that of our own. ─── 不曾意识到那些指涉的名可以共时替代并重现其性格特质,同时我们与许多字的生命是何等危险地纠葛在一起。
74、It also explains how to employ them as an intertwined one in architecture designing. ─── 并且进一步解释如何综合运用这些要点进行建筑设计。
75、Human tapestries of ancestry cross, intersect and divide much like hundreds of trees that have become intertwined and interconnected over time. ─── 人类祖先的织锦交互、切断和分离,就象成千上百的树木随时间而缠绕交织在一起一样。
76、Person's life, things are not the original complex, are all eating, drinking and chatting Shier, can be different things intertwined, also become complex. ─── 人的人生中,事情原并不复杂,都是一些吃饭,喝水及聊天的事儿,可不同的事情交织在一起,也就变复杂了。
77、Taiwan's present economy is becoming more and more intertwined with China's. ─── 台湾现时的经济已经越来越和中国大陆分不开。
78、Jiao and Ms Liu in "Peacock Flies towards Southeast".Lanzhi's obstinacy, Zhongqing's weakness and the ruthless and solitude of Jiao's mother are deeply intertwined. ─── 兰芝的倔强、仲卿的孱弱、焦母的暴戾和孤寂三者深深交织在一起。
79、This arrangement is often described as a bowl of spaghetti, or worms in a bucket, all intertwined with each other. ─── 这个安排经常被描述作为一个碗意粉或者蠕虫在桶,所有交错互相。
80、Therefore all attachment and codependent behavior is related to frayed genetics and grid work, which intertwined humans together rather than allowing each their own sovereign energy movement. ─── 因此,所有连线和彼此依赖的行为均与破损基因和晶格层相关,使得人们盘绕在一起,而不是允许每个人自主的能量流运动。
81、In his mind, politics and region are inseparably intertwined. ─── 在他的头脑中,政治和宗教是密不可分的。
82、Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure. Inevitably, the two are deeply intertwined. ─── 与经济压力同时存在的是来自父母的压力,这两者不可避免地融合在一起。
83、They’re intertwined like balls of loose twine. ─── 它们缠绕在一起,就像松散的线球。
84、It is all somehow intertwined in a very intricate way and is really remarkable how well that works in practice. ─── 它们以非常错综复杂的方式纠缠在一起,它们在现实中能运作,是相当神奇的。
85、All kinds of yarn-dyed fabrics (100% cotton, T/C, C/T intertwined, C/N intertwined, etc.); ─── 各种色织面料(纯棉、T/C、棉涤交织、棉锦交织等);
86、Trees, undergrowth and creepers intertwined, blocking our way. ─── 树木、灌木和攀藤植物相互缠绕,挡了我们的路。
87、A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarreor fanciful combinations. ─── 奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格。
88、a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers. ─── 一幅藤、花缠绕的奇异图案。
89、As someone who had spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems and ideologies, Langdon viewed the world as a web of profoundly intertwined histories and events. ─── 对于一个毕生都在研究符号象征与意识形态之间那种潜移默化的关联性的人来说,他倒情愿把这个世界看作是一张由历史和事件相互交错的网。
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