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09-19 投稿


inconsequential 发音

英:[,ɪnkɒnsɪ'kwenʃ(ə)l]  美:[ɪn'kɑnsə'kwɛnʃəl]

英:  美:

inconsequential 中文意思翻译



inconsequential 网络释义

adj. 不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的

inconsequential 词性/词形变化,inconsequential变形

副词: inconsequentially |名词: inconsequentiality |

inconsequential 相似词语短语

1、inconsequentiality ─── 不合理

2、consequential ─── adj.间接的;结果的;重要的;随之发生的;自傲的

3、inconsequentially ─── adv.不重要地

4、consequentially ─── adv.必然地

5、nonsequential ─── 不连续的

6、inconsequently ─── adv.矛盾地,不合理地;不切题地

7、inconsequentialness ─── 无关紧要的

8、inconsequent ─── adj.不合理的,矛盾的

9、inconsequentness ─── 不合理

inconsequential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required ─── 与所需数量相比不足或不合理的

2、1. Businesss: Engagements can range from vital (potential new client or high po wered client) to inconsequential (Bingo from accounting). ─── 1.商业性的:这类约会有至关重要的(与潜在的新客户的或者能量很大的客户进行的约会),也有无关紧要的。

3、As an electoral issue, Afghanistan is “about as inconsequential as it could be,” says Charlie Cook, a political analyst. ─── 虽然是竞选事宜,但是阿富汗“已成为细枝末节的小事了”,政治分析师CharlieCook如是说。

4、But if someone as inconsequential as himself was worth of patronage, then obviously he shouldn't underestimate himself ─── 可是自己是一个无足轻重的人,居然有被他收罗的资格,足见未可妄自菲薄。

5、Your objections are inconsequential and may be disregarded. ─── 你的反对意见并不重要, 不会受到重视。

6、Now Collins is relying on Duster and other collaborators, such as University of Wisconsin molecular biologist Pilar Ossorio, to help explain why race must be acknowledged even if it is biologically inconsequential. ─── 柯林斯现在则仰赖达斯特与其他合作者,像是美国威斯康辛大学分子生物学者欧梭里欧,来帮忙解释为什麽种族即便在生物学上没有重要性,却还是不能忽略的原因。

7、The traditional inconsequential exam mode, as the bottleneck factor of restriction of teaching reform, has come out. ─── 摘要传统的不合理的考试模式,作为制约教学改革的瓶颈因素逐渐凸现出来。

8、Yet these setbacks look inconsequential when set against the monstrous losses reported by bigger banks farther afield. ─── 但是,这些挫折和远方大银行们那些巨额损失相比,实在显得微不足道。

9、Most often, you can find them in everyday, inconsequential and impromptu moments. ─── 很多时候,你都可以在每天的,无关紧要的和即兴的时刻中发现它们。

10、Businesss: Engagements can range from vital (potential new client or high?po wered client) to inconsequential (Bingo from accounting). ─── 商业性的:这类约会有至关重要的(与潜在的新客户的或者能量很大的客户进行的约会),也有无关紧要的。

11、The price China pays is often dismissed as inconsequential: what are a few billion in the grand scheme of things? ─── 中国所付的价格经常被认为无关紧要。在一个大战略中,几十亿算什么呢?

12、For ten seconds let us regard with discreet scrutiny some inconsequential objecct in the other direction. ─── 为了不致冒昧,让我们花十秒钟功夫瞧瞧另一方面无关紧要的东西吧。

13、At first it would be puzzling but almost inconsequential things such as lights being on that I was positive I turned off when I left that morning or objects mysteriously being moved across the room. ─── 最开始,我常遇到一些莫名奇妙,不合常理的事情,比如说我明明记得那天早上我离开时关了灯,可回去时灯是亮着的,或者东西从屋子的一头被移到了另一边,很不可思议。

14、Consciousness cannot be excluded anymore from biophysics, although the difficulties of such an extension should not be underestimated. There are claims that inconsequential epiphenomenon. ─── 生化不能再将意识视为异端,也不可低估其延伸的困难;实验报告中总是出现不合逻辑的偶发现象。

15、an inconsequential argument ─── 不合逻辑的论据

16、In 1988 many computer experts dismissed viruses as inconsequential novelties.That assessment proved regrettably naive. ─── 1988年,许多电脑专家误把病毒看成无关痛痒的新玩意儿,但很遗憾,事实证明这样的判断太过天真。

17、The technicalities might seem inconsequential. ─── 这些技术细节似乎是无足轻重的。

18、However confidence, competence and achievement only need one person and everyone else is inconsequential to one's own success. ─── 不过,拥有自信、能力和成就只需要一人就能办到,而且任何其他人对于那人的个人成功来说,都是不重要的。

19、Under normal, basal conditions, this protein is inconsequential, because of the rapidity of its degradation. ─── 在正常的基础情况下,因为可以迅速降解,这个蛋白是不连贯存在。

20、Previously, buy foreign magazines, groceries, and the streets are inconsequential; ─── 以前,想买外文杂志、杂品,街边摆地摊的有的是;

21、Perhaps every one to three years, the company sent an inspector to our department, but the inspection was inconsequential. ─── 可能每隔一年或三年,公司会派一位监察员来我们部门,但是这种检查没有任何意义。

22、What I have to say about her 1990 self-description, when she was only 22, is inconsequential. ─── 她这本自传于1990年出版,当时才不过22岁。我对自传的看法并不重要。

23、This apparently inconsequential choice of computers represented a “laying down of the sword” that only those engaged in the battle would recognize. ─── 这个看似不合逻辑的卖电脑事件,也反应了一个,只有在战场上刀戈相见的人才懂得的,“放下刀剑”的仪式。

24、On the face of it, these comments were both obvious and inconsequential. ─── 从表面上看,这些言论说的都是明摆着的事,无足轻重。

25、And when it has exceeded its proper functions, it has not done so merely in some inconsequential and debatable matters. ─── 并且当它超越其应有功能时,它纠缠在一些无关紧要的和有争议的事情上,正义得不到伸张。

26、inconsequential details, events, questions ─── 琐碎的细节﹑ 事情﹑ 问题.

27、To a self-sufficient China, Shanghai was out on a limb, and inconsequential; but in the contemporary world of open access, it is in a commanding position, where all streams converge. ─── 如:对于一个自足的中国而言,上海偏距一隅,不足为道;但对于开放的当代世界而言,它却俯瞰广远、吞吐万汇、气势不凡。

28、An injury that might be inconsequential back home could prove fatal in the isolated Arctic with no one around to help. ─── 一些在家中看似无足轻重的伤在这里都可能是致命的,因为没有任何人可以帮到你。

29、But if someone as inconsequential as himself was worth of patronage, then obviously he shouldn't underestimate himself. ─── 可是自己是一个无足轻重的人,居然有被他收罗的资格,足见未可妄自菲

30、"Each person is, in fact, a Rube Goldberg sort of organism pieced together by biology and made up of good parts, bad parts and parts that are inconsequential. ─── 我们每个人都是一个精密复杂的有机体。我们身上既有好的器官也有不好的器官,甚至还有令人匪夷所思的器官。

31、{1003}{DECK_52}{They steal from the merchants and give to the poor, or some such nonsense. They are inconsequential to me. That old mutant, Harold would know more. ─── {他们去偷商人的钱然后分给穷人,或者像这样一些毫无义意的事。他们对我来说无关紧要。那个年老的变种人哈罗德知道更多东西。

32、Scientists say that those discrepancies are actually inconsequential. ─── 科学家说那些差异其实都无关紧要。

33、His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential. ─── 他的支持者辩称,既然他让历史显得逼真,他那些事实错误就是无关紧要的。

34、Most of these individuals are unknown and living a seemingly inconsequential life. ─── 这些人中大部分是不知名的,以似乎微不足道的方式生活。

35、An insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required. ─── 沧海一粟与所需数量相比不足或不合理的

36、inconsequential details ─── 无关紧要的细节

37、Eventually, they arrived at a long list of “paraphilias”, a large, incongrous collection of neologisms that mixed very problematical with utterly inconsequential variations. ─── 最终,这些术语被编辑成一张冗长的”性副态“一览表,这是一部庞大而不相协调的新词汇集成。这些新词汇混杂了完全不合逻辑的杂烩样的词语。

38、Something inconsequential or insignificant. ─── 无意义或无结果的事物

39、On the face of it, these comments were both obvious and inconsequential. ─── 我译作:表面看来,这些谈论无足轻重,了无新意。

40、This sounds inconsequential, but it makes the Chinese currency its weakest against the dollar since June 12. ─── 看起来这无足轻重,但它意味着人民币兑美元汇率跌至6月12日以来的最低点。

41、Why on earth would the highest instance of executive power in the world's most populous nation have anything to do with an inconsequential backwater in the middle of France? ─── 为什么拥有世界上最多人口的国家的最高行政力量会与一个法国中部无关紧要的穷乡僻壤有任何关系?

42、His tone can be alarmingly inconsequential, as if the reader is there to be perpetually wrong-footed. ─── 他的语气极其不合逻辑,好像读者永远都站不对阵脚。

43、The slaves were viewed as pets or chattel and of non-worth;destroying a few thousand slaves was therefore as inconsequential as slaughtering a few thousand heads of beef in present time. ─── 奴隶被看成宠物或财产,没有价值,毁灭几千奴隶因此就象今天屠杀几千头牛一样无关紧要。

44、The conclusion is that climate change and the inconsequential anthropic activities result in the ecology deterioration in Maqu grassland. ─── 同时,过度放牧等人类活动使牛羊肉产量的大幅度上升,加速了草场的退化。

45、10.his work seems trivial and inconsequential; the quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet. ─── 他的工作看起来琐碎、不重要;那个完全没有重要性的家伙像傀儡一样被操纵着。

46、In Vegas, all the talk about where Yi will end up next season is somewhat inconsequential since he is playing for Team China. ─── 在赌城,由于易建联正代表中国国家队征战,所有关于易建联下赛季归宿的言论此时都显得有点无厘头。

47、To a self-sufficient China, Shanghaiwas out on a limb, and inconsequential; but in the contemporary world of open access, it is in a commanding position, where all streams converge. ─── 如:对于一个自足的中国而言,上海偏距一隅,不足为道;但对于开放的当代世界而言,它却俯瞰广远、吞吐万汇、气势不凡。

48、inconsequential chatter ─── 无谓的唠叨

49、The next two years were filled with inconsequential roles in standard fare, such as We're Not Married! ─── 在未来两年充满了无关紧要的角色,标准收费,如我们没有结婚!

50、Small changes can become great changes, and a seemingly inconsequential act can have tremendous consequences. ─── 积少成多,小小的改变能成为巨大的改变,表面上似乎无关宏旨的动作可能产生巨大的效果。

51、In contrast, the chymotrypsin inhibitor (CI) activity decreased from 40-90 DAP, indicating an inconsequential role in protease regulation. ─── 相反地,凝乳蛋白酶抑制剂(CI)活性,从栽种40-90天后即显著降低,表示它在蛋白酶的调节上并不是很重要。

52、Already there have been moments of friction, albeit small and seemingly inconsequential ones. ─── 到现在为止已经发生了几次摩擦,尽管很小,看起来也不怎么重要。

53、The choice of the reference temperature is inconsequential ─── 基准温度的选择是无关紧要的。

54、The incident that set off the Formosan revolt was in itself quite inconsequential, but it was the straw that broke the patience of the ordinary island people. ─── 成为台湾起义导火线的事件本身是根本微不足道的。但是这件小事却终于使岛上的老百姓忍无可忍、揭竿而起。

55、The external differences that most people would use in defining race--skin color, eye shape, height--are genetically inconsequential, minor variations that evolved in response to the environment, the genetic equivalent of a sunburn. ─── 人们用来定义种族的外在差异如肤色、眼形、高矮等等从遗传学角度上看是无关紧要的,而像对环境的反应、日晒遗传的等效性次要变异才是重要的。

56、A literary or dramatic work that makes a subject appear ridiculous by treating it in an incongruous way, as by presenting a lofty subject with vulgarity or an inconsequential one with mock dignity. ─── 讽刺作品,滑稽戏剧以一种不和谐的方式看待事物,使其显得滑稽可笑的文学或戏剧作品,比如用丑陋来表达高尚的主题或者给一个微不足道的人以虚假的高位显爵

57、Something small, trivial, or inconsequential. ─── 琐事小的、轻的或不重要的事

58、For ten seconds let us regard with discreet scrutiny some inconsequential object in the other direction. ─── 现在,别着急,先让我们花个十秒钟从另一角度审慎地思索一下某些无关紧要的事。

59、To a self-sufficient China, Shanghai was out on a limb, and inconsequential; ─── 如:对于一个自足的中国而言,上海偏距一隅,不足为道;

60、All the dark energy in our solar system amounts to the mass of a small asteroid, making it an utterly inconsequential player in the dance of the planets. ─── 太阳系内所有的暗能量加总起来,质量约等于一颗小型的小行星,所以在行星的运行中,它根本是个微不足道的角色。

61、It's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable. ─── 这是一个简单的术语,概括了以下事实:工作中的关系可以合理地是非亲密的,无关紧要的,不重要的,甚至可以说是可抛弃的或可替代的。

62、Earmarks are symbolically potent but fiscally inconsequential, since they mostly parcel out spending rather than alter its level. ─── 专项拨款象征意义巨大,但在财政上无足轻重,因为它只对支出的分割有影响,不会改变其规模。

63、two_ inconsequential decisions - the wrong one _and_ the right one. ─── 人们甚至会将它视作真正的领导才能(*咳嗽*胡说*咳嗽*).

64、But the OFHEO people learned that Fannie lobbyists were telling members of Congress that the report was inconsequential and Falcon wouldn't release it because he didn't want to exonerate Fannie. ─── 但后来,督察局的人得知,房利美的说客对国会议员说,报告完全说明不了问题,督察局不准备发表,因为它不想去证明房利美无罪。

65、The message is what provides the value -- the actual recording medium is often inconsequential. ─── 讯息才是产生价值的东西——而实质性的媒介却常常是无价值的。

66、In the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential. ─── 在其有线之旅中,如此微不足道的文件是无关紧要的。

67、For a man who taught logic and the scientific method to his students, it was amazing to hear that he worried too much about arguably inconsequential issues. ─── ”他教给学生们那么多逻辑和科学方法,却担心无足轻重的小事,这有点奇怪。

68、Distribution and transmission represent 70% of the state-controlled company's value, so it would be inconsequential as a pure supplier. ─── 配给和传输收入占了这家国有企业70%的产值,因而它不属于纯粹的能源供应商。

69、His tone can be alarmingly inconsequential, as if the reader is there to be perpetually wrong-footed. ─── 他的风格表现出令人惊愕的微不足道,读者好像永远在其诗中感到惊讶。

70、They bled as they rose from their nuptial sheets; but smiled, kissing one another's wounds as though they were inconsequential, as though these flaps and sores and gougings were proof of devotion. ─── 当他们起身他们在流血;但却微笑着,亲吻着对方的伤口,好像那些可怕的痛苦创伤都是热恋的证明。

71、Furthermore, when you explain or hear the teachings, if your mind and the teachings remain separate, then whatever is explained will be inconsequential. ─── 复次于法若讲若听,将自相续若置余处别说余法,是则任其讲何法事,不关至要。

72、Something that is particularly small, light, or inconsequential. ─── 无足轻重的东西非常小、轻或不重要的东西

73、It is not trivial and inconsequential as some would have you think. ─── 普通法并非像有些人告诉你的那样既琐碎又杂乱无章。

74、HP infection isn't inconsequential in men. Certain strains of the irus are known to cause genital warts in men as well as women. ─── HP感染对男性并非无关紧要。现在知道,部分病毒株在男性也和女性一样引起生殖器疣。

75、Although the match is inconsequential in terms of points and prizes, Darren concedes that he and his father will both be keen to secure victory. ─── 虽然这场比赛不涉及什么实质的争夺,达伦确定他和爸爸都会全力争胜。

76、This is a mistake because it may be misinterpreted as an indicator of how inconsequential the customer complaint system really is. ─── 这是错误的,因为这样会让人误以为顾客抱怨处理系统是多么不合理。

77、inconsequential expressions of affection. ─── 没有多少实质意义的爱慕的表达。

78、a literary or dramatic work that makes a subject appear ridiculous by treating it in an incongruous way,as by presenting a lofty subject with vulgarity or an inconsequential one with mock dignity ─── 以一种不和谐的方式看待事物,使其显得滑稽可笑的文学或戏剧作品,比如用丑陋来表达高尚的主题或者给一个微不足道的人以虚假的高位显爵

79、Distribution and transmission represent 70% of the state-controlled company's value, so it would be inconsequential as a pure supplier. ─── 配给和传输收入占了这家国有企业70%的产值,因而它不属于纯粹的能源供应商。

80、Xy:So,let me get this straight.Your father spent his entire life looking for me over a largely inconsequential killing? ─── 那么,直接点说吧。你爸就为了这么场无关紧要的杀戮找了我一辈子?

81、We are not dismissing resource problems as inconsequential to development. ─── 我们并不把资源问题贬为对发展无关紧要的问题。

82、True, concentrations are said to be low, but that doesn't mean they are inconsequential or can't have a cumulative effect. ─── 诚然,我们对此的关注度不高,但并不以为着它们不重要或不会产生累加效应。

83、an inconsequential event ─── 无关紧要的事件

84、The interior's vast expanses of white walls, where the signs are white on white, add to the glow.Even inconsequential objects gain in lustre. ─── 无限延伸的白墙,甚至标示也是白色的,整体上增加了空灵感,使得不重要的部件也闪闪发光。

85、So understanding the need for the change was the limiting factor.Programming it was inconsequential. ─── 因此,了解改动的需求才是真正的限制因素,编写代码本身则无关紧要。

86、Burns played the bemused, tolerant observer of Allen's inconsequential ravings ─── 艾伦断断续续地胡编胡诌,伯恩斯则充当茫然无措、百事相容的搭档。

87、Every designer has run into at least one dispute with a client, sometimes over the most minor and inconsequential of details. ─── 每位设计者至少会与一个客户发生争执,有时是关于最小、最无关紧要的细节。

88、Inconsiderate acts may seem inconsequential, but they have great power, especially when they accumulate over time. ─── 爱情的哲学有时候就是这么简单,就在生活的点滴里。

89、"It's not an inconsequential disease," she said. ─── 这不是一种无足轻重的疾病,"她说到。

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