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kilometer 发音

英:[kɪˈlɑːmɪtər]  美:[kɪˈlɒmɪtə(r);ˈkɪləmiːtə(r)]

英:  美:

kilometer 中文意思翻译



kilometer 网络释义

n. [计量] 公里;[计量] 千米(等于kilometre)

kilometer 词性/词形变化,kilometer变形


kilometer 常用词组

square kilometer ─── 平方公里

kilometer 短语词组

1、square kilometer ─── 平方公里

2、one kilometer ─── 一公里

3、ton kilometer ─── 吨公里,延 ─── 吨公里

4、passenger kilometer ─── 乘客公里数

5、kilometer wave ─── 千米波;长波

6、two hundred kilometer 200 ─── 公里

7、kilometer post ─── 公里标

8、cubic kilometer ─── 立方公里

9、Tonne Kilometer Performed ─── 吨公里执行

10、eight kilometer ─── 八公里

11、car kilometer ─── 车辆公里

12、ton-kilometer n. ─── 吨公里

13、channel kilometer ─── 航道公里数

14、one kilometer away ─── 一公里外

15、decimeter to kilometer ─── 分米到公里

16、kilometer stone ─── 里程标

17、half a kilometer ─── 半公里

kilometer 相似词语短语

1、mileometer ─── n.计程表

2、ceilometer ─── n.云高计;云幂测量仪

3、biometer ─── n.[生物]生物计

4、kilometers ─── n.[计量]千米,[计量]公里(kilometer复数形式)

5、Nilometer ─── n.水位计

6、bolometer ─── n.[物]辐射热测定器

7、kilometres ─── [计量]千米;[计量]公里

8、milometer ─── n.计程表

9、milometers ─── n.计程表

kilometer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Site: The site location is an industrial city for non-pollution factories, 35 kilometer away from Tehran/ Iran. ─── 基地情况:项目基地位于伊朗德黑兰市郊35公里外的一个无污染工业区。

2、Ten thousand Beijingers took a18- kilometer walk in Beijing's Chaoyang Park to mark the500- day countdown to the Beijing2008 Olympic Games on Saturday. ─── 为了迎接奥运倒计时500天,一万名北京市民于周六参加了在朝阳公园隆重举行的18公里的长走运动。

3、South near and Xi"an transportation aorta south two link connected construction work road, east near park south road, east westing two ring circuits not to 1 kilometer. ─── 南临与西安交通主动脉南二环相连的建工路,东临公园南路,西距东二环路不到1公里。

4、Karen, can you tell me how to pronounce "kilometer"? ─── 卡伦,请你告诉我怎样读”kilometer”这个词好吗?

5、There can be 80 million of them in a square kilometer, and yet they don't collide with one another. ─── 一平方公里内可以有八千万只蝗虫,但是他们不会撞到彼此。

6、Kilometer of square of 6.5 of garden area gross area, it is 5 70 0 usably about mu. ─── 园区总面积 6 .5平方公里 ,可用地约为 5 70 0亩。

7、Moreover, the tourist may also travel by Taiwan high-valence iron experience to surpass 300 kilometer high speed. ─── 另外,游客还可以搭乘台湾高铁体验超过300公里的高速。

8、Million kilometer The farthest place our own kind has yet visited is the companion moon, our nearest celestial neighbor. Bright moonlight and the tides witness her proximity. ─── 人类所到达的最远之处就是伴随我们的月亮,它是离我们最近的天体。皎洁的月光和潮汐见证了她与我们的距离之近。

9、Extrapolating from the findings so far, we estimate that each has about 100 irregular moons larger than one kilometer in diameter. ─── 以目前的发现用外插法来推算,我们估计出每颗巨行星大约有100颗直径超过一公里的不规则卫星。

10、What's the area of Canada in square kilometer? ─── 加拿大的面积有多少平方公里?

11、The kilometer is the biggest unit length in the metric system. ─── 公里是米制中最大的长度单位。

12、Take 3 square kilometer New York central parks as the example, the urban center ecology oasis has been the real estate value with steady steps premium solid backing. ─── 以3平方公里纽约中央公园为例,城市中心的生态绿洲一直是房产价值稳步溢价的坚实后盾。

13、The cabinet assembly workshop has an area of about 2 square kilometer material warehouse and finished goods warehouse to ensure the progress of entire produce smoothly. ─── 在柜体拼装车间,还设有2000平米左右的材料仓库与成品仓库,以保证整个生产运做过程的顺利通畅。

14、LENGTH: picometers, angstroms, nanometers, micrometers, millimeters, meters, kilometer, inches, feet, mi... ─── 一、长度:皮,埃,纳米,微米,毫米,米,公里,英寸,英尺,英里

15、China will noch in diesem Jahr mit dem Bau einer eigenen Magnetschwebebahnstrecke zwischen Shanghai und dem knapp 200 Kilometer entfernten Hangzhou beginnen. ─── 今年,中国还想在上海和与之相距200公里左右的杭州之间开始建造磁悬浮线路。

16、Yangtze River is Asia first and the world third big rivers, span 6380 kilometer . ─── 2007年9月18日长江是亚洲第一和世界第三大河流,全长6380公里.

17、China moves more than10 times as much freight per kilometer of its train routes than the global average. ─── 中国铁路每公里货运量是世界平均值的十倍。

18、How many millimeters are there in a kilometer? ─── 一公里有多少毫米?

19、Your cousin fell from half a kilometer up ! She 's dead . Just as you'd be if I took you to battle . ─── 你们的表妹从一千米高空落下!她已经死了。如果我带你们去战场,你们也会死。

20、Visit Scotland said 0.004 UFOs were spotted for every square kilometer of Scotland a rate four times as high as in France or Italy, this planet's other UFO hotspots. ─── “畅游苏格兰”宣称苏格兰的飞碟目击率达到了每平方公里0.004起,是另两个飞碟目击热点法国和意大利的4倍。

21、How much does it cost for the first kilometer? ─── 启程的第一公里是多少钱?

22、The company said thinning of the wall of the pipeline had taken place. At the time, B.P. said it was testing the thirty-five kilometer oil transit pipeline. ─── 公司说管道的管壁已经发生侵蚀。同时,公司声称他们正检查35公里的输油管道。

23、The goal of TAOS project is measuring the number and size distribution of Kuiper Belt Objects ( KBOs ) down to a few kilometer size of cometary nuclei. ─── 中美掩星观测计画的目标为测量彗星核大小至几公里的古柏带天体之数量与大小分布。

24、As a express train with 96 kilometer per hour at least needs over 48 hours acrossing American. ─── 一辆时速为96公里的快速火车,横跨美国需要48小时以上.

25、Is been biggest the plant closing attack, is located at southeast capital Bragg 100 kilometer Sweatt blue small town resident. ─── 受工厂关闭打击最大的,是位于首都布拉格东南100公里斯韦特兰小城的居民。

26、Mereka mengubah posisi pesawat dari orbit lonjong menjadi melingkar pada ketinggian lebih dari 300 kilometer di atas permukaan Bumi. ─── 他们将飞船位置由椭圆轨道调整为绕距地球表面300多公里高的轨道飞行。

27、But because pass urban core area piece, be jockeyed the influence that waits for a respect, general when exercise speed per hour is 35-38 kilometer. ─── 但由于经过市区核心区块,受到停车等方面的影响,在行使时一般时速为35-38公里。

28、Under the direct leadership of the emperor and the ruling officials, the Yungang Grottos were constructed on a large scale and extend for about one kilometer from east to west. ─── 云冈石窟是由皇帝和上层统治阶级直接负责开凿的,其规模宏大 ,东西绵延一公里。

29、The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system. ─── 公里是米制中最长的。

30、It is less than one kilometer to the village post office. ─── 到村里的邮局不到一公里。

31、What is the cost per kilometer? ─── 一公里费用多少钱?

32、Area area 131 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 8044 hectare. ─── 区域面积131平方公里,其中耕地面积8044公顷。

33、The most incredible characteristic of the mound, though, is that it rises to a height of nearly a kilometer above the rim of Gale Crater. ─── 不过,这个堆积最令人惊讶的特徵,是它高出盖尔陨石坑边缘将近一公里。

34、Nineteen of the wilderness areas have only about one person for each square kilometer. ─── 其中19个荒野地区的人口密度只有每平方公里1人,

35、How many millimeters are there in a kilometer ? ─── 一公里有多少毫米?

36、The length adds up to 209.72 kilometer, which is the golden passageway improving development of economic and other social business. ─── 共计209.72公里,是促进廊坊经济和社会各项事业发展的黄金通道。

37、A military spokesman said the that two marcher mortar shells had landed nearly a kilometer from their intended targets. ─── 军队发言人表示,两枚迫击炮落在距离预定目标约一公里的地方。

38、Buddies can not be related, Friend outside kilometer. ─── 哥们联系不到,朋友在公里之外。

39、Even then, we could reach only the uppermost layers of the thick rock formation, which extends almost a kilometer below the surface in some locations. ─── 即便如此,我们也只能接触到粗厚岩层的最上层,在某些地点,这些岩层向下延展的深度近一公里。

40、The prospect for traveling is promising.It is only 1 kilometer from the Garden to Anyuan New District. ─── 园区位于旅游圣地“全国百个爱国主义教育基地”之一红色安源境内,旅游开发前景好。

41、There is a 670 kilometer segment border between Slovenia and Croatia that meanders through rivers, forests and mountains. ─── 在斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚交界处有一段670公里长的边界是蜿蜒的河流,森林和山区。

42、The Small Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Jianfu Temple, one kilometer south from the downtown area. ─── 在西安城南1公里处的荐福寺内,有一座典型的密檐式佛塔叫做小雁塔,它和大雁塔交相辉映。

43、"Fairview Park" and "century village" good sales momentum to the entire overseas Chinese town kilometer of the property market development. ─── “锦绣花园”和“世纪村”销售的良好态势带动了整个华侨城片区的房地产市场的发展。

44、The Ponte 25 de Abril is a 2.3 kilometer long suspension bridge across the Tagus river, often compared to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, USA. ─── “4月25日”大吊桥横跨在塔霍河上,长约2.3公里,人们经常拿它跟美国旧金山的金门大桥作比较。

45、As we reached a clearing in the forest, we were able to see forward up to a kilometer-and-a-half. ─── 我们抵达森林里的一个开阔地,在这里可以看到一公里半开外的地方。

46、Satellite measurements of the icy surface of Antarctica have detected an active system of lakes under ice that is about one kilometer deep. ─── 人造卫星的观测显示,南极洲的冰层下面有很多活水湖,深达一公里。

47、Kanak God Temple and Luxor Temple less than one kilometer apart, stone the same way. ─── 卡纳克神庙和卢克索神庙相距不到一公里,有石路相通。

48、At the end of January, the police from the Shenyang more than 1000 kilometer Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Yakeshi Bork chart town discovered Zhao Gang harnessed rental car. ─── 1月底,警方在距离沈阳1000多公里的内蒙古自治区牙克石市博克图镇发现赵刚所驾的出租车。

49、On the image we see we use a steady 400 addresses per kilometer ratio (200 on each side of the road). ─── 图中看到我们以稳定每公里四百个号码(每侧两百)。

50、After a month, school sports meeting, he never did not expect, students should recommend him to attend a kilometer long distance race. ─── 一个月后,学校要开运动会,他做梦也没有想到,同学们竟推荐他去参加一千米长跑比赛。

51、A chateau and church crown fertile fields in the C? te-d' Or, a30- mile(48- kilometer) strip of land in Bourgogne( Burgundy), France. ─── 城堡和教堂仿佛是王冠一样坐落在金丘肥沃的土地上,这里是位于法国勃艮地大约48公里的一片狭长地带。

52、A kilometer from Miaohe, where the gravel road that provides sole access to the village passes through a muddy tunnel, the villagers have set up temporary housing. ─── 在离庙河村1公里的地方,通往这个村庄唯一的碎石路会经过一个泥泞的隧道。

53、Afterward, the youth pulled two people several dozens kilometer outside Gejiu old Yin summits, late at night lost two people on the summit runs. ─── 之后,少年将两人拉到了几十公里外的个旧市老阴山山顶,深夜将两人丢在山顶上跑了。

54、Retroengine's firing time must the accuracy control, the firing time differ 1 second, will cause the airship point of descent position difference kilometer. ─── 制动发动机的点火时间必须精确控制,点火时间相差1秒钟,就会使飞船落点位置相差数公里。

55、One li is equal to half a kilometer . ─── 一华里等于半公里。

56、The game included three events: full marathon, half marathon and 5 kilometer mini marathon. ─── 比赛包括全程马拉松、半程马拉松和5公里迷你马拉松三个项目。

57、August 28, the agriculture branch at the center kilometer Garden Xiangli three grand occupation, which was all decorated house was bustling. ─── 8月28日,位于农科中心片区的香荔花园三期隆重入伙,小区内张灯结彩,热闹非凡。

58、Both were wounded during their145- kilometer inland detour. ─── 两只鲸鱼都在游进内陆的145公里过程中受伤。

59、Your cousin fell from half a kilometer up! She's dead.Just as you'd be if I took you to battle. ─── 你们的表妹从一千米高空落下!她已经死了。如果我带你们去战场,你们也会死。

60、Area area 122 square kilometer, its intertill ground is accumulated 7, 860 hectare, program area.. ─── 区域面积122平方公里,其中耕地面积7,860公顷,规划面积...

61、At closest approach, PERSI's global maps of Pluto-Charon and the KBOs will have an average resolution of one kilometer. ─── PERSI所描绘的冥王星、冥卫一与KBO的全貌,在距离最近的时候,平均鑑别率是一公里。

62、Demonstration of 2,000 kilometer fiber optic link using optical amplifiers without repeaters. ─── 2000公里长的光纤链路展示,使用光放大器,不带转发器。

63、One kilometer is equal to five eighths of a mile. ─── 一公里等于八分之五英里。

64、Wiring of two sides of big bridge along with makes an appointment with 23 kilometer endlong, press design of standard of 6 driveway freeway. ─── 大桥连同两岸接线全长约23公里 ,按六车道高速公路标准设计。

65、An adult human magnified by the same amount would be over a mile(1.6 Kilometer) tall. ─── 一个成年人要是也被放大相同的倍数,那么它就有一英里(1.6千米)多高了。

66、FTTH supports all the present and future services and becomes the finally solution to connecting the first kilometer wide band by its giant band width ability. ─── FTTH以巨大宽带支持现在的和未来的所有业务,FTTH以巨大的带宽能力,赢得接入宽带网第一公里的最终解决方案。

67、They live nearby - less than a kilometer. ─── 他们住在附近,不到一公里。

68、The fare for the first 3 kilometersis generally 7 yuan and 2.4 yuan per kilometer thereafter. ─── 一般前3公里付7元,之后每公里2.4元。

69、Drive on for a kilometer, then take a right. ─── 向前开一公里,然后向右转。

70、Is it far from here to your school?? No, it isn't. It's about a kilometer. ─── 从这儿到你们学校远吗?不远,大约一公里。

71、Beijing course kilometer income level and guest rate are on Dalian only then deliver domestic line before cogongrass. ─── 北京航线座公里收入水平和客座率都居于大连始发国内航线的前茅。

72、Then, we circled an inlet and, after a while, saw a little house. This place was in a kilometer-and-a-half from the enemy strongholds. ─── 在绕过了一个水湾后我们找到一个小房子,这里距离敌人据点大约有1.5公里的样子。

73、The team placed highly sensitive electrical devices about one kilometer below ground in two different places. ─── 在两个不同的地方,科学家们在地下一千米安装了灵敏度极高的电力设备。

74、Along the almost 1600 kilometer long borderline, inside the territory, 9 category one and two national ports are distributed. ─── 在境内长达一千六百多公里的边境线上,分布着国家一、二类口岸九个。

75、Good description! You seem to be revealing a hundred-kilometer long scroll of folk customs and landscape! ─── 说得好!听上去你好像在展示一幅百里长卷民俗风景画!

76、Additional, contractor still must build a paragraph 13.The overhead railway with 5 long kilometer, of the sinkage that sends flood easily by new Territories in the sky cross. ─── 另外,承包商还得修建一段13.5公里长的高架铁路,由新界易发水灾的低洼地的上空穿过。

77、Several hours ago, thousands of people set fire to a bank less than one kilometer away from the Presidential Palace. The fire quickly spread to nearby stores. ─── 几个小时以前,几千人成群结伙纵火焚烧了距离总统宫还不到一公路的一家银行,烈火很快向附近的商店蔓延。

78、"Person-time", "ton kilometer" and "cubic meters per second" are all compound classifiers. ─── “人次”、“吨公里”、“秒立方米”等为复合量词。

79、To let this happen, the orbiter fired thruster enginers to slow its nearly 18,000 kilometer per hour speed by one-third. ─── 为了实现这一点,火星探测器打开了喷射装置,降低了三分之一的飞行速度,大约降低1.8万公里时速。

80、On 20th carries on the women's 10 kilometer marathon swim meet, Du Toye is especially in the athletic field the dazzling star. ─── 在20日进行的女子10公里马拉松游泳比赛中,杜托伊特是赛场上耀眼的明星。

81、It is RMB 10 yuan initially and 1.6 yuan for each kilometer. ─── 以人民币10元起价,每公里再加1.6元。

82、All vehicles must be operated within the chemical plants maximum speed limit of 25 kilometer per hour, unless a lower speed is posted. ─── 在没有更低的限速指示牌的情况下,所有在化学工厂厂区内行驶的车辆最高限速为每小时25公里。

83、I carried both my children for more than a kilometer to the Bosnian side."Jasmina was safe, but scarred. ─── “我感到羞愧,我想到了死,莫名其妙地消失。

84、Located in Huangzhong County of Qinghai Province, the famous Temple Monastery in Qinghai from about one kilometer. ─── 位于青海省湟中县城内,距青海著名寺院塔尔寺约一公里。

85、One kilometer is equivalent to two li. ─── 一公里为二华里。

86、The aged and mystic site of Acropolis is a kilometer away from the northeast of Mycenae. ─── 古老而神秘的卫城遗址就位于它东北1公里处。

87、She watched the train drag her car almost a kilometer down the railway tracks. ─── 她看着火车把她的车沿着铁轨拖了将近一公里。

88、When I finally pass from dirt road to paved tarmac about one kilometer before the top, I do feel as if I have entered paradise. ─── 后来,大约离山顶还有一公里的地方,土路到头了,出现了铺好的柏油路,我真的觉得自己是到了天堂。

89、The two towns are about five kilometer apart. ─── 两城相距五公里。

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