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09-19 投稿


deathless 发音

英:[ˈdeθləs]  美:[ˈdeθləs]

英:  美:

deathless 中文意思翻译



deathless 网络释义

adj. 不死的,不灭的

deathless 短语词组

1、deathless mother ─── 不死的母亲

2、deathless girl ─── 不死的女孩

3、revocation deathless ─── 不死的

4、deathless love ─── 不死的爱

5、deathless death ─── 虽死犹生

6、deathless cell ─── 不死细胞

7、deathless king ─── 不死之王

deathless 词性/词形变化,deathless变形

副词: deathlessly |名词: deathlessness |

deathless 相似词语短语

1、deathlessly ─── 不死的

2、wealthless ─── 无财

3、deathiness ─── 死亡

4、breathless ─── adj.喘不过气来的;停止呼吸的

5、depthless ─── 浅的

6、sheathless ─── 无鞘的

7、heathless ─── 不健康的

8、healthless ─── 不健康的

9、deathliness ─── n.像死一样

deathless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sarah, My Loves For You Is Deathless . ─── 萨拉,我对你的爱永无止境。

2、In its ideal sense, the Sangha consists of all people, lay or ordained, who have practiced the Dhamma to the point of gaining at least a glimpse of the Deathless. ─── 在理想意义上,僧伽由所有修练到至少瞥见不死之法者构成,不论在家、出家。

3、"Okay, as long as father be deathless, assurance you be deathless." ─── "好的,只要爸爸不死,就保证你不死."

4、If you are able to observe, to look deeply, and touch that kind of nature, you will become birthless and deathless, and you will be able to touch the Buddha at any time you want. ─── 如果你能够审慎观察、感触这样的体性,你将变得不生不灭,你可以随你的意愿随时感触到佛陀。

5、Confidence then becomes conviction, the conviction that the Blessed One is "the speaker, the proclaimer, the bringer of the good, the giver of the Deathless, the lord of the Dhamma, the Tathagata. ─── 信心在此转为确信,确信“佛陀是善的演说者、宣示者、带来者、是不死的给予者、法的尊主、如来。”

6、deathless renown. ─── 不朽的声誉

7、deathless fame, glory, etc ─── 不朽的声誉﹑ 荣誉等

8、Deathless Gaauly Vigor (Level 5): Gains three additional hit points as per the feat Toughness. ─── 不灭之胶力(等级5):获得每等级+3点生命值的奖励。

9、It is endless and beginningless, birthless and deathless. ─── 它是结束和开始,诞生和死亡。

10、only those who have glimpsed the Deathless are members of the ideal Sangha. ─── 只有已瞥见不死者,才是理想僧伽的成员。

11、And now I am eager to die into the deathless. ─── 现在我渴望死于不死之中。

12、short is my date, but deathless my renown . ─── 他是位有名望的人。

13、Again, the deathless grief that never slept leaped out of the shadows like a wolf, and fastened upon his shoulders. ─── 那份从不平息的、绵绵不绝的哀愁,象一只狼似的,又从黑暗里猛跳起来,扑上他的肩头。

14、"As long as grandpa's grandmother be on the hoof, they would assurance father be also deathless." ─── "只要爷爷奶奶活着,他们会保证爸爸也不死."

15、His mind binds you to the earth, his fragrance lifts you into space, and in his durability you are deathless. ─── 他的力量将你们缚于大地,他的芬芳将你们托至空中,在他的不朽里你们永生。

16、This is Nibbana, the Deathless, the stilling of volitional activities, the final liberation from all conditioned formations and thus from impermanence and death. ─── 这就是涅槃、不死、意志活动的止息、从一切缘起造作也就是从无常与死亡中的最后解脱。

17、You are my own, my own, Dweller in my deathless dreams! ─── 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我永生的梦幻中的居住者!

18、written in his usual deathless prose(= very bad) ─── 用他那万世不变的笔调写成

19、Later I also learned to go into that inner timeless and deathless realm that I had originally perceived as a void and remain fully conscious. ─── 之后我还学会了进入到那个内心没有时间和死亡的、当初被我感觉是真空而完全意识的范围。

20、But, Scarlett, did it ever occur to you that even the most deathless love could wear out? ─── 思嘉,妳想过没有,哪怕是最坚贞不渝的爱也会被慢慢消磨掉的。

21、Reaps, from his deathless sorrow, rich delight, ─── 在他不死的悲哀,丰富的快乐得到收获,

22、Even the most deathless love could wear out. ─── 即使最最坚固的爱也可以磨没的。

23、YET EVEN IN his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. ─── 即使在他的假死状态中,帝皇的警醒亘古依然。

24、"Short is my date, But deathless my renown" ─── 年寿短暂,声誉永存

25、0000ff] Sarah, my loves for you is deathless . ─── (莎拉,我对你的爱永无止尽。

26、One can relax in death only when one has come to feel something which is deathless. ─── 仅仅当一个人感到某些不死的永恒的事情之时,它才能在死中松弛。

27、To show his undying love for the maiden,he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree and should be the prize for deathless poets and poetry. ─── 为了表示他对仙女未泯的爱情,他将月桂树作为他最喜爱的树种,并决定将它作为一种对荣誉与威望的奖励,把它授予那些永恒的诗人和流芳百世的诗。

28、The beautiful detection slip of tongue, also don't be defend, face one plank:"Walk and then walk, have what fantastic, old and deathless of!" ─── 丽丽发现失言,也不在申辩,将脸一板:“走就走,有什么了不起,老不死的!”

29、The women whose hearts he broke are long since dead and the man who could never love anyone but himself has made them deathless at moment, I think, with Tristan and Isolde. ─── 那些心灵受到瓦格纳伤害的女人们虽然早已作古,然而,笔者认为,这位只爱自己,没有爱过任何人的男人却通过《特里斯特与伊索尔德》一剧给予了她们不朽的回报。

30、What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person. ─── 这样一个人的手里蕴藏着多么不朽的力量啊!

31、Only the deity of the ruined temple remains unworshipped in deathless neglect. ─── 只有破庙的神遗留在无人礼拜的,不死的冷淡之中。

32、Only by remaining true to his honest emotions was he able to embark on the path that led away from the ordinary values of his society and toward an unsurpassed Awakening into the Deathless. ─── 惟有继续诚实地面对这些真切情感,他才得以踏上远离世俗价值、超越生死的觉悟之路。

33、You are a dweller in my deathless dreams. ─── 你是我永生梦幻中的居住者。

34、Shakespeare's deathless verse ─── 莎士比亚不朽的诗作

35、"only the deep sense of some deathless shame" (John Webster). ─── “只深深地感到某种永远存在的耻辱” (约翰·韦伯斯特)。

36、Their hymn of deathless hate. ─── (*) 他们的不朽的赞美诗仇恨。

37、Only those who are ordained are members of the conventional Sangha; only those who have glimpsed the Deathless are members of the ideal Sangha. ─── 只有出家者,才是常规僧伽的成员;只有已瞥见不死者,才是理想僧伽的成员。

38、only the deep sense of some deathless shame(John Webster. ─── 只深深地感到某种永远存在的耻辱(约翰 韦伯斯特)。

39、“only the deep sense of some deathless shame” (John Webster). ─── “只深深地感到某种永远存在的耻辱”(约翰·韦伯斯特)。

40、you attain through it to immortality, to a deathless being. ─── 通过它你将到达那永生的,不死的存在。

41、What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person! ─── 这样一个人的手里蕴藏着多么不朽的力量啊!

42、Some members of the ideal Sangha are not ordained; some monks and nuns have yet to touch the Deathless. ─── 有的理想僧伽的成员并未出家;有的比丘与比丘尼尚未触及不死。

43、However, only your deathless soul flied back to me unexpectedly a month and a half later. ─── 然而,谁又能料想得到,一个半月后,飞回来的,只是你那不灭的灵魂。

44、Even the most deathless love could wear out. ─── 即使最最坚固的爱也可以磨没的。

45、When you teach five high school classes a day, five days a week, you're not inclined to go home to clear your head and fashion deathless prose. ─── 要是你每周工作五天,每天教五节中学课程,你回到家里也不会有一个清醒的头脑,写出一篇不朽的名篇来。

46、Now folks interested in my brand of laziness can read my deathless prose in German, Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, Korean, Chinese (simple character), and Chinese (complex character). ─── 如果对我的“懒”招牌感兴趣,大伙可以在以下语言的译本欣赏我万事不变的笔调:德文,葡萄牙文,捷克文,匈牙利文,韩文,中文(简体)和中文(繁体)。

47、short is my date, but deathless my renown ─── 年寿有限,名誉无限。

48、By the Eternal! There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college of the land. ─── 像罗文这样的人,我们应该为他塑造不朽的青铜雕像,将其放在美国每一所大学里。

49、Once again, tortured with doubt, racked with a deathless grief, he craved an answer of the night. ─── 心里疑神疑鬼的,给一团没结没了的哀愁弄得痛苦难熬,他又祈求黑夜给他一个回音了。

50、With spirit deathless, endless, infinite, ─── 随著精神不死,无休止的,无限的,

51、You are my own, my own, Dweller in my deathless dreams! ─── 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我永生的梦幻中的居住者!

52、Through the inner body, you are inseparably connected to this unmanifested One Life - birthless, deathless, eternally present.Through the inner body, you are forever one with God. ─── 通过”内体“,你无法分割地连接到了那个没有呈现的”单一生命“--没有生、死、永远处于当前;

53、Again, the deathless grief that never slept leaped out of the shadows like a wolf, and fastened upon his shoulders ─── 那份从不平息的、绵绵不绝的哀愁,象一只狼似的,又从黑暗里猛跳起来,扑上他的肩头。

54、yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship? ─── 然而,就算他如此道德败坏、腐朽堕落,难道他就不是她的亲人、她的心上人、她生死不渝崇拜的偶像了吗?

55、Capturing the fortress of the deathless unending nature of mind. ─── 我占领了不死的、永恒自性的城堡

56、Drink of joy from deathless springs. ─── 听那恬和歌乐声!

57、yet all morally defaced and decayed as he was, was he not her own, her very own, the idol of her deathless worship? ─── 然而,就算他如此道德败坏、腐朽堕落,难道他就不是她的亲人、她的心上人、她生死不渝崇拜的偶像了吗?

58、If you know how to look, how to touch deeply, you will become birthless and deathless, because the nature of everything that is, is without birth and without death. ─── 如果你知道如何谛观,如何感触,你就会变得不生不灭,因为任何事物的本性都是不生不灭的。

59、deathless fame ─── 不朽的盛名

60、Ma3 Si, thousand years and deathless white witch, Kingdom in sorcery world originally of four kid of the ruler lion king, and the skin text Si house and the wild beast of various each kind. ─── 魔法世界有半鹿人汤马斯先生、千年不死的白女巫、王国原来的统治者狮王、以及皮文斯家的四个孩子和各种各样的野兽。

61、Those sages who are inoffensive and ever restrained in body, go to the Deathless State, where, having gone, they grieve no more. ─── 圣者不伤害他人,常防护自身行为,去到不死(的涅盘),在其地无忧无愁。

62、You are my own, my own, Dweller in my deathless dreams! ─── 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我永生的梦幻中的居住者!

63、Whenever he sees with insight the rise and fall of the aggregates, he is full of joy and happiness. To the discerning one this reflects the Deathless. ─── 每当观照五蕴的生灭时,他获得喜乐。对于智者来说,这即是朝向涅盘之道。

64、To follow the Buddhist path of mindfulness to its end-to the cessation of suffering, to the Deathless-takes great dedication. ─── 欲遵循正念的佛法圣道直达终极目标—止息诸苦,解脱生死—那要有相当大的奉献及付出。

65、His might binds you to the earth, his fragrance lifts you into space, and in his durability you are deathless. ─── 他的巨大力量把你们和大地束缚在一起,他的香气把你散发到穹苍,在他的坚韧中永不枯死。

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