scentless 发音
英:[ˈsentləs] 美:[ˈsentləs]
英: 美:
scentless 中文意思翻译
scentless 短语词组
1、scentless false camomile ─── [网络] 无味的假甘菊
2、scentless mayweed ─── 淡甘菊
3、scentless hayweed ─── [网络] 无味的海草
4、scentless camomile ─── [网络] 无味的甘菊
5、scentless apprentice ─── 没有香味的学徒
scentless 同义词
scentless 词性/词形变化,scentless变形
动词过去分词: scented |动词现在分词: scenting |形容词: scentless |动词第三人称单数: scents |动词过去式: scented |
scentless 反义词
scentless 相似词语短语
1、sweatless ─── 无汗的
2、stintless ─── 不吝啬
3、ventless ─── adj.无出口的;无孔的
4、accentless ─── 无重音
5、sheetless ─── 无床单
6、eventless ─── adj.平静无事的;无大事的;平凡的
7、saintless ─── 圣洁的
8、tentless ─── adj.无帐篷的,无掩护物的
9、seatless ─── 无座的
scentless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、If the tea with cold water, no scent, no taste. ─── 如果用冷水泡茶,则无清香,又无味道。
2、To obscure or confuse(a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers. ─── 搅乱痕迹使(痕迹或气味)模糊难辨以躲避追击者
3、A powerful scent that cools the skin and relaxes the fatigued body. ─── 一种清爽肌肤和放松身体疲倦的超劲香味。
4、The girls like to put some scent on their handkerchiefs. ─── 姑娘们喜欢在她们的手绢上洒点香水。
5、The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door. ─── 她打开门,香草的芳香迎面扑来。
6、Something that provides an artificial scent. ─── 带有人工气味的东西
7、They came out into a moonlit night heavy with flower scent. ─── 他们出来,走到带着浓郁花香的月光下的夜色中。
8、He has a keen scent for errors. ─── 他对错误有敏锐的察觉能力。
9、Its bright white color, softli kou ,tang wei scent. ─── 其色泽洁白清亮,柔软利口,汤味清香。
10、A scent of honey wafted up from the hives. ─── 一股蜂蜜的香味从蜂房里飘上来。
11、How do you throw the hunter off the scent? Get rid of the prey. ─── 你怎么才能逃过猎人的鼻子?扔掉猎物。
12、The mattress is odorless or has an enjoyable scent. ─── 床垫要有令人嗅了感到身心舒畅的香味或没有味。
13、The fruit tase is richness and smells faint scent. ─── 带有丰富的水果味,浓郁而又不失典雅。
14、They were not even quartering on the scent. ─── 它们竟然不用到处来回搜索这臭迹。
15、I like the scent, but it makes me sneeze. ─── 我喜欢这个香味,但这会害我打喷嚏。
16、Let's go through the river,it might throw the dogs off the scent. ─── 我们穿过这条河,那样也许会把狗给甩掉。
17、He had to spend more time nosing after the lost scent. ─── 他不得不花更多的时候去寻找失去的线索。
18、Male elephants give off scent from behind theirs' to attract mates. ─── 公象的眼睛后面能散发出气味以吸引配偶。
19、The scent of the flower is waft along by the breeze. ─── 微风送来了花香。
20、Through the window I caught the scent of syringa. ─── 从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。
21、Does the scent of regret Ever haunt you? ─── 你可曾有过丝毫后悔之情?
22、The polar bear can scent out a dead seal from 20 kilometres away. ─── 北极熊能从20公里外嗅到海豚尸体的气味。
23、They walked through the forest breathing the scent of pines. ─── 他们步行穿过森林,呼吸着松树的芳香。
24、They divine purses in pockets,they scent out watches in fobs. ─── 他们能猜出衣袋里的钱包,能嗅出背心口袋里的表。
25、Made from natural Citronella extracts, its scent repels mosquitoes. ─── 它所散发的自然香气,就能达到驱除蚊虫的功效。
26、Try this one, madam. The scent is really soft and alluring. ─── 夫人,试试这个。这香味真是柔和诱人。
27、Scent is an important aspect of every lion's life. ─── 散布气味是狮子日常生活中的一个重要方面。
28、A breeze wafted the scent towards us. ─── 微风送来阵阵香气。
29、Its scent has been likened to rotting fish or animal flesh. ─── 它的气味让人联想到腐烂的鱼和肉。
30、That dissolves with the scent of soap. ─── 慢慢溶解在肥皂的气味中。
31、The honeysuckle was streaming scent. ─── 忍冬花放出香气。
32、It has a scent of white rose and freesia - fresh and clean. ─── 前味包括白玫瑰,香柠檬,小苍兰等花香,中味混合着黄花味,鸡冠花味,茉莉花味。
33、Insects are attracted to flowers by their colour,scent and nectar. ─── 昆虫为花的色彩、香气和花蜜所吸引。
34、He seemed to know quite a bit about our secret project so I told him it had been cancelled to throw him off the scent. ─── 他似乎对我们的秘密项目知道很多,所以我故意说这个项目已被取消了,以此来转移他的注意力。
35、present invention has the advantages of high elasticity, plasticity, high intension, innocuous, scentless, low-temperature flexibility and age resistant performance. ─── 发明的优点:无毒无臭、高弹塑性、高强度及低温柔韧性及耐老化性。
36、The Mohicans hear an enemy! They scent danger in the wind! ─── 摩希根人听到敌人的声音!他们已嗅到危险逼近的气息!
37、Hunting with dogs trained to chase game by sight instead of scent. ─── 带着猎犬打猎,靠的不是气味而是眼力。
38、Also it is a perfect scent releaser light with last fragrance. ─── 又是一个完美的香味释放轻上香水。
39、Some scent for you, and that's it. ─── 再来点香水,好了!
40、She bought herself a bottle of scent. ─── 她为自己买了一瓶香水。
41、Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead. ─── 你的同伴都在这里红消香断。
42、Character:Contain strong scent of taro. ─── 性能:有香浓的芋头香味。
43、I scent a trick in his offer . ─── 我发现他的建议中有诡计。
44、The faint scent from her body is very intoxicating. ─── 她身上散发出幽微的香味,让人陶醉。
45、NYC Kitten - pink copper shimmer, white blossoms scent. ─── 时尚猫咪-粉红铜色,栀子花香。
46、A bunch of red roses drip their golden scent. ─── 一束红玫瑰花散发出浓郁的芳香。
47、The dog's nostrils quivered at the scent. ─── 嗅得那味儿,狗的鼻翼微微抖动着。
48、The trail or scent of an animal. ─── 动物留下的痕迹或气味
49、Breathe the lush scent of lilacs. ─── 吸进紫丁花的香味
50、Where thy mates of the garden lie scentless and dead. ─── 你的同伴都在这里红消香断。
51、The participants were asked to sniff a jar containing either one of the three odours or the scentless oil, and then press a button to indicate whether they thought the jar smelled of anything. ─── 这些志愿者都被要求嗅装有某一种气味或无味的油罐子,然后再按下按钮表示自己是否闻到什么了。
52、Breath in the adrenaline scent of the tough football duels. ─── 在激烈的足球决斗中激喘。
53、Endless summer; like the scent of death. ─── 无尽的夏天,就象死亡的气息。
54、A little of your most delicate orange scent would not be amiss. ─── 再洒上一点儿你那最最美好的桔子香水,那也怪不错的。
55、The soul of beings is their scent. ─── 人类的灵魂就是他们的气味。
56、On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent. ─── 夏日的夜晚鲜花散发出一股近乎醉人的香气。
57、The signature scent, classically feminine yet surprising. ─── 一份鲜明,令人惊讶,独特、富古典女性的香气。
58、Caltrops and lotus-root scent the bamboo bridge. ─── 例3.芙蓉影破归兰桨,菱藕香深写竹桥。(第38回)
59、So the hound followed the scent and bunted this man. ─── 如此一来猎犬就循着气味搜寻这个人。
60、He has a good scent for talent. ─── 他具有发掘人才的直觉力。
61、Sweet scent fills the soul when I think of you. ─── 想到你的时候心灵充满甜香。
62、The whole plant has a strong scent and the taste is very bitter. ─── 整个车间弥漫着非常难闻的浓烈气味。
63、His nostrils dilated with the scent of the air. ─── 他的鼻孔因为空气中的香味而张大了。
64、Insanity is the scent of the future. ─── 《疯狂》是未来之香。
65、To obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers. ─── 搅乱痕迹:使(痕迹或气味)模糊难辨以躲避追击者。
66、I was sitting outside,breathing in the scent of roses and lavender. ─── 当时我正在屋外呼吸玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。
67、Moving air carrying sound, an odor, or a scent. ─── 带有声音、气味或香味的风
68、A bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water. ─── 在水中加些有香气的泡沫的沐浴。
69、A faint anise smell ison the air, goldenrod scent. ─── 一丝淡淡的茴香味弥漫在空气中,那是黄花的芬芳。
70、The scent of her perfume arrested those around her. ─── 她身上散发的香水味道吸引了她周围的人。
71、The scent of newly mown hay. ─── 刚割下的干草之香气。
72、Her exotic perfume has a subtle scent. ─── 她的外国香水有一种幽幽的香味。
73、It's essence is captured in the scent. ─── 它的精华都在味道里面。
74、My dog snuffed the scent of games. ─── 我的狗闻到了猎物的味道。
75、Her hair exudes the scent of shampoo. ─── 她的头发散发着洗发水的清香.
76、Some scent for you, and that is it. ─── 再来点香水,好了!
77、Where thy mates of the garden, lie scentless and dead. ─── 从此芳菲难再复,惆怅使人愁!
78、A scent of lemon waft up from the garden below. ─── 从下面的花园里飘来一阵柠檬香。
79、She was wearing a scent like burnt roses. ─── 她身上有一股好似烧焦了的玫瑰花的香味。
80、He tried to put me on a false scent. ─── 他想使我失掉线索。
81、Happiness Is the Scent from the Soul. ─── 幸福,是来自灵魂的一种香味儿。
82、He breathed in the scent of pine when he was walking in the wood. ─── 在林中漫步时,他吸入松树的香气。
83、We are on the scent of an important discovery. ─── 我们掌握了一条可能导致重要发现的线索。
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