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09-19 投稿


triviality 发音

英:[ˌtrɪviˈæləti]  美:[ˌtrɪviˈæləti]

英:  美:

triviality 中文意思翻译



triviality 网络释义

n. 浅薄,轻浮;琐事;平凡

triviality 词性/词形变化,triviality变形


triviality 相似词语短语

1、trivialist ─── n.婆婆妈妈的人,对琐事感兴趣者

2、triaxiality ─── n.三轴;三维

3、trivialism ─── n.平凡,琐碎

4、trivialists ─── n.婆婆妈妈的人,对琐事感兴趣者

5、triality ─── 三隅对称性

6、rivality ─── 竞争

7、trivially ─── adv.琐细地;平凡地;无能地

8、trivialise ─── 使平凡;使琐碎

9、trivialize ─── vt.使平凡;使琐碎

triviality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You must not sing small about such a trivial thing. ─── 你不必为了这一点小事而垂头丧气。

2、Why do you fritter your time and thought away on trivial things? ─── 你为何将时间和心思都耗费在琐碎的小事上。

3、Let's stop discussing trivial details and come/get to the point. ─── 咱们别再谈琐碎细节了, 说正事吧.

4、You really shouldn't prattle on about something so trivial. ─── 别为了一点小事就叨唠。

5、It is useless to fire away with such trivial details. ─── 喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎细节是没有用的。

6、His speech was one of great triviality. ─── 他的讲话根本无足轻重。

7、Doesn't it get to you that your colleague complains about trivial things? ─── 你不知道你同事抱怨琐碎的事吗??

8、He will jump on every little mistake you make, no matter how trivial. ─── 他对你的每一点差错都要斥责一番, 不管是什么鸡毛蒜皮的事。

9、Cool off, okay? Stop quarreling over the trivial matter. ─── 冷静好吗?停止在琐碎的事情上争吵。

10、He gets tied up to trivial affairs. ─── 他被一些无关紧要的小事束缚住了。

11、Only this trivial thing discouraged me from an entire victory. ─── 只是这件小事使我不能取得完全胜利。

12、Overparticular about trivial details; fastidious. ─── 吹毛求疵的过分注意琐碎细节的;爱挑剔的

13、Something unsubstantial or trivial. ─── 不重要或无价值的事

14、His article is loaded down with trivial details. ─── 他的文章写得很烦琐。

15、The reporter apologized for the triviality of his question. ─── 这位记者为他的琐碎问题致歉。

16、Viewed in perspective, the quarrel seemed to have been very trivial. ─── 从长远的观点来看,这次争吵似乎是小事一桩。

17、They warred over trivial matters. ─── 他们因小事而争吵。

18、One who does menial or trivial work; a drudge. ─── 作粗重工作的人一个做体力劳动或不重要工作的人;干重活的人

19、Don't get bogged down in trivial matters. ─── 不要只顾鼻子底下的小事。

20、Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial. ─── 不要为这点小事大动肝火。

21、He knew that a nation's honor is not a trivial matter. ─── 他懂得国家的荣誉绝不是无足挂齿的。

22、Why do you get angry over such trivial matters? ─── 你何必为这种琐事生气?

23、Let me begin by sketching some that are minor though not trivial. ─── 下面让我从一些细小的但并不是微不足道的事实开始。

24、You have grossly magnified a trivial situation. ─── 你过分地夸大了一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

25、Don't take such trivial matters to heart. ─── 别把这些稀松的事放在心里。

26、I had quite a long struggle with it and have come to see the triviality of ideals. ─── 我曾与它做过漫长的斗争,已经看到了理想的琐碎。

27、For what does it profit us to dwell on trivial matters? ─── 因为心烦琐碎小事于我们有何益处呢?

28、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects;jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;

29、Stop pestering me with your trivial problems. ─── 别再拿你那些鸡毛蒜皮的问题来烦扰我。

30、The only movement he could achieve was a trivial flutter of the left eyelid. ─── 他能做出的惟一的·动作只是左眼睑微微的一颤。

31、Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults. ─── 吹毛求疵的倾向于找出并指出细小错误的

32、There were only a few trivial details that needed to be reviewed. ─── 只有一些次要的细节还需审查一下。

33、He works himself up about the most trivial things. ─── 他会因一些鸡毛蒜皮的事而情绪激动。

34、The logic becomes trivial when you put regular expressions into action. ─── 使用正则表达式,逻辑就变得简单了。

35、He is a very trivial person. ─── 他是个非常浅薄轻浮的人。

36、He was going to expose their triviality once and for all. ─── 他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无能。

37、She knew now the triviality of those passions which art paints so much larger than life. ─── 她现在知道了,情感的碎屑在艺术中涂抹得比在生活中多得多。

38、He gives us the "authentic" part of reality and all the overwhelming side contained in triviality. ─── 他给予我们的是现实之中的“可信”部分,以及包含在细微之中的压倒性多数一方。

39、Even trivial things can set Arthur and his wife at loggerheads. ─── 即使是鸡毛蒜皮的小事也能使阿瑟和他妻子吵起来。

40、A trivial name differs from a systematic name in that ti tells little or nothing about structure. ─── 化学物质的俗名与分类名称的不同之处在于俗名对其结构几乎没有或根本没有提示。

41、The triviality of a trigger should not be an excuse to underestimate the effect that trigger may have on a victim. ─── 一个触发中微不足道的特点不应该作为一个低估其可能对受害者产生影响的借口。

42、He could remember every trivial incident in great detail. ─── 他能把每件小事的细节都记得很清楚。

43、A trivial thing may sometimes bring about undesirable consequences. ─── 一个微不足道的事物有时也会引起人们不愿意见到的后果。

44、Don't be angry over such trivial matters. ─── 别为这些琐事生气。

45、He often dissipated his energies in trivial matters. ─── 他常在无关紧要的小事上浪费精力。

46、Of little importance; trivial. ─── 不重要的;微不足道的

47、He often comes to loggerheads with his wife about the most trivial matters. ─── 他经常为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事和他妻子吵架。

48、Books are a triviality , Life alone is great . ─── 嗯,在网络上面看书的确不易平心静气。

49、He jogged on about trivial issues during the meeting. ─── 会议期间,他漫谈了那些琐碎的事件。

50、Don't spend your time on these trivial things. ─── 不要把妳的时间浪费在这些琐事上。

51、Cool down; there's no need to lose your temper over such a trivial matter. ─── 冷静些,没有必要为如此区区小事而大动肝火。

52、They often fall out over trivial matters. ─── 他们常因小事争吵。

53、Don't waste your time exchanging words with him over such trivial matters. ─── 不要为了这种小事情浪费时间跟他争论。

54、The others came back; the bare, familiar, trivial opera began again. ─── 其他的人回来了,那索然无味,司空见惯,轻浮庸俗的歌剧重新开始了。

55、As in every case, speculative identity is not the above-mentioned triviality of an implicit identity of subject and object. ─── 无论何处,思辨的统一,决不是刚才所说的那种肤浅的主体和客体的潜在的同一。

56、His speech was one of great triviality. ─── 他的讲话根本无足轻重。

57、May be sulking or other trivial things were the triggers. ─── 也许只是赌气,也许只是因为小小的事。

58、Instead, much of what goes on takes on triviality of what ,to both,will be everyday life. ─── 其实许多发生的事在于对彼此来说都将是日常生活中的事。

59、They always spar over trivial matters. ─── 他们总是为一些小事而争吵。

60、Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that. ─── 不要为那种琐事烦躁。

61、It is a trivial matter and not worth fighting about . ─── 区区小事不值得争吵。

62、Don't waste your time on trivial things. ─── 不要把你的时间浪费在琐事上。

63、Is it worthwhile committing suicide due to such a trivial setback? ─── 为这点挫折,犯得上寻死吗?

64、He is liable to flare up at trivial things. ─── 他爱为小事发作。

65、Let's stop discussing the trivial details and get to the point. ─── 咱们别再谈琐碎细节了,说正事吧。

66、It's useless to fire away with such trivial details. ─── 喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。

67、Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things? ─── 只是点风吹草动,你怎么就大做文章?

68、Of little importance;trivial. ─── 不重要的;微不足道的

69、A trivial issue was brought to their attention. ─── 一个不重要的问题引起了他们的注意。

70、His boss will jump on every little mistake he makes, no matter how trivial. ─── 哪怕是出了再小的差错,老板也会对他横加斥责。

71、To see or make trivial distinctions; quibble. ─── 发现或找出细微的差距

72、To engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle. ─── 争吵卷入一场不愉快的争吵,通常由琐事引起;口角。

73、Where there is triviality, there is sin and animality. ─── 有薄浅狭隘的地方,就有罪恶与兽性。

74、Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. ─── 不管事情有多么琐碎,不要忽略掉任何细节。

75、Once again, the trivial necessary condition is, in fact, sufficient. ─── 事实上,这个平凡的必要条件也是充分的。

76、The servlet code is quite trivial. ─── servlet代码相当简单。

77、It' s a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. ─── 区区小事不值得争吵.

78、Do not waste your time on these trivial things. ─── 不要把你的时间浪费在这些琐事上。

79、Don't pester me with your trivial matters. ─── 别拿你那些鸡毛蒜皮的事同我纠缠。

80、Only small and fairly trivial adjustments to code would be required. ─── 只需要对代码进行微不足道的更改。

81、They bickered over trivial things. ─── 他们为芝麻小事争吵。

82、He gives us the "authentic" part of reality and all the overwhelming side contained in triviality. ─── 他给予我们的是现实之中的“可信”部分,以及包含在细微之中的压倒性多数一方。

83、Don't allow trivial things to crowd out the important things. ─── 不要让琐碎的事情挤掉重要的事。

84、They are locked together in a fierce quarrel over a trivial matter. ─── 他们为了一点小事而吵得难分难解。

85、It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a trivial matter. ─── 为这样的小事辞职未免愚蠢而轻率。

86、They often argue over trivial matters. ─── 他们经常为小事争吵。

87、Loaning someone money is not a trivial matter. ─── 借给 别人 钱 不 是 一 件 鸡毛蒜皮 的 小事。

88、So today let's talk about our bad temper. Will you often get angry because of the triviality or will you make an air in the public? ─── 所以今天,我们一起谈谈生活中我们的戾气,说说你是不是会经常因为小事而生气,你是不是也常在公开场合让人下不来台?

89、To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber. ─── 不停地谈急快地、不停地谈论琐事;急促含糊地说

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