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lexicology 发音

英:[,leksɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]  美:['lɛksə'kɑlədʒi]

英:  美:

lexicology 中文意思翻译



lexicology 网络释义

n. 词汇学;词典学

lexicology 词性/词形变化,lexicology变形

形容词: lexicological |副词: lexicologically |名词: lexicologist |

lexicology 短语词组

1、lexicology ppt ─── 词汇学ppt

lexicology 相似词语短语

1、toxicology ─── n.[毒物]毒物学,[毒物]毒理学

2、codicology ─── n.写本学

3、lexicologist ─── n.词汇学家

4、etiology ─── n.[病理]病因学;[基医]病原学;致病源

5、ecology ─── n.生态学;社会生态学

6、aetiology ─── n.病因学;[基医]病原学;原因论

7、vexillology ─── n.旗帜学

8、lexicologic ─── 词汇学

9、axiology ─── n.价值论

lexicology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analyzing the word"s pragmatic meanings and its pragmatic features are very important to the study of Ancient Chinese lexicology. ─── 本章结合笔记中的相关内容,初步探讨了在古汉语词义研究中识别词的语用义和词义语用特色的重要性。

2、A survey of these new meanings from the angles of lexicology,semantics and sociology shows that they have their own features in type,syllable and parts of speech distribution. ─── 对这些新义词语从词汇学、语义学、社会学的角度进行考察可以发现,它们在词汇类型、音节、词性上各有特点;

3、A Course in Modern English Lexicology ─── 现代英语词汇学教程

4、Markedness Theroy and Its Application in Teaching Lexicology ─── 标记理论与英语词汇教学

5、Each lexicology of the prepositions has connection with the others though they have complicated grammatical meanings. ─── “向”引进方向和目标、“面对”的对象、索取给予的对象及动作的对手;

6、In this thesis, I investigated the lexicology of accusation, roles, and suffixing lexicons of provisions in terms of the forensic linguistics against The Criminal Law in R. ─── 本研究以现行语言学理论来分析中日文的存在表现句,对中日文之结构特徵作一对照研究。

7、branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names. ─── 研究专有名词起源与历史的分支。

8、However, a combined, systematic and complete research on English lexicology and stylistics is quite rare. ─── 然而将英语词汇和文体结合,进行系统而深入的探讨则不是很多。

9、Monographic Study on Lexicology and Grammar in Modern Chinese ─── 课程名称:现代汉语词汇语法专题

10、Shi Jianbin. English Lexicology [M] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2003. ─── 李桂柱.高中英语语法大全[M]桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2003.

11、applied lexicology ─── 应用词汇学

12、In studying English Lexicology, the terms about the morphological structure and word-formation often confuse us. ─── 摘要在研究英语词汇学时,关于词的形态结构和构词法的几个专业术语常常会困扰人们。

13、modern lexicology has made great breakthrough. ─── 现代词汇学已经获得了较大的突破。

14、In the study of modern Chinese, lexicology is a comparatively under-researched field. ─── 在现代汉语研究中,词汇领域的研究相对比较薄弱。

15、English Lexicology is the study of English vocabulary form, meaning and a whole system of scientific vocabulary. ─── 英语词汇学是研究英语词汇形态,意义和整个词汇系统的科学。

16、lexicology teaching ─── 词汇教学

17、descriptive lexicology ─── 描写性词汇学

18、the branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names. ─── 词汇学中研究专有名词起源与历史的分支。

19、The author of this article examines the value of the Dunhuang texts in terms of philology, phonology, lexicology, exegesis and textual criticism. ─── 本文试从语言文字的角度讨论敦煌文献的价值:一、敦煌文献的文字学价值;二、敦煌文献的音韵学价值;三、敦煌文献的词汇训诂学价值;四、敦煌文献的校勘价值。

20、comparative lexicology ─── 比较词汇学

21、The difference and mutual complement in the study of vocabulary and the meaning of words between exegetics and modern lexicology ─── 训诂学与现代词汇学词汇词义研究方面的差异与互补

22、Lexicology is the branch of linguistic ,it forms the meaning, history and formation. ─── 这就是所谓的词汇学,自从选了词汇学这门课,还真没少担心过

23、The study of neologisms is one of the important aspects in lexicology . ─── 新词是词汇学研究的重要方面。

24、His special fields are Lexicology, Semantics, Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics and now he is also specialized in the research and design of extensive Multi-media English teaching packages and distance learning. ─── 郑树棠教授主要研究方向为词汇学、语义学、语篇分析和语料库语言学,现在他从事多媒体英语教学课件的研究与设计。

25、The researches on English neologisms always goes with lexicology as the birth of English neologism will always lead to the need of compiling of a dictionary to include English new words. ─── 对英语新词的研究可以说是与英语词典的编纂同步的,每个英语新词的诞生必定使英语新词词典不断丰富。

26、However, a combined, systematic and complete research on English lexicology and stylistics is quite rare. ─── 然而将英语词汇和文体结合,进行系统而深入的探讨则不是很多。

27、Analysis of Lexicology Characteristics of English Translation Rules in Traditional Chinese Medical Literature ─── 中医药学文献英译规律中词汇学特点分析

28、The third chapter starts from the theories in syntax, lexicology, rhetoric and ends with the linguistic features analyzed in the field of discourse analysis. ─── 第三章从句法学、修辞学、词汇学等理论切入,用大量例子分析了广告英语的语言特点,并从语篇分析的角度对其语言特点进行了剖析;

29、This paper starts from lexicology and studies the laws and regulations for English lexicology. ─── 本文从词汇学的角度出发对英语词汇的规则进行了探讨。

30、Thoughts on Unification of Equality Theory and Translation of Idioms in Terms of lexicology ─── 从词汇学角度探析等值论与习语翻译的层次性统一

31、For more than a decade, the Chinese lexicology school has held 3-5 academic meetings every year, and at each meeting there must be discussions about new words. ─── 十多年来,中国词典学界每年都有3-5次学术会议,每次会议都有对新词的讨论。

32、The meanings of honesty in traditional Chinese culture and contemporary China were analyzed from the perspective of lexicology. ─── 从词源学角度探讨了我国传统文化中的诚信思想以及当代人对诚信的认识。

33、Only by making clear distinction among their relationships, can a sound foundation about learning lexicology as well as linguistics be made. ─── 只有将清了它们之间的关系,才可能会为研究词汇学乃至语言学打下良好的基础。

34、Lexicology is the study of the meaning and use of words. ─── 字彙學是在研究字彙的語意以及它在句子中的用法。

35、But following the development of Chinese lexicology, part of onomatopoeias went through phonetic and semantic transformations. ─── 拟声词是通过摹拟声音的方式形成的一类词。

36、This paper comments on the effect of corpus empirical studies on lexicology. ─── 论述了语料库实证研究对词汇学的影响和作用。

37、Foreign source words, as a branch of lexicology, shows similar problems and needs further work on its definition, categorization, and identification of word formation processes. ─── 而外源词,作为词汇研究中的一个子集,其涉及面虽然广至历史、地理、文化、社会、语言、民族、翻译等诸多方面,但门庭却一直显得冷清。

38、The lexicology make students contact the application of language reality, this is any other course of linguistics unable to do so. ─── 词汇学使学生接触语言应用的现实,这是语言学的其他任何课程无法做到的。

39、Chinese historical lexicology ─── 词汇史

40、The outside form features of the new economic words: Syllable: most words are the words with two syllables, which is identical to the Chinese lexicology. ─── 经济类新词的外部表现有这样一些特点:音节形式上,双音节词占绝对优势,这与现代汉语词汇中双音节词占主流是一致的;

41、computational lexicology ─── 计算词汇学

42、While analyzing temporality of lexes in the book, the dissertation highly explores the contributions to compilation of large-scale lexicology by new words and meanings in the book; ─── 本论文在分析该书词汇时代性特点的时候,着重分析了该书中的新词新义对大型辞书编纂的作用;

43、On Research Teaching of English Lexicology ─── 英语词汇学课程的研究型教学

44、However, thanks to the development of semantic and lexicology, the study of lexical relations becomes more and more specific and several new research methods are employed in this field. ─── 然而,随着语义学和词汇学理论的发展,对词汇关系的研究呈现专门化和多样化的趋势。

45、the branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names ─── 词汇学中研究专有名词起源与历史的分支

46、The fifth chapter studies the standarlization of heaterographs from the angle of lexicology. ─── 第五章,从词汇学角度研究异体词的规范。

47、is an important concept in the historical Lexicology. ─── 是历史词汇学的一个重要概念。

48、Application of lexicology and psychology to memorization of college English vocabulary ─── 试论词汇学与心理学应用于大学英语词汇记忆的五种方法

49、Lexicology, a science on dictionary compilation, is a branch of lexicography. ─── 词典学是辞书学的一个分支学科,词典学是研究词典编纂的科学。

50、On the basis of existing study achievement, the Author of the article systemically studied traditional jargon of Uygur by applying theories and knowledge on linguistics、lexicology and semantics. ─── 本文在借鉴和吸收前人研究成果的基础上,运用语言学、词汇学、语义学等理论知识,对维吾尔族传统手工业行业词进行了一次较为系统的观察和分析。

51、We believes that the sorting out of heterographs should belong to the Chinese lexicology, and schould be studied under the instruction of lexicological theories. ─── 只要两个词形的词义完完全全相同,能够确定为一个词,那么不管它们仅仅是字形有异,还是字形和字音都有异,就都属于一个词的异体。

52、Relationship Between Lexicology and English Teaching ─── 词汇学与英语教学的关系

53、English lexicology ─── 英语词汇学

54、Therefore,this paper tries to explain its research value on the language. Hopefully,it can provide some useful material for the research of Chinese lexicology and lexical history. ─── 有鉴于此,本文试图阐释其语言研究方面的价值,希望能为汉语词汇学、汉语词汇史的研究提供有益的材料。

55、This discovery is invaluable for the study of folk lexicons of the time and provides new original material for lexicology and philology. ─── 墓志为词汇学、文字学等研究提供了新的材料

56、By researching into the source and formation of English neologisms, a new interpretation is given to English neologisms from the angle of lexicology and rhetoric. ─── 通过研究英语新词的来源及构成,从词汇学和辞格的角度对英语新词进行了全新的阐释。

57、Only by making clear distinction among their relationships, can a sound foundation about learning lexicology as well as linguistics be made. ─── 只有将清了它们之间的关系,才可能会为研究词汇学乃至语言学打下良好的基础。

58、The study of neologisms is one of the important aspects in lexicology. ─── 新词是词汇学研究的重要方面。

59、A functional approach to the lexicology of classic Chinese ─── 论汉语古语词功能义的义项设立

60、The study of modern lexicology has made great breakthrough. ─── 现代词汇学已经获得了较大的突破。

61、The paper maintains that "Uigur Lexicology" is a breakthrough in the study of the Uigur language. ─── 本文认为《维吾尔语词汇学》是维吾尔语语言学研究领域的一大突破

62、Established some courses such as Chinese studied , the history of Chinese language , phonology , lexicology , sociolinguistics for the graduate students. ─── 曾为研究生开设汉语研究、汉语史专题、音韵学、词汇学专题、社会语言学专题等课程。

63、lexicology conceptions ─── 词汇观

64、The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology. ─── 对于词汇关系的研究在语义学和词汇学领域已有很长历史。

65、New View on Lexicology--Semantic Module Theory ─── 词典学的新视角--语义模块理论

66、This paper attempts to study the very phenomenon of English neologisms from the perspective of lexicology with the application of FUDGE Scale. ─── 因此,拟从词典学的角度,结合FUDGE标准,深入研究英语新词这一语言现象。

67、Annotation to Origin of Chinese Characters, complied by Dun Yucai, is the essential linguistic book, which lies on its profound and unique views in lexicology, especially for its discrimination and analysis of synonyms. ─── 摘要段玉裁的《说文解字注》是一部体大思精的语言学巨著,其在词汇学方面的研究可谓见解精深、独特,尤其对同义词辨析更是技高一筹。

68、On Mr Qian Zhonglian's Lexicology ─── 钱仲联先生的词学

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