Kantianism 中文意思翻译
Kantianism 相似词语短语
1、Batinism ─── 巴蒂尼主义
2、Fabianism ─── n.费边主义
3、Fenianism ─── n.(芬尼亚组织信奉的)芬尼共和主义
4、partisanism ─── 党派之争
5、Canadianism ─── n.加拿大风俗;加拿大主义
6、Grotianism ─── 格罗提安主义
7、Barthianism ─── n.巴特主义
8、Erastianism ─── n.国家全能论;国家至上主义
9、Kantianism ─── n.康德哲学;康德主义
Kantianism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The pursuit of "purity" is one of the basic features of Kantianism and also the basis of his theory of transcendentalism and criticism. ─── 本文试图说明对“纯粹性”的追求是康德哲学的根本特性之一,而且是其先验主义与批判主义的理论前提。
2、The two ancient positions will be represented by Plato and Aristotle, the two modern positions by Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. ─── 前者是柏拉图和亚里斯多德,后者是康德与约翰弥尔。
3、Kant foresees the symptom of modernity through the fate of teleology abandoned by the enlightenment. ─── 康德从启蒙运动对目的论的抛弃中看到了现代性的征兆。
4、Kant,Schiller and Hegel made great contribution in searching the inter media ry which unite man and nature. ─── 康德、席勒、黑格尔为寻找人与自然统一的中介都作了很大贡献。
5、Hello. I am calling to place air reservations for Mr. Thomas Kant. ─── 喂,我打电话要替汤姆斯-肯特先生订机位。
6、According to Immanuel Kant, the "practical wisdom doctrine" reveals the meaning of ancient Greek "philosophy". ─── “实践的智慧学”是康德对古希腊“哲学”意义的揭示。
7、On Status and Realistic Values of Moral Philosophy in Kantianism System ─── 道德哲学在康德哲学体系中的地位和现实价值
8、But we can distinguish broadly: Descartes, Leibniz, Berkeley are revisionary, Aristotle and Kant descriptive. ─── 但我们可以大致地加以区分:笛卡尔、莱布尼茨、巴克莱是修正的,亚里士多德和康德是描述的。
9、Like Kant, Ross is a deontologist, but with an important difference. ─── 如康德和罗斯都是道义论者,却有着重要的不同。
10、On the base of the thinking from Kant, Bergson, Freud and Jung, Xuxu formed his own special mysticism esthetics. ─── 在康德、柏格森和弗洛伊德、荣格思想的基础上,徐?创造性地形成了自己独特的神秘主义美学观。
11、Kuhn recognized, as did Kant, that there will always be a gap between the best scientific models and the underlying realities of nature. ─── 库恩承认,康德也强调,最好的科学模型与下边的自然界的现实性之间永远有差距。
12、Kant founded self-discipline ethical philosophy on the basis of having criticized empiricism. ─── 康德在批判经验主义伦理思想的基础之上建立了自律伦理学。
13、On the issue of intuition, Husserl, Kant, Ficht, Schelling, Heidegger and Scheler have thought-provoking relevancy. ─── 在直观的问题上,胡塞尔和康德、费希特、谢林、海德格尔以及舍勒有着发人深省的关联。
14、Gadamer also reveals Kantian doctrine of aesthetic consciousness bases on the subjectivism and follows the research model of classical epistemology, so it denies the truth in art. ─── 伽达默尔还表明康德的审美意识学说是建立在主观论之上,并遵循古典认识论的研究模式,所以它否认了艺术中的真理。
15、What does Kant mean by a maxim? What is the difference between a categorical and a hypothetical imperative? ─── 康德写了三篇定言令。你如何区别前两篇?为什么康德认为他们可归结为同一件事?
16、Kant and Yang-ming base their transcendental moral philosophy on "freewill" and "innate conscience" respectively. ─── 康德与王阳明分别以自由意志和良知为核心建立先验道德哲学。
17、It is perceivable that Kant's major concern in this book is about “change of heart”. ─── 作者指出,康德的自由概念的中心关注是:“心灵改变”如何可能?
18、The argument was exploded by the 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant. ─── 18世纪哲学家康德曾经对其加以抨击。
19、Your last paragraph made it very clear to me that Benjamin's work is basically a hodgepodge from Kantian rationality through to more updated theories. ─── 你最后一段话让它很清楚的告诉我,本雅明的工作是基本上一个大杂烩,从康德的批判理性一直到更新的理论。
20、A reexamination of the viewpoint of Kant, who severely criticizes it but tries hard to save it may shed some light on us. ─── 在今天重新审视对传统形而上学进行过严厉批判又力图拯救形而上学的康德的思想,我们或许能够得到一些启迪。
21、Croce is the most influential expect of aesthetics in the west after Kant and Hegel . ─── 克罗齐是康德、黑格尔之后西方影响最大的美学家。
22、Unlike Li Zehou, Liu did not return to Kant, nor to Hegel whom he values very much. ─── 与李泽厚不同,刘纲纪既没有走向康德,也没有走向他更为看重的黑格尔,而是一直坚守在马克思身边。
23、The eighteenth-century philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that the key to moral objectivity lay in the rationality of humans. ─── 18世纪哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德认为,道德客观性的关键在于人们的理性。
24、As a inaugurator of the German classical philosophy, the position and meaning of Kant's philosophy are obvious. ─── 作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。
25、In Kantian philosophy, the branch of metaphysics concerned with the laws of perception. ─── 审美学康德哲学中有关感知规律的形而上学分支
26、Immanuel Kant (1724-1804 ) was an immensely innovative and influential philosopher. ─── 伊曼纽尔·康德(1724-1804)是一位很有革新精神而且具有影响力的哲学家。
27、Despite the differing influences on them of Hegel and Kant, the views of Marx and Rawls can be shown to converge. ─── 尽管受到黑格尔和康德的不同影响,马克思和罗尔斯的观点还是能显示出一致之处。
28、You never heard of Kant, did you, Prytherch? ─── 你从未听说过康德,是吧,普瑞色曲?
29、Kant answers the first questions by contending that strictly speaking we cannot know that there is such a moral law. ─── 康德声称从严格意义上说我们无从知道存在这样一个道德法,并以此来回答了最初的一些问题。
30、Rousseau is prior to the proposition that Kant proposes," perception and reason are unified", has shown the deep concern of his question to people. ─── 卢梭先于康德提出“人的感性与理性相统一”的命题,显示了他对人的问题的深切关注。
31、Practicing liberty how to be available is the master key to apprehend Kantian ethics. ─── 实践着的自由如何可能是理解康德伦理学的关键。
32、However, when we study Longinus s, Burke s, and Kant s theories, we are likely to run into the contradictions between them. ─── 不过,当我们在研读朗吉努斯、柏克、康德理论的同时,是很可能陷入理论的矛盾里。
33、Good will, categorical imperative and will self-discipline construct the main contents of Kantian ethics. ─── 善良意志、绝对命令、意志自律构成康德伦理学的主要内容。
34、Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten /Immanuel Kant. ─── 书名/作者 Kritik der praktischen Vernunft ;
35、In Kant's theory of knowledge,being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable. ─── 先验的在康德的理论中指知识的,因超越经验的范围而无法知晓的。
36、The controversy between them fonts the first of Kant's four Antinomies. ─── 他们的争论正好构成康德四个二律背反的第一个。
37、Kant describes how nothing in nature is sublime, and that sublimity really resides in the mind and there alone. ─── 在作者看来,“崇高”的本质就是“零”,它存在于思想中,并只存在于思想中。
38、In order to prevent the establishment of a despotic regime, Kant demanded a separation of powers. ─── 为了防止形成专制统治,康德要求权力分立。
39、March 1934 and renamed the puppet Manchukuo Imperial Emperor, Gaiyuan Kant. ─── 1934年3月又改称伪满洲帝国皇帝,改元康德。
40、So, he backdated the whole modern philosophy from Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, and finally arrived his phenomenology. ─── 为此,他回溯了从笛卡尔到洛克到贝克莱到休谟最后到康德的整个近代哲学,最终到达了他的现象学。
41、The aesthetic mode of thinking in Kant's philosophy change the disagreement. ─── 在此基础上论述了康德“哥白尼革命”的真正含义是以审美为根基的思维方式的变革。
42、Duty and willing were thus the basis of Kant's moral philosophy. ─── 可见义务和意志是康德的道德哲学的基
43、Like other idealists, he agrees with Kant that the mind is not simply a passive absorber of the external world, but actively organises it. ─── 像其它唯心主义者一样,他赞同康德:精神不仅仅是外部世界的被动的吸收器,而是积极筹划外部世界。
44、Studies on humor and what makes people laugh have been traced from Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, through Hume and Kant to the recent Bergson and Freud. ─── 人类对幽默及一切能引人发笑的东西的研究远可追溯到柏拉图,亚里士多德,西塞罗和荷马,近有康德,柏格森和弗洛伊德。
45、Kant Shit as though everyone were to shit as you shit. ─── 康德:别人怎麽大那你就怎麽大。
46、Kant and Hegel have developed idealism . ─── 康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。
47、The development train of thought in philosophy-thinking ways analyses mainly by Rousseau, Kant and Herbart. ─── 它开创了教学论研究的哲学取向传统,在学科发展初期,以其独特的思辨方法促进了教学论学科的发展。
48、The band's name comes from the word noumenon, a philosophical term used by Immanuel Kant. ─── 乐队的名字来自于这个词的本体,是一种哲学来说,所使用的康德。
49、What does Kant mean by "autonomy". Are human beings autonomous? ─── 什么是康德所指的“自律”?人是自律的吗?
50、He objected that, like Kant, he could not make sense of existence as a property that some objects have and others lack. ─── 他想康德一样反对,他不能把存在的意义看作是某些对象具有而其他缺乏的属性。
51、Immanuel kant: the chicken, being an autonomous being, chose to cross the road of his own will. ─── 康德:小鸡作为一个独立的个体,选择穿过马路是它的个人意旨。
52、Immanuel Kant defined “disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of “quality" in beauty. ─── “审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。
53、Transcendent--(in Kantian philosophy)transcending experience; not realizable in human experience. ─── (在康德哲学里)超越经验的,不可能在人类经验中实现的。
54、Schelling agreed with Kant that the only objects we have direct knowledge of is consciousness. ─── 在我们直接认知的对象是自我意识这一点上,谢林和康德是一致的。
55、Kant,unconsciously,had prejudice for classicism instead of romanticism,which represents Kant's real look. ─── 康德在不自觉中偏向了古典主义而非浪漫主义 ,这才是康德艺术观的本来面目。
56、Kant :Shit as though everyone were to shit as you shit. ─── 卢梭:人生而自由大便,但却处处是便秘。
57、Kant criticized the metaphysical dogmatism both in synchronic and diachronic way. ─── 康德从历时和共时两方面批判了形而上学独断论。
58、He often quotes the sayings of Kant. ─── 他常引用康德的话。
59、Duty and will were thus the basis of Kant's moral philosophy. ─── 可见义务和意志是康德的道德哲学的基础。
60、Neo-Kantianism in Heidelberg. Richert held that human beings participated in an "irreal" realm of, ─── 李凯尔特认为人类参与了“非真实的”意义和价值的领域,
61、WILL : Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Frost, O'Connor, Kant, Pope, Locke. ─── 威尔 : 莎士比亚、尼采、佛斯特、奥康纳、康德、洛克。
62、In this respect, the farsighted critical spirit established by Kant is eternally worth valuing and speculating. ─── 在此意义上讲,由康德所奠定的那种高瞻远瞩的理性批判精神,是永远值得人们珍惜和深思的。
63、Among them, Descartes, Leibniz, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Goethe and Kant all studied the traditional Chinese culture. ─── 其中就有笛卡儿、莱布尼茨、孟德斯鸠、伏尔泰、歌德、康德等,他们都对中国传统文化有过研究。
64、There was nothing to look at from under the tree except Gatsby's enormous house, so I stared at it, like Kant at his church steeple, for half an hour. ─── 从树底下望出去,除了盖茨比的庞大的房屋之外没有别的东西可看,于是我盯着它看了半个小时,好像康德盯着他的教堂尖塔一样。
65、However, Kant's philosophy centered by subjectivity is unintelligible without the conception of intersubjectivity. ─── 康德哲学和黑格尔哲学都是主体中心性的哲学。
66、Time, perhaps, for philosophers toput away their copies of Kant and pull a dusty tome of Darwin off the bookshelf. ─── 也许现在正是时候需要哲学家们放好康德的各类学说并从书架上取下满覆尘灰的达尔文大卷册来研习了。
67、For Kant the Christian could have faith in God, and this faith would be consonant with reason and the categorical imperative. ─── 在康德看来基督徒可以有上帝信仰,并且这个信仰将和理性和绝对命令相一致。
68、Secondly, Ricoeur enunciated the theoretical aporetics that Kant's concept of time would face. ─── 其次指出了康德的时间观所面临的理论疑难;
69、The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective. ─── 康德哲学的范畴与亚里士多德哲学的范畴的不同在于其主观性。
70、Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) began a turning point in Western ethics. ─── 伊曼努尔·康德(1724-1804)开创了西方伦理学的转折点。
71、Kant and Crone are the watersheds in the field of human art philosophy. ─── 在人类艺术哲学领域中,康德和克罗齐均为承上启下的,具有转折性意义的人物。
72、In Kant's theory of knowledge, being beyond the limits of experience and hence unknowable. ─── 先验的在康德的理论中指知识的,因超越经验的范围而无法知晓的
73、What Aesthetic Principle is Kant's Principle of "Judgment"? ─── 康德"判断力"原理是怎样的美学原理?
74、Therefore, Kant's philosophy is incompatible with ecofeminism. ─── 因此,康德哲学与生态女性主义是不相容的。
75、But, Einstein criticized Kant repeatedly for his apriorism, and didn't agree that human create laws of Nature. ─── 但爱因斯坦不赞同康德的先验论,反对康德人为自然立法的观点,并否认几何学是康德所谓的“先天综合判断”。
76、You should read Kant and Hegel and Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, which are all negative stuff. ─── 康德和黑格尔的书,孔子和蒋介石的书,这些反面的东西,需要读一读。
77、If we agree with Kant that we can never know things-in-themselves, we may as well discard them. ─── 如果我们赞同康德,那么我们就从来没有认识物自体,我们最好抛弃他们。
78、For Kant, right concerns the limitation of each person's action so that it is compatible with the freedom of everyone else. ─── 对于康德来说,权利是一个人行动的限度,所以它可与他人的自由形成对比。
79、In his work, Genette firstly reinterprets the aesthetics of Kant through the theme of aspectual attention and dialogues with English-spoken theorists. ─── 在这本著作中,珍奈特首先以面向性关注对康德的美学进行了重新诠释,并且和英美的现代美学家进行讨论。
80、Secondly, he is inclined to the Empiricism but not Kant while citing intuition to interpret the Taoist school. ─── 叶维廉强调对道家精神的现代回归,期望从传统文化中汲取有益于现代生活的理念,有其理论意义。
81、From the View of Kant: Is Historical Philosophy Possible? ─── 从康德的观点看:历史哲学是否可能?
82、As for Kant, all his ethics is built on the holy good will and the innate moral laws and tend to the tiptop moral idea the highest good. ─── 其中,善良意志是绝对的自在的善,它通过普遍有效的道德法则实现“人为自己立法”,并趋向作为最高道德理想的“至善”。
83、Indeed, classical sociology debated with Kant as much as Marx. ─── 事实上,古典社会学同康德的“论战”不亚于同马克思的“论战”。
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