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09-19 投稿


queasiness 发音

英:[ˈkwiːzinəs]  美:[ˈkwiːzinəs]

英:  美:

queasiness 中文意思翻译



queasiness 相似词语短语

1、greasiness ─── n.油腻;多脂;阿谀奉承

2、uneasiness ─── n.不安;担忧;局促

3、beaminess ─── n.如梁之大

4、business ─── n.商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业;

5、beadiness ─── 海滩性

6、queasiest ─── 呕吐的;不稳定的(queasy的最高级)

7、queenliness ─── n.适合当女王;像女王

8、easiness ─── n.容易;舒适;轻松

9、squeakiness ─── 吱吱声

queasiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign's coming down with bird flu. ─── 它确定不了,也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆.

2、Queasiness, headaches and languor afflicted her all day. ─── 恶心、头痛和乏力整天折磨着她。

3、The queasiness at breakfast had not left her. ─── 早饭还是让她感到要吐。

4、And something connects this, as I feel it now, with the shame, the queasiness that crept up onme when I heard the padding of Mr. ─── 总算一吐而快啦。现在,当我羞愧地回味这一切时,似乎还有种别样的感觉,那就是,当初听到温赖特先生趿着拖鞋的脚步和呼吸声时,不由生出恶心的感觉。

5、The queasiness at breakfast had not left her. ─── 早饭还是让她感到要吐。

6、Queasiness , headaches and languor afflicted her all day. ─── 恶心 、 头痛和乏力整天折磨着她.

7、This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics. ─── 这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃.

8、This can cause queasiness, tiredness and muscle cramps. ─── 这会导致恶心、疲倦和肌肉痉挛。

9、The food did nothing to stifle her queasiness. ─── 这些食物也没能遏制住她的恶心感。

10、Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign that he's coming down with bird flu. ─── 也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆。

11、"I felt crummy," says the normally cheerful 49-year-old."There was the fatiguethe constant queasiness. ─── 这位患病前性格开朗的49岁女人说:"我感到情绪低落,全身疲乏,地头昏作呕。"

12、A queasiness of the stomach reminiscent of the early days of her pregnancy made the smoking yams on the breakfast table unendurable, even to the smell. ─── 胃里常常有作呕的感觉,这使她想起怀孕时的日子来,吃早点时一看见桌上热气腾腾的山芋就受不了,连那气味闻闻也不行。

13、1、This medicine will counteract the queasiness caused by the antibiotics. ─── 这种药会抑制抗生素引起的反胃。

14、Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign that he's coming down with bird flu. ─── 它确定不了,也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆。

15、If patients get chronic virosis hepatitis, they usually catch diseases about spleen and appear symptom of queasiness, vomit, inappetence, meteorism, ribs ache and halitosis. ─── 在慢性病毒性肝炎过程中,常肝脾同病而表现出恶心呕吐、食欲不佳、腹胀、两肋胀痛、口粘口臭等症状。

16、And Germany bulldozed aside the queasiness of many countries about lifting sanctions on Uzbekistan, a thuggish autocracy that provides bases to supply German troops in Afghanistan. ─── 德国不顾许多国家反对主张取消对乌兹别克斯坦制裁,正是因为这个残暴无度的独裁国家是德国驻阿富汗部队的后勤基地。

17、My stomach was always upset and full of queasiness and I had trouble sleeping, even though I felt exhausted all the time. ─── 医生根据我的体征开的药物丝毫不能减轻我的痛苦。

18、Most of the queasiness stems from the continued accumulation of bumper compensation packages. ─── 这种厌恶主要来自于巨额补偿计划持续不断的累积。

19、"I felt crummy," says the normally cheerful 49-year-old."There was the fatigue and the constant queasiness. ─── 这位患病前性格开朗的49岁女人说:"我感到情绪低落,全身疲乏,不断地头昏作呕。"

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