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09-19 投稿


Lesbos 中文意思翻译



Lesbos 短语词组

1、lesbos sixtynine ─── 莱斯博斯六九

Lesbos 词性/词形变化,Lesbos变形


Lesbos 相似词语短语

1、Lesbos ─── n.莱斯博斯岛(即希腊的米蒂利尼岛)

2、lesbo ─── n.女同性恋;adj.女同性恋的

3、blesbok ─── n.南非白面大羚羊

4、lessors ─── n.出租人;n.(Lessor)人名;(西)莱索尔

5、lesions ─── [生物]损伤

6、lesbic ─── 女同性恋

7、blesboks ─── n.南非白面大羚羊

8、lesion ─── n.损害;身体上的伤害;机能障碍

9、lessons ─── n.课程;经验教训(lesson的复数形式)

Lesbos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Learn Spanish but take your holidays on Lesbos or in Hebden Bridge, where you will see half of north London. ─── 学习西班牙语,但是去里斯·布斯或是赫布登·布里奇度假,在那里你可以看到北伦敦的一半景象。

2、The name comes from the greek island of Lesbos, in the Med. ─── 这一名称来源于希腊的莱斯博斯岛。

3、the Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; much admired although only fragments of her poetry have been preserved (6th century BC) ─── 莱斯博斯岛的希腊抒情诗人;尽管她的诗仅保留下来不多却受到许多的赞美

4、4.An island of northeast Greece in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Turkey northwest of Lesbos. ─── 利姆诺斯希腊东北部一岛屿,位于爱琴海中,远离土耳其海岸,莱斯博斯岛的西北方向。

5、The wine used should preferably Lesbian (from Lesbos). ─── 葡萄酒用最好的"女同志"(来自于莱斯博斯岛)。

6、the Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; much admired although only fragments of her poetry have been preserved (6th century BC). ─── 莱斯博斯岛的腊抒情诗人;尽管她的诗仅保留下来不多却受到许多的赞美。

7、So one example is he sees these stonemasons working on the Isle of Lesbos, and they need to measure out round columns. ─── 举一个例子:他看到一些石匠在莱斯博斯岛做工,他们需要测量那里的圆柱。

8、Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; reputed inventor of Alcaic verse (611-580 BC). ─── 莱斯博斯岛的希腊抒情诗人;艾欧凯额斯式诗文的名誉创作者(公元前611年-公元前580年)。

9、According to the historical record the forerunner of the modern beauty contest first took place over 3,000 years ago on the Greek Island of Lesbos. ─── 根据历史记载,现代选美比赛的前身早诞生于3000多年前希腊的莱斯博斯岛。

10、the Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; much admired although only fragments of her poetry have been preserved (6th century BC). ─── 莱斯博斯岛的腊抒情诗人;尽管她的诗仅保留下来不多却受到许多的赞美。

11、Is it gay women, or the 100,000 people living on Greece's third biggest island -- plus another 250,000 expatriates who originate from Lesbos? ─── 到底是女同志,还是住在希腊第3大岛上的10万居民、以及家族来自莱斯沃斯岛的25万海外侨民?

12、Quail myopathy of Lesbos ─── 莱斯沃斯岛鹌鹑肌病

13、Meanwhile,over at Casa de Lesbo,Samantha decided if she was going to be gay,she'd be gay all the way.It was a phrase Samantha had never heard in bed before. ─── 与此同时,在女同志之家里.莎曼珊决定如果她要当同性恋者,她就应该当得彻底一些.这是莎曼珊从来没有在床上听到过的一句话.

14、A year or so later in Lesbos, she happily and tipsily said yes. ─── 一年多以后在莱斯·博斯岛,她微醺着高兴地答应了。

15、One of a Hellenic people of central Greece that occupied Aeolis and Lesbos around1100 b.c. ─── 伊奥利亚人希腊中部的古希腊人,曾于公元前1100年左右占领伊奥利亚和莱斯博斯岛

16、So, she's your basic predatory lesbo. ─── |所以, 基本上她应该你的嫌疑犯.

17、Lesbianism gained its name from the Greek island of Lesbos. ─── 女同性恋者的名称出自希腊的莱斯博斯岛。

18、The ancient Greek dialect of Lesbos. ─── 莱斯博斯岛语莱斯博斯岛的古代希腊语方言

19、Hellanicus of Lesbos imagined the name was derived from the Greek prefix a- ( "without" ) and mazos, a variant of mastos ( "breast" ). ─── HellanicusofLesbos(古希腊历史学家)认为这个名字来源于希腊语的前缀a-(“没有”)以及mazos,mastos(“乳房”)的变体。

20、The name comes from the greek island of Lesbos, in the Med. ─── 这一名称来源于希腊的莱斯博斯岛。

21、ancient name for the coastal region of northwestern Asia Minor (including Lesbos). ─── 小亚细亚西北部沿海地区的一个古老的名字。

22、Sappho, an ancient Greek poet, was born sometime between 630 BC and 612 BC to an aristocratic family on the Greek island of Lesbos, which was a cultural centre in the 7th century BC. ─── 萨福,古希腊诗人,公元前630年至612年出生于希腊的莱斯沃斯岛上的一个贵族家庭。

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