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luxuriously 发音

英:[lʌɡˈʒʊriəsli]  美:[lʌɡˈʒʊəriəsli]

英:  美:

luxuriously 中文意思翻译



luxuriously 反义词

economical |modest

luxuriously 同义词

splendid | lavish | abundant | exclusive | opulent | voluptuary | princely | voluptuous | deluxe | comfortable | comfy | luxuriant |sumptuous | costly | wealthy | fruitful | sybaritic | magnificent | extravagant | plush | gilded | expensive | well-appointed | grand | epicurean | lush | glorious | sensuous

luxuriously 词性/词形变化,luxuriously变形

副词: luxuriously |名词: luxuriousness |

luxuriously 相似词语短语

1、incuriously ─── 无好奇心地;不关心地

2、injuriously ─── adv.有害地;伤害地

3、uxoriously ─── adv.疼爱妻子地;顺从妻子地

4、luxurious ─── adj.奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的

5、laboriously ─── adv.辛苦地;费力地;不流畅地

6、lugubriously ─── adv.悲哀地;伤心地

7、furiously ─── adv.猛烈地;狂暴地

8、usuriously ─── adv.放高利贷地;(价格或利息)过高地

9、curiously ─── adv.好奇地

luxuriously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There is one peculiar thing about it, however, it is far more luxuriously built than the other parts of the building. ─── 可是却有一点异乎寻常:它比这所房子其余的部分建筑得格外考究。

2、They may have lost all their leaves and have only their branches left;but these, no longer weighed down with fruit and foliage, are stretching themselves luxuriously. ─── 他简直落尽叶子,单剩干子,然而脱了当初满树是果实和叶子时候的弧形,欠伸得很舒服。

3、Chinese houseboat carries the movement is consumed luxuriously to exceed, recently in a year of much time sadly arisen. ─── 中国的游艇运动作为超豪华的消费,在最近一年多的时间里悄然兴起。

4、(be) luxuriously decorated ─── 装饰豪华

5、So Laurie played and Jo listened, with her nose luxuriously buried in heliotrope and tea roses ─── 这样劳瑞便弹了起来。裘把自己的鼻子惬意地埋在无芥菜和庚申蔷薇花簇中倾听着。

6、From the grass a gull rose with measured stroke and bathed luxuriously in the blue currents of air. ─── 一只鸥鸟从草中惊起,划了一条齐整的弧线,畅快地从蓝色的气流中飞过。

7、It isn't furnished very luxuriously. ─── 虽然布置不是很豪华。

8、On the coldest nights Babbitt luxuriously gave up the duty of being manly. ─── 天气最冷时,巴比特也不充好汉了。

9、However was comfortable luxuriously, was still the Audi brand essence. ─── 不过舒适、豪华仍然是奥迪品牌的精髓。

10、Vienna is the capital of breast kingdom in the past, the one in the past is remained luxuriously and magnificently. ─── 维也纳是往日奥匈帝国的首都,昔日的豪华气派尚存。

11、The private rooms are luxuriously bedecked in leather, ostrich skin, dark woods and deep rugs, with hanging crystal chandeliers, long wooden tables and oil paintings decking up the wall. ─── 小包房以少见的鸵鸟皮来装饰整个顶部和墙面,伴着悬垂的水晶吊灯,做旧的实木长桌和墙上的一幅写意油画,透出轻松和舒适。

12、You may live luxuriously but you must not break the pale. ─── 你可以过奢侈的生活,但不能入不敷出。

13、The old coacher ate wheat luxuriously, enjoying its hard-won lunch. ─── 拉车的老马奢侈的吃着麦子,享受着自己来之不易的午餐。

14、Classic cold-weather hat in cozy suede, with luxuriously soft shearling lining. Leather/ shearling. ─── 此款帽子采用复古设计,更用舒适的小山羊皮为材料制成,是您寒冷的季节选择的最佳之作!帽子的周边镶上了一圈华贵的软羊毛,更显得高贵,典雅!

15、There is one peculiar thing about it, however , it is far more luxuriously built than the other parts of the building. ─── 可是却有一点异乎寻常:它比这所房子其余的部分建筑得格外考究。

16、Laune lay luxuriously swinging to and fro in his hammock, on a warm September afternoon. ─── 九月里一个闷热的下午,劳瑞懒懒地躺在他的吊床里晃来晃去。

17、There's no doubt that hot tubs are luxuriously soothing, and if you're willing to take a slight chance, go ahead and plunge in. ─── 没有热水缸奢侈抚慰的怀疑, 而且如果你愿意利用一个微小的机会, 前进而且倒下在。

18、“Why, hardly,” he answered, leaning back luxuriously in his armchair and sending up thick blue wreaths from his pipe. ─── 他舒服地靠在椅背上,从烟斗里喷出一股浓厚的蓝烟来说道:“没有什么关联。

19、become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously. ─── 浪费;放纵自己挥霍。

20、226 Luxuriously well appointed rooms and suites with smart interior design blended the soul of the ancient city with contemporary decor. ─── 226间豪华精致客房及主题套房,设计别具一格,完美揉合了现代时尚与古典高雅的独特韵味。

21、The dining-room is luxuriously furnished and carpeted. ─── 餐厅里的家具和地毯非常豪华。

22、she sprawled out luxuriously on the sofa. ─── 她在沙发上非常舒适地伸开四肢躺着。

23、It was a luxuriously appointed room. ─── 这是一个陈设豪华的房间。

24、"Developed by the Belgian Businessman Georges Nagelmackers, its luxuriously furnished cars became the symbol of glamour for European society." ─── 由比利时商人纳热尔马克创办,布置有豪华家具的列车成为欧洲社会奢华的象征。

25、Accepts when the interview he indicated that at present the club has 4 vanguards not “luxuriously”, he hoped that can the way which competes through the team in maintain the vanguard line “sharp”. ─── 接受采访时他表示,眼下俱乐部拥有4名前锋并不“奢侈”,他希望能够通过队内竞争的方式来保持前锋线的“锐利”。

26、The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. ─── 房间装饰得十分豪华雅致。

27、The English tourist of the early part of the century frequently went to considerable pains and expense to ship to the continent horses and coaches, the latter often luxuriously appointed. ─── 19世纪早期的旅行者经常不厌其烦、不惜血本地将马和教练船运至欧洲大陆,而后者的雇佣成本通常很高。

28、Striding over the high doorsill and stepping into the yard of Yang Ancestral Temple, our reporter's eyes were caught by two Yulan Magnolias on the right part of the yard blooming luxuriously. ─── 记者来到杨氏大祠堂,跨过高高的门槛,走入祠堂院内,只见右边两棵玉兰树开满了玉兰花。

29、They fared luxuriously, their tables spread with the most costly delicacies and the choicest wines. ─── 席丰履厚,大肆铺张,每天吃着最贵重的美味和上好的脂酒。

30、She stretched luxuriously on the bed. ─── 她惬意地在床上舒展着身子。

31、She stirs on the bench, luxuriously ─── 她在长椅上大幅地转身

32、It's not as luxuriously furnished as the big store, however, it had a special taste. ─── 那里的装修并没有大商场的华丽,却也有另外一番情趣。

33、Revitalize your entire body while experiencing the sheer pleasure of being papaya luxuriously in the best Thai white mud and papaya A perfect moisturizing for all skin type. ─── 享受过木瓜裹肤后会使您全身充满活力,用泰国最好白衣泥和木瓜做一个完美的美白保湿护理,适合所有类型的皮肤。

34、The dim light of night the low key blooms luxuriously outside The window the mood like cocktail time overflows the color ─── 夜色在窗外低调绽放奢华心情如鸡尾酒流光溢彩

35、Because the space between Wei Yu is general lesser, only 3-5 square metre is controlled, do a bit decorate luxuriously, expenditure won't be too much. ─── 由于卫浴间空间一般都较小,只有3-5平方米左右,稍做豪华的布置,花费不会太多。

36、Litai Bar's address is No.120, Middle Henan Road. It is luxuriously decorated and there are a variety of wines. You can get a full enjoyment. ─── 位于河南中路120号,装修豪华气派,酒的种类多种多样,品尝杯中美酒,满足于享受尽在不言中!

37、a luxuriously appointed hotel ─── 设备豪华的旅馆

38、There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. ─── 要兑现自己的意愿,有许多简捷的途径,其中最舒服的莫过于去某家豪华餐厅大吃一台,然后呢,承认自己身无分文,无力支付,这样便安安静静、毫不声张地被交给警察。

39、Urban projects, luxuri Apartments in Zagreb, Hotel komplex development in mid Dalmatia with total infrastructure. ─── [相关分类:旅游项目,公寓,别墅,房地产经纪人

40、There's no doubt that hot tubs are luxuriously soothing, and if you're willing to take a slight chance, go ahead and plunge in. ─── 没有热水缸奢侈抚慰的怀疑,而且如果你愿意利用一个微小的机会,前进而且倒下在。

41、A luxuriously rich body moisturizer with an indulgently thick texture for you to smooth over your body whilst enjoying the popular White Musk fragrance. ─── 含白麝香香味、可可油、乳油木果油、芝麻油、羊毛脂、甘油等成分,可深层滋养肌肤、防止水分流失。

42、Seventeen luxuriously and tastefully decorated private rooms on the fourth floor, with superior visual facilities including international movies, it is ideal for business meeting and banquets. ─── 四楼十七间豪华雅致的贵宾房,拥有国际先进的影音设备,是您举办商务及宴会的最佳场所。

43、And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her, will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning, ─── 9地上的君王,向来与她一同行淫、奢华的,看见烧她的烟,就必为她哭泣捶胸;

44、To be well dressed doesn't mean to be luxuriously dressed ─── 穿得好不一定衣着豪华。

45、All the 188 European-style detached and semi-detached duplex villas are luxuriously furnished and completed with a private garden and a car park. ─── 拥有188个欧式独立别墅。每个别墅拥有近130平方米的超大客厅。

46、A luxuriously creamy facial wash containing advanced phytoestrogens, nutrients and vitamins to help replenish skin whilst you cleanse. ─── 豪华奶油洁面载先进的植物雌激素,营养和补充维生素,以帮助清洁皮肤,而你。

47、luxuriously comfortable ─── 豪华舒适

48、The 578 luxuriously appointed rooms and suites either present the best harbour views or overlook the vibrant streets of Tsim Sha Tsui East. ─── 578间豪华装修的客房及所有套房有的可饱览维多利亚海港的壮丽景致,还有的可俯瞰尖沙咀东区的繁华街道。

49、Because toilet space is general lesser, make a bit decorate luxuriously, expenditure won't be too much. ─── 由于卫生间空间一般都较小,稍作豪华的布置,花费不会太多。

50、Whether you are aware or not , whether you like or dislike , show attention or ignore ,flowers bloom luxuriously all the same. ─── 你知道,你爱惜,花儿努力地开;你不识,你厌恶,花儿努力地开。

51、The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant. ─── 最愉快的莫如在一家豪华的饭店里大模大样地吃上一顿。

52、The secret is a high concentration of pure aloe vera gel and vitamin E blended into a luxuriously rich base of natural vegetable oils. ─── 这个秘密在于高浓缩的纯芦荟啫喱和维生素E的综合,配以天然的蔬菜油为基础。

53、She stretched luxuriously on the bed. ─── 她惬意地在床上舒展着身子。

54、The suite was larger and more luxuriously furnished. ─── 这套房间更宽敞,陈设更豪华。

55、You have lived luxuriously on the earth and have given yourselves to pleasure; you have nourished your hearts in a day of slaughter. ─── 5你们活在地上奢华宴乐;当宰杀的日子,竟养肥了你们的心。

56、But the upper circles advocate luxuriously, take gold red walking romantically, development stimulating the gold silverware to be made again. ─── 而上层人士崇尚奢华,服食金丹之风流行,又刺激了金银器制作的发展。

57、The room was luxuriously furnished. ─── 这房间陈设奢华。

58、The repair is each family important matter, if is cheated in the process, even if the little family repairs again lives luxuriously cannot be satisfactory. ─── 装修是每个家庭的大事,如果在过程中受骗上当,小家即使装修得再豪华住起来也不会顺心。

59、25 Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine garments? Those who dress luxuriously and live sumptuously are found in royal palaces. ─── 你们出去到底是为看什么?为看一位穿细软衣服的人吗?啊!那衣着华丽和生活奢侈的人是在王宫里。

60、With it's turquoise mother of pearl dial set with 4 white diamond indexes and a gold plated case, this watch is luxuriously stylish with a colourful twist. ─── 绿松石珍珠母表盘上镶有4颗白钻石刻度以及镀金表壳,使这款大玩色彩变调的手表极具奢华时尚品味。

61、Our luxuriously appointed function rooms, equipped with modern facilities and hi-tech equipment, are perfect for occasions from private banquets for 20 guests to large conferences for 200 people. ─── 宴会厅结合了豪华布置及高科技设备,配备各式文仪及会议器材,适合举办各类型私人宴会或公司活动。

62、We may not travel luxuriously, but we shall walk safely.We may not be able to run like young men, but we shall be able to walk like good men. ─── 我们或许不会过得很富裕,但我们日子会过得心安理得,我们虽不能像年青人那样年轻有活力,但我们能过得有尊严,受人尊敬。

63、The game is introduced: This is the place where little evil spirit women practised austerities and lived, have magic makings very luxuriously and very much, wrong storey! ─── 游戏介绍:这是小魔女们修炼和生活的地方,很豪华而且很有魔法气质哦,还是错层的呢!

64、Because the space between Wei Yu is general lesser, only 3 square metre are controlled, do a bit decorate luxuriously, expenditure won't be too much. ─── 由于卫浴间空间一般都较小,只有3平方米左右,稍做豪华的布置,花费不会太多。

65、Single or double acting door, often become a kind to symbolize luxuriously. ─── 弹簧门,往往成为一种豪华的象征。

66、Liz laughed, stretching luxuriously. ─── 莉兹一边大笑,一边心情舒畅地伸了个懒腰。

67、Chinese houseboat carries the movement is consumed luxuriously to exceed, recently in a year of much time sadly arisen. ─── 中国的游艇运动作为超豪华的消费,在最近一年多的时间里悄然兴起。

68、In that way home, those who attract us is not it is dressed up luxuriously, present the trifling matters of everyday life that gives host among them however. ─── 家被定义了,居室面积越来越大,可是家里能用的空间却相对越来越小,能在家里做的事情也越来越少。

69、He has his summer when luxuriously Spring's honey'd cud of youthful thought he loves To ruminate, and by such dreaming high Is nearest unto heaven: quite coves. ─── 在他的夏天,他喜欢用青春的思念,将春天采集的花蜜反复品位;沉思默想:随着梦境高冲蓝天,细细欣赏他所有的爱恋。

70、As he made the announcement, Durbeyfield, declining from his sitting position, luxuriously stretched himself out upon the bank among the daisies. ─── 德北菲尔德宣布这段新闻的时候,本来是坐着的,现在却把身子倒下去,骄矜闲适地仰卧在草坡上面雏菊的中间。

71、a luxuriously furnished apartment ─── 布置得富丽堂皇的公寓

72、The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant;and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. ─── 最愉快的方法就是在某家高价餐馆奢侈地吃一顿,然后宣布自己身无一文,于是不声不响、不吵不闹地被交给一个警察。

73、On the terrace, which is luxuriously balustraded, a bronze crane and a bronze tortoise can be seen. ─── 在广阔的基台上围有奢华的汉白玉石雕栏杆,还可以看到一对青铜龟和青铜鹤。

74、He was of the opinion that all the great civilizations of the ancient world were built on slavery and brutality in which the intellectual elite lived luxuriously off of the hard labor of the many. ─── 他认为古代所有的伟大文明都是建立在奴隶和暴虐的基础上的,知识界精英用许多人的辛苦劳力,换来他们的奢靡生活。

75、A luxuriously scented oil that can be used in several ways to fragrance your home with the heady scent of tropical flowers and to help create a tranquil atmosphere. ─── 可作多种形式使用,气味怡人,为家居增添热带花果的香味,营造宁静的气氛。

76、Xi'an occupies people's mansion luxuriously and American ─── 西安豪华美居人民大厦

77、“exposes to the sun constantly by no means luxuriously, the screenwriter is wants to carry over character's disposition first, then lets the play taste send out slowly again. ─── “并非一味晒奢华,编剧是想先带出人物的性格,然后再让戏味慢慢散发出来。

78、This luxuriously silky powder blush glides on with its own brush to colour and contour. ─── 在所有肤质为您塑造炫烂的肤色。柔美烟熏胭脂提供细致的妆效,以及持久的效果。

79、Glides onto the skin comfortably and easily with a luxuriously soft sponge.Buildable coverage.Normal to combination skin. ─── 官网介绍:A luxurious foundation and powder in one that leaves skin with a soft, velvety finish.

80、Julia woke at the sound, stretched herself luxuriously. ─── 裘莉亚被歌声吵醒,舒服地伸个懒腰。

81、Luxuriously furnished rooms and suites that provide a relaxing setting with all the necessary conveniences for an unforgettable stay. ─── 酒店内设有豪华的客房以及套房,环境舒适,设有各种方便设施,让您能度过难忘的住宿经历。

82、furnish luxuriously ─── 布置得豪华

83、She is elegantly designed and luxuriously decorated, having 318 rooms and suites and 1000seats for diners, 100 parking. ─── 具有设计典雅,装饰华丽的各式房间318间,餐位1000多个,车位100多个。

84、Miss Dong believed that the living room repair do not need always to pursue luxuriously has forgotten elegantly simple. ─── 董小姐认为,客厅的装修不要总追求豪华而忘了淡雅。

85、To serve God in the humblest position as a doorkeeper is better than living luxuriously with the wicked (84:10). ─── 当卑微的守门人事奉上帝实在胜过有奢侈享受的恶人(84:10)。

86、As much as she has glorified herself and lived luxuriously, as much torment and sorrow give to her; ─── 7她怎样荣耀自己,怎样奢华,你们也当叫她照样痛苦悲哀;

87、Miss Dong believed that the living room repair do not need always to pursue luxuriously has forgotten elegantly simple. ─── 董小姐认为,客厅的装修不要总追求豪华而忘了淡雅。

88、The entire room was as luxuriously and fashionably furnished as any woman could wish: large oil paintings on the walls, curios on the sideboard, vases of flowers, expensive furniture and, in addition to all this, a parrot in a cage. ─── 小客厅里的一切是华丽的,投合着任何时髦女子的心理:壁上的大幅油画,架上的古玩,瓶里的鲜花,名贵的家具,还有,笼里的鹦鹉。

89、He got off and stretched himself luxuriously, for he had ridden some twenty-five good miles. ─── 他下了马,舒舒服服伸了个懒腰,因为足足骑了有二十五英里路了。

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