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09-19 投稿


seamed 发音

英:[siːmd]  美:[siːmd]

英:  美:

seamed 中文意思翻译



seamed 短语词组

1、flush-seamed ─── [网络] 齐齐缝合

seamed 词性/词形变化,seamed变形

动词过去式: seamed |动词现在分词: seaming |名词: seamer |动词第三人称单数: seams |动词过去分词: seamed |

seamed 相似词语短语

1、seame ─── 装置

2、seamer ─── n.缝纫机;缝纫工;封口机;折边机;n.(Seamer)人名;(英)西默

3、steamed ─── adj.蒸熟的,蒸的;v.蒸发,散发;冒热气;用蒸汽驱动(steam的过去分词)

4、seamen ─── n.海员;水手(seaman的复数)

5、reamed ─── 铰的

6、leamed ─── 利米德

7、seabed ─── n.海底,海床

8、sealed ─── adj.密封的;未知的;v.封闭;盖印(seal的过去分词)

9、beamed ─── adj.有梁的;有支撑的;v.射出;发光;用梁支(beam的过去分词)

seamed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A slit in a garment, as in the back seam of a pocket. ─── 开衩,衩衣服上的狭长口子,如在口袋的后部缝口内

2、She hunted about everywhere, ballyragging Jack by side and by seam. ─── 她一面这儿那儿找,一面嘴里把捷克骂了个狗血喷头。

3、Seam n. The mid-point between two players. ─── 两个队员的中间空档。

4、Her hand was seamed with wounds. ─── 她的手上留下了伤痕。

5、The welded seam of one stiffener on bulwark in way of std frame No.66 broken. ─── 如:连接甲板与舵角限制器三角板的焊缝断裂。

6、To prepare the seam for stitching, join right sides together and machine baste on the seam line. ─── 将需要缉缝的线准备好,将纪念品物正面合在一起并在缝线上机制粗缝。

7、The seam of her skirt ripped. ─── 她的裙子的接缝裂开了。

8、Seam by seam, fastening up the ragged edges of our relationship. ─── 一线一线,我们处于边缘的关系又被系牢。

9、His brown face was seamed with sorrow . ─── 他那褐色的脸因忧愁而有一条一条纹路。

10、Too tight or too loose at side seam. ─── 侧骨车线太紧或太松。

11、The tip of the iron should be slid under the seam to prevent any seam impressions on the right side. ─── 为了防止正在正面留下缝的压痕,熨斗尖应在缝份正面滑动。

12、The fields dried and seamed in the heat. ─── 农田在高温下干裂。

13、But she still likes to talk to her great-great grandchildren who come to cuddle "big nanny" and kiss her seamed cheeks. ─── 但她仍然喜欢和前来看她的玄孙们聊天。他们都来拥抱“太奶奶”,亲吻她布满皱纹的双颊。

14、Seam introduces the notion of bijection as a generalization of injection. ─── 从客户角度出发,一个特定的无状态的组件的所有实例都可以互换。

15、The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well. ─── 主铬铁岩矿层及麦仑斯基矿层出露不好。

16、Mark this point (A) on the underarm seam and connect this to the bust point (B). Slash along this line. ─── 在腋下缝上把这一点标了A,并把A点与胸点B连接,然后沿着这条线剖开。

17、Repeat this procedure at the finish of the seam. ─── 在终端重复这道程序。

18、His face was seamed with sabre cuts. ─── 他的脸上留有马刀砍下的伤痕。

19、Visible armhole seam and zig-zag shaped. ─── 夹位露缝线及起蛇。

20、The slot seam is a decorative seam. ─── 嵌条缝是一种装饰缝。

21、He wanted to talk with Lisa, but she wasn't there, so he would have to wait until tomorrow, and that seamed to be so much time to him. ─── 他想和丽莎谈谈,但是她不在那儿,所以他不得不等到明天再说。对于他来说似乎度日如年。

22、The valley is seamed with small streams of water. ─── 山谷里布满小溪。

23、His face was seamed with care. ─── 他的脸因虑而生皱纹。

24、Her blouse was seamed with silk thread. ─── 她的短衫是由丝线缝起来的。

25、The deviatio n between torch and seam is calculated after image processing. ─── 图象处理后计算焊枪和焊缝之间的偏差。

26、Industrial block patterns usually have seam allowances added. ─── 工业服装样板通常已加放缝份。

27、To prevent a seam from stretching, sue a twill tape to support the seam. ─── 为了防止缝线伸长,用斜纹布贴带加以固定。

28、In the past, this job was often done with hand tools or with a seam lathe. ─── 在过去,这种工作通常是通过手工完成或者使用接缝车床完成。

29、His face is seamed with sorrow. ─── 他的脸留下了悲伤的痕迹。

30、An overcast stitch or seam. ─── 包边缝纫的针脚或线缝

31、Seam runs must be checked for flowing lines. ─── 必须检查线缝,确保线条流畅。

32、Failure anlysis in unde(?) on the br(?)ak of flash welding seam of rail. ─── 对钢轨闪光焊缝脆断做了失效分析。

33、Before leaving is seamed closely, meaning fear returning tardy. ─── 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。

34、They struck a rich seam of iron ore. ─── 他们开出一个富铁矿层。

35、He wanted to talk with Lisa, but she wasn't there, so he would have to wait until tomorrow, and that seamed to be so much time to him. ─── 他想和丽莎谈谈,但是她不在那儿,所以他不得不等到明天再说。对于他来说似乎度日如年。

36、The fifth is assigned to crack shaft (with the doline in the same seam). ─── 五是地缝配竖井(天坑与地缝相通)。

37、Repair, seam filling and coating film materials for wall. ─── 修补、填缝、不垂流壁材涂覆保护膜。

38、She seamed the two pieces with thread and then her skirt is finished. ─── 她用线把两片布缝起来,她的裙子这就算缝成了

39、It can be seamed at high speeds on existing equipment with just minor modifications and processed in conventional retorts using overpressure. ─── 可缝在高速现有的设备只是一些小的调整和处理使用超常规反驳。

40、Urgent, toe is seamed , breach, not urticant, do not ache, good still crack, who knows, tell me? ─── 急急,脚趾缝,裂口,不痒,不疼,好了还裂,谁知道,告诉我?

41、Well, the leg shall is taper all down the side seam. ─── 喔,裤腿应该沿边缝逐渐收

42、Inspection structure integrity and welding seam on completing No.56 block. ─── 56分段完工后结构完整性和焊缝检查。

43、I'm sorry, sir.We can mend a seam but not a hole. ─── 对不起,我们只能补破缝,不会织补洞。

44、Full - fashioned stockings were knitted flat, then shaped and seamed up the Back by hand . ─── 合身的长统袜则是先以平面方式编织,再由手工定型、缝合背面。

45、Welding seam performed in prefabrication shop denote with “S “. ─── 在预制厂焊接的焊缝,用“S”表示。

46、The seam of his coat is pulled. ─── 他外套的线缝被撕开了。

47、Beveled edge, flat polished edge, pencil polished edge, seamed edge (swiped edge), mitered edge and other popular edge processing products are all available. ─── 广泛应用于各种场合的玻璃家具、玻门、柜台等的装饰、装修。

48、The walls on the outside were seamed with deep cracks which were a breeding-place for adders. ─── 墙外面深刻的裂缝是蝰蛇生息的场所。

49、Also the problem seamed to become more frequent. ─── 同时,似乎经常出 现此问题。

50、Trim the inner seam allowance to 0.6cm (1/4 inch) . the final stitch, encasing the trimmed. ─── 修剪里层缝份,留0.6cm(1/4英寸)。最后缉缝,对修剪过的缝封边,使这条缝饱满。

51、Even edge, consistent rolls, no bell shape rolls, maximum one seam per roll. ─── 切边完好,卷装筐齐,无喇叭状,每卷允许拼接一次。

52、They are confident that Cameron's aristo background is a very rich seam. ─── 他们确信,卡梅隆的贵族背景是他一个很大的缺陷。

53、The printed label material is trimmed and then seamed or welded to turn it into a tube. ─── 印刷标签材料是修剪,然后缝或焊接把它变成一个管。

54、New horn type seam guide makes the overlock seam covering steadier. ─── 全新牛角式诱导器,埋压拷克骨更为稳定。

55、hermetically seamed metal food containers . food cans . geometrical characteristics. ─── 密封的金属食品容器。罐头盒。几何特性。

56、Don't worry, you only ripped the seam. ─── 别担心,只弄破了线缝而已。

57、Cordlock toggle system in hem at side seam facing towards the senter front. ─── 下摆侧缝有拉绳及拉绳调节扣,朝向前中。

58、One opened seam, one blown valve, and his life would be choked out by flooding salt water. ─── 只消出现一条裂缝,爆裂一个阀门,他这条命就会给涌进来的海水收拾掉。

59、But she still likes to talk to her great-great grandchildren who come to cuddle "big nanny" and kiss her seamed cheeks. ─── 但她仍然喜欢和前来看她的玄孙们聊天。他们都来拥抱“老奶奶”,亲吻她布满皱纹的脸颊。

60、Trace-off pattern adding seam allowances. Cut generally around the pattern. ─── 复描纸样加缝份后剪下纸样。

61、Well, the leg shall be tapering all down the side seam. ─── 喔,裤腿应该沿边缝逐渐收小。

62、His shirt ripped at the seam . ─── 他的衬衣缝口撕开了。

63、Eg: Her face was seamed with wrinkles. ─── 她脸上布满皱纹。

64、The seam of the reducer connection is not welded thoroughly and needs welding and grinding. ─── 异径接头缝未焊透,需补焊打磨。

65、Her face was seamed with care. ─── 她的脸因忧虑而布满皱纹。

66、Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges. ─── 平式缝接的把两个边拉在一起用垂直而细密的针脚缝接的,缝纫时每一针都经过两道边形成的缝口

67、His face is seamed with age. ─── 他因年老而满脸皱纹。

68、Her hand was seamed with wounds. ─── 她的手上留下了伤痕。

69、Her dress had split along the seam. ─── 她的连衣裙顺着接缝裂开了。

70、Bicephalous brim is seamed on small rubber band, middle finger is covered when using, two arms swing up and down, resembling is butterfly wing in fan. ─── 两头边缘缝上小橡皮圈,用时套入中指,两臂上下摆动,像是蝴蝶翅膀在扇动。

71、The dart tuck may be finished by stitching across the end to the fold or by tacking at the end of the seam. ─── 半活褶可以从省道的终端缝到折边。或在缝的结束处加固缝纫。

72、Kevin is a friendly old person. He was seamed with wrinkles. With a pair of wisdom eyes, he is getting fatter. Today, he is dressed on outdated clothes. ─── 凯文是个友善的老人.他看起来满脸皱纹有双充满智慧的双眼,他越来越胖了,今天他穿著一件过时的衣服.

73、You should seam up the shirt without using sewing-machine. ─── 你不要用机器去缝制这件衬衣。

74、A curved seam may be trimmed to 0. 6cm (1/4 inch), depending on the degree of curve. ─── 弯曲的缝可修剪到0.6cm(1;4英寸),根据弧度而定。

75、Front horizontal seam not leveled. ─── 前幅横骨不对称。

76、The printed label material is trimmed and then seamed or welded to turn it into a tube. ─── 印刷标签材料是修剪,然后缝或焊接把它变成一个管。

77、She seamed two pieces of carpet together. ─── 她将两块地毯缝在一起。

78、It illustrated the importance and the bright prospect of the application of the automatic weld seam tracking in EBW. ─── 分析了其组成、原理及其在实际生产中的应用,阐述了焊缝自动跟踪技术在电子束焊接中的重要性及其应用前景。

79、In appearance, the welt seam is similar to the wrong side of the flat fell seam. join the fabric, right sides together, with seam allowance. ─── 外观上与明包缝的反面相似。将纪念品物的正面合在一起缉缝。

80、The seam of the bend is not welded thoroughly and requires welding and grinding. ─── 定型弯缝未焊透,需补焊打磨。

81、The seam of the coat was pulled. ─── 外套上的线缝被撕开了。

82、Factors affected coal seam permeability change and its law is analyzed. ─── 分析了煤层透气性变化的影响因素及变化规律。

83、Seam lines such as shoulder and side must be checked fro accuracy and lengths. ─── 必须检查接缝线,如:肩缝、侧缝,确保精确性。

84、His face was seamed with care. ─── 他的脸因忧虑而生皱纹。

85、A seam of ingeous rock crops out at that point. ─── 一层火成岩在那儿冒出来。

86、But she still likes to talk to her great-great grandchildren who come to cuddle "big nanny" and kiss her seamed cheeks. ─── 但她仍然喜欢和前来看她的玄孙们聊天。他们都来拥抱"太奶奶",亲吻她布满皱纹的双颊。

87、Position as for a curved seam manipulation the outer (convex) shape onto the concave. ─── 弧形缝操作法,凸形的放在凹形的上面。

88、Tracing-off the block pattern transferring it to the card and adding seam allowances. ─── 复描样板,转移到卡纸上并且加上缝份。

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