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09-19 投稿


rusted 发音

英:[ˈrʌstɪd]  美:[ˈrʌstɪd]

英:  美:

rusted 中文意思翻译




rusted 词性/词形变化,rusted变形

动词第三人称单数: rusts |形容词: rustable |动词过去式: rusted |动词现在分词: rusting |动词过去分词: rusted |

rusted 短语词组

1、rusted wrenches ─── 生锈的扳手

2、rusted metal plate ─── 生锈的金属板

3、rusted scythe ─── 生锈的镰刀

4、primer for rusted steel ─── [化] 带锈底漆

5、rusted sword ─── 生锈的剑

6、rusted world ─── 生锈的世界

7、rusted war ─── 生锈的战争

8、rusted shield ─── 生锈的护罩

9、rusted warfare ─── 生锈的战争

rusted 常用词组

rust prevention ─── 防锈处理

rust preventive ─── 防锈剂

rust removal ─── 除锈;除锈器

rusted 相似词语短语

1、gusted ─── n.风味;一阵狂风;趣味;vi.一阵阵地劲吹;n.(Gust)人名;(德、捷)古斯特

2、dusted ─── n.灰尘;尘埃;尘土;vt.撒;拂去灰尘;vi.拂去灰尘;化为粉末;n.(Dust)人名;(德、俄)杜斯特

3、rustled ─── v.发出沙沙声;偷窃(牲口);(非正式)急忙行动;n.沙沙声;飒飒声

4、lusted ─── n.性欲;强烈的欲望;vi.贪求,渴望;n.(Lust)人名;(捷、匈、瑞典)卢斯特

5、fusted ─── 熔合的

6、trusted ─── adj.可信的,可靠的;v.信任,信赖;相信,认为可靠;委托,托付;依靠(运气、命运等无法控制的东西);想,希望(trust的过去式和过去分词);n.(Trusted)(英、印)特拉斯特德(人名)

7、crusted ─── adj.生了外皮的;有沉淀的;陈旧的;陈年的

8、busted ─── adj.被降级的;破产了的;失败了的;v.爆裂;破产;开除;崩溃(bust的过去分词形式)

9、rousted ─── vt.唤醒;驱逐;激动;vi.勤奋工作

rusted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sloth,like rust ,consumes faster than labor wears. ─── 懒惰就像生锈,比操劳更消耗身体。

2、there was a stool , and table , and a straw bed . there were the four blackened walls , and a rusted iron ring in one of them. ─── 屋里有一张板凳一张桌子一张铺着草垫的床熏黑了的四堵墙,一堵墙上还有一个生了锈的铁环。

3、He allowed his talent to rust over the years. ─── 他让自己的才能经年不用而荒废。

4、Stainless steel, however, does not rust. ─── 但是不锈钢不生锈。

5、Opening the back of the case , I found that the internal components of the machine were all rusted . ─── 打开后盒盖,我发现该机器内部的部件都生锈了。

6、Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. ─── 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。

7、Don't leave the bike in the rain and let it rust. ─── 不要让自行车在雨里淋,注意防锈。

8、If you leave your bicycle out at night, you'll soon have trouble with rust. ─── 如果你把自行车放在露天过夜,要不了多入它就会生锈,那你就苦了。

9、Nee,u moet nog zes tot acht weken rust houden. ─── 不,你仍需休息六至八星期。

10、A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills. ─── 六年的待业并未使他的技术荒疏。

11、English: Idleness makes the wit rust. ─── 中文:怠惰使头脑迟钝。

12、Once established, early rust increase is logarithmic. ─── 一旦定殖后,早期锈菌的增长是对数性质的。

13、As rust eats iron,so care eats heart! ─── 就像铁锈能腐蚀铁一样,忧虑能伤心!

14、The oil tank will rust unless you slap on a couple of coats of red lead. ─── 如果不涂上两三道铅丹,那油罐就会生锈的。

15、Our tools are also known as a deck crawler or rust hog. ─── 我们的工具也以甲板刮刀器或铁锈扫帚著称。

16、He is trying to scour the rust off. ─── 他正设法将锈迹磨掉。

17、When I came out after a while, it had transformed into an old, rusted one. ─── 过一下子我走出店门,被换成了一把老旧、生锈的伞。

18、For this Dao,it's heavily rusted,and the original gold inlaid has fallen off. ─── 具体到这刀因锈蚀较重,如护卡处原有错金也可能脱落了。

19、Better to wear out than rust out. ─── [谚]与其锈坏,不如用坏。

20、The unpainted metal tools were covered with rust. ─── 未上漆的金属工具布满了锈。

21、Several months later Brearley noticed that while most of the rejected specimens had rusted,one had not. ─── 几个月后,布里尔利注意到大部分废弃的实验样品生锈了,但有一种没有。

22、He ground away at the rust around the bolt. ─── 他努力想把螺钉周围的锈磨掉。

23、English: A painted barrel, protected from rust. ─── 一个被涂上防锈油漆作保护的桶。

24、How can I remove the rust from the iron door? ─── 我怎样才能把铁门上的锈除掉呢?

25、As rust is to iron,so is laziness to man. ─── 懒惰对于人好比铁生了锈。

26、We have developed a steel that will not rust. ─── 我们已经研制出一种不会生锈的钢。

27、There's a proverb that goes, @Idleness is the rust of the mind. ─── 俗云:“游手好闲使心智生锈。”

28、As if to prove her point, Wirasinghe brings out the rusted shell of an electric sewing machine. ─── 蚀了的电动缝纫机外壳,就好像要证明她话中的含义似的。

29、The rusted prow of the R.M.S. Titanic is lit by an exploratory vehicle. ─── 探照灯照亮了铁达尼号那锈迹斑斑的船舷.

30、Water had got in and rusted the engine. ─── 发动机进水生锈了。

31、Oh! The chain is rusted and stuck. ─── 哦!链条锈得咬住了。

32、The old padlock was red with rust. ─── 旧挂锁已经锈红了。

33、Better to wear out than to rust out. ─── 与其锈掉,不如用坏

34、We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust. ─── 我们保证5年不生锈。

35、I guess dampness at sea may be the cause of rust. ─── 我猜想海上潮湿可能是生锈的原因。

36、The rust must be filled in so that traffic can pass. ─── 必须把这些车辙填平,以便车辆通过。

37、My bike has rusted and needs oil. ─── 我的自行车生锈了, 需要上油。

38、Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week. ─── 星期天能去掉一个星期的锈迹。

39、Stainless steel does not rust. ─── 不锈钢不会生锈。

40、There are rust spots on some of the rollers. ─── 有些滚筒上有锈斑。

41、The mower is covered with rust . ─── 割草机布满了锈。

42、Without practice her tennis will rust. ─── 如不经常练习,她的网球将会荒废。

43、It'll rust if you leave it out in the rain. ─── 如果你让它淋雨,它会生锈的。

44、The rims of my bicycle have rusted away. ─── 我的自行车钢圈生锈了。

45、Covered with rust it was, the wretched thing! ─── 一身锈得像生疮。 这东西多坏多狡猾!

46、I must repair the boot of my car because rust is eating away the metal. ─── 我必须修理一下我汽车的行李箱,因为铁锈正在腐蚀着金属。

47、She scraped the rust off the kitchen knife. ─── 她擦掉了菜刀上的锈。

48、Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. ─── 懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体。

49、and rusted the engine. ─── 发动机进水生锈了。

50、In the room there was a huge stove overlaid with rust. ─── 房间中有一个长满了锈的大炉子。

51、Will you try to scour the rust off ? ─── 你能想办法刷掉锈迹吗?

52、A scale of rust covered the steel plate. ─── 一层铁锈覆盖了钢板。

53、Solid golden rust in different shadings. ─── 不同深浅的纯金锈色。

54、If you leave your metal tools outside in the rain, they will rust. ─── 如果你在雨天把金属工具放在外面,它们会生锈的。

55、Not bad.Introduce how remove the rust in water? ─── 不错嘛,介绍一下水里捞的锈如何除?

56、Sloth, like rust, consumers faster than labor wears. ─── 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。

57、Idleness is the rust of the mind. ─── 懒惰使脑筋锈烂。

58、I finally found the watch I lost,but it was so badly rusted that it was not worth a red cent. ─── 我终于找到我遗失的表,但是它已生锈得厉害而一文不值了。

59、Plastics do not rust like metal. ─── 塑胶不像金属那样会生锈。

60、If iron is left exposed to damp air, it will rust away to powder. ─── 如果铁暴露于潮湿空气之下就会慢慢生锈腐蚀成碎末的。

61、Do not let your mind rust during the vacation. ─── 不要让你的脑子在假期里变迟钝。

62、Use an adjustable strap-wrench to remove over-tight or rusted caps. ─── 使用活动套筒扳手来卸开过紧或生锈的帽子。

63、Rust has eaten out the sword. ─── 剑已经生锈了。

64、She looked liked a wounded soldier, carrying her rusted rifle walking weakly. ─── 她看起来就像个受伤的士兵,挎着生锈的步枪有气无力地走着。

65、Several months later Brearley noticed that while most of the rejected specimens had rusted, one had not. ─── 几个月后,布里尔利注意到大部分废弃的实验样品生锈了,但有一种没有。

66、To loose a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes. ─── 对付生锈的锁头:用一块沾有可乐的毛巾擦生锈部分几分钟即可;

67、Have you noticed that some metals rust and some don't? ─── 你是否注意到有些金属会生锈,有些则不会?

68、As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart. ─── 忧能伤人,如同锈能食铁。

69、It is better to wear out than rust out. ─── 与其懒死, 不如累死。

70、Use a special cap wrench or adjustable strap-wrench to remove over tightened or rusted caps. ─── 使用专门的阀门帽扳手或活动扳手来卸开过紧或生锈的帽子。

71、The single window was protected by a rusted iron grille. ─── 惟一的一扇窗前由一个生锈的铁栅栏所围护。

72、How can we keep these objects free from rust? ─── 我们可以怎样预防下列物品生锈?

73、Made of strong strength MDF, never rusted and changed. ─── 室内音柱采用高硬度木质材料制成,抗腐蚀,坚韧耐用,永不变形;

74、It is quite evident that the cause of the rust is due to poor workmanship. ─── 显然锈损是因做工粗劣造成的。

75、Don't let your mind rust during the summer vacation. ─── 在暑期中别让你的脑子生锈。

76、Don't let your talents rust. ─── 不要糟蹋你的才华。

77、The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink. ─── 成年累月的水滴腐蚀了水池中的金属塞子。

78、Iron exposed to damp air will rust. ─── 放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。

79、A six-year layoff has not rusted his technique. ─── 他待业6 年,但技术并未荒废。

80、The oxygen did not build up in the atmosphere for a long time, since it was absorbed by rocks that could be easily oxidized (rusted). ─── 所以氧气并不能在空气中堆积很长时间,因为它被易氧化的石头吸收了。

81、She read extensively to keep her mind from rust. ─── 她广泛阅读以防止脑子迟钝。

82、NO.3: Sloth, like rust, consumes faster. ─── 懒惰象生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。

83、The certificate indicates that some of the rollers are rust . ─── 商检证书上表明有些滚筒生锈了。

84、I can't get these screws out; they've rusted in. ─── 我无法取出这些螺丝, 它们都锈住了。

85、He was too lazy to exert himself and rusted out long before his time. ─── 他懒得萎靡不振,因此早就未老先衰了。

86、The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought-iron fence. ─── 这个小墓地被一道生锈的锻铁栅栏围着。

87、Rust a is a riddle wrap in a mystery inside an enigma. ─── 俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷葫芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。

88、A nice oxtail,but it hasn't been moved rust. ─── 一把落单的漂亮牛尾,没做除锈处理之前.

89、Can you cover the risk of rust for us? ─── 您能为我们投保生锈险吗?

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