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09-19 投稿


licentiate 发音

英:[laɪˈsenʃiət]  美:[laɪˈsenʃiət]

英:  美:

licentiate 中文意思翻译



licentiate 词性/词形变化,licentiate变形

licentiate 相似词语短语

1、centiare ─── n.平方米

2、licentious ─── adj.放肆的;放纵的

3、licentiation ─── n.领有开业证书的人;未就任的有资格牧师(licentiate的变形)

4、licentiates ─── n.持有开业执照者;高级硕士学位;未就任的有资格牧师

5、potentiate ─── vt.加强;赋与力量;n.统治者

6、distantiate ─── v.保持心理距离

7、laciniate ─── adj.有穗边的;[生物]呈锯齿状的

8、licente ─── adj.被允许的

9、licentiateship ─── 具有开业资格(licentiate的变形)

licentiate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery ─── 内科及外科学硕士, 有执照的内外科医生, 有内外科开业证书的医生

2、Licentiate of the Art of Obstetrics ─── 产科学硕士, 产科开业证持有人

3、Licentiate of the King and Queen's College of Physicians of Ireland ─── 爱尔兰皇家内科医师学会开业证书持有者

4、a licentiate in dental surgery ─── 领有牙外科开业执照的医生.

5、Aeropus licenti ─── n. 李氏大足蝗

6、Licentiate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ─── 领有内外科医师学会开业证书者

7、Araneus licenti ─── n. 利氏园蛛

8、As senior examiner he conducted graded and licentiate music examinations country wide for the past 36 years. ─── 他作为高级审查员在过去36年对全国范围内的音乐考试进行等级评定以及证书审核。

9、He went on to earn a masters degree in business administration, a Licentiate degree in management and a PhD in management from the University of Ume?, where he began his teaching career. ─── 随后,他又在于默奥大学(University of Ume?)先后获得工商管理硕士学位(MBA)、管理学副博士(Licentiate)学位和管理学博士学位,并在那里开始了他的教学生涯。

10、A licentiate in medicine ─── 有医师开业资格者

11、Gnaphosa licenti ─── n. 利氏平腹蛛

12、He had learned from a young licentiate in law, an habitual frequenter of the courts, that Thenardier was in close confinement. ─── 他从一个经常在法院接待室里走动的实习律师嘴里听到说德纳第已下了监狱。

13、Licentiate in Sanitary Science ─── 环境卫生学硕士, 卫生学证书获得者

14、Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada ─── 领有加拿大医学委员会开业执照的医生, 加拿大医学会硕士

15、licentiate in dental surgery ─── 领有牙外科开业执照的人

16、Licentiate of Medicine [L Med] ─── 内科执照

17、licentiate in pharmacy ─── 有执照的药剂师, 有证药师

18、Licentiate in Surgery ─── 外科学硕士

19、licentiate in medicine ─── 内科学硕士, 领内科开业证书者, 有执照的开业医生, 有资格开业的医师, 有开业证书的医生

20、Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College of Physicians ─── 皇家内科医师学会助产士开业证书持有者, 有皇家内科医师学会开业证书的助产士

21、In the hall there was a decorated sedan-chair, and beside it a canopy inscribed with Senior Licentiate Yan's official rank. ─── 老头子一辈子天不怕地不怕,到了老年反倒怕起自己的女儿来。

22、Trinity College London (LTCL) in Compositional Techniques in 1995. ─── 圣三一音乐学院作曲技法高级文凭。

23、Licentiate in Dental Science ─── 牙科学硕士, 有开业证书的牙科医生

24、Licentiate of Pharmacy ─── 药学硕士

25、During the same period, he completed his master's degree in philosophy at the University of Ottawa and licentiate at st. ─── 在同一时期,他还获得了渥太华大学的哲学硕士学位和圣保罗大学的硕士学位。

26、He had learned from a young licentiate in law, an habitual frequenter of the courts, that Thenardier was in close confinement. ─── 他从一个经常在法院接待室里走动的实习律师嘴里听到说德纳第已下了监狱。

27、the case of a disciplined licentiate that is a corporation or a partnership, the order may be made against the licensed corporate entity or licensed partnership. ─── 惩戒的执照持有人是公司或合伙企业,那么该命令的制定则有可能与持证法人实体或持证合伙企业相悖。

28、He got his Licentiate, Trinity College London (LTCL) in Compositional Techniques in 1995. ─── 九五年考获英国圣三一音乐学院作曲技法高级文凭。

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