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09-19 投稿


hazed 发音

英:[heɪzd]  美:[heɪzd]

英:  美:

hazed 中文意思翻译





hazed 词性/词形变化,hazed变形

动词过去式: hazed |动词第三人称单数: hazes |动词过去分词: hazed |动词现在分词: hazing |名词: hazer |

hazed 相似词语短语

1、haed ─── int.(表示惊异,愉快,怀疑,胜利等)哈;(笑声)哈;(认为某事并不可笑)哈;abbr.公顷(hectare);n.(Ha)(美)哈(人名)

2、fazed ─── adj.仓皇失措的,焦虑不安的;v.(非正式)打扰,(使)慌乱(faze的过去式及过去分词)

3、haded ─── n.偃角(矿脉与垂直面所成的斜角);vi.矿井断层等倾斜

4、hared ─── v.飞跑,疾走(hare的过去式及过去分词);n.(Hared)(美)海勒德(人名)

5、gazed ─── vi.凝视;注视(gaze的过去式和过去分词)

6、hated ─── vt.憎恨;厌恶;遗憾;vi.仇恨;n.憎恨;反感;n.(Hate)人名;(法)阿特

7、hawed ─── n.山楂,山楂果;吆喝牲畜左转;瞬膜;vi.向左转;vt.使向左转;n.(Haw)人名;(英)霍

8、haled ─── v.猛拉;迫使;拖曳(hale的过去分词)

9、dazed ─── adj.头昏的;茫然的;vt.使眩晕;使惶惑(daze的过去式)

hazed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Titan(5,150 kilometers across) is surrounded by a thick photochemical haze which scatters the Sun's light. ─── 土星环由于不是连续,有很多裂缝,因此泰坦在环后也能从环中看见。

2、The city hung its pale globes of light above them in a haze of summer evening. ─── 在他们头上,在夏夜迷蒙的暮色中,一盏盏圆形路灯闪烁着淡白的光影。

3、The fields on either bank seemed veiled in a thin grey haze as they slept in the moonlight. ─── 两岸沉睡的田野在月光下像是罩着一层淡灰色的轻烟。

4、Candidates are often grilled, almost hazed, by other members of the group and its leader. ─── 在他身上很少看到名牌,衣服只要求棉质舒适;

5、He seemed alert in the foreground, But the Background was like the Midlands atmosphere, haze, smoky mist. ─── 在外表上看来,他好象是精明活泼的,但是在背面,他便同米德兰一带的气氛似的,烟雾沉沉。

6、A day's journey brought them to the coastal plain,which stretched away to a distant blue haze. ─── 他们走了一天,来到一直延伸到远方蓝色雾中的海岸平原。

7、Here and there, little breezes crept over the polished waters beneath the haze of heat. ─── 在暑热烟霭的下面,一阵阵微风拂过亮光闪闪的水面。

8、He saw a face in a red haze, moonlike, bigger than the full moon, the owner of it half again his size. ─── 在火红的烟雾里,他看到一张圆脸,象月亮似的,但比满月还大,圆脸的主人比他高一大半。

9、He pointed ahead through the haze to a darker smudge on the horizon. ─── 他向前指着,穿过层层薄雾,指向地平线上一个小黑点。

10、The surreal blue haze that hangs over the region is a fine mist of volatile oil given off by eucalyptus trees. ─── 在这一地区的上空弥漫着梦幻般的蓝色霾雾,是桉树叶散发的桉树油蒸腾形成的。

11、She was hazed when first entering her boyfriend's house by his mother. ─── 当她第一次登她男友家门时,他的母亲就给了她一个下马威。

12、The haze in financial crisis have not abreaction during, achieve congenial compose to make why to plan? ─── 在金融危机的阴霾尚未消散之际,创投机构作何打算?

13、I danced with him for hours in a haze of vodka and tonic. ─── 在伏特加和兴奋剂的迷惑下,我和他跳了几个小时的舞。

14、I saw him through a haze of, drugs, pain and the dreamy unreality that this could be happening to me. ─── 在药物和疼痛的作用下,透过朦胧的双眼,我看到了他,那景象就如同虚幻的梦境,我也不肯定自己究竟看到了什么。

15、Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along. ─── 在海滩钻石般闪烁的烟霭中某种黑乎乎的东西正在摸索前来。

16、Even more immediately, Riau, for example, is suffering a localised haze at the moment. ─── 例如,最近廖内正遭受本地化雾霾困扰。

17、Beijing had 10 hazy days in December, the report said without saying how bad the haze was. ─── 北京在12月份有10天发生霾害,但报导未说明霾害程度。

18、In air they can cause eye and lung irritation, damage to vegetation, offensive odor, and thick haze. ─── 在空气中他们能引起眼睛或肺部发炎,毁坏植物生长,形成令人讨厌的气味和浓雾。

19、Do you think haze is caused by heat? ─── 你认为尘雾是由热度所造成的吗?

20、Don't haze the new roommate, he's my cousin. ─── 别戏弄新来的室友,他是我表弟。

21、The opposite shore of the great river looked dull in a blue haze. ─── 大河的对岸在蓝色的烟雾中显得晦暗模糊。

22、Through an inebriated haze, the icon looked like a tulip. ─── 在醉意朦胧中,那个标记看上去像是郁金香。

23、He gaped vaguely at the haze in the distance. ─── 他茫然地凝视着远处的烟雾。

24、Haze was classified according to FDA standard. ─── PRK术后按美国FDA标准主观评定角膜混浊。

25、The singer's eyes hazed over and she sank down in a dead faint. ─── 女歌手的眼睛模糊起来,颓然倒下昏迷了过去。

26、You see only the thin blue haze, like smoke, which is the dividing line between the heavens and the earth. ─── 你只难看到像烟一样的细细的一片蓝色的薄雾,这就是天和地之间的分界线了。

27、Low haze,reusable;Used for glazing paint surface of various board. ─── 低雾度,可重复使用多次;用于各种板材漆膜上光。

28、A breeze stirred the gray haze of Daisy's fur collar. ─── 一阵微风吹动了黛西的毛茸茸的灰皮领子。

29、Natural cucumber and witch hazed extract , 3minutes desalinate undereye, relieve eye fatigue and eye swelling. ─── 天然青瓜及金缕梅萃取精华,3分钟淡化黑眼圈,能舒缓眼部疲劳及消除眼浮肿。

30、My garden was hazed over by endless mists of blue. ─── 无边的蓝色薄雾让我的花园变得雾蒙蒙的。

31、In the distance, he caught a glimpse of something blue shimmering through the haze of plum blossoms. ─── 他无意间抬起头,看见前面远远地有蓝色的东西晃动。 他披开下垂的树枝向那个地方走去。

32、For the sea catch one, we put emphasis on hazed analysis of the chemical additive in the raw material. ─── 对于海捕的水产品原料的收购监控,我们侧重考虑化学添加剂在原料中的潜在危害。

33、I couldn't see her through the haze of smoke. ─── 在烟雾弥漫中, 我看不见她。

34、A haze lay over Casablanca on the 12th and 13th. ─── 12和13两日霾雾笼罩卡萨布兰卡。

35、Charlotte Haze: Hum, you just touch me and I. I. I go as limp as a noodle. It scares me. ─── 嗯,你抚摸我,我,我,我软得像面条了,真可怕。亨伯特:我知道那种感觉。

36、He's been hazed by drinking. ─── 他已喝得糊里糊涂了。

37、On the horizon over the distant haze could be seen the peak of the mysterious Mount Chilai. ─── 地平线上远方烟岚的上方(我们)可以看到神秘的奇莱山的峰顶。

38、Wuhan's biggest advantage over sunnier sites near the coast is the lower amount of haze and pollution. ─── 与长江沿岸更为晴朗的地方相比,武汉的最大优势在于较少的雾气和污染。

39、He often lives in a haze of whisky. ─── 他常常是在威士忌的懵懂醉意中度过的。

40、Almost immediately, the woman appeared in a haze of perfume, giggling and swaying her hips. ─── 可是那浑身异香的女人早就笑吟吟地袅着腰肢出来了。

41、The sky had an eerie yellow-orange hue, with the sun glowing behind a peculiar haze. ─── 天空呈现出怪诞的橘黄色调,太阳隐在一层奇异的雾霭后透出昏黄的光晕。

42、A haze rested on the low shores that ran out to sea in vanishing flatness . ─── 却见那低平的海岸线,沿海伸展,渐渐消失,上面静静地飘着一层薄雾。

43、The stars hazed over as a large cloud covered the night sky. ─── 一大片云遮住了夜空,这时星星变得朦胧起来。

44、A woman photographs the Opera House through the haze. ─── 一个在沙尘暴中拍摄歌剧院的女子。

45、He struck a match and breathed a haze of bright blue smoke. ─── 他点燃了一根火柴,吸了一口明亮的蓝色烟雾。

46、He gaped vaguely at the thick haze in the distance. ─── 他茫然地盯着远处浓厚的烟雾。

47、A waxy cloud or haze appears in the liquid. ─── 在液体中出现蜡点或混浊。


49、Remember, the police will haze their eye on you the moment you come out of prison. ─── 你一出狱警察就会盯住你。

50、A haze of blue appeared before her, hanging over the slope. ─── 一团蓝色烟雾在她面前出现,悬浮在山坡上。

51、Before that time, a haze of neutral hydrogen gas shrouded these first beacons in the infant cosmos. ─── 再往前推进,则是一团团中性氢气所形成的薄雾,包裹著早期宇宙中第一批诞生的恒星。

52、Today is the day for you to start cutting through the haze and really seeing the surrounding for what they are. ─── 今天对于你来说是穿越迷雾阴霾并且真正地看清楚周围环境究竟为如何的一天。

53、He was filled with a mellow haze of intoxication. ─── 他心中充满一种甜美的朦胧醉意。

54、O. system for water purification, microbe and trihalomethane (THM) reduction and haze clarification. ─── O.系统作为净化水份,减少微生物与三卤甲烷( (THM)的设备。

55、The great Rock of Gibraltar finally loomed out of its concealing haze. ─── 伟大之直布罗陀堡垒最后从隐蔽的霞雾中出现。

56、Visibility was only moderate in the haze. ─── 在迷雾中,可见度是有限的。

57、His eyes hazed when he thought of her. ─── 他想起她来时,眼前一片模糊。

58、He was trying to forget in a self pitying haze that deepened day by day. ─── 他在一天浓似一天的自哀自怜的迷雾中努力忘却痛苦。

59、For the farm raised raw material, we put emphasis on hazed analysis of the antibiotics and chemical additive in the raw material. ─── 对于养殖的水产品原料的收购监控,我们侧重考虑抗生素残留和化学添加剂在原料中的潜在危害。

60、He was hazed by Tom's satire. ─── 汤姆的讥讽令他十分窘迫。

61、They call their crop Purple Haze. ─── 他们称之为“紫色海斯”。

62、But independent reports said a stubborn gray haze shrouded Beijing throughout the test period. ─── 但是独立报导则说,实验期间北京仍然笼罩在挥之不去的灰雾之中。

63、I could hardly see her through the haze of cigaret smoke. ─── 在香烟的烟雾弥漫中,我简直看不见她。

64、In the sunny haze of the languid hours, what vast vision of thine takes shape in the blue of the sky! ─── 在疲倦时光的日霭中,你广大的幻象在天空的蔚蓝中显现!

65、The old clear-cut certainties dissolved into an indeterminate haze. ─── 从前那些历历在目的事实如今已化成了模糊的迷雾。

66、I haze to see them cooped up here in simmer-it really gets me down. Just look at those flies! ─── 在家里拉夏吧,看着就焦心,看着就焦心,瞧这些苍蝇!

67、The trees were taking on a blue haze in the glorious afternoon sun. ─── 在阳光灿烂的下午,树木泛着蓝烟。

68、Urduuk turned. A thick cloud rolled rapidly across the sands, darkening the sky with a dense green haze. ─── 乌尔都克转过身去。只看见一片稠密的云雾正快速的席卷沙漠,那浓得化不开的绿色阴霾遮蔽天日。

69、Colors are muted, a jellylike haze hovers and blurs the landscape. ─── 万物的颜色都变得柔和,果冻色般的薄雾漂浮在地面上,一切都朦胧不清。

70、As a complex colloidal solution, beer has tendency to form haze or produce deposits during shelf-life. ─── 啤酒是一种成分复杂、稳定性不强的胶体溶液,在贮存过程中易产生混浊沉淀现象。

71、After a while the gray haze around it will appear to shrink! ─── 一会过后,它周围围绕的灰色雾气将会消逝殆尽。

72、It will also clean road haze from your windshield. ─── 可乐还能够清理挡风玻璃。

73、As Tanis opened the door he saw fantastic figures dancing in a haze of cigarette smoke. ─── 坦尼斯一开门,他看到香烟雾气中奇模怪样的人形在跳舞。

74、Over the course of the next few days,amidst the haze of the funeral and hundreds of visitors,Donna was 100 percent present for Mary. ─── 在以后的几天里,在忙着张罗葬礼、接待众多吊唁者的同时,唐娜一刻不离地陪伴在玛丽的身边。

75、I can hardly see her through a blue haze of smoke. ─── 一股蓝色的烟雾使我几乎看不见她。

76、The constant haze and multihued lights in its spacious interior help distract from its faded edges. ─── 在这宽敞的房间里,在这眩目的灯光下,没有人会注意到墙角和桌边早已斑斑驳驳。

77、O'Neal once told me he hated that he hazed Yao a little bit early in his career. ─── 奥尼尔曾经告诉我,他很讨厌自己在职业生涯早期对姚明有点不公平。

78、Belief systems are thoughts that reverberate back in the haze of distortion and then are perceived to be truth. ─── 信仰系统是在扭曲的薄雾中反射回来的思想,随之被看成是真相。

79、He glanced out of the window at the line of haze swinging slowly in toward the train. ─── 他向窗外瞥了一眼,那一线朦胧的薄雾在晃晃悠悠地渐渐向火车靠近。

80、Easterly winds strengthened. Haze drifted west away from Hong Kong. ─── 東風增強,煙霞隨風向西飄離香港。

81、He could see a small figure in grey flitting through the pink haze of the plum blossoms. ─── 他看见下面梅林里浅红中露出了灰色,慢慢地看出来一个人影在移动。

82、The coast was hardly distinguishablethrough the haze. ─── 从薄雾中几乎无法看清海岸。

83、As soon as you sniff the greasy, salty smell wafting from the pan everything else slips away into a happy haze. ─── 一闻到平锅飘来的那股油腻中又带咸味的香气,你的一切思绪就立即化作云雾,只记得全身轻飘飘醉醺醺的腾驾起来。

84、His eyes hazed over when he thought of her. ─── 他想起她来时,眼前一片模糊。

85、Released as a vapour at high altitude it should produce a screen of properly sized particles, even in a sky that is already hazed. ─── 在高空把硫磺酸蒸发释放,即使是在已经充满云雾的空中,也会形成一层大小合适的微粒屏障。

86、The sky hazed over at the end of the day. ─── 傍晚时分,天空变得朦胧起来。

87、Bowman′s Layer defect can cause haze. ─── Bowman′s层缺损会引起角膜雾浊 ,haze形成。

88、Before my eyes nocturnal curtains fall, The dark and gentle haze of the night, greedily devours all. ─── 在我眼前,夜歌般地,垂下帘幕那黑暗而温柔的,夜的薄雾贪婪地吞吃了一切。

89、The foothills were looming ahead through the haze. ─── 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前。

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