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09-19 投稿


Jacques 发音

英:[ʒɑ:k,dʒeks]  美:[ʒɑ:k,dʒeks]

英:  美:

Jacques 中文意思翻译



Jacques 短语词组

1、Jacques Monod ─── [网络] 莫诺;雅克·莫诺;莫纳德

2、Jacques Bernoulli ─── [网络] 贾奎斯伯努力;杰克伯努利;白努利

3、Jacques Costeau ─── [网络] 雅克·库斯托

4、Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault ─── [网络] 雅克·阿纳托尔·弗朗索瓦·蒂博(Francois Thibault)

5、Jacques Lucien Monod ─── [网络] 杰克斯·卢西恩·莫诺德;莫诺;莫奈

6、Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles ─── [网络] 雅克·亚历山大·塞萨尔·查尔斯(Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles)

7、Jacques Cartier ─── [网络] 卡迪尔;雅克卡蒂埃;法国探险家卡蒂埃

8、Jacques Germain Soufflot ─── [网络] 雅克斯·苏弗洛;苏夫洛;法国建筑师舒飞罗特

9、Anne Robert Jacques Turgot ─── [网络] 杜尔哥;雅克·杜尔哥;蒂尔戈

10、Jacques Francois Antoine Ibert ─── [网络] 伊贝尔

11、Jacques Charles ─── [网络] 查理

12、Jacques Loeb ─── [网络] 雅克洛布;没有受过洛布;洛伊布

13、Jacques Lipchitz ─── [网络] 普希茨;利普契兹;李波西兹

14、Jacques Etienne Montgolfier ─── [网络] 艾帝安

15、Jacques Marquette ─── [网络] 马凯特;雅克玛库特;马尔凯特

16、Georges Jacques Danton ─── [网络] 乔治·雅克·丹东;丹顿;丹敦

17、Jacques Louis David ─── [网络] 大卫;雅克·路易·大卫;达维特

18、Jacques Derrida ─── [网络] 德里达;德希达;雅克·德里达

19、coquilles Saint-Jacques ─── [网络] coquilles圣雅克

Jacques 相似词语短语

1、macaques ─── n.猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猿

2、Basques ─── n.巴斯克;巴斯克人;adj.巴斯克人的

3、caciques ─── n.领袖,酋长

4、sacques ─── n.宽大上衣

5、lacquers ─── n.(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料(lacquer的复数形式)

6、racquets ─── n.网拍式墙球(racquet的复数)

7、lacqueys ─── n.仆从;侍从;走狗;vt.侍候(等于lackey)

8、Jaques ─── n.杰奎斯(莎士比亚喜剧《皆大欢喜》中的哲人)

9、Jacques ─── n.雅克(男子名)

Jacques 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Of course it was. What else could it be, a kitten? ─── 克鲁索:他当然是一个男人或女人,难道还能是别的,一只小猫?

2、Salut, Jacques. ─── 你好,雅克。

3、Inside the laboratory, engineer Jean Jacques Chaillout, says they have developed a material that creates electric energy after being hit by rain drops. ─── 在实验室里工程师说,他们已经发展,可以由雨滴创造出的电能。

4、French President Jacques Chirac got a birthday cake from his Latvian host but no surprise visit from Russian President Vladimir Putin to mark his 74th birthday. ─── 为了彰显他74岁的生日,法国总统席哈克从他的拉脱维亚东道主手中获得一个生日蛋糕,但却少了俄罗斯总统普廷的惊喜造访。

5、The Vengeance and Jacques Three vied with each other in their fervent protestations that she was the most admirable and marvellous of witnesses. ─── 复仇女神和雅克三号彼此争先恐后地肯定她是最值得尊重,也是最精彩的证人。

6、Jacques Penhirin is a principal in the Greater China office of McKinsey and Company, the management consultancy. ─── 大中华区主合伙人。

7、Inspector Jacques Clouseau: It's true. My surprises, they are rarely unexpected. ─── 克鲁索:是的。我很惊讶,他们都没意料到。

8、The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. It was a bed to end all beds, almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. ─── 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。那床巨大无比,简直和网球场一样大,像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实。

9、Jacques Lacan, as a post-psychoanalyst, the post-modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable. ─── 拉康作为后精神分析学家,其理论的后现代指向性是显而易见的。

10、In that same juncture of time when the Fifty-Two awaited their fate Madame Defarge held darkly ominous council with The Vengeance and Jacques Three of the Revolutionary Jury. ─── 在五十二个人等待着自己的命运的同时,德伐日太太召集复仇女神和革命陪审团的陪审员雅克三号开了一个阴暗不祥的会。

11、Underwater Exploration Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small, two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau’s oceanic ship Calypso. ─── Photograph by Luis Marden 意译:海底探险。两位法国男子潜水员,沿着海岸进入丹尼斯海域,潜入深水中接近一艘科考用的海洋船(Calypao)号。

12、Protest organizers urged president jacques chirac on saturday to prevent the law from taking effect as expected in april. ─── 周六,抗议活动的组织者要求希拉里总统阻止这项法律的生效。原定计划的生效时间是四月份。

13、After several years, Enzo and Jacques had grown up, Johanna, a young clerk in a security office, has to go to Peru. ─── 听着丈夫作的曲子,往昔的他时时浮现在眼前,痛苦总是缠绕在她心头,使她无法超脱。

14、"Differrance", a concept proposed by Jacques Derrida, indicates that what a signifier refers is actually an illusory presence rather than the signified itself. ─── 德里达提出的“延异”概念指出,能指所指涉的事物只是一个虚幻的在场,而不是事物本身。

15、Jacques Derrida*s literature of destructuralism revolts to the traditional literature of essentialism, and provides a new pathway to understand for us. ─── 德里达的文学理论是对传统的本质主义的文学观的反叛,为我们提供了一条重新认识文学的新路。

16、Sciatic Nerve Palsy After Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Patient Receiving Continuous Lumbar Plexus Block (Case Report) Bruce Ben-David, Rama Joshi, and Jacques E. ─── 全髋关节成形术后持续腰神经丛阻滞发生坐骨神经麻痹(病例报告)

17、In the early 1700s, Jacques de Vaucanson[?] created an android that played the flute, as well as a mechanical duck that reportedly ate and defecated. ─── 在1700年早期,JacquesdeVaucanson[?]造了吹奏长笛的机器人,以及据说吃和净化的机器鸭子。

18、Do we ever remember that somewhere above the sky in some child's dream perhaps Jacques Cartier is still sailing, always on his way always about to discover a new Canada? ─── 把我们永远铭记,在某地的蓝天上,或许梦见有一些孩子们,雅克·卡阿蒂还要远航,他永远在途中,永远,在附近发现一个新的加拿大?

19、In 1997, Michael Schumacher was penalised his second place in the championship after he tried to take out Jacques Villeneuve at the European Grand Prix. ─── 在1997年,麦克尔舒马赫由于在欧洲大奖赛上尝试撞击维伦纽夫,被取消他的年终第二名。

20、It is just on this point that Jacques Derrida has had fundamental conflicts with Husserl. ─── 德里达恰恰在这一点上与胡塞尔发生根本冲突。

21、Not only was her own life in danger, but also that of her son Jacques and her little daughter Jacqueline. ─── 不仅她自己的生命有危险,她的儿子杰克斯、小女儿杰奎琳也处于同样的危险之中。

22、Johanna can not believe what she sees and gets very interested in Jacques but she's unable to get acquainted with him. ─── 他出于好意将此乐谱在媒体中广为传播,并无意中将这乐谱创作的原由告诉了朱莉。

23、Jacques Cousteau invented scuba machine which _______________ under water for a long time. ─── ( Jacques Cousteau发明了潜水机,它能让人们在水下呼吸很长的时间。

24、Jacques Lacan presented a theory of "the Mirror Stage", and made the paradoxical problems seemed more serious through developing the subject philosophically. ─── 拉康提出“镜像阶段”说,发展并“哲学化”了其中的主体问题,同时也使其中的悖论更为突出;

25、A French manufacturer of hoops, Jacques de Saint-Phalle, was afraid the church might notice and object. ─── 在法国,有个名叫雅克·德·圣-法尔的呼拉圈制造商,深恐会引起教会的注意和反对。

26、Former NHL (National Hockey League) coach Jacques Demers, who admitted he couldn't read or write for most of his life, has now been appointed to the Senate in Ottawa, Canada. ─── 前北美冰球联盟的教练德米尔曾坦承自己是个文盲,但他最近被任命为加拿大渥太华的参议员。

27、Legendary French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau examines a school of fish swimming past coral in the Indian Ocean. ─── 富有传奇色彩的法国海洋学家雅克?库斯托检测了从印度洋珊瑚经过的鱼群。

28、Gernet, Jacques 1962, "Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion 1250-1276", London: Ruskin House. ─── 傅筑夫,1980。"中国经济史论丛",北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店。

29、Customers shop at the Jacques Torres Chocolate Heaven store on February 13, 2008 in New York City. ─── 2月13日,顾客在纽约一家商店购买情人节“心”型巧克力。

30、Christian - Jacques HEYER - French National, is executive consultant of ARS.Mr. ─── 基督教Heyer雅克-法国国民、常务顾问ARS.

31、"You should teach that horse to carry the milk to the front door for you," Jacques told him. ─── “你应该教马替你把牛奶送到门口前,”卜贾克对他说。

32、"We respect the Thai justice system," said Jacques Lauer, deputy chief of mission at the embassy in Bangkok. ─── “我们尊重泰国的法律系统.

33、The light of the lamp would enable anyone careful enough to see that a look of nervous anxiety disappeared from Jacques' face. ─── 那灯光足以使目光敏锐的人注意到雅克脸上那紧张的神色消失了。

34、I'm staying at the Hotel St. Jacques on Pierre Street. ─── 我们住在皮埃尔大街的圣雅克旅馆。

35、By the early 20th century, his three grandsons, Louis, Jacques, and Pierre, were successfully managing Cartier boutiques in Paris, London, and New York. ─── 从20世纪初开始,他的三个孙子:路易斯,雅克和皮埃尔,一直成功地经营管理着卡地亚在巴黎、伦敦和纽约时装店。

36、Title: Jacques Derrida, Paul Ricoeur, And The Marginalization Of Christianity: Can The God Of Presence Be Saved? ─── 关键词:基督教的边缘化;出场;正义;礼物体制;信仰-伦理关系

37、However, Gallic honor was saved by Jacques Waynberg, director of the French Institute of sexology, who said the expectations in France were simply higher than elsewhere. ─── 但是法国性学研究所所长魏恩伯保住了法国人的尊严,表示法国人只是期望比其他地方高。

38、In China's rise, Jacques tends to see menace, albeit of a cultural rather than a militaristic nature. ─── 对于中国的崛起,雅克倾向于视之为威胁,但他认为这种威胁存在于文化层面,而不具有军国主义性质。

39、Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Without warning, I will attack you. In this way, I will keep you vigilant and alert. ─── 克鲁索:我不事先警告就袭击你,这样,我会让你变得机警些。

40、"Helen of Troy" starred Rossana Podesta and Jacques Sernas. ─── “特洛伊的海伦”由RossanaPodesta和JacquesSernas担纲主演。

41、Jacques tasted one and nodded his approval. ─── 雅克品尝了一个并点头表示赞许。

42、Earlier this month agency official Jacques Arnould said: "Often they are made to the Gendarmerie, which provides an official witness statement and some come from airline pilots. ─── "这个月早些时候,机构官员Jacques Arnould说过:"通常那些报告由宪兵队上报,它们提供了一个官方的目击陈述而一些报告来自于航空飞行员们.

43、Andrew Jamison: “Globalization and the Revival of Traditional Knowledge”.In Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbaek and Jacques Hersh (eds) (2000): Globalization and Social Change. ─── 17 西方有不少学者持这种观点,认为伊斯兰复兴不过是想以另一种方式替代西方的方式,以伊斯兰自己的方式实现全球化。

44、The U. N. food agency's Director-General Jacques Diouf said the time for talk is over and that action is urgently needed. ─── 联合国粮农组织总干事雅克.迪乌夫表示,夸夸其谈的时候已经过去了,现在需要马上行动起来。

45、From Orly airport take Orlyval to Anthony, then RER B to Gare du Nord and take metro line 5 to Jacques Bonsergent. ─── 如果太迟取消或更改预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

46、Jean Jacques Theophile Schloesing proves that nitrification is a biological process in the soil by using chloroform vapors to inhibit the production of nitrate. ─── Jean Jacques Theophile Schloesing通过使用氯仿蒸汽抑制了硝酸盐的生成,从而证明了硝化作用是土壤中的一个生物学作用。

47、Leavey Jr., Gregory L.Ulmer, Derrida, Jacques. ─── 作者所著图书 Glassary 作者 John P.

48、Jacques Delors wants a system set up to channel funds to the poor countries. ─── 雅克·迪洛斯想要建立一种体制,以便调拨资金帮助穷国。

49、Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC, said Bolt's unsportsmanlike showboating and his failure to congratulate his competitors were regrettable. ─── 我认为在比赛一结束的时候他应该尊重其他选手,跟他们握握手、拍拍肩膀,而不是像100米决赛结束后那样做出各种动作。

50、At Jacques Torres Chocolates,the New York company owned by the former pastry chef at the restaurant Le Cirque 2000,the big seller is Wicked Hot Chocolate. ─── 在纽约,有一家叫做雅克托里斯的巧克力公司。公司老板以前是LeCirque2000饭店的甜品师。他的店里有一款名叫威克德的热巧克力最出名。

51、Her mother's paleness was visible, and Jacques' hands were clasped too tightly around his knee. ─── 她妈妈的脸变得煞白,杰克斯的双手过紧地抓着膝盖。

52、Guide the illustrious Inspector Jacques Lamont as he gets on the tail of these rascals. ─── 但现在,她想获得某种形式的新体验!

53、After the logic of this concept has been pointed, Jacques Derrida emphasizes that true forgiveness consists in forgiving the unforgivable without power and calculation. ─── 你能真的不在算计的考虑上、不盗用“宽恕”之名进行纯粹的、宽宏大量、心胸大度的宽恕吗?

54、My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder. ─── 我的狗雅克趴在我的肩头流口水。

55、The Defarges, husband and wife, The Vengeance, and Jacques Three, were in the first press, and at no great distance from him in the Hall. ─── 德伐日夫妇、复仇女神和雅克三号第一批到达,站在大厅里距离那老头儿不远处。

56、"It would appear that these practices occur elsewhere in France," Jacques Dallest, the state prosecutor in Marseille, told the AFP news agency. ─── “这可以表明这些事情也发生在法国其它地方”马赛的州检查官雅克-德利士得,对法新社说。

57、TJI asks: What do you think of the theory that UFOs are really military technology presently being used for experiments in psychological warfare, as outlined by Jacques Vallee? ─── TJI问:你怎么看待的理论飞碟真的军事技术目前被用于实验的心理战,所概述的雅克谷?

58、The other news concerns BMW Sauber, where Jacques Villeneuve is apparently indisposed after his accident in Germany. ─── 受到新闻关注的还有宝马-索伯车队。在德国站的事故之后,雅克-维伦纽夫的身体无疑是不舒服的。

59、President Saakashvili picked Zurabishvili, as new acting Georgian Foreign Minister after he cleared the appointment with French President Jacques Chirac. ─── 图为萨洛梅·祖拉比希维里2004年2月24日接受采访的资料照片。

60、Station -- by Antonio.Pinto &Jacques. ─── [原声大碟]中央车站 Central.

61、He signed his name the French way, Jacques, which spelled phonetically in its English pronunciation, was Jack. ─── 他签名时采用法语方式“Jacques”,按英语发音拼写出来便是“Jack”。

62、Jacques Hadamard",,"The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain. ─── ","实域中两个真理之间的最短路程是通过复域.

63、As Jacques points out, China "may seem like a nation state, but its geological formation is that of a civilisation state" . ─── 正如雅克所指出的,中国“看起来像是个民族国家,但其地理组成是个文明国家。”

64、While Jean and Philippe harbor Sara from the Nazis, Jean's brother Jacques, a black marketeer, returns from prison. ─── 他们三人挣扎求存,在这个没有怜悯的社会组成一个临时家庭。

65、There happened to be no customer in the shop but Jacques Three, of the restless fingers and the croaking voice. ─── 店里碰巧没有顾客,只有那手指老抓挠着、声音低沉的雅克三号。

66、These considerations are crucial to the correct use of the bubble chart and refer to Jacques Bertin’s theory of graphic variables. ─── 与此相反,每一个数据集都有唯一一个给定的标签,经常是平常的文本名,在坐标格子中用来识别一致的事物。

67、Brent Pemberton, John W.Kelly, and Jacques Ferare. ─── 书名/作者 Production of pot roses H.

68、Stop! I can't take any more. So, what can I do for you, Jacques? ─── 别说了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗?

69、James I was the first common ruler of Scotland and England.He signed his name the French way, Jacques, which spelled phonetically in its English pronunciation, was Jack. ─── 1801年,爱尔兰议会加入大不列颠议会,被作为圣.帕特立克的十字架理所当然被并入英国国旗。

70、It is hard to imagine Jacques Delors, one of his most energetic predecessors, lying so low with the euro in such a state. ─── 很难想象最有激情的前任主席之一的戴洛(JacquesDelors)在这种状态下是如何保持低调的。

71、"Every drop, Jacques," answered Monsieur Defarge. ─── “每一滴都喝光了,雅克,”德伐日先生回答。

72、While Madame Hecquet was printing her biography of Memmie,Jean Jacques Rousseau published his seminal work,Discourse On The Origins of Inequality. ─── 在埃凯夫人出版她为梅米写的传记的同时,让·雅克·卢梭出版了产生重大影响的学术著作《论不平等的起源》。

73、And after 12 torpid years under 74-year-old President Jacques Chirac, voters are about to hand power to a fresh, dynamic younger generation. ─── 在74岁的西拉克总统迟钝的统治下过了12年之后,选民们将会将权力将给新的、有活力的、更加年经的一代领导人。

74、Jacques : Mais oui. Ici, tu es dans mon bureau. ─── 当然。就这!你在我的办公室里。

75、The first Europeans to visit its mouth were French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet in 1673. ─── 1673年第一批欧洲人法国探险家若利埃和马凯特发现河口。

76、In 1943 Jacques Cousteau and his friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine. ─── 1943年雅克·库斯托和他的朋友发明了水下呼吸器,才能使这成为可能。

77、The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed. ─── 我和雅克住的房间虽大,但是一张巨大的、铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来。

78、On Tuesday, the EU Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot said European countries that agree to take in Guantanamo detainees may eligible for financial aid. ─── 周二,欧盟司法专员雅克巴罗说愿意接收关塔纳摩囚犯的欧洲国家可以得到经济援助。

79、The room Jacques and I occupied. though large. was dwarfed by an immense feather bed.It was a bed to end all beds. almost as big as a tennis court and as thick as a bale of hay. ─── 我和雅克住的房间虽大.但是一张巨大的.铺羽毛褥垫的床却使它显得窄小起来.那床巨大无比.简直和网球场一样大.像用一捆捆干草垫起来似地那般厚实.

80、A few days later Defarge reported to his wife some news from his friend'Jacques' in the police. ─── 几天后,得法热把一些从他在警察局里的雅克朋友那儿得到的消息告诉了他妻子。

81、At Jacques Torres Chocolates, the New York company owned by the former pastry chef at the restaurant Le Cirque 2000, the big seller is Wicked Hot Chocolate. ─── 在纽约,有一家叫做雅克托里斯的巧克力公司。 公司老板以前是Lecirque2000饭店的甜品师。 他的店里有一款名叫威克德的热巧克力最出名。

82、Carmen falls in love with a security guard, Joseph Bonnaffe (Jacques Bonnaffe) durign the robbery, the two then fiercely develop a relationship of desire and fervor. ─── 她和组织其他成员在策划一宗银行劫案,并向她的导演舅父尚(尚卢.高达饰)讹称要借用他的房子拍电影,其实是和成员们匿藏在那里。

83、Monsieur Cartier; Monsieur Jacques Cartier. ─── 卡蒂埃先生; 雅克卡蒂埃先生

84、Instead, Jacques Villeneuve's accident on lap 59 set up the play that saw Michael Schumacher snatch second place from the Finn on the penultimate lap. ─── 取而代之的是,雅克-维伦纽夫在第59圈的事故造成了迈克尔-舒马赫在倒数第二圈的时候从芬兰人手中夺得了第二名的位置。

85、In China's rise, Jacques tends to see menace, albeit of a cultural rather than a militaristic nature. ─── 对于中国的崛起,雅克倾向于视之为威胁,但他认为这种威胁存在于文化层面,而不具有军国主义性质。

86、But Jacques is more on the right lines when, elsewhere in the book, he talks about competing modernities. ─── 但雅克在书中其他部分有关相互竞争的现代性的阐述更有看法。

87、The Hartford Courant -- At 16, Jonathan Jacques has gone far beyond the cute kid doing coin tricks for his uncles and aunts. ─── 哈特福报--十六岁的乔纳森杰克斯的魔术,已经远超一般可爱小孩子表演给叔叔阿姨看的钱币魔术。

88、However, Gallic honour was saved by Jacques Waynberg, director of the French Institute of Sexology, who said the expectations in France were simply higher than elsewhere. ─── 但法国性学研究所所长魏恩伯保住了法国人的尊严,表示法国人只是期望比其他地方高。

89、Centraldocinema: Ho camminato con uno Zombie - Recensione del film di Jacques Tourneur, a cura di Roberto Donati. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。






NBA最长名字穆大叔,穆大叔英文全名为:Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo,翻译成中文就是:迪肯贝-穆托姆博-穆坡伦多-穆坎巴-让-雅克-瓦穆托姆博,不过他的球衣只写着:Mutombo(穆托姆博),但他的名字的确是NBA从古到今球员中名字最长的!谁能一口气念出穆大叔?

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