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09-19 投稿


likable 发音


英:  美:

likable 中文意思翻译



likable 网络释义

adj. 可爱的

likable 短语词组

1、likable and the status seekers likable ─── 和地位寻求者

likable 词性/词形变化,likable变形

名词: likableness |

likable 相似词语短语

1、liable ─── adj.有责任的,有义务的;应受罚的;有…倾向的;易…的

2、unlikable ─── 不可爱的;不讨喜的

3、livable ─── adj.适于居住的;生活过得有价值的;宜居的;值得一过的;可勉强在一起生活的;足够维持生活的;能对付,可处理(同liveable)

4、likeable ─── adj.令人喜爱的,可爱的(等于likable)

5、clickable ─── 可以点击的

6、linable ─── 排成一直线的;成直线排列的

7、flickable ─── 轻快的

8、kickable ─── adj.可踢的

9、linkable ─── 可接受的

likable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't divide people into good and bad. In fact there are only people who are likable and those not. ─── 不要常把人分成好人和坏人,其实通常只有讨人喜欢和不讨人喜欢的人之分。

2、The ice ice is a very lovable girl, open and bright lively, is very likable, wishes the matter which she said tonight one day finally is perfect this “thought the matter becomes” words. ─── 冰冰是一个非常可爱的女孩子,开朗活泼的,很让人喜欢,祝她今晚说的事情有一天终是完满这句“心想事成”的话。

3、But respondents said she was more likable, and Biden was more of a "typical politician" . ─── 但多数人认为佩林更可爱,而拜登则是一个“典型的政客”。

4、Obama said he regretted his comment to Clinton in that debate that she was "likable enough" had been interpreted as a dig at her. ─── 上场辩论中,奥巴马评论克林顿“足够可爱”,这在后来被诠释成对她的挖苦,对此奥巴马表示道歉。

5、And with the likable Greg Kinnear in the lead role, it had a shot at being a great film. ─── 正如格雷戈.金尼尔在剧中饰演的主角,这便是一部伟大电影的致命所在。

6、"The likable no-brainer is half buoyant goof, half groaner, and all Chow." ─── 这个可爱的笨蛋就是半个开心的呆瓜,半个呻吟者,还有整个周星驰。

7、By all accounts, the exceptionally likable Bender may have been the best practice player in NBA history, but bone-on-bone pain was too much to endure. ─── 从任何方面讲,超级和蔼的本德可能是NBA历史上最好的角色球员,但是这种骨头的伤病的确是难以忍受。

8、This Beauty treatment makes Brides sensual and likaBle, But not far from innocent. ─── 这样的新娘美容,妖艳又不失纯真,讨人喜欢。

9、This character of Happy Gilmore is intense, strange, and has that edge that makes him crude yet likable, rebellious and a little scary. ─── 很难否认的是,当个别演员有如此深刻的表演,喜剧的成功就靠他了。

10、He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me. ─── 他是个胖乎乎的逗人喜欢的小家伙,他的脚不停地爬上爬下,追逐昆虫、鸟和我。

11、Zhou is also a likable teacher, as for English teacher, all of us think she is a stern teacher, We like her not greatly. ─── 周也是一位可爱的老师,至于为英语老师,我们大家认为她是一位严厉的老师,我们不很大地喜欢她。

12、She is likable enough,but very ordinary. ─── 她还算可爱,但实在没什么特别的风韵。

13、the tragic iliad,however,presents "life-as-experience":readers are asked to identify with the mind of achilles,whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero. ─── 意群训练:its subject(to use maynard mack‘s categories)is "life-as-spectacle," for readers, diverted by its various incidents,observe its hero odysseus primarily from without;

14、1.Besides, she has a likable character with good sense of humor. Although she is usually described as "boyish", I think she actually is a sensitive person. ─── 另外,也有著很可爱的性格与幽默感,虽然经常被形容为男孩子气,不过我觉得她其实是个颇敏感的人。

15、Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable genius, was a member of the Chrysler board. ─── 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔·休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。

16、Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable genius, was a member of the Chrysler board. ─── 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔·休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。

17、John Heder is amazing as the dorky but likable Napoleon Dynamite, coming out as one of the most original characters. ─── 使这部影片原本不好笑的笑话变得十分有趣,使每一句妙语富有深度。

18、Bill Hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable genius, was a member of the Chrysler board ─── 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔?休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。

19、But there is one honest, likable, average kind of guy who became a superstar. His name? Tom Hanks. ─── 但是,有一位诚实、可亲的普通人变成了超级巨星。他的名字叫做汤姆.汉克斯。

20、The little girl is so likable. ─── 这小女孩这么可爱。

21、He was remembered as a likable man, who brought calm and hilling to a nation torn by the political dirty treats known as Watergate. ─── 在人民的记忆里,他是一位深受喜爱的人,是他在水门政治丑闻后,给国家带来平静和振作。

22、With his likable features and ready smile, Fraser is already an oversized cartoon of manliness; ─── 有着讨喜的个性和随时的微笑,Fraser就已经是一位刚毅的大型卡通人物了;

23、Shriver was a likable man with a buoyant personality who brought energy and gravitas to the ticket. ─── 施赖弗是个讨人喜欢的人,性格活泼,给候选人的形象带来了几分活力和风度。

24、A talented and likable young rider ─── 一名骑术了得、讨人喜欢的年轻骑师

25、The likable no-brainer is half buoyant goof, half groaner, and all Chow. ─── 这个可爱的笨蛋就是半个开心的呆瓜,半个呻吟者,还有整个周星驰。

26、Many of the parents and teachers are always ready to award high marks to those who are obedient and likable. ─── 而且,家长和老师往往奖赏那些讨人喜欢、听话的孩子。

27、If the belief is that you are aloof and standoffish, how do you portray yourself as being a likable person over the next seven years in L.A.? ─── 问:如果人们相信你是孤僻并且冷淡的那么在未来的7年中你要怎样把自己描绘成一个可亲的人?

28、very interesting thing that Kate and William are a very likable, modern, ordinary young couple. ─── 很有趣的是,凯特和威廉非常地讨人喜欢,他们是时尚又普通的夫妇。

29、Eric Cantor, the Republican House whip, told me that he had met with the president four times already and thought him sincere and likable. ─── 艾瑞克·坎特(EricCantor),众议院的共和党纪律委员(whip),告诉我说他已经面见总统四次,并且认为他是一个诚恳的、值得喜欢的人。

30、Vince Vaughn said:“I started thinking of her when I was writing because she's not only a great actress, but she also has a quality that's very likable, very warm and appealing. ─── 文斯.沃恩:“当我写剧本的时候我就开始思考她,因为她不仅是一个伟大的演员,而且她还具有高尚的品质,那就是非常可爱,非常温暖,非常有吸引力。

31、Are you likable to strangers or do people have to get to know you? ─── 你受陌生人喜爱,或者人们需要了解你?

32、He’s hilarious because he quips about not wanting to join the ethics committee since he’s against the issue, but likable because he seems, underneath it all, to still have some form of a human heart. ─── 他欢闹是因为他由于反对这个问题而讽刺不想加入道德规范委员会,但是他依然可爱,因为在这一切之下,他似乎仍然有人心。

33、Despite his rough corners he was very likable. ─── 尽管他粗里粗气,但却讨人喜欢。

34、Hard as it may be to believe, most politicians are pretty likable folks. ─── 可能很难相信这点,但大多数政客是非常讨人喜欢的伙计。

35、Director James Quattrochi's likable indie romantic comedy, written by Pagano, boasts an impressive supporting cast including Olympia Dukakis, Jennifer Esposito, Stacy Keach and Tess Harper. ─── 当乔依知道她病能痊愈是个奇迹后,而她在信仰路上指点他,二人由友人变成恋人。

36、Her honesty on this point does not make her an immediately likable character, but it does steer this novel of a bereaved mother away from any hint of bathos. ─── 她在这方面的毫不遮掩使得大家一时间都难喜欢上她,但这并不意味着这部小说就会顺势俗套地描写一位痛失所爱的妈妈。

37、A short, dark-complected beauty.Spunky and likable. ─── 一个娇小黝黑的美女,充满活力且讨人喜欢。

38、If you talk about lovableness, Cha was also likable. ─── 说到讨好,男主角的车太贤亦要一提。

39、There is no doubt that Astrid is a very likable and precocious girl. ─── 毫无疑问,阿斯特里德是一个早熟,且讨人喜欢的姑娘。

40、Having a good self-image might make someone more likable insofar as people prefer to associate with confident, positive individuals and generally avoid those who suffer from self-doubts and insecurities. ─── 拥有良好的自我形象,也许会促使一个人在某种程度上更讨人喜欢,因为人们倾向喜欢与有自信、态度正面的人相处,而远离那些自我怀疑与缺乏安全感的人。

41、In the same mold, we work on our bodies to reach a predefined form which can be acceptable and likable to the members of the opposite sex. ─── 同样地,我们努力改造自己的身体,使之达到预定的形式(色),从而让异性接受与喜欢。

42、6.an attractive and likable young man. ─── 一个有魅力且可爱的年轻人。

43、He was a bright guy, a likable guy. ─── 他是一个聪明伶俐、讨人喜欢的家伙。

44、With its leisurely pace and unfancy filmmaking, "The Princess Diaries" is a likable throwback to an old tradition of pictures from the Disney studio. ─── 从容的节奏加上并不花哨的制作,倒更像是迪斯尼拍的传统老片.

45、He didn't preach to them, didn't pick and choose between the likable and the nasty, didn't look for any return on his kindness. ─── 他不会跟他们讲大道理,不会凭个人好恶,挑三捡四地选择帮助的对象,也不会谋求别人对他的好心以任何回报。

46、They are just naturally likable. ─── 这些人与生俱来就让你喜欢。

47、If the belief is that you're aloof and standoffish, how do you portray yourself as being a likable person over the next seven years in L.A.? ─── 问:如果人们相信你是孤僻并且冷淡的那么在未来的7年中你要怎样把自己描绘成一个可亲的人?

48、Yet where the SS makes mincemeat out of its Cobalt LS and LT mundane siblings, the low-performance HHR LT we tested emerged surprisingly as an immensely likable, rugged, unique little runabout. ─── 然而在那里的SS使肉馅走出钴LS和低温平凡的兄弟姐妹,低性能的HHR的LT我们测试出现令人惊讶的是一个极为可爱,坚固耐用,独特的小runabout。

49、that chap is your host; there's a fellow at the door; he's a likable cuss. ─── 那个家伙是你的主人;在门旁有一个家伙;他是个可爱。

50、He's so likable. ─── 他好可爱。

51、With his likable features and ready smile, Fraser is already an oversized cartoon of manliness;he shouldn't be forced to magnify that impression with a cartoonish character. ─── 因为有着讨人喜欢的外表,随时咧嘴的微笑,弗雷泽几乎已经是一个男子汉气概的卡通型人物,他不需要具备卡通型演员的那些表情,他本身就可以充分表现出卡通人物了。

52、One year abroad in an exchange program that places a likable teenager with a foreign family is usually enough to bring him to a middling-to-high degree of fluency. ─── 如果交流项目把一个易于交往的孩子安排在一个外国家庭住上一年,通常足以把他的外语水平提高到中级乃至高级的流利程度。

53、While she is a likable girl, she is difficult to work with. ─── 虽然她是个讨人喜欢的女孩,却很难与之共事。

54、a strange but likable cuss ─── 又怪又可爱的家伙

55、He's a very likable fellow. ─── 他是个非常可爱的人。

56、His hospitality is highly recommended by his friends, but is not likable to his roommate. ─── 他热情好客、广交朋友,却苦坏了他的室友。

57、A good animation, likable heroes, amusing subject and humor - here is the firm style of a series.Now you have to vozmozhnot' to play into it on the cell phone. ─── 游戏中拥有优秀的动画效果,逼真的人物造型,有趣的物品,这个版本是稳定版,现在你可以在手机上玩这个游戏了。

58、Pray tell, how to become more likable? “Be interested, not just interesting,” he said. “Likable people tend to ask you a question about yourself instead of just talking about themselves.” ─── 坦白的说,如何变得受欢迎呢?他说:“对他人感兴趣,而不仅仅是让人对你感兴趣;受欢迎的人倾向于问关于你的问题,而不是仅仅谈论他们自己。”

59、There is one honest, likable, average kind of guy who became a superstar. His name? Tom Hanks. ─── 有一位诚实、可亲的普通人变成了超级巨星。他的名字叫做汤姆·汉克斯。

60、Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable. ─── 温柔的性情友好亲切的; 脾气好的,可爱的

61、So let me offer a friendly bit of advice to this likable ogre: If you feel you're losing 'em, pal, just shuck the clothes. ─── 所以让我给这个可爱的怪物一点友善的意见:如果你感到你不受欢迎了,就把衣服脱了吧!

62、the sentimental psychobabble, there's a likable movie trying to get out. ─── 多愁善感的心理呓语背后,有个可爱的电影试图破茧而出。

63、My new boss is hard nosed, but very likable. ─── 我的新老板虽然不感情用事,但是很讨人喜欢。

64、He is an attractive and likable young man. ─── 他是一个有魅力且可爱的年轻人。

65、Simon Pegg plays the leading role of Shaun, a normally average man, on the verge of being a loser, who is likable and easy to relate to. ─── 这部电影超过了其他任何一部史蒂夫马丁的影片,史蒂夫马丁展现了他不夸张的演技,但又使影片有非常滑稽的喜剧效果。

66、He used his clever flattery pay likable and a capacity of instruments, captivates the Elizabeth, kept scrubbing their grievances, slander Darcy. ─── 他利用了自己巧妙的奉承能力以及一付讨人喜欢的仪表,迷住了伊丽莎白,不停地为自己洗刷冤情,中伤达西。

67、Perot's running mate, retired admiral James Stockdale, was likable but a non-factor, and his performance took a little steam out of the momentum Perot had gained after the St.Louis debate. ─── 佩罗的竞选伙伴,退休的海军上将詹姆斯.斯托克戴尔是个讨人喜欢的人,但他对局势并无影响,他的表现稍微减弱了佩罗在圣路易斯辩论之后的强劲的势头。

68、In these cases, you can actually put yourself into a more likable mood by assuming more likable body language. ─── 在这些情况下,你可以通过做出些可爱的肢体语言,来使自己看上去心情更加愉快。

69、* Colorful and appealing graphics, as well as a user-friendly interface, definitely make Brain Challenge a likable partner. ─── *游戏画面引人入胜,色彩丰富,加上友好的用户界面,“智力大挑战”将是你忠爱的得力助手!

70、It's chic and it's stylish, a retro heart warmer filled with likable characters .... ─── 很有气质、很高档,非常适合这个购物中心的形象。

71、After experienced the supernatural, fun and ravishing journey, Pinoccio became more honest and likable. ─── 经历一番神奇、滑稽、引人入胜的奇遇。匹诺曹变了,懂事了,诚实了。

72、One of his clerks is a likable young chap,and I was so elated about the results I was getting that I told him recently about my new philosophy of human relations. ─── 他雇用了一个职员,是个可爱的年轻人。我对我自己所得到的成就,感到得意而自傲,所以我对那年轻人,自然地提到人际关系学,这个新的哲学。

73、Pam was likable and pretty ─── 帕姆又漂亮又可爱。

74、In fact, I found him personally likable, if irresponsibly impulsive ─── 说实在的,我发现,这个人还很可爱,虽然有些不负责任地过于任性了。

75、His schoolboy earnestness seemed preposterous in a man this famous, sophisticated and well connected, but it was the preposterousness that made him likable rather than insufferable. ─── 他是一个著名的人,历经沧桑,认识许多头面人物,但有一副小男生的热心肠,看起来似乎很不可思议,但正是这些不可思议使他更具亲和力,而没有让他高高在上。

76、Vince Vaughn said:“She was the only one that came to mind when we thinking of someone who was good with comedy, good with drama and who's really likable, so we really didn't have a back up choice. ─── 文斯.沃恩:“当我在思考到底谁能够出色完成这部喜剧,能够善于把握戏剧表演,又是真正可爱的人的时候,她是我唯一想到的人,所以我们根本就没有去考虑另一人选。

77、Everyone is longing to be likable, if you want to what qualities you should possess. Here are some advice give you. ─── 每个人都渴望被人喜欢,如果你想被人喜欢你应该具备什么样的素质。这有一些建议给你。

78、Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person. ─── 在他还是个无名小卒时,他比现在要友好和讨人喜欢得多。

79、9.Meanwhile 59 percent of voters surveyed believe Sarkozy has a more presidential stature , whereas Royal is described as more likable by 62 percent of voters. ─── 据一份选民调查表明,59%的选民认为萨尔科齐更适合出任法国总统,而62%的选民表示罗亚尔比较有亲和力。

80、Lu Chen does present his magic beautifully. His bird act is very smooth, and he is such a likable personality. I love the simplicity he implores. ─── 刘谦的确优雅而极富魅力地展现(表演)了他的魔术。他的出鸽流程非常流畅自如。而他的个性又如此的让人喜欢。我喜欢他魔术表演的简单,干净和震撼力。(意译)

81、An understanding of management concepts and learning different techniques and skills will not only make you likable, but they will also help you make more money. ─── 如果你能把它们充分地利用,那么财富就会在不远处向你招手。

82、What makes someone so likable that everyone who knows him absolutely has no reason to dislike him? ─── 其实,真要用文字把亨利克先生形象地描绘出来,那实在是太难了。

83、that chap is your host; there's a fellow at the door; he's a likable cuss ─── 那个家伙是你的主人;在门旁有一个家伙;他是个可爱的家伙

84、"Sarah Palin is a very pleasant and likable individual, and she knows very little, especially about foreign policy. ─── 佩林这个人非常活泼可爱,不过她的知识不多,特别在外交政策方面更加贫乏。”

85、Whether or not you enjoy playing the office politics game, you might need to at least be likable in order to win that big project, promotion or pay rise. ─── 不管是否愿意参与到办公室争斗的游戏中来,你可能还是得表现的可爱一些,因为只有这样才有赢得大项目,升职或者加薪的机会。

86、Do you put energy into being likable? ─── 你是否努力是自己更有亲和力?

87、Works using natural green Jade sculpture, fine texture, a small fine, talented and very likable! ─── 作品采用天然墨绿色岫玉雕刻,质地细腻,小巧精致,十分讨人喜欢!

88、Actually, studies show that people find happy people much more likable than their less-happy peers. ─── 实际上,各项研究表明人们感到快乐的人比那些快乐程度少的人的和蔼可亲程度远远要高。

89、He looks slow-witted, but he is very likable. ─── 他看上去笨头笨脑的,不过很讨人喜欢。

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