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09-17 投稿


icefall 发音

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icefall 中文意思翻译



icefall 词性/词形变化,icefall变形

异体字: ice cap |

icefall 同义词

icefall 反义词


icefall 相似词语短语

1、infall ─── n.交叉处;进水口;陨落物;入侵;vi.陨落

2、iceballs ─── 冰山

3、refall ─── 重装

4、icefield ─── 冰原

5、icefalls ─── n.冰崩;冰布

6、befall ─── vi.降临;vt.降临;发生

7、iceball ─── 冰球

8、evenfall ─── n.黄昏;傍晚

9、backfall ─── n.将对方压制倒地背着垫子以取胜的手法;[纸]山形部

icefall 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp. ─── 危险的昆布冰川已经夺去了许多第一天出发去他们第一个宿营地的登山者的生命。

2、In addition to breathtaking snow-capped mountain ranges, you’ll take in the Khumbu Icefall, Sherpa villages, the Namche Bazaar, and a number of Buddhist monasteries on route. ─── 一路上,除了崴嵬壮观的雪山山脉,你还能领略到鲁克拉的冰川,夏尔巴族的村落,南吉巴札山城,以及诸个佛教胜地。

3、After a hard winter freeze, however, Dow Spout becomes a slick, crystalline "icefall". ─── 在一个严寒的冰冻过后,道琼斯壶嘴成为了一个光滑的结冰的冰冻瀑布。

4、The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp. ─── 变化莫测的昆布冰瀑在许多登山者第一天来到这里,面对第一个营地时,夺取了他们的生命。

5、In the Icefall Festival, the ice caverns and icehouses are made in such a way: water is sprayed onto the rock face and house framework, and then is frozen instantly by the cold air to form the shapes. ─── 冰瀑祭中的冰洞和冰屋是把水喷在岩壁和屋架上,让冷空气将其瞬间凝固而成的。

6、This point was just above the tumbled hummocks of an icefall, where the movement of the glacier, he said, would tend to bring the body closer to the surface. ─── 一个塌陷的冰丘上,他认为冰川的运动很有可能把尸体带到离冰面很近的地方。

7、The Analysis of Icefall at Mt. Yulong ─── 玉龙雪山冰川崩塌成因分析

8、The operation, called Operation Icefall, was led by officers from the Metropolitan police's clubs and vice unit. ─── 这个名为雪球行动的清理行动,由首都警察俱乐部及其附属单位发动。

9、The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall," said photographer Bobby Model. ─── 善变的昆布冰川就好像一堆码放在一起的冰块,(冰川)时常倾斜翻滚著坠下冰冻的山崖。”

10、Scaling to the top of the icefall along the cold steps and looking down from there at the ice sculpts one after another, I felt as if falling into a white wonderland. ─── 沿着冰冷的梯级攀上冰瀑顶端,居高临下,望着一座座冰雕,仿佛跌入白色的童话世界。

11、When the lake rises to a certain level, the force of the trapped water bursts through the jammed ice and creates an icefall, a marvelous sight that can be seen about once every four years. ─── 雪水溶化不断流入湖泊,当水位升到一定高度,强大水力切割、冲开冰河,即形成冰瀑,每四年可看到一次冰瀑奇观。

12、Northeast of the icefall, the glacier's surface is mostly smooth for several kilometers until a network of crevasses mark the surface. ─── 在冰瀑布东北数公里长的范围里,冰川的表面基本上变得很光滑,直到在其表面出现一系列的冰裂缝。

13、Shifting ice exposes new crevasses with little warning, making the Khumbu Icefall the most dangerous section of a southern Everest ascent. ─── 不断变换的危险的冰隙裂缝使昆布冰川成为从南线攀登珠穆朗玛峰最危险的地段。

14、It's the first flat spot you can reach after you get up to the top of the icefall. ─── 是在爬过冰布顶部之后遇到的第一块平地。

15、The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall. ─── 持续变换的昆布冰川就像是一堆连续不断的从冰山墙上翻滚下来的冰块。

16、A climber USES a ladder to cross a crevasse at Everest's Khumbu Icefall, not far above base camp. ─── 在宿营基地上方不远的地方,一名登山队员用梯子穿过珠穆朗玛峰的昆布冰川。

17、A climber uses a ladder to cross a crevasse at Everest's Khumbu Icefall, not far above base camp. ─── 在宿营基地上方不远的地方,一名登山队员用梯子穿过珠穆朗玛峰的昆布冰川。

18、Every step is critical on Mount Everest. The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp. ─── 在珠峰每一步都是极为关键的。从人们在危险的昆布冰瀑处第一次安营的第一天起,许多登山者就命丧于此。

19、The operation, called Operation Icefall, was led by officers from the Metropolitan police's clubs and vice unit. ─── 这个名为雪球行动的清理行动,由首都警察俱乐部及其附属单位发动。

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