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09-19 投稿


inly 发音

英:[ˈɪnli]  美:[ˈɪnli]

英:  美:

inly 中文意思翻译



inly 网络释义

inly 相似词语短语

1、inky ─── adj.漆黑的;墨水的;给墨水弄污的

2、in-lb ─── 单位:磅

3、idly ─── adv.无理由地,无目的地;无动于衷地,懒散地;无所事事地,空闲地;无益地

4、inlay ─── n.镶嵌;镶嵌物;vt.把…嵌入,把…镶入

5、indy ─── n.(Indy)印第车赛;n.(Indy)(美)因迪(人名)

6、illy ─── adv.不完美地;困难的;不善地,坏地;n.(Illy)人名;(意、法)伊利

7、only ─── adv.只,仅仅;不料;adj.唯一的,仅有的;最合适的;conj.但是;不过;可是

8、fonly ─── 可爱的

9、inby ─── adv.向内部;向中心;prep.近于;adj.在附近的

inly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cost Control of Lump Sum Turn Key Contract of Petrochemical Project Ma inly Engaged in Engineering Design ─── 浅谈以设计为主体石油化工总承包项目的费用控制

2、As one that inly mournd: so was she sad, ─── 如满心哀思之人;她的确十分忧伤

3、Oh, if inly I hadn't said that, if only I had held my tongue. ─── 哦,我真不该说这些给你,我真该住嘴了。

4、The latter must include inly simple instruction unless there is a good reason for complexity. ─── 后者必须只包括简单指令,除非有更充足的理由使其有复杂指令。

5、It's production is certainly the result of certa inly social structure. ─── 其产生是中国几千年大一统封建社会结构的必然产物。

6、i inly hope that everything will be ok. ─── 我真的希望一切都会没事.

7、On the basis of this hardware circuit,inly to change the software can realize different control methid. ─── 在此硬件基础上,只要改变软件设计就可实现不同的控制方法。

8、in the current system ma inly refers to theinsufficiency these three aspects factor. ─── 制度上的不足三方面因素。

9、Advertising not inly pays for , or helps pay for , much of the mass media; it also provides the consumer with news from industry. ─── 广告不是由衷地支付,或帮助支付,大部分的大众传媒,它还提供消费者与新闻行业。

10、This paper discusses the aesthetic education in geography teaching, ma inly based on literature method and summarization. ─── 本文主要采用文献法和归纳总结的方法,研究在中学地理教学中进行审美教育。

11、This essay is ma inly about the reform of thoughts, mode of management and information service of library during the transformation from Traditional Library to Electronic Librar y. ─── 本文论述了传统图书馆向电子图书馆转型时期,图书馆在思想观念、管理方式、信息服务三方面的变革。

12、Chinese Institute of Management Accountants(CIMA)should come into existence which is not inly independent of CAA,but also known from CICPA. ─── 我国应成立既独立于中国会计学会,又区别于中国注册会计师协会的中国管理会计师协会。

13、Blessing in distant place parents and friends inly. ─── 衷心祝福远方的父母和朋友!

14、This paper is ma inly used the methods of language describes and structure analysis. ─── 本文主要采用语言事实描写的方法和结构分析方法。

15、This is good stiff abrasive cloth, suited for manufacturing into different belts . Ma inly used for sanding the products such as black metals, nonmetals materials , wood and man-made board ─── 重型砂带,具有适当的强度和韧性,适合转换成各种砂带。主要用于:黑色金属、硬质非金属、木材、人造板等。

16、We inly hope that it may add the possible idea to the study of other semilinear equations or systems. ─── 作者衷心希望这能为其它半线性椭圆方程(组)的研究增添一点可能的想法。

17、The reason of the female crime ma inly to include: thefeminine own physiology and the psychological nega tive factor is unable toadjust; ─── 导致女性犯罪的原因很多,主要包括:女性自身生理和心理上的消极因素无法节;

18、Oh, if inly I hadn't said that,if only I had held my tongue. ─── “上飞机前一小时,老板对我说“如果你在土耳其能为我们找到一个好工程师的话,雇佣他!

19、Conclusion TI resulted ma inly from insufficient function of the right ventricle and marked patholog ical changes of the pulmonary blood vessels. ─── 结论三尖瓣关闭不全是右心室功能不全及肺血管明显病变的结果。

20、If you are interested inly to please the second floor! ─── 如果你只是感兴趣的请到二楼!

21、inly trades in arts and crafts. ─── 我们公司主要经营手工艺品。

22、But very strange , account, i just learn it and i dun understand all, but the test inly lost 1 mark. ─── 但是很奇怪的又是,我的会计才刚刚学,不是很懂得,我的小测验竟。

23、He very interested inly say:You where is that friend a Hubei? ─── 他很感兴趣的说:你那个朋友是湖北哪里的?

24、He was inly excited about her. ─── 他心中喜欢着她。

25、Does an academy student need the practice of retelling?And how to perform it?If a teacher of Chinese knows the keys to these questions,he /she would certa inly benefit much from it. ─── 中专生是否需要复述训练,如何进行复述训练,作为中专语文教师,如何对待这些问题,将会给教学以很大影响,本文结合教学实践,谈谈笔者的体会和做法。

26、A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,inly to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. ─── 人生中悲惨的事是当遇到对你意义重大的某个人,最终你却发现并不像你想得那样,而你必须放他离开。

27、Chapter 3: This chapter is divided into two sections and ma inly emphasizes the principle of fair disclosure. ─── 第三章:本章分为两节,主要强调在证券信息披露中贯彻公平披露的原则。

28、Blessing in distant place parents and friends inly. ─── 衷心祝福远方的父母和朋友!

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