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09-19 投稿


jotter 发音

英:[ˈdʒɑːtər]  美:[ˈdʒɒtə(r)]

英:  美:

jotter 中文意思翻译



jotter 短语词组

1、jotter field ─── 笔记本字段

jotter 词性/词形变化,jotter变形


jotter 相似词语短语

1、Potter ─── n.陶艺家,制陶工人;vt.闲混,虚度;vi.闲逛;慢条斯理地做事;n.(Potter)人名;(英、荷、德、葡)波特

2、jottier ─── 约蒂埃

3、jotters ─── n.笔记本;便笺薄

4、jitter ─── n.紧张不安;(电子信号等)晃动;v.紧张不安;(信号或装置)晃动

5、cotter ─── n.制销;栓;佃农;vt.用销固定;n.(Cotter)人名;(西、罗、葡)科特尔;(英)科特

6、hotter ─── adj.热的;热烈的

7、lotter ─── n.(Lotter)人名;(德、法、葡、匈、捷)洛特

8、dotter ─── n.加点的人;点标器;标点器,描点器;n.(Dotter)人名;(德、匈)多特

9、jotted ─── v.摘记下来

jotter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another focus is, cause domestic jotter market extremely likely 2003 shuffle. ─── 另一个焦点是,2003年极有可能引发国内笔记本市场的洗牌。

2、To jotter market, again according to original Asia-Europe board piece, Pacific Ocean board piece when waiting for a form to differentiate to had passed. ─── 对于笔记本市场来说,再按照原来的亚欧板块、太平洋板块等形式来划分已经过时了。

3、Be in because of the numerous jotter manufacturer of batteries drag in the sale is opposite after beautiful Suo Ni's eye covetously, also enough lets Suo Ni shudder. ─── 因电池累及的众笔记本厂商在销售不佳后对索尼的虎视眈眈,也足以让索尼不寒而栗。

4、Where does the HP jotter of n maintain a service center to be in? ─── 抚顺的惠普笔记本维修服务中心在什么地方?

5、Arrive from PDA jotter, undertook upgrading in the round to An Teng from PC processor. ─── 从PDA到笔记本,从PC处理器到安腾都进行了全面升级。

6、Nicolas code supports the synchronization of the address book, calendar, and jotter applications. ─── Nicolas的代码支持地址簿、日历和记事本应用程序的同步。

7、The risk that the wire side on 3G jotter faces and at present PC online risk is same. ─── 3G笔记本上网面临的风险与目前PC上网风险是同样的。

8、Of the fall as the price and function rise, can jotter replace PC?The reporter covered industry with respect to these problems main firm, asked them to talk about them view. ─── 随着价格的下降和功能的提高,笔记本会取代PC吗? 记者就这些问题采访了业界主要厂商,请他们谈了自己的看法。

9、After all, fervent summer cherishs an a few degrees jotter, the sense is good do not go where. ─── 毕竟,火热的夏天怀抱一个几十度的笔记本,感觉好不到哪里去。

10、In addition, in computer sale, selling quantity of jotter of 10 inn of Su Ning Nanjing exceeds table opportunity first. ─── 此外,在电脑销售中,苏宁南京10家店笔记本销售数量首次超过台式机。

11、The product that enters an activity at the same time still has jotter of Great Wall R3000, purchaser is obtained give Motolora interphone a pair. ─── 同时参加活动的产品还有长城R3000笔记本,购买者获赠摩托罗拉对讲机一对。

12、Low presence jotter, from which indebted natural meeting is an user. ─── 低价光临笔记本,从中受惠的自然会是用户。

13、To jotter computer should add a protection to cover more, all trouble were blocked to be in outside. ─── 对于笔记本电脑更应该加层保护套,一切烦恼就被挡在了外面。

14、Member of the Imperial Academy collects maintenance center to show itself, in becoming Beijing Kang Bai to serve net member exclusive the company of a special jotter maintenance authorization. ─── 今年康柏整顿服务体系,将原有的授权维修站进行筛选,组建康柏服务网。翰林汇维修中心脱颖而出,成为北京康柏服务网成员中唯一一家专门的笔记本维修授权的公司。

15、Although have computer of the category such as overall, jotter prop up and of office peripheral " stable play " , but index of market total boom still appeared to glide. ─── 虽有电脑整机、笔记本等品类的支撑和办公外设的“稳定发挥”,但市场总景气指数还是出现了下滑。

16、Batteries is the part with indispensable work of shift of notebook computer implementation, but jotter user understands the batteries that compares a system to use a method rarely. ─── 电池是笔记本电脑实现移动工作不可缺少的部分,但笔记本用户很少了解比较系统的电池使用方法。

17、Associate roll out during jotter National Day " double nucleus + double memory " combination, will older rate releases double nucleus, especially cruel farsighted the powerful function of 2 processor. ─── 联想笔记本国庆期间推出“双核+双内存”组合,将更大程度释放双核,特别是酷睿2处理器的强大性能。

18、To satisfy your need, gave the jotter of a similar bat now. ─── 为了满足你的需要,现在出了一款类似蝙蝠的笔记本。

19、According to Korea media coverage, to 2006 " jotter catchs fire " incident, believe people still remain fresh in one's memory. ─── 据韩国媒体报道,对于2006年的“笔记本着火”事务,置信人们仍历历在目。

20、Almost all and main computer firm ever had announced batteries of jotter of recall Suo Ni, and 3 foreign electrons also Ceng Shao has answered mobile phone batteries and jotter batteries. ─── 几乎所有首要的计较机厂商都曾公布过召回索尼笔记本电池,而三洋电子也曾召回过手机电池和笔记本电池。

21、Best Jotter allows you to write down quick notes, memos, ideas and any piece of information, organize it, and easily find at any time. ─── 最好的记事本让您快速写下笔记,备忘录,想法和任何一条信息,组织它,在任何时候很容易找到。

22、On the market a few turn come down, thickly dotted ground wrote down one pile agency on jotter people quote. ─── 市场上几圈转下来,笔记本上密密麻麻地记了一大堆经销商们的报价。

23、Cheng Qiao (alias) placing jotter and a pen, hurry to apprehensively attended a meeting. ─── 程乔(化名)夹着笔记本和一支笔,惴惴不安地赶去开会了。

24、Before chatting formally, still ceaselessly somebody is taking file and jotter to come in to sign and be reported, person a long time, everybody queues up actively still. ─── 正式交谈前,还不断地有人拿着文件和笔记本进来签字和汇报,人多时,大家还主动排队。

25、And these 3 index are consumer seek a site to jotter appeals to for a long time. ─── 而这三个指标正是消费者对笔记本长期的诉求点。

26、And the energy with him main Intel threw the market of jotter chip set with top profit. ─── 而英特尔本身首要的精神则投入了本钱最高的笔记本芯片组市场。

27、Construction of notebook computer interior is more accurate, general and civil jotter should avoid to be used in harsh environment. ─── 笔记本电脑内部构造比较精密,一般民用笔记本应该避免在恶劣环境使用。

28、The reporter still sees, the jotter of this schoolgirl catchs earphone and mike on computer, and can see in the desktop of computer she is using MSN and a netizen to undertake video speech chat. ─── 记者还看到,该名女生的笔记本电脑上接着耳机和话筒,而在电脑的桌面中就可以看到她正在使用MSN和一名网友进行视频语音聊天。

29、According to the plan, the jotter that Toshiba sells in the United States and Europe, about 20 % will begin to operate AMD processor. ─── 按照打算,东芝在美国和欧洲发卖的笔记本,约20%将起头操作AMD措置器。

30、According to introducing, HP will sell in this website the business such as Brio, Vectra uses the product such as PC, jotter PC, server, scanner and printer. ─── 据介绍,惠普将在该网站出售 Brio、Vectra等商用 PC、笔记本 PC、服务器、扫描仪及打印机等产品。

31、Of stickup color stripe confuse your jotter and blotter. ─── 粘贴彩色条纹的迷你笔记本和记事簿。

32、For example: Some people can write the many texts such as product of begin machine, number, camera, jotter in caption not relevant, or the meaning differs very far key word. ─── 例如:有些人会在标题中写上手机、数码产品、摄像机、笔记本等多个主题不相关、或者意义相差很远的关键字。

33、" saying, he hands an interpreter the jotter that remembering street name. ─── 说著,他把记著街道名称的笔记本递给翻译。

34、Buy two hand jotter, mobile phone; ─── 买二手笔记本、手机;

35、call jotter with remote control ─── 捷答遥控电话答录机

36、Sun Zhengyi plaints, mobile phone function is very powerful really, need jotter no longer. ─── 孙正义感叹,手机功能真的非常强大,不再需要笔记本。

37、In wide hold period, of commerce of Xia Xin V6 convenient with recreational wonderful union arrives one case, its moving place was become shine together on jotter market this year beautiful scenery. ─── 在宽屏时代,夏新V6商业的便捷和娱乐的精彩结合到一起,它的动人之处成为了今年笔记本市场上一道亮丽的风景。

38、Yu-ki's jotter |Yu-ki's day book |Yu-ki's film |RSS |Yu-ki's Album |Yu-ki's good friends |Yu-ki's privacy |Q me ─── 让他更爱妳的秘密武器|主页|男人们!看看自己的女朋友是不是应该娶回家?

39、This makes consumer heart already in to jotter buy a level. ─── 这早已成为生产者心中对于笔记本的采办尺度。

40、The report says, this one growth basically comes from jotter and market of medium and small businesses. ─── 报告称,这一增添首要来自笔记本和中小企业市场。

41、From current jotter market application state looks, the dominant position of industry user cannot shake, the brand chooses to go up to still be given priority to with international brand. ─── 从目前的笔记本市场应用状况看,行业用户的主导地位不可动摇,品牌选择上仍以国际品牌为主。

42、Nicolas code supports the synchronization of the address book, calendar, and jotter applications. ─── Nicolas的代码支持地址簿、日历和记事本应用程序的同步。

43、The thing that we sum up this moment on the blank place of original page and jotter has big use. ─── 这个时候我们原来书页的空白处及笔记本上总结的东西就有大用处了。

44、Yu-ki's jotter |Yu-ki's day book |Yu-ki's film |RSS |Yu-ki's Album |Yu-ki's good friends |Yu-ki's privacy ─── 最近讨喜的压力也很大吧.....因为太寂寞的关系...|主页|天气要变冷了....冬天来了

45、At present Intel is mixed in table computer, jotter the double nucleus that the market area such as the server sells and 4 nucleuses processor had achieved 29. ─── 今朝英特尔在台式电脑、笔记本和办事器等市场区域发卖的双核和四核措置器已经达到了29款。

46、Golden hill poison bully love edition set limit to 9999, inside buy jotter appropriative is poisonous bully extremely fast edition uses time one year. ─── 金山毒霸爱心版限量9999个,内置笔记本专用的毒霸极速版一年使用时间。

47、Press industry usual practice, 2 quarters are jotter normally when the home rolls out the manufacturer to be tasted newly centrally. ─── 按行业惯例,二季度通常是笔记本生产厂家集中推出新品的时候。

48、"Your QQ date already obtained 38000 yuan (cash) with famous brand jotter award. ─── “您的QQ号已获得了38000元(现金)和名牌笔记本一个的奖励。”

49、TCL number becomes the jotter supplier of 30000 central units because of this hopeful. ─── TCL数码因此有望成为30000家中央单位的笔记本供应商。

50、In the past 2002, as the influence of price element, technical maturity, jotter begins to be close to unconventionally with each IT user. ─── 过去的2002年,随着价格因素的影响,技术的成熟,笔记本开始与每一个IT用户异乎寻常地接近。

51、The risk that the wire side on 3G jotter faces and at present PC online risk is same. ─── 3G笔记本上网面临的风险与目前PC上网风险是同样的。

52、As we have learned, 3G times, get online to basically include two big platform, the mobile phone gets online and 3G jotter gets online. ─── 据了解,3G时代,上网主要包括两大平台,手机上网和3G笔记本上网。

53、Batteries of a few Suo Ni jotter ever been producinging igneous event last year. ─── 客岁一些索尼笔记本电池曾发生过着火事务。

54、In encounter other when a few teaching material have different view, this knowledge that can go up in jotter is tagged by the dot. ─── 在遇到其他几本教材有不同说法时,可以在笔记本上的这个知识点旁标注。

55、Everybody knows graph king is very busy person, taking jotter at any time. ─── 大家都知道图王是大忙人的,随时都拿着笔记本。

56、" your mobile phone or jotter can reply: "Dog for the last time RFID signal is to be in the bedroom. ─── 你的手机或笔记本会回答:“最后一次跟踪到RFID信号是在卧室里。”

57、It is with jotter exemple, should spell a certain moment, OEM becomes special have competition, if you do OEM only, you already may be cannot help doing sth. ─── 以笔记本为例,当拼到某个时候,OEM变得非常有竞争,如果你只做OEM,你可能已是身不由己。

58、Mixed 2005 in what advance triumphantly 2006, AMD ever was achieved when the market share whole that waits for all area in PC, processor, jotter is highest 23% , growth rate exceeds Intel far. ─── 在高歌猛进的2005年和2006年,AMD在PC、措置器、笔记本等所有区域的市场份额整体最高时曾达到23%,增添速度远远超过英特尔。

59、Had you thought the price that uses an in part goes buying computer of a notebook?Newly arrived, 4999 jotter are impolite, bolo brandish to everywhere. ─── 你有没有想过用一半的价格去买一台笔记本电脑?新来乍到,4999笔记本一点都不客气,大刀挥向四处。

60、In 3 big kinds, China's only at present mobile G3 jotter appears on the market formally. ─── 在三大类型中,目前只有中国移动的G3笔记本正式上市。

61、Product of the mobile phone of mountain fastness edition, jotter shows in TV shopping intermediate frequency; ─── 山寨版的手机、笔记本产品在电视购物中频现;

62、This kind of demand, make power fill, silicon all, Yang Zhi such enterprise also scored order and gain in market of jotter chip set. ─── 这种需求,使得威盛、矽统、扬智如许的企业在笔记本芯片组市场也获得了订单和本钱。

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