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09-19 投稿


lab 发音

英:[læb]  美:[læb]

英:  美:

lab 中文意思翻译



lab 词性/词形变化,lab变形


lab 短语词组

1、biology lab ─── [网络] 生物实验室

2、lab-enzyme ─── [医] 凝乳酶

3、lab-technician n. ─── 化验员;技术员

4、Eucalyptus globulus Lab. ─── [医] 蓝桉 ─── [树]

5、lab ferment ─── [医] 凝乳酶

6、lab zymogen ─── [医] 凝乳酶原

7、Lab Color Lab ─── 颜色

8、lab bench ─── [网络] 实验台

9、bio lab ─── [网络] 生物科技实验室;生化实验室;生化物理实验室

10、Lab Sliders Lab ─── 滑标

11、chem lab ─── [网络] 化学实验室;实验室图片;化学分析实验室

12、chemistry lab ─── 化学实验室

13、lab. ─── [计] 实验室

14、lab-size equipment ─── [化] 试验用设备

15、Bio Lab test ─── [医] 改良井出氏试验(检梅毒)

16、lab coat ─── 实验工作服

17、lab-coat ─── 实验袍, 试验大褂; ─── 实验服, ─── 实验工作服;白衣

18、lab-coats (lab-coat ─── 的复数) 实验袍, 试验大褂;实验服, 实验工作服;白衣

19、lab-scale ─── 实验室规模

lab 相似词语短语

1、lamb ─── n.羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉;vt.生小羊,产羔羊;vi.生小羊,产羔羊;n.(Lamb)人名;(英)兰姆;(德)兰布

2、Lab ─── n.实验室,研究室

3、flab ─── n.松弛;松弛的肌肉

4、lab. ─── abbr.实验室(laboratory);唇的(labial);唇形的(labiate);工党党员(Laborite);劳工谘询委员会(LabourAdvisoryBoard)

5、blab ─── vt.泄漏;vi.胡扯;n.泄密者;多嘴的人;n.(Blab)人名;(德)布拉布

6、Bab ─── n.巴布(女子名,等于Barbara);abbr.巴比伦王国(Babylonia)

7、Mab ─── abbr.内存分配块(memoryallocationblock);海军航空基地(MarineAirbase);材料咨询委员会(MaterialsAdvisoryBoard);n.(Mab)人名;(英)马布

8、slab ─── n.厚板,平板;混凝土路面;厚片;vt.把…分成厚片;用石板铺

9、labs ─── n.实验室;n.(Labs)人名;(德)拉布斯

lab 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't SMELL anything in a biology lab. ─── 在生物实验室不要闻任何东西。

2、They pay for use of the library and computer lab. ─── 学生要付图书馆使用费和电脑实验室费。

3、C. Because she will be working in the lab. ─── 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

4、Attempts have been made to construct protoplasm in the lab. ─── 已多次尝试在实验室里构造原生质。

5、He is in charge of the language lab. ─── 他负责语言实验室。

6、The University of Tokyo Iizuka Lab. ─── 东京大学饭塚研究室。

7、Strictly speaking, you shouldn't enter the lab without permission. ─── 严格地说,你不应该没获准许进实验室。

8、The program was a lab test to see whether it was possible to create a self-replicating bit of software. ─── 该程序的出现要归因于实验室的一次测试,测试的目的是要了解是否能创造出一种可自我复制的软件。

9、Jao : I'm not kidding. Our lab tech. said i... ─── 可爱妹妹:猪猪猪听说我们今年要和小米儿一起...

10、Use ESL computer programs in your computer lab. ─── 在你的电脑实验室里使用ESL电脑程式。

11、Binnig had closed his satellite lab in Munich and moved back to Zurich. ─── 宾尼则关闭了他在德国慕尼黑的卫星实验室,搬回苏黎士。

12、People always look smart in lab coat. ─── 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明

13、He was down in his lab, next to the receiver. ─── 他在下面的实验室里,在电话接听器旁。

14、And lab technician are not in demand at other company. ─── 其他公司也不需要实验师。

15、Our school bought a large amount of lab equipment. ─── 学校购置了大量的实验设备。

16、He had already built a chemistry lab for himself. ─── 他已经为自己建了一个化学实验室。

17、Maintain the lab instrument as required. ─── 保持实验室的清洁有序.

18、LAB Members attending the forum. ─── 劳顾会委员参与座谈会。

19、He indicated a space on one of the lab benches. ─── 他指的是一张实验台上的空间。

20、Why do you stand here? You are supposed to be working in the lab. ─── 为什么你站在这儿?现在你应该正在实验室工作。

21、The lab need some new apparatus. ─── 实验室需要一些新设备

22、The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants. ─── 实验室主管吸收了一名有能力的助手。

23、The Lab for Manufacturing and Productivity (LMP). ─── 在电脑教室学习电脑化模型。

24、There is no student in the lab now. ─── 实验室里现在没有学生。

25、Make sure that the door is locked before you leave the lab. ─── 在离开实验室前,务必弄清门是否锁上了。

26、Support chief chemist to put lab in good operative condition. ─── 协助实验室主任保证实验室的正常秩序。

27、You could call for independent testing lab reports. ─── 你可以索要独立的测试实验室提出的测试报告。

28、Medical Image Processing Lab - SUNY Stony Brook. ─── 医学图象处理实验室。

29、But sleep lab data reveal that people consistently underreport how often and how much. ─── 但是Sleep实验室的数据揭示人们严重低估自己做了多少梦。

30、The Powell structural research lab at the university of California at San Diego tests new bridge materials such as carbon and fiberglass polymers. ─── 位于圣地亚哥的加州大学鲍威尔建筑实验室试制出了新的桥梁建筑材料,如碳和玻璃纤维聚合体。

31、Before long, he knows, the lab's science will come to him. ─── 他知道要不了多久,实验室里研究的科学就会来找他。

32、How can you get the funding to set up your lab? ─── 你现在只是一个学生,你怎么能确保5年后会拿到国家的投资建实验室呢?

33、He had already built his own lab by the time he was ten. ─── 到十岁时,他已经建起了自己的实验室。

34、Don't TASTE anything in a chemistry lab. ─── 在化学实验室不要尝任何东西。

35、Be they in the lab this morning? ─── 他们今天早上在实验室吗?

36、People always look smart in lab coat . ─── 人们穿着实验衣时,看起来好像都很聪明。

37、Don't LOOK at anything in a physics lab. ─── 在物理实验室不要看任何东西。

38、Following the teacher, the students went into the language lab. ─── 学生们跟着老师走进了语言实验室。

39、Steal prototype EMP chip from the lab. ─── 从实验室窃取电子脉冲芯片原型。

40、Building Materials Chemical Plant of Lab. ─── 包钢劳动服务公司建材化工厂。

41、Colour 21 is to yellow; make new lab dip more gold colour. ─── 21号色太黄,重做个更多金色的。

42、Introduction to Lab on Image Information Processing. ─── 图象信息处理实验室简介。

43、Having been shown the lab, we were taken to see the school library. ─── 在被带去看了实验室之后,我们又被带去参观校图书馆。

44、Lab examination is done by Beijing Ditan hospital. ─── 实验室检测由北京地坛医院完成并出具检测报告。

45、The chemistry lab threw off a blast of odor. ─── 化学实验室里散发出阵阵的臭味儿。

46、You must leave your identification with the language lab attendant. ─── 你得把证件留给语言实验室的职员。

47、By the time he was ten, he had built himself a chemistry lab. ─── 十岁时,他已建成了自己的化学实验室。

48、The lab uses distilled water for experiments. ─── 实验室用来做实验的都是蒸馏水。

49、Have you been in this lab before? ─── 你以前来过这个实验室吗?

50、Is this the way the lab is usually kept? ─── 实验室一直都是这个样子吗?

51、Lab Experiment on Harm of Fluoride on Rubber Trees. ─── 大气氟化物对橡胶树的伤害实验研究。

52、Maintain lab equipment well with maintenance team. ─── 协助维护部确保实验室设备的正常运转。

53、I was a lab assistant and my boss was something of a tyrant. ─── 我担任实验室助理,而我的老板有点像个暴君。

54、So he built a science lab himself. ─── 因此他便自己建造了一个实验室.

55、We have classes in a computer lab. ─── 在计算机室里上课。

56、They devote all their hours to working in their lab. ─── 他们把自己的全部时间都用于实验室的工作中了.

57、What do you want a science Lab for? ─── 你为什么想要科学实验室?

58、Set up in house ecotoxicology lab. ─── 建立内部生态学实验室。

59、"Sort of the way you do me, " I said archly. I had carried the equipment up the slope from the hedges behind the lab shed. ─── “就像你对我那样,”我简短地说。我把仪器从实验室后面的树篱里抬到了上坡上。

60、Such instruments as you saw in the lab all homemade. ─── 你在实验室里所看到的仪器都是国产的。

61、She sat in the Spanish lab for hours, trying to acquire the accent of a native speaker. ─── 她在西班牙语研究所里坐了好几个小时,试着学习以西班牙语为母语的人的口音。

62、He revealed that professionals inspect the heavy machinery in the lab every two or three weeks to see whether anything needs to be replaced. ─── 他透露到,每隔两到三周专业人员会对实验室中的重型机械进行检查,以确保是否需要更换某些零件。

63、Lab experiments have suggested this might be possible, but it has never been observed in a natural environment. ─── 实验表明这种情况是有可能发生的,但是在自然环境中从未观察到。

64、I heard his voice just now; he must be in the lab. ─── 刚才我听到他的声音,他一定在实验室里。

65、How to build a GTP lab and relative criteria? ─── 如何建构GTP实验室及其相关标准?

66、A new chemistry lab is being built in our school. ─── 偶们学校正在修建一个新的化学实验室.

67、Would you like to have a visit to our lab? ─── 你是否抽空去综合试验室看看?

68、The lab largely produced laser instruments. ─── 实验室大规模地生产激光设备。

69、He went back to the lab," Inez exclaimed impatiently. ─── 他回实验室了,”伊内兹不耐烦地叫道。

70、C. Because they have a lab on the farm. ─── 听下面一段材料,回答第14至16题。

71、He is a software engineer in IBM Toronto Lab. ─── 他是IBM多伦多实验室的一名软件工程师。

72、Some Suggestions of Establishing Enterpdse's Safety Lab. ─── 企业安规实验室的建立。

73、Paul Yip is a consultant from the IBM Toronto Lab. ─── Paul Yip是IBM多伦多实验室的一名顾问。

74、You're not supposed to wear athletic shoes in this lab. ─── 在这个实验室里您不可以穿运动鞋。?

75、The people in the school have access to that computer lab for free. ─── 在这个学校里的人可以免费使用那间电脑室。

76、Lab work is dull and repetitious. ─── 实验室里的工作味同嚼蜡翻来复去。

77、The lab assistant was wearing a white overall. ─── 实验室助手穿着一件白罩衣。

78、The lab bought a set of measurements. ─── 实验室买进了一套量器。

79、Don't leave the lights on when you go out of the lab. ─── 你离开实验室时不要让电灯开着。

80、The astronauts are trained in the lab. ─── 宇航员在实验室受训。

81、They are very concerned about lab security. ─── 他们很关注实验室的安全问题。

82、Children are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab. ─── 孩子们不允许进化学实验室。我不喜欢喝咖啡,给我茶好了。

83、Who was in the lab this morning ? ─── 今天早上谁在实验室?

84、Make the lab be cleanliness and safety. ─── 做好实验室整洁及安全工作。

85、How Can I Initiate My Own Learning Lab? ─── 如何启动我自己的学习实验室?

86、It will take you a week to repair the lab. ─── 修实验室将要花一星期时间。

87、Are you going to the language lab? ─── 你要去语音室吗?

88、The bank account info below applies to HK CCIE Lab as well. ─── 以下银行帐号信息也适用于香港。

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