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09-18 投稿


kudos 发音

英:['kjuːdɒs]  美:['kudɑs]

英:  美:

kudos 中文意思翻译



kudos 网络释义

n. 荣誉;名望;称赞

kudos 词性/词形变化,kudos变形


kudos 短语词组

1、kudos art studio ─── 荣誉艺术工作室

2、kudos to you ─── 向你致敬

kudos 相似词语短语

1、kiddos ─── n.老兄;老姐(kiddo的变形)

2、kudus ─── 条纹羚,捻角羚(一种非洲大羚羊)(kudu的名词复数形式);n.(Kudus)人名;(阿富)库杜斯

3、Tudor ─── adj.都铎王朝时代的;都铎式建筑式样的;都铎王室的;n.都铎王朝时代的人;n.(Tudor)(英、罗、克)都铎(人名)

4、Edos ─── n.奇美拉栖木

5、Luos ─── n.卢奥人(也叫卡维龙多人,居住在东非肯尼亚,等于Kavirondo);卢奥语(卢奥人讲的尼罗语,Luo的复数形式)

6、-dos ─── abbr.磁盘操作系统(DiskOperatingSystem)

7、kondos ─── n.近藤(日本人名);(乌干达)强盗(kondo的变形)

8、udos ─── n.土当归(udo的变形)

9、Aidos ─── n.(Aidos)人名;(葡)艾多斯

kudos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And she had to get enough food for Kudo, as well. ─── 她也需要为工藤准备足够的食物。

2、It is a title that carries little kudos. ─── 加一个衔接词:当然,这是一个带不来任何荣耀的头衔。

3、"If they're getting kudos from parents on how great they're doing, they will make a greater effort. ─── "如果他们能够说服销售商,那么父母是多么的伟大,他们将为之作出更大的努力。

4、It gained much kudos for its handling of the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in March. ─── 在5月四川的毁灭性地震灾难中,它处理得当,赢得了巨大的声誉。

5、For programmers, the kudos of a successful contribution is its own reward. ─── 对于程序员来说,成功的方案所带来的荣誉本身就是奖赏。

6、kudo tetsuyasu ─── 工藤哲靖

7、New markets and riskier missions tend to garner more publicity, which until now has translated into more kudos and ultimately more money for the pastor and the church. ─── 新兴市场和冒险任务更能吸引公众注意,因为这样做可以赢得声誉,最终可以转化为牧师和教堂更多的钱财。”

8、TVG: Kudos for your bravery. You were next to naked in love scenes and nude in the underwater labor scene. ─── 向你的勇气致敬!你在床戏里几近裸体,而且在水中生产的那幕戏也是光著身子的。

9、Kudos should be noted for the landing zone coordination, as well as securing the zone with a minimum of three professionals. ─── 值得称道的是起降区域的协调,以及只有三名专业人员进行维护的该区域安全。

10、The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi receives a message: "I will kidnap one of your classmates during your class trip." Shinichi is going to find out the truth. ─── 但在出行前一天,新一收到一封内容为“修学旅行中,我将绑架你的同学”的挑战书。

11、When receiving kudos, for instance, publicly thank everyone who helped you. ─── 例如,在获得名誉的时候,公开感谢曾经帮助过你的所有人。"

12、Dizziness accompanied by strong, the Klan once again found himself opening the safe to restore the new look Kudo. ─── 伴随着强烈的晕眩后,柯南再次睁眼发现自己平安地恢复了工藤新一的样子。

13、The fact that Wednesday's mission carried two astronauts reflects the twin purposes of China's space program, which aims for both scientific gains and kudos at home and abroad. ─── 中国刚刚进行了第二次载人飞船发射,将两名宇航员送入轨道,揭开了其充满雄心跨入世界空间强国行列的新篇章。

14、In terms of prestige and kudos, the League Cup is almost like the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions. ─── 就名气与荣誉来说,联赛杯似乎是一个在国内没有分量的杯赛。

15、Keywords Kudo capsules;epistaxis;curative effect; ─── 独一味胶囊;鼻出血;疗效;

16、Kudo capsules ─── 独一味胶囊

17、Chen G Q.Zhang J Y.Guo Y L Analysis of volatile components of fresh Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt.var.acuta (Thunb.) Kudo by headspace GC/MS 2004(5 ─── 王昊阳.郭寅龙.张正行.安登魁顶空-固相微萃取-毛细管气相色谱-质谱联用方法快速分析香精中挥发性化学成分[期刊论文]-分析测试技术与仪器2005(2

18、Sigma Kudos' focus on operational excellence and co-operational excellence ensures a prosperous and stable company, as well as a complete dedication to our customers. ─── 科多斯以完美的服务及合作精神为我们的客户效力,保证了公司的稳步发展。

19、Rabdosia excisus (Maxim) Kudo ─── 尾叶香茶菜

20、But there us rarely any snobbery about which school a person attends and little or no kudos attached to private education. ─── 澳洲人对于进哪所学校没有那种势利的看法,他们对私立学校也不盲目地崇拜。

21、kudos n. ─── 名声;光荣;

22、As I mentioned earlier, this would be a dream team, and kudos to you if you are fortunate to fill all the roles. ─── 正如我在前面提到的,这是一个理想中的小组,如果你有幸拥有所有角色那就太好了。

23、He got a great deal of kudos for his work at the university. ─── 他在大学里贡献良多,得到许多荣誉。

24、The guilty players will suffer suspension and probably fines, and the tournament will receive higher kudos for the quality of the 90 (plus stoppage time) minutes. ─── 有责任的球员将会被停赛,也可能会被追加罚款,而联赛杯则会因为这出色的90分钟(外加补时时间)而树立更高的声望。

25、"Children's book author Virginia Hamilton added another kudo to her prize-laden career" (Calvin Reid) ─── “儿童书作者维吉尼亚汉米尔顿在她充满奖项的事业中加入另一种赞赏”(卡尔文·雷德)

26、Isodon serra ( Maxim. ) Kudo ─── 溪黄草

27、From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi suffers a lot of pain that we could not imagine. ─── 从工藤到江户川,新一承受了太多我们不能想象的痛苦。

28、) Kudo Lamiophlomis rotata Kudo. ─── 独一味 Lamiophlomis rotata (Benth.

29、Lamiophlomis rotata (Benth.) Kudo ─── 独一味

30、Trying to work out which banks are the world's best is a bit like awarding the prize for prettiest war-torn village.It is a title that carries little kudos. ─── 想要评出哪家银行是世界上最好的,有点像从饱受战争蹂躏的村庄中评选出最美的村庄,这是一个并不光彩的头衔,也可能引发对企业的刨根问底。

31、seed of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton var acuta (Thunb.) kudo ─── 紫苏子

32、Kudo kun,do you know how to say “mother” in Japanese? ─── 服部调侃着揽过他的脖颈,笑得直捶桌子。

33、Professor Masatoshi Kudo: Basically, for early HCC and also for displastic nodule shows hypovascular abnormalities on CT hepatic angiography (CTHA) so we cannot differentiate with CTHA. ─── 对于早期HCC和发育不良结节,在CT肝动脉造影(CTHA)上均显示异常的血管减少,因此我们无法通过CTHA来区分。

34、Cudrania cochinchinensis Kudo et Masam. ─── 构棘

35、31 year old Heidi sells advertising for a living, and could not do without the buzz and the kudos. ─── 31岁的海蒂兜售广告维持生计,这种营生不大张旗鼓是一事无成的!

36、“Our class will have a new student, Miss Kudo. ─── "(我们班上来了一位新同学,工藤同学。

37、From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi gained many important things that he did not supposes to have. ─── 从工藤到江户川,新一得到了很多他并没有预期过的重要的事情。

38、From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi is reaching the top of his life. ─── 从工藤到江户川,新一开始达到他生活的顶峰。

39、Professor Masatoshi Kudo: The pathological concept of early HCC is of a hypovascular nature so TASS is not indicated. ─── 早期肝癌病理特征为血管少,因此TASS不是其适应症。

40、Perilla frutescens Britt.var.acu-ta Kudo ─── 紫苏

41、Kudos to the Yankees and Joba for making these changes. ─── 洋基与贾霸做了这些改变真是对极了。

42、Education carries such kudos in Russia that the start of the academic year is a national event. ─── 教育在俄罗斯的分量非常之重,以至于开学成了全国关注的大事。

43、Much Kudos to the boss, Ghost Style! Koya at Mark 1! Kiwi for the video work! Aiy, this is lame...ehehehe... ─── 很谢我们老板,鬼风格。也,马克一的客啊。终,帮录影的奇异。

44、It should not be warm, the same as other people's--people such as Agasa, or Ran, or even Kudo. ─── 它不应该是温暖的,像博士、兰甚至是工藤一样温暖。

45、The Times deserves kudos for pursuing such a open model rather than locking its articles up and trying to charge people for every view. ─── 纽约时报值得人们尊敬,他们探求开放的模式而不是把文章都锁起来按查看次数收费。

46、Lenovo Haibara Conan before the APTX4869 body composition and the test works antidote reaction occurs, so that a new drink Kudo antidote. ─── 灰原联想到了之前柯南体内的APTX4869的成分与解毒剂的试作品发生的反应,让工藤喝下了新的解毒剂。

47、Tomy spokeswoman Mei Kudo said that Japanese cartoons often show people and robots as buddies. She said i-Sobot carries on this tradition. ─── 汤米公司的女发言人工藤芽伊表示,日本卡通中的机器人通常是人类的好朋友,而爱秀宝机器人延续了这项传统。

48、Kudo, who likes him, will often tutor him. ─── 个性腹黑,很难相待,周围的人小心地对待她。

49、Compound Isodon Rernifolia ( D. Don ) Kudo Tablets ─── 复方三叶香茶菜片

50、Keywords Rabdosia excisus (Maxim) Kudo;Antibacterial effect;Standard bacteria;Clinically separated bacteria.; ─── 尾叶香茶菜;抑菌活性;标准菌株;临床分离菌株;

51、Kudos to those who have made you happy. ─── 讚美那些使你生活幸福的人。

52、It's also great for guests because they can connect to your wireless network and print easily, so you'll get lots of kudos as a host! ─── 它的,又是伟大的嘉宾,因为他们可以连接到您的无线网络和印刷容易,使您可以得到大量的声誉作为东道主!

53、You are in Tokyo that seduce the ping times called "Kudo" the woman, right? ─── 回译:你是在东京说,诱惑的平次所谓的“工藤”的女人,对不对?

54、It will acquire no kudos for translating its inner doubts into hesitation. ─── 如果由于内心疑虑不安而在行动上举棋不定,是得不到荣誉的。

55、He received kudos from everyone on his performance. ─── 他的表演受到大家的称赞。

56、Keywords Lamiophlomis rotata (Benth.)Kudo;flavonoids;phenylethanoid glycosides; ─── 关键词独一味;黄酮类;苯乙醇苷类;

57、We're not sure what that says about the American family, but we're not about to argue with a Green Beret. So kudos, boys. ─── 不过为什麽,我现在又要在这里提这件事呢?是因为这篇小小的报导,讲了一段话,我们它原文抄过来。

58、When receiving kudos, for instance, publicly thank everyone who helped you."I couldn't have done it without ... ─── 例如,在获得名誉的时候,公开感谢曾经帮助过你的所有的人。

59、Objective: To determine amino acid in Herba Rabdosiae, Isodon Japonica Hara and Isodon Nervosus Kudo from Laojun Mountain in Luanchuan, Henan province. ─── 目的:测定河南栾川老君山冬凌草、毛叶香茶菜、显脉香茶菜中的氨基酸含量。

60、Conclusion Current evidence demonstrates that Lamiophlomis rotata (Benth) Kudo is effective and safe in treating bleeding, pain, and inflammation. ─── 结论 现有研究显示独一味胶囊治疗不同原因引起的出血、疼痛和炎症有一定疗效,且安全性好。

61、While this takes some effort, your thoughtfulness will receive much kudos. ─── 当这些发生效用后,你的细心周全一定会获得褒扬。

62、And she could somewhat pity Kudo's plight, though she also would not blame Ran for getting angry. ─── 她会稍微有点对工藤的困境感到遗憾,尽管她也不会怪兰发火。

63、In terms of prestige and kudos, the League Cup is almost like the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions. ─── 就名气与荣誉来说,联赛杯似乎是一个在国内没有分量的杯赛。

64、Sigma Kudos is a global company that develops world-class product information for its clients. ─── 科多斯是一家全球性的产品信息公司。

65、Whether or not Zeng Yike advances to the next round of China's most popular reality talent show, the kudos and boos surrounding her will continue. ─── 无论曾轶可能否在中国最流行的真人歌唱才艺大赛(快乐女声)中晋级,但充斥在她身边的赞叹和嘘声仍将继续下去。

66、Takashi Kudo, the owner of a construction company here, said he remained a loyal supporter of Liberal Democratic lawmakers. ─── 此间一家建筑公司的老板工藤隆说,他仍是自民党议员的死忠。

67、Some unknown man who knows Conan is in fact Kudo Shinichi lures Conan and the others (Mori, Ran, Tanteidan...) to Yokohama. ─── 在神秘委托者的招待下,小五郎与柯南一行人来到了横滨。

68、Kudo T , Beppu T , Iijima T , et al . Catalogue of strains [M] . Published by Toppan Co. Ltd , 1999. 356. ─── 中国科学院南京土壤所微生物室编1土壤微生物研究法[M].北京:科学出版社,19851185.

69、From Kudo to Edogawa, there are many valuable moment that we have never forgotten. ─── 从工藤到江户川,这里有太多太多的重要时刻我们永远都不会忘记。

70、Kudos to Massa, shows that he doesn't want to insult or put Lewis down, instead he shows him respect. ─── 他没有嘲笑和讥讽刘易斯,反而对赛场上的对手表现出尊重.

71、Gamers have to drive fast as well as drive in style, as stylish moves will earn them Kudos points, which will be helpful in the career. ─── 游戏玩家们必须尽可能的开快一点,更时髦抢眼一点,盖时髦的动作能获得荣誉分值,在职业赛中可是很有用的哦。

72、If you did, kudos to you.You’re a head above many of the joyless bunch of strivers. ─── 如果找到了,那么这一殊荣非你莫属:为目标而拼命奋斗的苦行僧们的领袖。

73、The global aspects of Sigma Kudos are not limited to a world-class offshore delivery capability, but also a global presence, with offices ranging from China , Europe and USA . ─── 科多思不仅提供海外服务的能力,还在多个国家有自己的长期服务机构,包括中国,欧洲,和美国。

74、As for how to gain the kudos, I have no techniques to relate,nor do I expect the dilligence can make up. ─── 第二是简单。做事力求简单,繁杂会让我们陷入不能自拔的境地。

75、But the kudos will probably stop right here. ─── 但是,荣誉可能会就此止步。

76、Kudos to the Rockets organization for righting that one. ─── 没有想到却意外等到了一个采访姚明的机会。

77、The point is to spur technological development using the twin lures of hard cash and the kudos of being officially recognised as cleverer than your peers. ─── 其目的是利用现金以及获得业界最高荣誉的双重诱惑来刺激科技发展。

78、Isodon ternifolia (D. Don) Kudo ─── 三叶香茶菜

79、Influence: Even its rumored moves win kudos. ─── 影响:即使是传言的一些举动也赢得了赞誉。

80、In the kudos-obsessed world of street racing, if you make yourself look a bit of a berk , your reputation's shot. ─── 在这个被荣誉所缠绕和街头赛车世界中,如果你让你自己看起来有点傻的话,你的名声就完了。

81、We all miss teacher Kudo and teacher SIN. ─── 大家都很怀念工藤老师和仲村老师。

82、The gang's motives, however, and perhaps Lord Mandelson's especially, were more complex than a simple calculation of personal self-interest or lust for verbose kudos. ─── 然而这些人的动机,特别是曼德尔森勋爵,绝非单纯为了个人利益或是渴望听到滔滔不绝的赞美之词。

83、Kudos to you and the show's producers & correspondents for bringing these criminals out into the light. ─── 我要赞扬你,也要赞扬栏目的制片人和记者们,感谢你们曝光这些罪犯。

84、Kudos , then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film. ─── 但该片编剧杰弗里·弗莱彻和导演李·丹尼斯令人称道的地方就在于他们至少给电影注入了一些幽默和希望。

85、She did most of the work but all the kudos went to him. ─── 工作大部分是她做的,可是荣誉都归他了。

86、Professor Masatoshi Kudo: Dynamic imaging has a some limitations because there are several overlaps. ─── 因为存在重叠,使得动态成像的应用受到一些限制。

87、He said: ’Vecchi deserves a lot of kudos. ─── 他说:“维奇应该得到许多称赞。

88、Anyway, kudos to these researchers for studying women. ─── 不管怎样,这些荣誉给研究女性的研究者们。

89、Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes. ─── 工藤慎是一个十七年岁的高中侦探其中被人们称为“现代福尔摩斯”。

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