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09-18 投稿


disagreeing 发音

英:[ˌdɪsəˈɡriːɪŋ]  美:[ˌdɪsəˈɡriːɪŋ]

英:  美:

disagreeing 中文意思翻译



disagreeing 短语词组

1、disagreeing with sth ─── 不同意某事

2、disagreeing with ─── 不同意; ─── 不一致; ─── 不适合

3、agreeing and disagreeing ─── 同意和反对

4、disagreeing politely ─── 礼貌地不同意

5、disagreeing on seven out of ─── 七分之 ─── 七的意见不一致

6、disagreeing authorities ─── 持不同意见的当局

7、agreeing to disagreeing ─── 消除分歧,求同存异;同意各自保留不同意见

disagreeing 反义词


disagreeing 同义词

take issue | strike down | affect | diverge | vary |differ | distress | argue | spat | dispute | object | wrangle | fight | upset | bicker | discord | oppose | dissent | quarrel | disaccord | squabble | clash | conflict

disagreeing 词性/词形变化,disagreeing变形

动词第三人称单数: disagrees |动词过去分词: disagreed |动词过去式: disagreed |动词现在分词: disagreeing |

disagreeing 相似词语短语

1、agreeing ─── v.同意(agree的ing形式)

2、disannexing ─── vt.使分开;使脱节

3、filagreeing ─── 同意

4、disagreed ─── vi.不同意;不一致;争执;不适宜

5、disagreement ─── n.不一致;争论;意见不同

6、disarming ─── adj.使解除警戒心的;使人消气的;v.解除武装;使息怒(disarm的现在分词)

7、disagree ─── vi.不同意;不一致;争执;不适宜

8、disagrees ─── vi.不同意;不一致;争执;不适宜

9、fillagreeing ─── 填充一致

disagreeing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6. He raged against me for disagreeing. ─── 他因我有异议对我大发雷霆.

2、It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily. ─── 我们大家都不难想象奥巴马和希拉里争得面红耳赤的样子。

3、and a party disagreeing to an arbitral award may bring an action in the people’s court except as otherwise provided for by this Law. ─── 企业劳动争议调解委员会主任由工会成员或者双方推举的人员担任。

4、Imagine introducing yourself,disagreeing with someone's ideas. ─── 试想你在介绍你自己或不同意某个人的观点时,

5、Or disagreeing with someone who’ll really listen. ─── 否则就得和那些真正在听的人争论。

6、The academic community is still disagreeing about whether there exists a priority or rule of priority in legal interpretation. ─── 法定解释是否有一种优先性或优先性规则,学界对此纷争不一。

7、and a party disagreeing to an arbitral award may bring an action in the people's court except as otherwise provided for by this Law. ─── 对仲裁裁决不服的,除本法另有规定的外,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

8、First Drogba claimed he was illegally brought to the turf on a run towards the area, referee Mark Halsey disagreeing. ─── 先是德罗巴在带球冲向进去时被侵犯,然而MarkHalsey并未理睬。

9、Spend a day by yourself. Leave your cell phone at home. Wander the streets, muttering to yourself and occasionally disagreeing with what you've just muttered. ─── 自已独处一天。手机留在家里,到大街里溜达,自言自语,再对你刚才的自言自语进行反驳。

10、Being at variance; disagreeing. ─── 不协调的;不一致的

11、On top of these perplexing shifts in position, we find ourselves disagreeing powerfully with Mr.Obama on two other issues: the death penalty and gun control. ─── 除了这些令人难为的转变外,我们还发现奥巴马关于死刑和枪支控制的主张也让人无法苟同。

12、People avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank. ─── 人们会避免直接与更高级别的人产生分歧。

13、He had infinit patienc and toler for t hose who disagre with him. ─── 按直线展开 , 层层深入 , 辅助句紧扣中心思想。

14、It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily. ─── 我们大家都不难想象奥巴马和希拉里争得面红耳赤的样子。

15、be used to sth: Lady Whitton wasn't used to people disagreeing with her. ─── 惠顿夫人不习惯别人跟她意见相左.

16、Imagine introducing yourself, disagreeing with someone's ideas, being interviewed or asking for information. ─── 想象介绍你自己,对某人的想法表示异议,被会见或被提问。

17、It is nearly impossible to conciliate these two disagreeing parties. ─── 在这意见分歧的双方之间进行调解是几乎不可能的。

18、He jumped on him for disagreeing. ─── 他责骂他不同意。

19、Some Jedi, disagreeing with the politics behind the war, left the order in protest. ─── 有些绝地因为不赞成战争背后的政治观点而退出武士团以示抗议。

20、5. disagreeing, especially with a majority. ─── 不同意,特别是大多数不同意。

21、France and the US are disagreeing over a timetable for Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon and this could doom the resolution in the UN. ─── 法美两国没能就以色列从黎巴嫩撤军的的时间表达成共识,这将导致不能达成联合国决议。

22、5 Disagreeing with Tu Yang Yue, King Zhao insisted that Tu Yang Yue has to come for audience and reward asking. ─── 昭王不同意屠羊说的推辞,坚持屠羊说一定要来求赏。

23、Let the other person know that you like, respect, or admire them, and value their friendship even though you're both feeling angry or disagreeing with each other right now. ─── 让他人知道你喜欢他,尊重他,仰慕他。即使现在你们双方都很生气,都不赞同对方的观点,你还是珍惜对方的友情。

24、Lesson Twenty-six Agreeing or Disagreeing ─── 同意或不同意

25、Sometimes it's easy to let your emotions get tangled up in things, especially if someone's disagreeing or even attacking your position. ─── 有时矛盾能让你情绪紊乱,特别是如果当某人不赞同你的意见或者甚至是攻击你的立场时。

26、It seems like people do a lot of arguing and disagreeing at my company. ─── 在我公司里的人似乎做了很多的争吵辩论和意见冲突的事。

27、One can criticize George Will's or Alexander Cockburn's misuse of climate science without agreeing or disagreeing or even having looked at their public policy proposals. ─── 如果你被困在博客风暴中,也要了解这些风暴总会过去。目标像这样并不是很有趣(询问海蒂)。

28、Iwao Hakamad was sentenced to hang, despite Kumamoto Norimichi disagreeing with his colleagues. ─── 尽管熊本 典道与案中其他法官意见不一,袴田 岩因被控四项谋杀罪而被判处绞刑。

29、France and Brazil are disagreeing over what has or has not been found from doomed Flight 447. ─── 法国和巴西在447航班中已发现的和未发现的东西上意见出现了分歧。

30、I think you get some kind of satisfaction from disagreeing with me. ─── 你总是不同意我的意见,我想这让你很满足吧。

31、Forget the Disagreement but Remember the Disagreeing ─── 分歧可以忘掉,但争吵却会被牢记

32、In a sense,your eyes are disagreeing with your legs. ─── 在某中意义上,你的眼睛和腿部意见不统一。

33、You are always disagreeing with your boss. ─── 你总是和老板唱反调.

34、If you tell them how you feel, they'll probably try to stop or at least explain to you why they are disagreeing. ─── 如果你告诉他们你的感受,他们很可能停止争吵或者最起码会跟你解释一下他们争吵的原因。

35、Argumentative: Germans willingly throw themselves into debates, disagreeing openly as the see fit. ─── 好辩论:德国人对辩论习以为常,认为公开的争执是正常的。

36、However, as for agreeing or disagreeing with it, I've never bothered to hide my own views, and I'm not a Party member, so I won't keep quiet today either. ─── 如果要我选择的话,我更愿意从事教育事业,所谓少年强则国强,少年脑残则国脑残。

37、Spend a day by yourself ,Leave your cell phone at home ,wander the streets,muttering to yourself and occasionally disagreeing with what you've just muttered. ─── 独自在家过一天。把手机丢在家里,到街上去闲逛,自己叽哩咕噜一番,偶尔在反驳自己一番。

38、Bryant was asked by a reporter about this "two-game funk." He crinkled his brow, clearly disagreeing with the terminology: "Two-game funk?" ─── 当有记者要求科比谈论一下“这两场令人恐惧的比赛”时,科比皱缩了下他的额头,显然他很不同意这样的手法,“令人恐惧的两场比赛?”

39、According to Sirius, one could be disowned for disagreeing with the belief in pure-blood supremacy, being "blood traitors," or marrying a Muggle, Muggle-born or a half-blood wizard. ─── 参照小天狼星,不赞同纯血至上的理念的被称为“血统的背叛者”或者与一个麻瓜、麻瓜出身的巫师或者混血巫师结婚的会被除名。

40、and a party disagreeing with the award may bring an action in a people's court except as otherwise provided for by the law. ─── 对仲裁裁决不服的,除法律另有规定外,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

41、Clever rhetoric.Those who think that the United States needs to learn from its own recent mistakes would have trouble disagreeing with Mr.Zhou. ─── 在复杂的金融体系中将危险的抵押贷款债券化也不再象是金融演进的最高阶段。

42、Some people delight in disagreeing with everything anyone else says. ─── 有些人以在每件事上与别人意见相左为乐。

43、But you can eat in moderation anything you like, anything that you relish and BELIEVE to be good for you, without fear of its disagreeing with you. ─── 但是在适度的情况下,你可以吃任何想吃的东西,任何你认为并“相信“对你有益的东西,根本不用担心它会对你的身体造成任何不适。)

44、What he said was disagreeing with the fact. ─── 他说的话和事实不符。

45、Is love more important than friendship? so I must be hurt for disagreeing that. whatever, there's no more words to say. ─── 爱情比友情重要是吧?那我这个将友情看得比爱情重要的人就必定受伤。好吧,我无话可说。

46、Why do you keep disagreeing with everything I say? ─── 你干嘛一直跟我唱反调?

47、Amid a rise in office gossip, researchers are disagreeing over whether it is fundamentally good or bad. ─── 随着办公室八卦的兴起,研究人员对它到底是好是坏也存在不同看法。

48、Not on friendly terms; disagreeing. ─── 无礼的不友好的; 持不同意见的

49、What I want is a reasoned discussion and better causes for disagreeing with me than you've given already. ─── 我所希望的是以理服人的讨论,不同意我的意见,也应拿出比你的更能说服人的根据来。

50、1: I have a hard time disagreeing with people whose views I think are wrong. ─── 对于认为持错误观点的人难以表示不认同。

51、pulse disagreeing with seasonal varivations ─── 脉逆四时

52、Those who found themselves disagreeing with the late returnee reported feeling closer to the rest of the group, with whom they had formed a closer bond; ─── 那些发现自己和后来者的意见不同的人称自己和其它成员关系更近,后者这些人已经形成了一个更紧密关系;

53、Amid a rise inoffice gossip, researchers are disagreeing over whether it isfundamentally good or bad. Some defend it as a way of buildingbonds among people and sharing essential information。 ─── 随着办公室八卦的兴起,研究人员对它到底是好是坏也存在不同看法。一些人为它辩解说,这是同事间建立关系和分享必要信息的一种途径。

54、Results showed that only 7.4%of investigated inhabitants had the deeper understanding and assenting view,and 92.6%of them had incomprehension and disagreeing view. ─── 结果显示:仅有7.4%的人对安乐死有较深刻的认识并表示赞成;不理解或不赞成的占92.6%。

55、Hae you felt tense from arguing or disagreeing with people in your personal life? ─── 在你个人生活中,你是否会因为与别人争辩和持相反意见而感到紧张?

56、Agreeing or Disagreeing with an Appointment ─── 同意或不同意赴约

57、They were disagreeing aboutwhat the book claimed. ─── 他们对书中的说法意见不一致。

58、Today, we'll be looking at refusing and disagreeing politely. ─── 今天,我们来看下如何礼貌地拒绝和表示不同意。

59、Marked by discrepancy; disagreeing. ─── 有差异的,不一致的

60、Disagreeing in a roundabout way: ─── 委婉地表示不同意:

61、I have a hard time disagreeing with people whose views I think are wrong. ─── 对于认为拥有错误观点的人难以表达自己的不认同。

62、we would not like to accept the goods disagreeing with your samples. ─── 我公司不愿接受与你们的样品不符的货物。

63、She is on record disagreeing with Mr McCain on global warming, among other issues. ─── 在气候问题及其它问题上,她曾与麦凯恩意见相左。

64、Despite disagreeing, Novartis said that it was unlikely to appeal. ─── 尽管持不同看法,诺华公司说,这是不可能提出上诉。

65、Age separates us now and little else.We agree on most everything, perhaps because we've learned there isn't much worth disagreeing about. ─── 现在年龄和其它一些问题的差异把您和我分开,可我们在很多事情的上的看法都是一样的,这可能是因为我们明白了没有那么多的事情值得我们争辩吧。

66、That is why I have been disagreeing with Mahatma Gandhi on every point. ─── 我无论如何也不能同意圣雄甘地的解决方案,原因即在于此。

67、(Concurring opinion). Dissenting opinion: opinion offered by a judge disagreeing with the majority panel of judges'conclusion; ─── 反对意见"指不同意大多数法官判决结论之某一法官的意见;

68、47. But there is plainly a middle ground between being too pleasing and being disagreeing. ─── 但显而易见地,在过分谄媚迎合和格格不入这两种极端当中还有着这么一个中间地段。

69、Disagreeing Politely with an Opinion ─── 有礼貌地不同意某种观点

70、Without agreeing or disagreeing, the teacher said, “Why not pour away some of the water from the kettle? ─── 可老师都不置可否,他说:"为什么不把茶壶里的水倒掉一些呢?"

71、For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank. ─── 例如,人们避免直截了当地与上级意见起冲突。

72、Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but you might want to rephrasethat. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

73、"We were always prepared to die for people's right to disagree with us in public, but you are disagreeing in the wrong way. ─── “我们随时准备为公众意见与我们相左的人民的权利,但您以错误的方式表达分歧。

74、Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief. ─── 不同,如意见或信念

75、The application is conditional, that is, it might be practicable, in case of lacking legal evidence or disagreeing with each other by lawful regulations. ─── 法院适用宪法是有条件的,法院应在缺乏其他法律依据或法律规范之间存在矛盾时适用宪法。

76、So, I told a certain young person, "Direct this," and he said yes, but as we proceeded, we found ourselves totally disagreeing with each other. ─── 于是,我给某个年轻人讲,"导演这个吧",他答应了,但是一旦开始,我们发现我们之间意见完全相左。

77、the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate. ─── 相互不一致;不适和而且不相配。

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